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CAT says that hacker tried, but failed, to access customer data


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CAT says that hacker tried, but failed, to access customer data

BANGKOK, 26 October 2015 (NNT) – Colonel Sappachai Huwanant, the acting president of CAT Telecom Public Company Limited (CAT), has disclosed that hackers tried to access the CAT company system, but did not manage to get access to any public information such as usernames and passwords.

At the moment, CAT has found no damage to the system and undergoing constant surveillance to prevent any possible loss of customer data.

-- NNT 2015-10-26 footer_n.gif

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They were just showing their strength. Next time they will take information especially as Thailand is being so smug about it

In this case it seems the Mouse was toying with the CAT.

The powers that be here in LOS, may be underestimating the IT skills of Anonymous and others. In this day and age, big guns do not necessarily win wars, it is geeks at a keyboard who are the new warriors. Be careful PM.

Edited by ratcatcher
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Not sure if my radar is in need of tuning, but I seem to be reading more and more incredibly stupid "news" (used very loosely) coming from or generate as a result of ridiculous comments or actions from the current "leadership" (again used very loosely).

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Again, someone's lying, wonder who it is ... ?

take away the C and put a T in its place and you have their mentor.

You mean the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has told them to lie about what really happened? I don't think they'd need to be told to do this, they'd do it as a matter of course anyway.

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HACKER tried. (singular)

awe... caught one IP address and blocked it? Think your system has no ZERO DAY exploit? If you work for CAT, expect you phones to acquire a strange virus./ Thanks for egging on a very dangerous element CAT. YOUR PR GUY NEEDS TO BE FIRED. NEVER TELL AN ANON ARM THAT THEY FAILED and attempt to rub it in. Honestly, i think they got all the data, and just havent told you. . THink about what your saying. If all the front sales desks have access to ALL CLIENT DATA...

Trolling troll gets you trolled. - Dali lama

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well here's one person that this hacker wont be hacking this time around because i have been waiting nearly one year to be connected to

CAT fibre optic even though the cabling runs just by the house oh oh yes sir one month one month

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Despite their propaganda, other media sources are reporting that the hacker group known as Anonymous had indeed hacked into CAT, and had also released details of customer accounts on Twitter!

Another point missed by NNT is that the CAT website was offline on Thursday night.

Just like his ‘big’ boss, Colonel Sap needs to realise that sometimes, it’s better to keep quiet and not say anything.

Statements of denial are as good as an invitation to be well and truly hacked! The good colonel should start wearing a T-shirt with a target on it.


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So some 12-year old kid tried to access you system 3 times with the username "admin" and password "123456"...and failed. Well done.

Now you alerted all the hackers that have the tools...and now the motivation to get inside.

I don't think you really understand the worldwide resources and tools these hackers have. They will penetrate your system...

Maybe this will help you understand the ability of these hackers Colonel...it's just a matter of time...and whether you tell the truth or not.


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I was nearly on the floor when I saw this

Hilarious stuff.... A army man running a IT company.

I dealt it would take them less than 30 minutes to crash there systems... They probably already did.. These boys enter US and more advnaced areas

Thais I dont believe anyway

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