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Do you even care what happens within Thailand


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I am wondering if expats even care what happens in Thailand. Most of us knew before we came here about the issues internally Thailand had. But came anyways because it was cheap and women are submissive. We post here on TV but it is foreigners views from countries which carries no weight as credible. Expats see Thailand news everyday. Most foreign countries newspapers seldom mention Thailand. The rest of the world is ignorant to what goes on here. It stays teflon Thailand no matter what goes on internally because foreign countries want cheap goods and dog and cat food.and donot care who or how its done to get it to them as long as large chainstores stocks it..

So my question is Do you really care what happens here as long the exchange rate is good and nothing disturbs your personal lifestyle.

Edited by lovelomsak
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"But came anyways because it was cheap and women are submissive. "

I've never found any 'submissive', but have found many 'readily available'.

As for what happens here,

My money is imported, so generally speaking, and short of civil war,

The worse things are locally, the better off I am as a retired person.

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I won't answer this but a more revealing answer might be, if you think you care, do you still think you would care if you moved AWAY from Thailand? If yes, it's probably because of close personal human connections here that would still exist, so you wouldn't really have fully left, only physically left. Do you care what happens in Bolivia?

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I won't answer this but a more revealing answer might be, if you think you care, do you still think you would care if you moved AWAY from Thailand? If yes, it's probably because of close personal human connections here that would still exist, so you wouldn't really have fully left, only physically left. Do you care what happens in Bolivia?

Having no ties or connections left in my own country, I don`t even care what happens there.

It`s like the north and troubled south in Thailand, no one in the north cares about what`s happening in the south, that proves people only start to take notice when situations become personal to them and they become affected either directly or indirectly. Expats don`t care what happens in Thailand as long as any problems are in someone else`s neighbourhood and not their own and their daily lives are not disrupted.

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"Do you even care what happens within Thailand". yes to a point i care that my family is happy /safe and various monetary systems stay stable

so i can maximise my fixed income (pensions) to keep my comfortable family lifestyle i do care about thailand's stability but only for the reasons mentioned

if they wish to make bad /good policies decisions so be it out of my control

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You might have come here because you were poor and couldn't get laid. Don't tar the rest of us with that brush, please.

I beg to differ with you are a Farang in Thailand. And remember the Thais do not care what you think

Also they do not care what the ambassador of your country thinks about Thailand

Is that why a bunch of hard line conservatives recently had themselves a little action at the US embassy? ( A protest that was in violation of the law but since they support the junta... )

Care? No. But it's worth watching whether Thai-tanic's butt end will keep going up up up... preparing for that final dive into the cold, black depths,...

or will her corroded keel just snap and leave the nation wallowing in halves, forever adrift in an icy sea ?

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Of course I care what is happening in Thailand.

I have a wife and son, some in-laws that I like, I have a reasonable life here.

I also understand and have done for a long while that there is little or nothing that I can do to alter the course that Thailand is taking nor would I want to.

The Thai people will do what they want to do, as is their right, because after all, it is THEIR country.

Whether I like it or not, agree with it or not is immaterial.

What I do is to adapt to the circumstances around me.

My responsibility is to my family.

I chose to marry a Thai lady and to live here with my family because I feel that is my responsibility, and I have no intention of leaving until I become a crispy critter when I die.

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I posted to try and get a consensus if expats care who is governing and how the country is being ran. But realise I posted poorly. But thanks for the replies.

I personally could careless what happens here as long as the exchange rate stays good, my wife is happy. The son graduates from university. And costs remain reasonable. A monkey from Lopburi could take over governing,I wouldnot care as long as my life didnot change.

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As long as I can walk down the street and not have the snot beat out of me because I am a Farang...pretty much no. I do like to see the locals around me smile and appear to have the ability to advance and live there lives from a positive perspective.

I hate seeing the loansharks in there black clothes and helmuts all the time....

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People generally get what they deserve!

It was in my case a poor and uninformed choice deciding to live here, (Delusional. loved and lusted up, seeing Thailand through rose tinted bifocals syndrome) In hindsight we all know the reasons why it isn't a good idea to live here permanently unless you have very deep pockets.

I think that the Thai people on the whole are the nicest I have ever encountered but must say that they are also the laziest mentally and intellectually in that they dont ever either face up to a problem or indeed hold their leaders and politicians accountable. The lack of any visible morality or ethical standard doesn't help their cause either

So in answer to the OP I will not "care" for anything that I have no control whatsoever over and feel sadly that the people here get what they deserve, like others whom have posted a similar sentiment as me as long as the pension keeps coming its all OK.

With the current situation world wide with the massive influx of immigrants legal, illegal, justified or not into Europe, I feel that I am happy to be in the winter of my years because to be honest I think that it wont be too long before my Uk pension will bite the dust either as a consequence of the UK going bust or an attempt by the Government to cut back any expenditure on those living as Ex Pats

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I am totally surprised by the answers so far..most of the expats don't care? I follow the news daily, I follow the economical and political situation in Thailand more than in my home country. My wife (not Thai) knows the history of Thailand better than most of the Thais. How can you live somewhere and not be interested about what happens around you? I hope more expats share my opinion, maybe the fact that I work here makes the difference?

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I am totally surprised by the answers so far..most of the expats don't care? I follow the news daily, I follow the economical and political situation in Thailand more than in my home country. My wife (not Thai) knows the history of Thailand better than most of the Thais. How can you live somewhere and not be interested about what happens around you? I hope more expats share my opinion, maybe the fact that I work here makes the difference?

Yes but how old are you ?

When I was living the dream I also had a foot in my old Country and was interested in world politics, now the only politics I am interested in are the ones concerning my UK pension and the UK GBP exchange rate

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Yes, I do care.

I and many others are living here because we have family and others, here that we love and enjoy and respect the culture and lifestyle.

Not because " it was cheap and women are submissive. "

You have shown your colors with this post,

and your colors are not very pretty.

Obviously, you are only here to exploit others.

You are a vulture.


P.S. My wife and other women in her family are not submissive.

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If you care because you're more likely to be affected then you don't (as such) "care": you're caring about yourself.

If you care about what's under your nose more than you care about things that you know are in fact happening, but which your imagination paints in bleached out colours, then also isn't a moral position.

So morally there isn't a good reason why you should care about a country you are living in any more (or less) than you would about any other country. It's either self-interest or an over-regard for what you can see when things equally bad or worse exist but aren't seen, and neither is a good reason.

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I wouldn't call my wife submissive, polite maybe

I suspect the OP has never progressed beyond the "Bargirl Stage" of a relationship in Thailand.

Or possibly he is one of those TV member who does not live here and never has??

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People generally get what they deserve!

It was in my case a poor and uninformed choice deciding to live here, (Delusional. loved and lusted up, seeing Thailand through rose tinted bifocals syndrome) In hindsight we all know the reasons why it isn't a good idea to live here permanently unless you have very deep pockets.

I think that the Thai people on the whole are the nicest I have ever encountered but must say that they are also the laziest mentally and intellectually in that they dont ever either face up to a problem or indeed hold their leaders and politicians accountable. The lack of any visible morality or ethical standard doesn't help their cause either

So in answer to the OP I will not "care" for anything that I have no control whatsoever over and feel sadly that the people here get what they deserve, like others whom have posted a similar sentiment as me as long as the pension keeps coming its all OK.

With the current situation world wide with the massive influx of immigrants legal, illegal, justified or not into Europe, I feel that I am happy to be in the winter of my years because to be honest I think that it wont be too long before my Uk pension will bite the dust either as a consequence of the UK going bust or an attempt by the Government to cut back any expenditure on those living as Ex Pats

I feel the same way you do and worry about whether or not I will be eligible for my UK pension that I have paid into most of my working life and hope it`s not cancelled out for expats living abroad. But on the other hand I don`t want to wish my life away either, thinking hurry up 65 before they change the rules.

After living here for a few years in retirement, the days do seem to become more or less the same, very mundane, the magic fading away. Chiang Mai immigration has become a nightmare, having to jump through all sorts of hoops just for the pleasure of living here and my expectations of living the high life in style just doesn`t seemed to have happened, bit of a let down.

I get on OK with most Thai people but it is difficult to relate to them, me being a man of the world and often have to keep the conversations very basic. It doesn`t involve any deep meaningful discussions. Britain has become grot now and I wouldn`t want to return back there. My girlfriend sometimes looks at me and says, get bored, meaning I look bored all the time. May be it`s the same for many expats and why they don`t care what happens in Thailand?

I don`t have any quick solutions on how to make life more fulfilling and exciting, Thailand more enjoyable and ways of appreciating it more, except for plod on and make the most of it.

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