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Palestinian groups call for mass protests against Israel


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Palestinian groups call for mass protests against Israel


JERUSALEM: -- Both Hamas and Fatah have called for mass rallies against Israel in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Just after the announcement, a Palestinian teenager stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier here in the West Bank before being shot and wounded himself.

World and regional powers are holding talks to try and end the ongoing bloodshed which has claimed around 60 lives so far.

Israel lifts restrictions at al-Aqsa mosque

The Israeli authorities have lifted restrictions banning men under 40 from using the flashpoint al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The recent wave of violence was triggered in part by what Palestinians consider is Israeli encroachment on the holy site.

Peace or an end to the current violence?

Politics, with its emphasis on land, borders and statehood, has historically underpinned the conflict.

But some say there is an added religious element to the latest unrest which makes the situation more volatile and even harder to resolve.

The aim is to stop the current violence and reinforce the status quo at the al-Aqsa Mosque.

There is no substantive talk of launching a fresh effort towards a two-state solution.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-24

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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

Respond to the usual Palestinian violence with force - crushing force. It is all that they seem to understand.

That doesn't seem to have worked for Israel. They still do not have a permanent peace with their neighbors or internationally recognized borders 67 years after independence. Maybe time to try serious conciliation to end their occupation.
" An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind " - Gandhi
IMO the Palestinians should continue to grow their population making Israel's problem larger, practise passive resistance then shame Israeli occupation before the world on the social media with images of their daily humiliations, beatings, and murders at the hands of the IDF.
Edited by dexterm
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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

Respond to the usual Palestinian violence with force - crushing force. It is all that they seem to understand.

The white colonialists used to say things like this with reference to their blacks as well, and they where considered subhuman as well ;) Edited by Soutpeel
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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

And the Israelis will bring automatic and semi-automatic weapons , stun grenades, live bullets, tear gas, body armour etc?

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Been wondering just exactly what this 'euronews' organization stands for. Possibly not Kosher:

From Wikipedia:

"In February 2015 the channel's executive board has approved the bid by an Egyptian telecom businessman, Naguib Sawiris, to acquire a 53% controlling stake in the media outlet. The deal raised a number of questions over Euronews' future editorial posture and its independence."

Guess we know now. No worse than Fox, I imagine...

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IMO the Palestinians should continue to grow their population making Israel's problem larger....

Wow, that's an odd way to protest: 'grow their population....'?

That's sounds pre-Biblical. It's overpopulation which is at the heart of the problems in the M.East. That, and destruction of forests and water supplies. Palestinian women used to pop out 9 babies each. What's the number now? It's too weird how they're doing that (along with dozens of other self-debilitating things) in the face of the dire on-going problems Palestinians have faced for decades.

If you ask me, the best course of action would be TO HAVE LESS BABIES, while trying to find ways to get along with neighbors. Their environment is already destroyed and overrun by humans every square meter. Find legal and wholesome ways to make money, and try to eke out a living. A bakery, an invention relating to alternative energy, painting pictures for tourists, making crafts, drying fruit, whatever.

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IMO the Palestinians should continue to grow their population making Israel's problem larger....

Wow, that's an odd way to protest: 'grow their population....'?

That's sounds pre-Biblical. It's overpopulation which is at the heart of the problems in the M.East. That, and destruction of forests and water supplies. Palestinian women used to pop out 9 babies each. What's the number now? It's too weird how they're doing that (along with dozens of other self-debilitating things) in the face of the dire on-going problems Palestinians have faced for decades.

If you ask me, the best course of action would be TO HAVE LESS BABIES, while trying to find ways to get along with neighbors. Their environment is already destroyed and overrun by humans every square meter. Find legal and wholesome ways to make money, and try to eke out a living. A bakery, an invention relating to alternative energy, painting pictures for tourists, making crafts, drying fruit, whatever.

Make love, not war! Way to go.... a bed in ...the best form of protest.

Less jokingly though, as the Palestinian population does increase it creates a larger problem for Israel...more people to occupy, and under the Geneva Convention Israel has a duty of care to the people it occupies. Slowly year by year the pressure builds on Israel to agree to a just 2 state solution or to grant equal citizenship to Palestinians under occupation in a one state solution. EU, UN, and US relief agencies will feel the heat too...and the EU does not want millions more refugees either. External diplomatic pressure may come to bear on Israel too to end their colonialist shenanigans and seriously negotiate peace with their neighbors.

There will be no further great waves of Jewish immigration to Israel... I can't see 6 million Jews wanting to leave the USA for a war zone and there are only 2 million more Jews scattered elsewhere in the world. So eventually the demographics will tip in the Palestinians' favor.

Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Edited by dexterm
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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

large rocks are too heavy to carry and difficult to conceal, Palestinian scientists have now developed small compact rocks.

much more efficient .

in the mean time the poor Israelis are stuck in the past with large tanks and machine guns, I feel so bad for them, good thing they have the support of some of the posters here.

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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

Dont worry , the Israelis will make sure they are not peaceful

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give them their land back you bunch of thieves

study the history of other countries, how various ethnic and religious groups gain the upper hand, at various times. Just one example: the little island of England. It was neanderthal, then Anglo, then Saxons, then Vikings took over, then the Normans from France. Now whole neighborhoods have majorities of either Indians, Jamaicans, north Africans, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans. So, who's the thief in that scenario? Who should they give it back to? The Vikings?

Middle East is no less of a hodge podge. The first hominids there were about 60,000 years ago. Since then there have been at least a dozen conquerers. Who's the thief there? Who should they give it back to ....the Assyrians? ....the Babylonians? .....The Egyptians? .....The Marmalukes?

You see how ridiculous it can get? The current situation is Isrealis (who have had involvements with that region for centuries) have taken over. They've been militarily challenged and they won. Nearly every country ww has had to assert itself militarily. Israel is not much different. The main difference is there are faction of young hot-head Palestinians who can never accept they were defeated. It would be as if England kept a war going for decades with the French because they could never concede defeat at the Battle of Hastings. Come to think of it, that's what they did.

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Modern people associate the Middle East with Arabs but it was not always so.

Depends what you mean by arabs ?.....the first in the area where the Sumerians, post neolithic.....

then the Egyptians /Philistines only at this point onwards did Juedo/Christian stuff begin...if we are playing who has claim to what from recordable history...the Sumerians, which would be the Iraqi's today...;)

Depending on your intended definition of arab any jews laying claim as their historical homeland Israel would make them arabs as well....

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give them their land back you bunch of thieves

study the history of other countries, how various ethnic and religious groups gain the upper hand, at various times. Just one example: the little island of England. It was neanderthal, then Anglo, then Saxons, then Vikings took over, then the Normans from France. Now whole neighborhoods have majorities of either Indians, Jamaicans, north Africans, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans. So, who's the thief in that scenario? Who should they give it back to? The Vikings?

Middle East is no less of a hodge podge. The first hominids there were about 60,000 years ago. Since then there have been at least a dozen conquerers. Who's the thief there? Who should they give it back to ....the Assyrians? ....the Babylonians? .....The Egyptians? .....The Marmalukes?

You see how ridiculous it can get? The current situation is Isrealis (who have had involvements with that region for centuries) have taken over. They've been militarily challenged and they won. Nearly every country ww has had to assert itself militarily. Israel is not much different. The main difference is there are faction of young hot-head Palestinians who can never accept they were defeated. It would be as if England kept a war going for decades with the French because they could never concede defeat at the Battle of Hastings. Come to think of it, that's what they did.

Yeah, yeah yeah...it can indeed get ridiculous, and has.

As mankind's thinking has evolved, we have put in place rules. No longer can "might be right".

Ironic how you point out the ridiculousness of making a claim from historical times, because that is exactly what the Israelis are doing; "We are indigenous to the area." says a group of people who have no ancestors placing foot there in 80 or more generations.

Edited by Seastallion
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give them their land back you bunch of thieves

study the history of other countries, how various ethnic and religious groups gain the upper hand, at various times. Just one example: the little island of England. It was neanderthal, then Anglo, then Saxons, then Vikings took over, then the Normans from France. Now whole neighborhoods have majorities of either Indians, Jamaicans, north Africans, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans. So, who's the thief in that scenario? Who should they give it back to? The Vikings?

Middle East is no less of a hodge podge. The first hominids there were about 60,000 years ago. Since then there have been at least a dozen conquerers. Who's the thief there? Who should they give it back to ....the Assyrians? ....the Babylonians? .....The Egyptians? .....The Marmalukes?

You see how ridiculous it can get? The current situation is Isrealis (who have had involvements with that region for centuries) have taken over. They've been militarily challenged and they won. Nearly every country ww has had to assert itself militarily. Israel is not much different. The main difference is there are faction of young hot-head Palestinians who can never accept they were defeated. It would be as if England kept a war going for decades with the French because they could never concede defeat at the Battle of Hastings. Come to think of it, that's what they did.

At various times in history it was also perfectly normal for those with the power to throw Christians to the lions, burn people they regarded as witches, keep African Americans as slaves, deny women the vote, and castrate homosexuals.
Times have changed. Most of us fortunately have moved on from there, and we accept laws to control our social behavior. Would you prefer to live in the anarchy of the past or the civilized present?
We have also moved on from the time of Genghis Khan, and now have international laws such as the Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory to control our international relations. So that any country cannot simply take over the territory of another because it has the might and can do.
Yes European colonialists got away with land theft and murder for most of the last 500 years. Israel has simply left its colonial expansion about 100 years too late. You can't judge the present by the same standards as the past.
I look forward to the day when Israel adheres to international laws, makes peace with its neighbors and joins the family of civilized modern democracies.
Edited by dexterm
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Yeah, yeah yeah...it can indeed get ridiculous, and has.

As mankind's thinking has evolved, we have put in place rules. No longer can "might be right".

Ironic how you point out the ridiculousness of making a claim from historical times, because that is exactly what the Israelis are doing; "We are indigenous to the area." says a group of people who have no ancestors placing foot there in 80 or more generations.

Some pockets of mankind may have evolved (the Finns or Icelanders, for example), but 'might is right' is still effective in our times, and will be in the future. I'm not saying it's right. Am saying it's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

We have also moved on from the time of Genghis Khan, and now have international laws such as the Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory to control our international relations. So that any country cannot simply take over the territory of another because it has the might and can do.

Like China commandeering Tibet in the 1950's ? Or China yanking the Spratly Islands from Philippines as we speak.

Each situation is unique. I look at the Israeli take-over as particularly unique. Palestine was a short-lived state mostly controlled by the French. For the 5,000 years prior, the region was controlled by various groups, mostly nomads, but also large imperialist powers from the surrounding region. The genetic make-up of Palestinians is a mix no different than any of the former nomads of that region, from Turkey to Egypt to Afghanistan to Morocco. It includes Islamists, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Christians, hippies, rastafarians, Sufis, and former 7-11 franchise holders. The Palestinian State has no more historical depth or credence than Rastafarianism in Paraguay.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Yeah, yeah yeah...it can indeed get ridiculous, and has.

As mankind's thinking has evolved, we have put in place rules. No longer can "might be right".

Ironic how you point out the ridiculousness of making a claim from historical times, because that is exactly what the Israelis are doing; "We are indigenous to the area." says a group of people who have no ancestors placing foot there in 80 or more generations.

Some pockets of mankind may have evolved (the Finns or Icelanders, for example), but 'might is right' is still effective in our times, and will be in the future. I'm not saying it's right. Am saying it's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

We have also moved on from the time of Genghis Khan, and now have international laws such as the Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory to control our international relations. So that any country cannot simply take over the territory of another because it has the might and can do.

Like China commandeering Tibet in the 1950's ? Or China yanking the Spratly Islands from Philippines as we speak.

Each situation is unique. I look at the Israeli take-over as particularly unique. Palestine was a short-lived state mostly controlled by the French. For the 5,000 years prior, the region was controlled by various groups, mostly nomads, but also large imperialist powers from the surrounding region. The genetic make-up of Palestinians is a mix no different than any of the former nomads of that region, from Turkey to Egypt to Afghanistan to Morocco. It includes Islamists, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Christians, hippies, rastafarians, Sufis, and former 7-11 franchise holders. The Palestinian State has no more historical depth or credence than Rastafarianism in Paraguay.

"The Palestinian State has no more historical depth or credence than Rastafarianism in Paraguay."

Same can be said of Israel.

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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

Respond to the usual Palestinian violence with force - crushing force. It is all that they seem to understand.

The white colonialists used to say things like this with reference to their blacks as well, and they where considered subhuman as well ;)

Egypt , Syria , Iraq - force is the only thing that works and they understand . "Arab Spring " has shown that already throughout entire region.

Like it or not , that's how it is

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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

You would suspect , because Hamas has a proven record of peace protests.

Good thinking 99 ;)

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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

You would suspect , because Hamas has a proven record of peace protests.

Good thinking 99 wink.png

Max's surname was ironic, and 99 was the smart one. thumbsup.gif

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Despite what all the frothers would have us believe about the supposedly peaceful nature of Palestinian protests nobody is buying it. Indeed the Palestinians have just had their aid budget from the U.S slashed by 22%, at least incitement now has a price tag.


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Mass rallies?

Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

You would suspect , because Hamas has a proven record of peace protests.

Good thinking 99 wink.png

Max's surname was ironic, and 99 was the smart one. thumbsup.gif

So not only you are a diplomat but a comedian as well .

Do not know how you keep up with all the jobs you have,might be the reason for sucking at all of them ;)

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