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SURVEY: Do you believe the refugee crisis will result in the disintegration of the EU?


SURVEY: Will the EU disintegrate due to the refugee crisis?  

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The recent refugee crisis has put a strain on the European Union. In your opinion, do you believe that the EU will be able to weather the crisis or will it result in the disintegration of the EU?

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The EU is not the same as the US, but parallels can be drawn between the two. It should be able to weather the current situation. How it functions may change drastically, but they will be in a worse situation should the Union fall apart.

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Posted something more stupid than usual and decided to replaced with something intelligent and to the point.

In fact five points too small to seetongue.png

Mod please feel free to delete this post,

I will post something more relevant and so intelligent . you will all be amazed at a future time, in the mean time you will all have to do with out my Perls of wisdom.

Edited by sirineou
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Posted something more stupid than usual and decided to replaced with something intelligent and to the point.

In fact five points too small to seetongue.png

Mod please feel free to delete this post,

I will post something more relevant and so intelligent . you will all be amazed at a future time, in the mean time you will all have to do with out my Perls of wisdom.

and spelling.

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Posted something more stupid than usual and decided to replaced with something intelligent and to the point.

In fact five points too small to seetongue.png

Mod please feel free to delete this post,

I will post something more relevant and so intelligent . you will all be amazed at a future time, in the mean time you will all have to do with out my Perls of wisdom.

and spelling.

wow a speller , and I thought I was the only genius in this forum

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I do believe the EU wii survive this but there will be a cost.

Even more mistrust amongst members has been sewn by Merkel and Junker's rush to show what wonderful humanitarians they are with no regard to the long lasting nightmare they were bringing to Europe by ignoring the sovereignty and national borders of member countries.

Let's not forget too the burden they have imposed, in both real and financial terms, on members struggling with the never ending flow of unwanted migrants.

It seems the EU survives, just, in spite of Brussels and not because of it.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Posted something more stupid than usual and decided to replaced with something intelligent and to the point.

In fact five points too small to seetongue.png

Mod please feel free to delete this post,

I will post something more relevant and so intelligent . you will all be amazed at a future time, in the mean time you will all have to do with out my Perls of wisdom.

and spelling.

and syntax.

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if it denigrates it will not be because of the refugee crises

See i told you, all you had to do was wait.tongue.png

'Denigrate' def. 1. To deny the validity or importance of. 2.To calumniate the reputation or character of; to blacken or defame.

Disintegrate' def. 1. To separate into components; fragment. 2. To cause (a body) to separate into components; disintegrate.

Still waiting.

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I don't know if it will spell the end of the EU in the immediate future.

But I do know the refugees spell disaster for Europe. Muslims don't immigrate they invade.

I like the word invade though I think infiltrate would be more appropriate in this case.

Of all of the so called refugees I cannot but help to wonder just how many are jihadiis.

Europe will explode much sooner than later. These people will not wait to inflict carnage.

The result will be anarchy and a new third world order.

I am not in any hurry to die but I will be glad when I am dead.

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if it denigrates it will not be because of the refugee crises

See i told you, all you had to do was wait.tongue.png

'Denigrate' def. 1. To deny the validity or importance of. 2.To calumniate the reputation or character of; to blacken or defame.

Disintegrate' def. 1. To separate into components; fragment. 2. To cause (a body) to separate into components; disintegrate.

Still waiting.

and all this time I thought the correct word was " diskaboobalate."

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There's system integration (economy) and social integration (welfare). Those were never really synchronized in Europe, due to a veto from Margaret Thatcher. You see the results now: competition between egoistic countries, big joy for big money.

More and more Europeans are driven into poverty and austerity now. People that hardly have enough to survive get short-sighted. No future, no time perspective. So they'll behave like panicking rats in a cage, everybody trying to kill each other just to get out. But there is no way out.

Yes, improving economic globalisation and improving social tribalisation Europe will collapse.

Solution: social globalisation.

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The main difficulty with the EU as it now is, arises from the differing aspirations of it's member states, despite protestations to the contrary from Brussels. There is so much "wishful thinking" behind the outpourings of the Brussels bureaucratic machine which stumbles at the first challenge of reality. This is a case in point - being prepared to admit the significant difference between genuine refugees and economic migrants.The EU machine is not even prepared to debate this to a point of resolution, while for a large number of citizens in most member states, it is an important issue.

Also, comparisons of the EU with the early days of the USA should be made with caution. The differences far outnumber the similarities.

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Make a test.

Ask some Europeans where they come from, you will hardly get an answer "from Europe" Ask some Americans, the common answer will be "American" Because the USA was founded on a peoples' liberation fight - that makes a difference.

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The EU will partially divide over the political issue (the economic issues will eventually destroy the union eventually with loans no country could ever repay), and some countries will blame the source of the refugees ... the endless wars and purposeful chaos instigated and controlled by the greatest country in the world ... America.

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I do believe the EU wii survive this but there will be a cost.

Even more mistrust amongst members has been sewn by Merkel and Junker's rush to show what wonderful humanitarians they are with no regard to the long lasting nightmare they were bringing to Europe by ignoring the sovereignty and national borders of member countries.

Let's not forget too the burden they have imposed, in both real and financial terms, on members struggling with the never ending flow of unwanted migrants.

It seems the EU survives, just, in spite of Brussels and not because of it.

People already have the burden of the retirement age increased without having to accept the burden of paying for these refugees and the strain it puts on medical, school & social services. This is why I think the people of the UK will vote to leave the EU and it's looking like Slovakia might do the same as it's not democratic having these refugees forced on anyone. I realise it's two faced of the UK to complain about refugees when successive governments have helped cause some of the crisis.

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I do believe the EU wii survive this but there will be a cost.

Even more mistrust amongst members has been sewn by Merkel and Junker's rush to show what wonderful humanitarians they are with no regard to the long lasting nightmare they were bringing to Europe by ignoring the sovereignty and national borders of member countries.

Let's not forget too the burden they have imposed, in both real and financial terms, on members struggling with the never ending flow of unwanted migrants.

It seems the EU survives, just, in spite of Brussels and not because of it.

Yes Merkel and Junker are way past the point where they can put their fingers in the dike on this one. The trickle will turn into a flood as immigrants phone home and sing the old song "Yall come" Lets hope its a cold winter in Euro land to keep the lemmings in check but sadly I think they will be over run with human misery.

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Europe needs the refugees, with a falling population, with a growing "older" population it needs new blood! Consumerism will water down the "die hard" islamists, once they get into the money watch the religion go out the door!

True! thumbsup.gifsmile.pngwai.gif

Edited by TPI
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Yes, the need for new young workers to support retirees, can just see all those Muslims wanting to work their butts off to support Euros in their old age.

Can't imagine this is going to end well. Hungary claims there could be 30 million on their way, better start to learn Arabic.

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Posted something more stupid than usual and decided to replaced with something intelligent and to the point.

In fact five points too small to seetongue.png

Mod please feel free to delete this post,

I will post something more relevant and so intelligent . you will all be amazed at a future time, in the mean time you will all have to do with out my Perls of wisdom.

and spelling.

and syntax.

Isn't syntax the 7% the government adds to the cost of a short time?

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