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Prayut is serious with mafia crackdown


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No he is NOT. If he was serious he would be going after the biggest mafia organizations in the country... the POLICE and Military.

But that would be stepping on too many toes.

According to Bangkok post I read today the crackdown is cancelled and uneccesary as existing law is enough to take care of the problem.

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''What gives them the right to just shoot anyone they choose ? '' Well; Thai's have been shooting Thai's and foreigners since guns were invented and it won't be stopping anytime soon. What does he expect when all his ex Army mates and the Police sell guns and other weapons as cheap as chips to just about anyone with a few thousand Baht ?

For a start he could insist that ALL firearms and other weapons are registered to their owners and sign an order that anyone caught with an unregistered weapon will be jailed for a minimum 10 years. Just for once have a crackdown that lives up to its name !

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Well.... what to think....... what to say.

If he does seriously crack down on the Mafia then he will be exposing the Police as the Police and Mafia members are the best of buddies all too often....and..... you can be assured there are some Military personal involved in various ways somewhere along the line in some of the illegal activities....depending on what kind of activities...as there are many illegal activities occurring.

This is how it evolves here in Thailand, especially if there is big money involved while it is seldom clear as to who is doing what exactly and just how deep each person is involved.

Some of them are very open about their activities and involvement while some are very cunning and keep a low profile ...but those in the know also know who is who and they will rat on them if the pressure is applied long and hard enough.

In reality, they will apprehend the small level Mafia personal while it slowly moves on up the ladder after sometime and then finally effects someone big and influential and then the Police will be sacrificing Mafia members as scape goats and Mafia members will be sacrificing Police officers to save their asses and then the Mafia and the Police will be sacrificing Military personal in an attempt to deflect the blame and accountability on Military personal ...often with undeniable proof to go with it ...and then..... the Military personal with be sacrificing various politicians who are also involved in many forms and ways.

If he seriously applies prolonged pressure on the Mafia ( Who is the Mafia made up of in Thailand?? ) then it will become like a witch hunt...and maybe turn similar to what happened when Thaksin seriously tackled the Drug dealers and drug mafias ...remember that fiasco??

Just saying...ya know.


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Whatever this guy says is being commented here in the same way, so the topic actually does not matter so much. I find it a bit of a waste of time to read over and over again. However all that is said maybe true and he may deserve the sarcasm and I mostly agree with it. So why do I pop in to such threads you may ask yourself. I do because I may find something extraordinary funny and in this one it really hit me :-).

Hey people just look at the picture starting the thread. I find it the most hilarious ever and looking at it make me ROFL. I think that picture does not need any comment. Through a western eye it says it all I think.

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Bit of a turn around, sure he was quoted during koh toa as saying there is no mafia :-/

He also paying the fishing mafia as he can't control them via the law !

Seems very friendly with sutheps southern mafia mob !

Struggled to get the lottery mafia to sell tickets at correct pricing !

Edited by BuckBee
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''What gives them the right to just shoot anyone they choose ? '' Well; Thai's have been shooting Thai's and foreigners since guns were invented and it won't be stopping anytime soon. What does he expect when all his ex Army mates and the Police sell guns and other weapons as cheap as chips to just about anyone with a few thousand Baht ?

For a start he could insist that ALL firearms and other weapons are registered to their owners and sign an order that anyone caught with an unregistered weapon will be jailed for a minimum 10 years. Just for once have a crackdown that lives up to its name !

That is sensible...but it would not be long before that policy was corrupted and became a money making scheme controlled by someone or some group.

Nearly every law that exists in Thailand is corrupted somehow, sooner or later, and commonly becomes a money making affair for various people in positions to take advantage of corrupting those laws.

In that respect, better to not make new laws.


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Thats what evolves into so called governments, as displayed in Thailand , a new law weekly but in the past the laws were written by and for the criminals/mafia and interpertation /enforcement left up to the mafia foot soliders RTP. Then throw a real suspect judical system and you have your organization up and running on public money.

We have seen civil serents from land office, education, dsi, cib, bib, transport, etc caught out and removed from the circle. now get them out of the inactive circle, lose job , pension, etc and keep pushing as your only at the tip of iceberg. I think this govt. has done more in a relative shot time than has been seen in the past 15+-years in going after the ones bring ruination to what was a wonderful country

Then bring the money laundering monk back from the USA and in the proper hands he will spit out names and numbers that would run the country for a year. I am guessing at a figure that would wake the people up to vast amount of harm done and how it was paid for. In fact a good audit of all temples , including assets is long overdue. It is another rule written down and largely ignored probably by those with a lot to hide.

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Just another version of the war on drugs. Nothing new here.

Really - do you think there will be summary extra judicial killings then?

Really don't know. Was there any official findings on the extra judiciary killings. Surayud did try take legal actions but relent due to insufficient evidence. I like you think the police had been involved in the extra judiciary killings and many die in prison or police custody. We probably will not much excess to news or information of any extra judiciary killings in this junta government.

There's plenty of independent comment and research available on the war on drugs and the likely high percentage of innocents murdered and settling of old non drug related local scores.

What we don't know, we don't know. And, are never likely too.

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If Khun Prayut seriously wants to crack down on Mafia figure he Needs to go to Koh Samui and Stop the Taxi mafia and the Local Mafia and the want to be British Mafia and the Russian Mafia on Samui... There are Lots of corrupt officers in the Land office and the Tesaban.

Please help Samui get rid of the Mafia.....

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"wrongdoing politicians should prove their innocence under the justice system"

Under a democratic justice system it's traditional for the State to prove a person's GUILT, ie. beyond the shadow of doubt

Welcome the Prayut's reform of justice.

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What a pathetic set of comments.

Whichever side launches a crackdown, the other will try to use it for their own political game. Even when the video evidence is quite clear (like 2010), there are plenty of ignorants who will believe it simply because they want to.

The point is that he is at least trying to do something about it which is more than the dirty cronies ever did (unless you include the thousands murdered in the drugs war - how many opponents went during that one ?).

His job would be a lot easier if the tomato police were not dirty and corrupt to the core like their masters were. Did you notice how the only successful raids are by the Army ?. The cops make sure they get paid off by everyone and somehow always find an empty room ..

Thailand so corrupt, it will take decades to flush it out. This is the first time in 10 years I have seen anyone actually try and start. It's clear a large section of society don't want things to change. I expect the percentage is roughly the same as those taking dirty money and those who have to pay it.

A nonsense, because the military have already muscled in on the lucrative "Tea money" racket here and are vying with the BIB for their share...........so much for cleaning up corruption, wanting a slice of the action more like.

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Really? When have the big guys been hauled into court? You see, for some of us window dressing is not enough. For you it obviously is.

Pongpat & his mates for starters.

Pongpat fell from grace due to the shifting fortunes of a certain member of his family. Please don't say that's news to you!

Not news to me but I thought it must be to you based on your question.

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I believe he has the Thai poor peoples heart in mind when he made this decision. John F. Kennedy did the same thing in the USA and he was killed by a sniper! The Mafia rules Thailand not the government! Wish you luck Khum PM. The Mafia hits all Thai working people who would love to see an end to there paying for a job or protection!

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Really? When have the big guys been hauled into court? You see, for some of us window dressing is not enough. For you it obviously is.

Pongpat & his mates for starters.

Pongpat fell from grace due to the shifting fortunes of a certain member of his family. Please don't say that's news to you!

Not news to me but I thought it must be to you based on your question.

So we have then established that if you had any clue what you were talking about you would not list him as an example.

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The only thing he is serious about, is not being serious about cracking down. Anyone with enough cash walks. If he really wanted to get serious, he would work on reforming the judicial system, so that the judges and prosecutors could not be so easily bought. And then he could move on to the police, and then the mafia.

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