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Israeli residency proposal unnerves Jerusalem's Palestinians


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Not when you attacked the other guy and stole his house first. The Palestinians were the ones who started stealing Jewish land that was bought legally at the beginning of last century. Turn about is fair play.

Now you have me confused. I could have sworn this deal was made between the Jews/Zionists and the United Nations and and that the Palestinian residents (land owners) were not consulted in the matter. Ergo their land was stolen.

Edited by rethaier
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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Maybe if the Israelis gave back stolen land, it might help too?

this land is as stolen as, for example, Saipan island, which was conquered by US during the WWII.

but Us left-liberal mafia wants to have a Palestinian pistol at the Israeli temple (in order to control mighty Jewish diaspora all over the World) - that's why it does not allow to get rid of people who are not Israeli citizen.

Palestinians want to have a state? perfect! send them all to the Palestinian territory.

"...US left-liberal mafia wants to have a Palestinian pistol at the Israeli temple [in order to control mighty Jewish diaspora all over the world]..."

That's a farrago of nonsense by anybody's reckoning.

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Here is the irony Uly,which Arab loving Co just incapable of understanding.

These arabs live off Israel, unemployed and still get $600 per month,, they attack any jews going into "their " streets but then whine about streets being neglected.

On top of getting FREE money from Israel, they attack and kill jews and now whine about possibly having their status revoked.

Life is so bad, with FREE $600 per month, that NOT only they do not want move to their motherland but go anywhere near.

They really have a tough life in Israel

Got to love the irony.coffee1.gif

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Maybe if the Israelis gave back stolen land, it might help too?

this land is as stolen as, for example, Saipan island, which was conquered by US during the WWII.

but Us left-liberal mafia wants to have a Palestinian pistol at the Israeli temple (in order to control mighty Jewish diaspora all over the World) - that's why it does not allow to get rid of people who are not Israeli citizen.

Palestinians want to have a state? perfect! send them all to the Palestinian territory.

I needed to reply to this because your gibberish is so confusing.....

First, by your first statement about Saipan, you indicate that you think it is all OK for the Russians to confiscate Crimea for instance, and for China to occupy the complete Chinese sea (so how dare the US navy to have boats in that area)? You don't really care about borders and or territories, do you?

Why do you call yourself left-liberal mafia? Because you have a picture of scull-Che? And since when do left-liberals want anybody to put a gun against anyone's' head? Arent that right-wing fascists who want that? And Palestinians controlling the diaspora of Jewish people?! You are funny guy......(well actually not, but OK)

Now the last part, beats all of the above! Most of the Palestinians live already in Palestinian territory, its the occupation of that territory that is being discussed here, (were you actually aware of that?) If the Israelis leave the territories and let the Palestinians rule their own country, there wouldn't be a discussion here, now would there.....

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Here is the irony Uly,which Arab loving Co just incapable of understanding.

These arabs live off Israel, unemployed and still get $600 per month,, they attack any jews going into "their " streets but then whine about streets being neglected.

On top of getting FREE money from Israel, they attack and kill jews and now whine about possibly having their status revoked.

Life is so bad, with FREE $600 per month, that NOT only they do not want move to their motherland but go anywhere near.

They really have a tough life in Israel

Got to love the irony.coffee1.gif

The real irony is of course that your whole post is just right wing propaganda. Another irony is that Israel is living off benefits of the USA and Europe. If I recall correctly, only the US hands out 130Billion USD/year.

The unemployment rate of Arabs living in Israel is 7.5% of the total Arab work force, which is a bit different from your unfounded and plainly stupid remark that "these Arabs live off Israel".

Unemployment benefit are given to any person who used to work in Israel, not just handed out at random (as you make it look like). I know that the likes of you dont even agree with that, "why give anything to an Arab, right?" but even the fascist of the Likud party cannot push through this kind of apartheid, although I am sure they would like to.

What you are probably referring to when you mention the 600USD/month is the aid Palestinians receive from "The World" without Israel; USA and EU again the biggest sponsors (but only a fraction of what is wasted on Israel unfortunately). The reason they get aid is because they are deprived of the freedom to work on the land they have owned for hundreds of years. 75% of the West bank is confiscated by Israel. Palestinians have no access to water or electricity, although in the illegal settlements there is plenty. And Gaza is just a ghetto created by Israel, which is surrounded by walls, to make the IDF target practice a bit more easy.

When you say "they really have a tough life in Israel" I would say they have about as tough a life as the Jews had in Nazi Germany (West Bank) or the Warsaw Ghetto (Gaza). But I am sure that that irony doesn't concern you one bit, because my guess is that for you it has more to do with the "danger of Muslims" than about Israel/Palestinians......

Edited by RockyBeerbelly
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When you say "they really have a tough life in Israel" I would say they have about as tough a life as the Jews had in Nazi Germany (West Bank) or the Warsaw Ghetto (Gaza). But I am sure that that irony doesn't concern you one bit, because my guess is that for you it has more to do with the "danger of Muslims" than about Israel/Palestinians......

I am reading that as an assertion that Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany. Sorry it took so long ... welcome to my ignore list.

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Maybe if the Israelis gave back stolen land, it might help too?

this land is as stolen as, for example, Saipan island, which was conquered by US during the WWII.

but Us left-liberal mafia wants to have a Palestinian pistol at the Israeli temple (in order to control mighty Jewish diaspora all over the World) - that's why it does not allow to get rid of people who are not Israeli citizen.

Palestinians want to have a state? perfect! send them all to the Palestinian territory.

I needed to reply to this because your gibberish is so confusing.....

First, by your first statement about Saipan, you indicate that you think it is all OK for the Russians to confiscate Crimea for instance, and for China to occupy the complete Chinese sea (so how dare the US navy to have boats in that area)? You don't really care about borders and or territories, do you?

Why do you call yourself left-liberal mafia? Because you have a picture of scull-Che? And since when do left-liberals want anybody to put a gun against anyone's' head? Arent that right-wing fascists who want that? And Palestinians controlling the diaspora of Jewish people?! You are funny guy......(well actually not, but OK)

Now the last part, beats all of the above! Most of the Palestinians live already in Palestinian territory, its the occupation of that territory that is being discussed here, (were you actually aware of that?) If the Israelis leave the territories and let the Palestinians rule their own country, there wouldn't be a discussion here, now would there.....

Israel pulled out September 2005 leaving Fatah 100% in charge. Who coincidentally have this in their constitution.

"Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and the Palestinian Arab People's armed revolution is a decisive factor in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionist existence, and this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished and Palestine is completely liberated.

Not very much a two state solution...or even a peaceful non-genocidal one.

Of course Hamas was voted in. Below is one of the nicer quotes from their charter.

"There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with."

So the furious mental masturbation that comes from blaming it all on th Joos and treating the 'Palestinians' as subhuman animals who are simply snapping back after decades of 'oppression' (while conveniently overlooking the centuries of progroms against any Jewish person in the area) seems to fall on its face when exposed to the truth that the hatred is ingrained and systemic.

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They have caused all these things themselves by refusing to make peace and attacking innocent civilians. The Palestinians have given Israel every reason to treat them harshly.

To say that the Palestinians are being treated "harshly" by Israel is an understatement.

They are being driven off their land in one of the longest and most inhuman operations of ethnic cleansing in modern times.

Funny...since 1967 the 'Palestinian' population has grown by 400%...while the Israeli has only grown 236%.

Considering this, either the Jews aren't really trying to ethnically cleanse the 'Palestinians' or they are but they're really bad with numbers(genocide doesn't work when they breed faster than you kill them). If it's the later...how can they control the world's banks?

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you didn't understand what I wrote. please read again

First, by your first statement about Saipan, you indicate that you think it is all OK for the Russians to confiscate Crimea for instance, and for China to occupy the complete Chinese sea (so how dare the US navy to have boats in that area)? You don't really care about borders and or territories, do you?

i say if US can do that - everybody can.

Why do you call yourself left-liberal mafia?

not at all

lol this is a picture Che Guevara - mass murderer

And Palestinians controlling the diaspora of Jewish people?!

left-liberal mafia controls Israel, and use Palestinians as a tool.

Most of the Palestinians live already in Palestinian territory,

and it would be even better if ALL of them will be deported there.

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Here is the irony Uly,which Arab loving Co just incapable of understanding.

These arabs live off Israel, unemployed and still get $600 per month,, they attack any jews going into "their " streets but then whine about streets being neglected.

On top of getting FREE money from Israel, they attack and kill jews and now whine about possibly having their status revoked.

Life is so bad, with FREE $600 per month, that NOT only they do not want move to their motherland but go anywhere near.

They really have a tough life in Israel

Got to love the irony.coffee1.gif

The real irony is of course that your whole post is just right wing propaganda. Another irony is that Israel is living off benefits of the USA and Europe. If I recall correctly, only the US hands out 130Billion USD/year.

The unemployment rate of Arabs living in Israel is 7.5% of the total Arab work force, which is a bit different from your unfounded and plainly stupid remark that "these Arabs live off Israel".

Unemployment benefit are given to any person who used to work in Israel, not just handed out at random (as you make it look like). I know that the likes of you dont even agree with that, "why give anything to an Arab, right?" but even the fascist of the Likud party cannot push through this kind of apartheid, although I am sure they would like to.

What you are probably referring to when you mention the 600USD/month is the aid Palestinians receive from "The World" without Israel; USA and EU again the biggest sponsors (but only a fraction of what is wasted on Israel unfortunately). The reason they get aid is because they are deprived of the freedom to work on the land they have owned for hundreds of years. 75% of the West bank is confiscated by Israel. Palestinians have no access to water or electricity, although in the illegal settlements there is plenty. And Gaza is just a ghetto created by Israel, which is surrounded by walls, to make the IDF target practice a bit more easy.

When you say "they really have a tough life in Israel" I would say they have about as tough a life as the Jews had in Nazi Germany (West Bank) or the Warsaw Ghetto (Gaza). But I am sure that that irony doesn't concern you one bit, because my guess is that for you it has more to do with the "danger of Muslims" than about Israel/Palestinians......

Putting aside utter drivel, you do seem to struggle to read the OP,

It is the words of your beloved Arab who stated he gets $600 per month.

From the rest of the world, they get much more than that and still squander it all.

But for Arabs the actual reality is as useful s giving fridge to an Eskimo

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Another irony is that Israel is living off benefits of the USA and Europe

Europe does not pay anything to Israel. US does, but all these money goes in the army budget of Israel in order to protect it from Palestinians - the menace created by the CIA, same as Ben Laden and Al Bghdadi

but even the fascist of the Likud party cannot push through this kind of apartheid,

because of American blackmail.

The reason they get aid is because they are deprived of the freedom to work on the land they have owned for hundreds of years.

and Native Americans owned both Americas for much longer time than Arabs owned theirs. So why don't all White Americans pack there belongings and go back to Europe?

And Gaza is just a ghetto created by Israel, which is surrounded by walls,

Gaza is a place surrounded by walls, it has a border with Egypt. and a sea border

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Palestinians have no access to water or electricity,

blatant leftist lie. Palestinians get water and electricity free of charge from Israel, on expense of israeli taxpayers

And Gaza is just a ghetto created by Israel, which is surrounded by walls,

another leftist lie and label-making.

Gaza is a place surrounded by walls, it has a border with Egypt. and a sea border

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When you say "they really have a tough life in Israel" I would say they have about as tough a life as the Jews had in Nazi Germany (West Bank) or the Warsaw Ghetto (Gaza). But I am sure that that irony doesn't concern you one bit, because my guess is that for you it has more to do with the "danger of Muslims" than about Israel/Palestinians......

I am reading that as an assertion that Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany. Sorry it took so long ... welcome to my ignore list.

Thanks for putting me in your ignore list!

One last thing though, one has to be really ignorant, not to see that a fascist like Nethanyahu is systematically exterminating Palestinians. Its a truth which a lot of people find hard to accept. Therefore as long as they can keep up this ignorance however, they can later always say "wir haben est nicht gewusst"

Get yourself educated and have a nice life.....

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

Here is the irony Uly,which Arab loving Co just incapable of understanding.

These arabs live off Israel, unemployed and still get $600 per month,, they attack any jews going into "their " streets but then whine about streets being neglected.

On top of getting FREE money from Israel, they attack and kill jews and now whine about possibly having their status revoked.

Life is so bad, with FREE $600 per month, that NOT only they do not want move to their motherland but go anywhere near.

They really have a tough life in Israel

Got to love the irony.coffee1.gif

The real irony is of course that your whole post is just right wing propaganda. Another irony is that Israel is living off benefits of the USA and Europe. If I recall correctly, only the US hands out 130Billion USD/year.

The unemployment rate of Arabs living in Israel is 7.5% of the total Arab work force, which is a bit different from your unfounded and plainly stupid remark that "these Arabs live off Israel".

Unemployment benefit are given to any person who used to work in Israel, not just handed out at random (as you make it look like). I know that the likes of you dont even agree with that, "why give anything to an Arab, right?" but even the fascist of the Likud party cannot push through this kind of apartheid, although I am sure they would like to.

What you are probably referring to when you mention the 600USD/month is the aid Palestinians receive from "The World" without Israel; USA and EU again the biggest sponsors (but only a fraction of what is wasted on Israel unfortunately). The reason they get aid is because they are deprived of the freedom to work on the land they have owned for hundreds of years. 75% of the West bank is confiscated by Israel. Palestinians have no access to water or electricity, although in the illegal settlements there is plenty. And Gaza is just a ghetto created by Israel, which is surrounded by walls, to make the IDF target practice a bit more easy.

When you say "they really have a tough life in Israel" I would say they have about as tough a life as the Jews had in Nazi Germany (West Bank) or the Warsaw Ghetto (Gaza). But I am sure that that irony doesn't concern you one bit, because my guess is that for you it has more to do with the "danger of Muslims" than about Israel/Palestinians......

Putting aside utter drivel, you do seem to struggle to read the OP,

It is the words of your beloved Arab who stated he gets $600 per month.

From the rest of the world, they get much more than that and still squander it all.

But for Arabs the actual reality is as useful s giving fridge to an Eskimo

My reply was about your unfounded statements and generalization. The squandering of the aid money is largely the result of the Israelis bombing, schools or a hospital, or living areas of Palestinians, which were build before with aid money. Ironically the bombs were paid for by the USA and EU (not Israeli themselves)

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Palestinians have no access to water or electricity,

blatant leftist lie. Palestinians get water and electricity free of charge from Israel, on expense of israeli taxpayers

And Gaza is just a ghetto created by Israel, which is surrounded by walls,

another leftist lie and label-making.

Gaza is a place surrounded by walls, it has a border with Egypt. and a sea border

I hate to bring it to you, but although the West Bank has a lot of water, it is completely controlled by Israel. If a Palestinian would want to dig a well, they get arrested and the well destroyed. Palestinians aren't even allowed to get water from a stream or river! Some Palestinians have access to only 50l/day (while the minimum i believe should be 200l/day) Get yourself educated man! just google "water west bank" and you'll find out! Most Palestinians in the occupied territories have only a few hours electricity/day.

And sorry for my leftish label making remark on Gaza being surrounded by walls! Indeed Gazas' borders are: a wall, the sea and a 30 meter wide, 14km long buffer zone controlled by the IDF which borders with Egypt ....

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I hate to bring it to you, but although the West Bank has a lot of water, it is completely controlled by Israel. If a Palestinian would want to dig a well, they get arrested and the well destroyed. Palestinians aren't even allowed to get water from a stream or river! Some Palestinians have access to only 50l/day (while the minimum i believe should be 200l/day) Get yourself educated man! just google "water west bank" and you'll find out! Most Palestinians in the occupied territories have only a few hours electricity/day.

And sorry for my leftish label making remark on Gaza being surrounded by walls! Indeed Gazas' borders are: a wall, the sea and a 30 meter wide, 14km long buffer zone controlled by the IDF which borders with Egypt ....

another lie. according to Oslo II Accord Israel gets 80% of water and Palestinians get 20% from the West bank water wells. And wells are drilled by Israel. Also West bank gets 100% of it's electricity free of charge from Israel.

and Gaza get's water and electricity free of charge from Israel. this should be stopped.

so what about White Americans and Canadians to leave North America (and Spaniards and Portuguese leave South America) because they stole the land from Native Americans? and Australians leave Australia for native aboriginal people? Aborigines owned Australia for hundreds of thousands of years!


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so what about White Americans and Canadians to leave North America (and Spaniards and Portuguese leave South America) because they stole the land from Native Americans? and Australians leave Australia for native aboriginal people? Aborigines owned Australia for hundreds of thousands of years!


The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel so that comparison doesn't exactly hold water either. But in any case, fair minded people well understand why the Zionist movement gained traction and why, collectively, the Jewish people decided that Israel NEEDED to come into existence as a modern nation state.

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I hate to bring it to you, but although the West Bank has a lot of water, it is completely controlled by Israel. If a Palestinian would want to dig a well, they get arrested and the well destroyed. Palestinians aren't even allowed to get water from a stream or river! Some Palestinians have access to only 50l/day (while the minimum i believe should be 200l/day) Get yourself educated man! just google "water west bank" and you'll find out! Most Palestinians in the occupied territories have only a few hours electricity/day.

And sorry for my leftish label making remark on Gaza being surrounded by walls! Indeed Gazas' borders are: a wall, the sea and a 30 meter wide, 14km long buffer zone controlled by the IDF which borders with Egypt ....

another lie. according to Oslo II Accord Israel gets 80% of water and Palestinians get 20% from the West bank water wells. And wells are drilled by Israel.

and Gaza get's water and electricity free of charge from Israel. this should be stopped.

so what about White Americans and Canadians to leave North America (and Spaniards and Portuguese leave South America) because they stole the land from Native Americans? and Australians leave Australia for native aboriginal people? Aborigines owned Australia for hundreds of thousands of years!


Another simple remark. The Oslo agreements are NOT honored by Israel. Israel has said openly they don't want a two state solution, so Oslo is off the table. You say the water issue is a blatant lie. Have you actually googled it?

When you say, the water supply should be stopped to Gaza, you are actually saying lets kill all 1.8 million people living there, right? That is your solution to the problem?

Your last remark about he native Americans you should not ask me, as it is the propaganda line your Israeli friends use when they say that Jews have been living in Palestine for 3000 years, and that therefore they have the right to own Palestine (even though Muslims have been living there in far greater numbers for the last 1000 years or so).

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Another simple remark. The Oslo agreements are NOT honored by Israel. Israel has said openly they don't want a two state solution, so Oslo is off the table. You say the water issue is a blatant lie. Have you actually googled it?

not honored? another blatant lie.

Oslo II does not require "a two state solution".

it declares: "establishing a Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority for the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip"

and it was created...

When you say, the water supply should be stopped to Gaza, you are actually saying lets kill all 1.8 million people living there, right? That is your solution to the problem?

Gaza declares itself independent from Israel, so let Gaza supply itself like any other independent territory. Why Israelis should care of people who want to dump them in the sea?

Your last remark about he native Americans you should not ask me, as it is the propaganda line your Israeli friends use when they say that Jews have been living in Palestine for 3000 years, and that therefore they have the right to own Palestine (even though Muslims have been living there in far greater numbers for the last 1000 years or so).

I am asking your opinion - what white American and Australian colonizers should do? if they should stay and Israelis should leave -it's double standards. very typical for leftist Israel-haters like you.

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My reply was about your unfounded statements and generalization. The squandering of the aid money is largely the result of the Israelis bombing, schools or a hospital, or living areas of Palestinians, which were build before with aid money. Ironically the bombs were paid for by the USA and EU (not Israeli themselves)

As i said reality for arabs or arab lovers is as useful as a fridge to an Eskimo.

Israel does not bomb Westbank, so whats your excuse now?whistling.gif

Israel, unlike any arab state on this planet gives them residency and citizenship, while everywhere else they stay as refugees and kept like kettle.

Israel, unlike their homeland pays social security benefit of $600 per month, Israeli tax payers money.

Remind me again what social benefit payments are in Westbank? Gaza? Egypt? Jordan? and how much can a Palestinian arab get say in Egypt or Jordan?

Ironically, you do not have a clue who paid for what, so stop making fool out of yourself making silly statements.blink.png

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My reply was about your unfounded statements and generalization. The squandering of the aid money is largely the result of the Israelis bombing, schools or a hospital, or living areas of Palestinians, which were build before with aid money. Ironically the bombs were paid for by the USA and EU (not Israeli themselves)

As i said reality for arabs or arab lovers is as useful as a fridge to an Eskimo.

Israel does not bomb Westbank, so whats your excuse now?whistling.gif

Israel, unlike any arab state on this planet gives them residency and citizenship, while everywhere else they stay as refugees and kept like kettle.

Israel, unlike their homeland pays social security benefit of $600 per month, Israeli tax payers money.

Remind me again what social benefit payments are in Westbank? Gaza? Egypt? Jordan? and how much can a Palestinian arab get say in Egypt or Jordan?

Ironically, you do not have a clue who paid for what, so stop making fool out of yourself making silly statements.blink.png

No, Israel does not bomb the West Bank - they just expand their illegal settlements to the point where the Palestinians are now living in what amounts to Bantustans.

There are different tactics for different areas, but the overall strategy is to realize the dream of Eretz Israel and expel or marginalize the Palestinians.

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My reply was about your unfounded statements and generalization. The squandering of the aid money is largely the result of the Israelis bombing, schools or a hospital, or living areas of Palestinians, which were build before with aid money. Ironically the bombs were paid for by the USA and EU (not Israeli themselves)

As i said reality for arabs or arab lovers is as useful as a fridge to an Eskimo.

Israel does not bomb Westbank, so whats your excuse now?whistling.gif

Israel, unlike any arab state on this planet gives them residency and citizenship, while everywhere else they stay as refugees and kept like kettle.

Israel, unlike their homeland pays social security benefit of $600 per month, Israeli tax payers money.

Remind me again what social benefit payments are in Westbank? Gaza? Egypt? Jordan? and how much can a Palestinian arab get say in Egypt or Jordan?

Ironically, you do not have a clue who paid for what, so stop making fool out of yourself making silly statements.blink.png

I take offense at your assertion that th PA doesn't have a social programme. Suicide bomber families and those terrorists caught and imprisoned by Israel both receive benefits.

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If Israel insists on annexing East Jerusalem it ought to have the decency to treat the local populace as according to their civic status. It is one thing to pull off all sorts of legal shenanigans vs. the Palestinians in the occupied territories, quite another to do so with people living within its borders. Then again, Israeli governments, especially under Netatnyahu, were never renowned for being very "socially" oriented (as in focusing on welfare, economy, labor, cost of living etc.) - with similar (if of lesser magnitude) issues are common within Israel proper.

The reality is that despite slogans, the city is not unified and that measures taken to make it happen had the opposite effect. Anyone who is familiar with Jerusalem could attest to things getting worse over time and to the unified city concept becoming a hollow proposition.

It will not do laying the blame on the Palestinian residents - civic neglect and the de-facto division (if less pronounced) were a reality long before the PA came into being, Can't have it both ways - once annexed, the responsibility is clear. The construction of the security barrier could be justified with regards to the outline separating Israel from the West Bank, but a wall cutting off entire neighborhoods within municipal bounds from the rest of the city is not. Either it is a part of the city (and the country) or it is not.

There are a couple of odd lines in the OP - saying that the "latest violence had exposed a "vacuum" in these outlying neighborhoods", is incorrect. The state of things, both in terms of civic neglect and mounting resentment, was well known and well documented (mentioned on a few TVF topics, even). The issue is more to do with consecutive Israeli governments failing to adequately address the situation, usually ignoring it and at times aggravating things further. The other oddity being - "The new review of those areas that lie outside the separation barrier has increased Palestinian fears that they are not wanted". Seriously? What...like before they did feel "wanted"? I think that big wall cutting them off from the city was a hint.

As much as I doubt this is meant as an actual course of action, the sheer stupidity of engaging is such ideas at this time is astounding. I'm not even getting into the legal or moral implications - perhaps no one expects much from the current Israeli government on these fronts. But even from a managing-the-conflict state of mind, seems like very little is gained vs. a whole lot risked. Security-wise, such ideas, even if not acted upon, will only raise tensions, and support any number of rumors that are already rife among Palestinians. Ideologically, it would be hard to keep up even the verbal facade of the unified city illusion. Politically, a short term gain, maybe, which will be snatched by the extreme right wing parties. Internationally - wall to wall condemnation, with the possibility of effective consequences. I think Netanyahu simply does it to bolster his tough guy image vs. the Palestinians (and to a lesser degree, other involved parties).

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

This is a blanket statement that does not apply. These people are permanent residents of Israel, a step away from citizenship, which they can legally apply for. This by itself should indicate their different status, compared to Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Like it or not, Israel assumed a higher level of responsibility for these people by annexing East Jerusalem. And that is without considering that current conditions in East Jerusalem are mainly due to poor handling of things by Israeli governments, over a long period of time.

How many of the 300,000 residents were implicated in actions related to terrorism? Does it justify a collective punishment of them all?

Edited by Morch
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Some might say that the feeble minded ignorance is to bring being gassed into a discussion that did not even allude to it and is not relevant. What Israel has done and is doing is indeed building walled ghettos and subjecting the occupants to disgusting discrimination and deprivation. The parallel is apt.

Whose homeland? Palestinians who have lived there for countless generations, or the children of European migrants whose only claim to it being a homeland is unprovable links to an ancestor of 50 generations ago?

Other than that Jewish citizens receiving this treatment were not in direct conflict with relevant countries or specifically engaged in violent actions against them. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is somewhat different when it comes to this.

There is nothing to say that the country cannot be homeland for both Israelis and Palestinians. On that issue (and it pertains to the above as well) - since you hold that the Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist, you must be aware that this includes a recognition of the connection between Jews and Israel, among other things.

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If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

You mean if Palestinians would stop bombing they would get access to their own water in the West Bank? The illegal settlements would disappear? They will get access to the "C" zone again on the west bank? They will not be randomly bombed anymore in Gaza? Are you really that naive or are you just speaking out your wish and support for the current fascist leaders in Israel?

How is it less naive to assume that if Israel fully complied with Palestinian wishes the outcome would be everlasting peace?

What did violence contribute to the prospects of Palestinian self-determination?

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They have caused all these things themselves by refusing to make peace and attacking innocent civilians. The Palestinians have given Israel every reason to treat them harshly.

Adopting such an extreme position makes the notion of middle ground unattainable.

Are you seriously claiming Israel always played a passive role when it came to aggression and violence? Israelis (or prior to 1948, Jews) are always retaliating? Israeli Israeli forces never attacked civilians? Israeli governments did not refuse peace? Are not refusing it now?

Even "treating harshly" got some limits, some of them certainly crossed by Israel, at times.

Inasmuch as this touches upon the OP - to what extent can the residents of East Jerusalem, which live under Israeli jurisdiction, be held accountable for actions taken by Palestinians elsewhere? Is a country justified exercising the "harsh treatment" reserved for Palestinians in the occupied territories on its own civilians?

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The current tally is11 Israeli deaths and 54 Palestinian deaths, so how this works exactly. 32 (!?) of the Palestinians which were murdered by the Israeli gestapo were related to the 11 deaths of the Israelis. So every Israeli killed was stabbed by 3 different Palestinians!?!? If one has the brain of a 5 year old, one could accept this BS, but then still, how about the other 22 Palestinians who were murdered? What was the justification for that? Are they retaliation murders: kill 5 Palestinians for every 1 Israeli who dies? And are those 5 Palestinians chosen at random, since, who cares, right. they're only Palestinians after all and not members of the Aryan Israeli uber mensch.....

To the disappointment of some, Palestinians who carried attacks on Israelis and were killed, did not always succeed inflicting fatalities. I think following the related news stories should have communicated the fact. Apparently some posters are not in possession of "the brain of a 5 year old", even if they like to run their mouths like one.

The same applies for the other Palestinian casualties - that is, all are documented. Not all were engaging in peaceful activities or even non-violent protests, but some were - it is not denied.

Dully noted that Israelis are "killed", while Palestinians are "murdered" (and that's while attempting to "kill", or merely "stab" Israelis).

This inane tallying effort is an embarrassment, even without factoring in the intentional Nazi imagery baiting.

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They have caused all these things themselves by refusing to make peace and attacking innocent civilians. The Palestinians have given Israel every reason to treat them harshly.

To say that the Palestinians are being treated "harshly" by Israel is an understatement.

They are being driven off their land in one of the longest and most inhuman operations of ethnic cleansing in modern times.

A look at current topics on the World News section might give some posters an notion on the relativity of "harsh treatment".

Same goes for the "most inhuman operations of ethnic cleansing in modern times".


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