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Marrying a Thai woman.


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Ps don't believe in marriage what so ever excluding for my own profit. Let's call it an up coming generation thing. Only idiots believe in "love" and "romance" with marriage. It's weak and easy to manipulate thus so many idiots who lose everything over here because of their weak ideologies.

No I would not marry for love.

/close thread.

So from the answers on a thread you've gone to that conclusion? I guess you were trolling, as you seemed interested in marriage.

If this is the new generation then .......

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i got married and divorced in 6 months,1.5 hours to get married 1hr for divorce,easy peesy.divorce was for pension reasons

I have posted before and here again, I lived with my Ex-Thai wife longer than I was married to her both times - we lived together for almost 2 years, was married for about 6 months, then divorced...............almost a year later, we thought we made a mistake by getting divorced and re-married........after three months, we knew it was no mistake......something about that piece of paper that ruins a relationship.gigglem.gifgigglem.gif Hey I got tax deductions for those years.

Why ask this question at all?? If you are seriously worried about your "obligations if you marry a Thai" don't get married at all.thumbsup.gif send her home.

PS: forgot to add - both mrraiges less than 300 baht, both divorces same same, she still loves in Tailand, maried to a great ex Thai Airforce chap with three nice kids.........we're still friends.

Edited by TunnelRat69
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BEFORE marrying a Thai woman your obligation to YOURSELF is to tell her that you do not have any money or assets in your country, that your pension or income is just enough to have a decent life here, and your bank savings are untouchable.

If she want to marry you anyway...go ahead.

Edited by BKResort
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to those that sling off the thai's stop and think about marriage in general and just what some women are capable of from any culture

I offered my australian wife the house ($1M) and all debts cleared and finish paying for our daughters education etc and i walk, she says no that is not good enough i want a share of what you earn in the next 15 years because you are going to earn so much,

I said gee that does not seem reasonable maybe you will have to work for a living a for a change, anyway I go for a bike ride (admit ably it was for a couple months) i come back and find that she has sold all my Snap On tools and a bunch of my shed stuff some of which my grandfather gave me as well as my father - about 30 years worth of accumulation. She refused to tell me what she sold it for. I itemised what i can remember so far and we are over $140,000 worth of tools alone

I said well that buggers up any chance of resolving this nicely see you in court.

We start going through full disclosure and guess what $200k unaccounted for missing from banking (I have not had a bank account for about 15 years she did the lot) and oh look she has bought a business for $250k as well in the last few months....

Somehow my daughter that i had a great relationship with refuses to speak with me since January.

If i had been screwing around i could understand a bit of nastiness - but she just became unbearable to live with and i left, to find out what sort of preson she is....The house has been sold and now my lawyers are holding the entire proceeds while process is carried out which will only result in the lawyers ending up with more than her more than likely - stupid nasty piece of s.....t.

My Thai GF so far has asked for nothing for herself and is a wonderful person to be with.

True that can change but do not for one second label Thai's as being less morale than western shiela's, and i know numerous blokes that all have similar stories from their western wives. Do you think a western hooker would have more morales or ethics than one from thailand or Vietnam or any other country for that matter, not a bloody chance

Those that have been dissed by a thai were more than likely dissed by a western whore(wife) and fronted up for seconds or thirds and got scuppered again - bad luck dont blame the thai's look at yourself.

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Ps don't believe in marriage what so ever excluding for my own profit. Let's call it an up coming generation thing. Only idiots believe in "love" and "romance" with marriage. It's weak and easy to manipulate thus so many idiots who lose everything over here because of their weak ideologies.

No I would not marry for love.

/close thread.

So from the answers on a thread you've gone to that conclusion? I guess you were trolling, as you seemed interested in marriage.

If this is the new generation then .......

I still do not know what trolling is lol...


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to those that sling off the thai's stop and think about marriage in general and just what some women are capable of from any culture

I offered my australian wife the house ($1M) and all debts cleared and finish paying for our daughters education etc and i walk, she says no that is not good enough i want a share of what you earn in the next 15 years because you are going to earn so much,

I said gee that does not seem reasonable maybe you will have to work for a living a for a change, anyway I go for a bike ride (admit ably it was for a couple months) i come back and find that she has sold all my Snap On tools and a bunch of my shed stuff some of which my grandfather gave me as well as my father - about 30 years worth of accumulation. She refused to tell me what she sold it for. I itemised what i can remember so far and we are over $140,000 worth of tools alone

I said well that buggers up any chance of resolving this nicely see you in court.

We start going through full disclosure and guess what $200k unaccounted for missing from banking (I have not had a bank account for about 15 years she did the lot) and oh look she has bought a business for $250k as well in the last few months....

Somehow my daughter that i had a great relationship with refuses to speak with me since January.

If i had been screwing around i could understand a bit of nastiness - but she just became unbearable to live with and i left, to find out what sort of preson she is....The house has been sold and now my lawyers are holding the entire proceeds while process is carried out which will only result in the lawyers ending up with more than her more than likely - stupid nasty piece of s.....t.

My Thai GF so far has asked for nothing for herself and is a wonderful person to be with.

True that can change but do not for one second label Thai's as being less morale than western shiela's, and i know numerous blokes that all have similar stories from their western wives. Do you think a western hooker would have more morales or ethics than one from thailand or Vietnam or any other country for that matter, not a bloody chance

Those that have been dissed by a thai were more than likely dissed by a western whore(wife) and fronted up for seconds or thirds and got scuppered again - bad luck dont blame the thai's look at yourself.

when I started reading, I thought it was my brother ... he was in a motorbike accident, doped up in hospital and she had him 'sign the two houses over' ran the business into the ground, sold his work vehicle and a car and all his tools, had a bikie move in ... not a Thai .. an Australian nurse ...

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Ps don't believe in marriage what so ever excluding for my own profit. Let's call it an up coming generation thing. Only idiots believe in "love" and "romance" with marriage. It's weak and easy to manipulate thus so many idiots who lose everything over here because of their weak ideologies.

No I would not marry for love.

/close thread.

So from the answers on a thread you've gone to that conclusion? I guess you were trolling, as you seemed interested in marriage.

If this is the new generation then .......

I still do not know what trolling is lol...


Trolling - "deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response". This is what wikipedia says anyways lol.

His question wasn't the issue, but his last response was as if he was having a temper tantrum. If he feels this way why post in the first place?

If ppl are worried if their future spouse will go after their assets abroad, then ask a lawyer back home

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ah ok thanks...

no need to ask a lawyer because that will cost.

you can get all the advise you need here cuz it's all really good advise and because it's on a public forum it's accurate as well right

I'm unsure if that was sarcasm, but if one is concerned that their nest egg may be in jeopardy then one would want to know the law and how to safeguard their assets legally. No offense to some guys here, as they probably have the equivalent of a law degree based on their own experiences, but if it comes down to spending a couple of hundred to a couple couple of thousand to save $100,000+, then it's a no brainer.

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On two occasions I have stepped in to stop Thai men from physically abusing their wives, and both times I prevailed, and the other Thai men standing around did nothing to support either me or the Thai man.

I have also had confrontations with a motorcy taxi or two, and it came out in my favor, without me being ratpacked.

Good for you,

On the other hand, I've never been all that bothered about what other people are doing.

As long as they aren't abusing me, I don't have much interest.

Good for you.

Normally I do not get involved as well....it is not my business.

Both instances were family situations, which makes it my business.

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After reading some of these replies, i am more confused than ever. My intention is to get married in a few months to my Thai GF, but I now feel I should pass on some of my assets, before taking the plunge. Does anyone know if you can sign over your house to your children, without any problems in the future, if the marriage went pear shaped?

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You are wrong in your assumption in some ways. Although I don`t totally believe in marriage, as I`ve been there before and got badly burned, we plan to get married, but I want to safeguard my childrens inheritance if things went wrong and was asking the best way to do this? People change in time and if this did happen, what are the best plans to put in place?

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You are wrong in your assumption in some ways. Although I don`t totally believe in marriage, as I`ve been there before and got badly burned, we plan to get married, but I want to safeguard my childrens inheritance if things went wrong and was asking the best way to do this? People change in time and if this did happen, what are the best plans to put in place?

Sir, Peace. Change for the better. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Make a will too and record it.

Best of luck and life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

An arm and a leg. Prepared to lose everything I have.... Based upon once divorcing they have access to my English bank accounts or bonds ? Pretty sure they wouldn't but just wanting to confirm.

As long as they have no access to the UK, you should be alright.

But that means you can't take them back to your home country, ever.

Australia is a bit more risky.

I've always found the best security is to never let a woman know you own anything, have any assets, property, savings.

If they don't know you have it, they can't ask a court for it.

Boasters risk everything.

The problem with access to the UK is that a wife does not need her husband's permission to get a visa. She applies in her own right. If she can convince the person issuing the visa, she will get it.

And that is not impossible.

How would that work if the OP has already made a will leaving everything in the UK (English law) to his kids? Can the Thai wife still ask a court based on this?

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Yes, subject to certain criteria the Thai wife may be able to contest the will if she had been married to the deceased at the time of death for a minimum of 2 years, was financially dependent on the deceased or was in financial need.

The Act of Parliament that provides for this is the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.

One point to note is that the deceased should be domiciled in the UK for the action to succeed. Domicile is a very complex issue, but if the deceased was not domiciled in the UK there is a possibility the action would fail. Don't, however, treat this as absolutely guaranteed as Courts also work on case law, and this is a very specialist subject.

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I agree that one should be aware that any girl/woman can change in time and all those promises when you were both smitten with each other 10 years previously can change in a breath. So, I do not blame anyone for being cautious about losing a good some of money that they have accumulated in the years previous to meeting any female, that comes from ANY country.

I was self employed when me and my sons mum seperated (never married but living as such in the eyes of the legal profession) I told her not to bother going to the CSA (child support agency) and trying to wring me out for every penny, because I would just go on benefits and work on the side. That way, only my son would not really benefit. If she played the game my way, I would feed and clothe my son and take him on holidays abroad, days out at home including sporting events and theme parks, all the usual stuff.

You may be thinking how harsh I was but it was her that did the dirty on me with someone I thought was a mate and they got married. He was working so bringing in money to the family home and she was deluded if she thought I was going to be mug enough to hand over my wages and have nothing left whilst I was doubling their household income. Add to that I was expected to have my son on a weekend while they went out living the high life that was also a non-starter!!

She played the game my way, I saw my son whenever it suited both of us and I never paid her a penny. I supported my son as stated above, he is now 20 years old and we have a relationship that most father/sons would love to have.

The reason I have bored you all with this is that if this happened to me a second time with a Thai woman (or any other nationality for that matter) I would be 20 years older with no way of starting over again and watching some greedy wench taking my life away from me. So I agree it is not romantic to put prenups in place but is very sensible.

I have been talking with my gf about marriage and she is happy for me to get papers in place with a lawyer that she would be happy to sign. I offer to pay for most things and sometimes she pays for things, she likes to cook for me, she knows I am not wealthy but she also knows Im a decent man. She will not be dripping in diamonds but she will be happy and in control of her own life in respect of work and play.

The point here is, you can pick a wrong un, or a right un, I guess you never know 100% until you are on your last breath. But there is nothing wrong covering what you already have before you meet someone, especially if you already have children who have a right to some kind of inheritance. Anything you make or earn together after you have met should be shared out 50/50. Let's say I have £100.000 and use £40k to buy land and build house and set up small business. That £60k left is for my son, Anything we make from the $40k is spilt 50/50 in the event of separation (obviously if lawyers papers have been correctly implemented) after all, that $40k could turn into £100,000 anyway. My gf has a daughter but cannot have anymore children and she is happy for me to cover what I already have before I met her

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Only do a registration on marriage in Thailand, not in your country, she can only take half what you have in Thailand in a divorce,

if you do not have houses, etc. on your wife name, then you loos that

Every thing you have in your home country, she can not touch. if you do not register the marriage there ;-)

Hope this help.

Good luck

Incorrect. A legal marriage done in Thailand is fully recognised in the UK and there is no requirement to register it separately there.

Should your wife get access to UK to file for divorce there it will be adjudicated on under UK law which differs in Scotland from other regions of the UK.

When my wife lived in the UK she had it explained to her in great detail by a group of Thai ladies there who she was introduced to within a week of arriving on how to divorce me and get every penny she could - fortunately for me she was shocked by the thought and told me everything and didn't go near that group again.

Your wife sounds like a very decent woman with common sense and heart. Glad she avoided the toxic sharks.

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