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Bush slashing spending, shifting staff amid campaign woes


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Bush slashing spending, shifting staff amid campaign woes

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is drastically slashing campaign spending, including an across-the-board pay cut for staff, and focusing more narrowly on early states, as the one-time front-runner seeks to salvage his bid for the GOP nomination.

The moves will reduce the campaign's payroll by 40 percent, while also cutting travel costs by 20 percent and eliminating extraneous overhead spending. Most campaign officials were told of the cost-cutting on Friday.

The changes mark a significant setback for a campaign that spent months building a large operation, but there are no signs Bush is on the verge of withdrawing from the race.

During an event Friday at Regent University in Virginia, Bush said the moves will allow his campaign to operate "lean and mean" going forward. Asked whether the changes signaled trouble for his White House hopes, he said, "It means I have the ability to adapt."

The former Florida governor - a son and brother of former presidents - has been under pressure from supporters to revamp his campaign as the early voting contests draw closer. The first-to-vote Iowa caucuses take place 100 days from Friday.

Despite financial and organizational advantages, Bush has struggled to break out of a crowded Republican field so far dominated by unorthodox candidates, including billionaire Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

The changes predominantly impact staff at Bush's Miami headquarters. Only about 25 percent of campaign staff will remain in Florida. Another one-fourth of the staff was already in early voting states and the remaining Bush aides will either be offered jobs there or other posts at reduced salaries, according to a campaign memo.

Campaign officials said the changes would allow Bush to bolster his resources in early voting states, particularly New Hampshire. Officials also suggested that by shifting staff out of Miami, Bush can make more and longer trips to New Hampshire, as well as Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada.

"We are moving our resources into the states to ensure that voters in primary and caucus states are introduced to his record and vision for the future," Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said.

It's unknown how many of Bush's Miami staff will accept positions elsewhere.

The narrower focus on the early contests is a strategic shift for the Bush campaign, which has been spending money and time in states that vote later in the primary cycle. It suggests the campaign feels increased pressure to have a strong showing in one of the first four states or risk not being able to remain competitive.

Bush officials acknowledged that the changes reflect a campaign landscape that looks far different than what they originally expected. Trump's unexpected rise has pulled attention away from other candidates and revealed deep voter frustration with Washington and experienced politicians.

Bush's campaign has urged supporters to be patient, pointing to its large organization and heavily funded super PAC as signs their operation is built to last through a long campaign. The campaign and super PAC have been spending heavily on television advertisements in early voting states, but so far there is little sign that his standing in the race is significantly improving.

While Bush's super PAC remains heavily funded, his campaign fundraising slowed in recent months. He reported collecting $13.4 million between July 1 and Sept. 30, less than Carson, who led the field with about $20 million. Bush ended September with about $10 million in cash.

While Bush has benefited from a traditional fundraising style that his father and brother perfected - even inheriting many of the same money-raisers - his campaign has struggled to capture the power of harvesting small contributions over the Internet.

Only about 4 percent of what he's collected since the beginning of his campaign comes from donors giving $200 or less. That makes him one of the worst low-dollar fundraisers in the GOP field. Those donors are important because they can give again and again, providing waves of cash without taking up any of the candidate's time.

AP writer Julie Bykowicz in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-24

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The Bush dynasty is finished.

Hillary Clinton becoming president isn't a dynasty, contrary to popular misconception.

She's no blood relation to Bill Clinton and she has EARNED her qualification to be president from years being a U.S. senator and then Secretary of State.

Now if Chelsea Clinton becomes president someday, then that would actually be a Clinton dynasty.

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The Bush dynasty is finished.

Hillary Clinton becoming president isn't a dynasty, contrary to popular misconception.

She's no blood relation to Bill Clinton and she has EARNED her qualification to be president from years being a U.S. senator and then Secretary of State.

Now if Chelsea Clinton becomes president someday, then that would actually be a Clinton dynasty.

Clinton was the "inevitable" hopeful to win back in 2008 until a nobody from nowhere has stormed

in to take the coveted seat.... so yes, she will the nomination of her party, the rest is still a crap shoot....

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The Bush dynasty is finished.

Hillary Clinton becoming president isn't a dynasty, contrary to popular misconception.

She's no blood relation to Bill Clinton and she has EARNED her qualification to be president from years being a U.S. senator and then Secretary of State.

Now if Chelsea Clinton becomes president someday, then that would actually be a Clinton dynasty.

Sort of like Eva Peron.

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Yep but his Dad wasn't too bad for a republican. These days republicans insist on right wing extremists. They will lose again.

I call G W Bush, "Bush the Lesser"...his father at least was highly intelligent and "prudent".

Jeb would be "Bush the Least".

What a right wingnut.

The last lines of the story sum up a large part of the problem in bi-polar disordered Washington DC. "(Bush is one of) the worst low-dollar fundraisers in the GOP field. Those donors are important because they can give again and again, providing waves of cash without taking up any of the candidate's time."

​Um, the marginalization and importance of the little guys is...catching up with all of them.


Edited by FangFerang
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The only Republican candidate that can give Mrs Clinton a real battle is Donald Trump. This man has struck a chord with the American people who are fed up with politicians and lies. America had huge hopes for Obama when he was elected and then re-elected. Unfortunately, he turned out to be just another politician who caved into the wealthy and big business. Trump presents issues in a simplistic form without any of the political correctness that Americans are tired of. He doesn't care what particular lobby he irritates because as he has often said- if you don't want me- I'll just go back and do what I have been doing- making millions. I would never vote for him because I don't believe his policies would help the middle class and poor. They would only help the rich. But I would love to see him negotiate with the Russians and the Chinese.

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The Bush dynasty is finished.

Hillary Clinton becoming president isn't a dynasty, contrary to popular misconception.

She's no blood relation to Bill Clinton and she has EARNED her qualification to be president from years being a U.S. senator and then Secretary of State.

Now if Chelsea Clinton becomes president someday, then that would actually be a Clinton dynasty.

Clinton was the "inevitable" hopeful to win back in 2008 until a nobody from nowhere has stormed

in to take the coveted seat.... so yes, she will the nomination of her party, the rest is still a crap shoot....

If Americans give the last vestige of power to the Republicans well they will deserve what they get. As you sow so shall ye reap.

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No problem for "Just Call Me Jeb" Just take a little trip back to the Americans for Prosperity club. They and the Koch Bros. will refill your financial gas tank (full of hot air) Then you could also maybe contact all the contractors that made all that illegal money in Iraq (Watch the documentary "Iraq For Sale") overbilling the American taxpayer for their "gold plated" services. You know the guys that got all of those untendered contracts from your little brother and Dick Cheney. You know the investigation that congress smothered. Yes Americans for Prosperity what a joke a dangerous joke.

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Why doesn't he ask his brother for a loan? He made plenty while he was president. I think having a 3rd member of the same family president is a great idea. Look how much the last one make the world a better place.

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If Jeb loses and Trump is nominated, will Jeb wholeheartedly endorse Trump?

What difference would it make, either way?

He doesn't have many people to influence.

But yes, obviously, he's a party loyalist and would at least give a lukewarm nod.

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Not being an American I can only tell how it looks from an outsider's view, bloody great if Jeb falls of the merry go round , 2 Bushes are enough for the world in one millennium, I can still see brother George on that big yank row boat saying the war in Afghanistan is won , yeah right George , it looked far better with Sher doing a number under the guns than George talkin crap, however Hillary looks like the front runner in her camp, with Trump it is a different unknown story , if he gets in there will be plenty more heading for places like Thailand , won't TAT be happy , and by the way George Bush Snr was at one time a frequent visitor to Thailand in the early 2000, why , that's another story, but the Thai watches would know. coffee1.gif

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