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Despite risks, Carson not backing off Nazi, slavery examples


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It's interesting that Politico's hit piece on this good and decent man turns out to be total fabrications, eh?

Typical of the MSM when it comes to a Republican. Like Marco Rubio said, they are the biggest and most dishonest Super PAC of all and they support the Democrats.
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It's interesting that Politico's hit piece on this good and decent man turns out to be total fabrications, eh?

Typical of the MSM when it comes to a Republican. Like Marco Rubio said, they are the biggest and most dishonest Super PAC of all.

Uhm, no. The name already says it, they are main stream. The republicans though are becoming more and more fringe, less main stream.

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The libs are so desperate to get rid of him they will tell any lie to discredit a good man. Situation normal.

Quite the contrary. We'd love for this fool to get the nomination. He shoots himself in the foot daily. He's even better than Trump if that's possible.

The wingnuts have a perfect candidate here and the libs couldn't be happier. We should stop pointing out his ridiculousness to let him gain some strength. I'm just afraid he won't make it through the week at this rate.

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It's interesting that Politico's hit piece on this good and decent man turns out to be total fabrications, eh?

He's a liar.

His lies are in print and on camera.

It doesn't matter if Politico want to backtrack.

Lots of these, and I'm sure there will be more.



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It's interesting that Politico's hit piece on this good and decent man turns out to be total fabrications, eh?

Typical of the MSM when it comes to a Republican. Like Marco Rubio said, they are the biggest and most dishonest Super PAC of all and they support the Democrats.

Yeah but Marco Rubio is a little bit economical with the truth as well eh? I wouldn't trust what he says.

During his rise to political prominence, Sen. Marco Rubio frequently repeated a compelling version of his family’s history that had special resonance in South Florida. He was the “son of exiles,” he told audiences, Cuban Americans forced off their beloved island after “a thug,” Fidel Castro, took power.

But a review of documents — including naturalization papers and other official records — reveals that the Florida Republican’s account embellishes the facts. The documents show that Rubio’s parents came to the United States and were admitted for permanent residence more than two-and-a-half years before Castro’s forces overthrew the Cuban government and took power on New Year’s Day 1959.


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"I was offered a full scholarship to West Point".


How about, I was offered a chance to go to West Point at no cost to me - pretty much the same thing. whistling.gif

Was he formally offered?

General Westmorland offered, but Carson was not interested. As far as he was concerned, he was in, if he wanted to be and all for free.

False assumption by Carson and by any of Carson's apologists.

After you're nominated for and apply to the USMA at West Point or to any of the United States armed service academies, there are a grand series of tests and examinations mental, physical, emotional, psychological and the like the applicant must successfully complete.

Last year USMA admitted 1064 new plebe cadets of the original applicant pool of 11 027. One can also doubt very seriously Benjamin Carson could have stood up to the 'Beast Barracks' and tough interaction the plebe cadets had to endure back then, often called initiation and also a constant toughness 'harassment'. Carson is a determined black man and self-confident fellow, but one can also strongly suspect that at West Point circa 1970 he'd have been a bedraggled wimp.

There's some word that Carson is in the race to have a new Republican president appoint him Surgeon General of the United States in the Department of Health and Human Services. It's a place where the evangelical and radical right could cheer on Dr. Carson in policies such as abortion, Aids, sexuality, mental health, federal medical care personnel and policies and the like.

Surgeon General of the US btw automatically gains the rank equivalent of Vice Admiral in the US Navy and wears the uniform of a USN Vice Admiral, which is the Naval rank of three stars. Imagine all the right wing parades throughout small town USA that the Surgeon General of the US and Three Star Vice Admiral of the US Navy Dr. Ben Carson The Famous could march out in front of to lead and be hailed as well as cheered.

Not to mention being saluted. A lot.

The Surgeon General of the United States is in charge of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC). They are the main spokesperson about things dealing with public health in the federal government. The Surgeon General's office and staff are known as the Office of the Surgeon General (OSG).

Here's Reagan's very right wing Surgeon General C. Everett Koop

who among other failures of office ignored the outbreak of what

soon had become known as Aids.



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It seems there's yet another fairy story in his book, this time about a fictitious Yale course.

Of course the response is: "In response to ABC News’ request for comment on the Wall Street Journal report, Carson's campaign said it was likely that he does not remember the name of the class."

If he's going to try and be Reaganesque, I'd go for the 1980 version.


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"I was offered a full scholarship to West Point".


How about, I was offered a chance to go to West Point at no cost to me - pretty much the same thing. whistling.gif

Was he formally offered?

General Westmorland offered, but Carson was not interested. As far as he was concerned, he was in, if he wanted to be and all for free. Not much different from a scholarship.

Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

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Nomination by your US Rep in the House or one of your two US Senators is the most common and best known route in general.

However, there are several other routes to being nominated to any one of the US armed forces academies.

Carson being nominated by Gen Westmoreland himself was not possible, but only because 'Westy' was not Carson's commanding officer, i.e., Carson was not on active military duty. Carson could have been nominated by the regular US military officer in charge of the JROTC unit at Carson's high school, but this did not occur either. Each of these is a way to get nominated. Westmoreland could have influenced that, but it did not occur either.

Also, anyone on active duty in the armed forces can be nominated by his/her commanding officer. Anyone in an ROTC program in high school or at university can be nominated by the US military officer in charge, i.e., the professor of military science. Sons and daughters of recipients of the Medal of Honor need only to apply as their status is an automatic nomination.

There are a couple of other more obscure means of being nominated as the link below states.

The bottom line here is however that Carson said he "attained" the rank of cadet second lieutenant in his JROTC (high school) program and was Detroit leader of all JROTC cadets in the city, which claim is surely absurd, ridiculous, just not credible. It is in fact laughable.

It is just impossible to Imagine a cadet second lieutenant, the lowest officer rank in any armed force or cadet corps, positioned in the command structure above cadet colonels and cadet lieutenant-colonels who commanded cadet battalions at the Junior ROTC participating high schools, and that each battalion at each school had a battalion staff of cadet majors; and that each unit had a bunch of cadet corps company commanders with the standard rank of cadet captain.

Carson is unquestionably a true space cadet of the final frontier in the most mocking and assinine [sic] sense of the term. The guy is a transparent fraud and a clown who worst of all consciously abuses the US military and that he does it for his own self-aggrandisement and for his own selfish personal gain..


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Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

Once again, Carson did not WANT the appointment. General Westmoreland offered him a chance and he did not bother pursuing it. He assumed he could have gone if he wanted to - for free - and he is probably correct.

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Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

Once again, Carson did not WANT the appointment. General Westmoreland offered him a chance and he did not bother pursuing it. He assumed he could have gone if he wanted to - for free - and he is probably correct.

Again, has it actually been CONFIRMED that he actually met with the General? I read a report that he wasn't even in the same area at the time.

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Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

Once again, Carson did not WANT the appointment. General Westmoreland offered him a chance and he did not bother pursuing it.
1. As far as I know, the only person who supports this claim is Carson himself. Not a single other person will verify it. And now that he's been exposed as a liar on several points, his credibility is severely lacking. Come on does anyone believe that prostrate surgery BS? Or what about the stabbing that was supposedly thwarted by a belt buckle? He reminds me of that cad, John Edwards, in that just below the surface they're deeply flawed and dishonest.

2. You wrote "offered him a chance", but this is not what Carson wrote in his book or said in interviews. Had he been forthright, maybe he'd still be considered a viable candidate. But he wasn't, so he's nothing but a deadman walking at this point.

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Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

Once again, Carson did not WANT the appointment. General Westmoreland offered him a chance and he did not bother pursuing it. He assumed he could have gone if he wanted to - for free - and he is probably correct.

Again, has it actually been CONFIRMED that he actually met with the General? I read a report that he wasn't even in the same area at the time.

It has been CONFIRMED that there was another event in the area where he could have met Westmoreland shortly before or afterwards.He could have mixed up the two incidents. Don't forget that this silly witch hunt is concerning things that happened something like 50 years ago, which is why no one can prove much of anything for sure. laugh.png

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Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

Once again, Carson did not WANT the appointment. General Westmoreland offered him a chance and he did not bother pursuing it. He assumed he could have gone if he wanted to - for free - and he is probably correct.

Let's assume Carson could have been nominated. That in itself does not necessarily get anyone in. There's the application, the extensive and varied testing of all kinds; the competition to make it in as a plebe cadet.

Carson and his apologists assume nomination is getting in. It is not as there is much more to accomplish after being nominated. I'd posted that last year 1000 and some got in from a pool of 11,000 and some initial applicants who'd been nominated.

Medical school is one thing, West Point is quite another beast. Along with Carson's other many tall tales, this one needs to be examined closely too. So far for Carson, not so good. In fact, pretty awful in this and in general. This guy is a shameless self-promoter in what is beginning to seem to be a practiced tone of voice and manner of speaking.

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It has been CONFIRMED that there was another event in the area where he could have met Westmoreland shortly before or afterwards.He could have mixed up the two incidents. Don't forget that this silly witch hunt is concerning things that happened something like 50 years ago, which is why no one can prove much of anything for sure. laugh.png

It appears that was not the case. It appears Westmoreland was nowhere near the Middle West, United States any time even close to this claimed meeting. That's what you call CONFIRMED? You know, it's OK, to say, your little hero either lied or has an overactive imagination.

But Westmoreland’s personal schedule shows the general was not in Detroit on Memorial Day or during the days preceding and following the holiday. His schedule says he was in and around Washington, D.C., that weekend, according to Army archives The Detroit News reviewed Friday.


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The Army records and Detroit News archival records show Westmoreland WAS in Detroit on Feb. 18, 1969, for a dinner honoring a Vietnam War veteran. The banquet was for Congressional Medal of Honor winner Dwight Johnson, a Detroit African-American who risked his life “beyond the call of duty”. THIS is the meeting that Carson confused with Memorial Day.

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The Army records and Detroit News archival records show Westmoreland WAS in Detroit on Feb. 18, 1969, for a dinner honoring a Vietnam War veteran. The banquet was for Congressional Medal of Honor winner Dwight Johnson, a Detroit African-American who risked his life “beyond the call of duty”. THIS is the meeting that Carson confused with Memorial Day.


The Carson fanboys are going to need to visit a chiropractor with all the contorting they're putting themselves through.

By the way, Memorial Day is in the summer. It's pretty difficult to confuse Detroit in the dead of winter with Memorial Day. Particularly if someone is a world-class fabulist, and then it's probably nearly impossible to keep all the lies straight in one's mind.

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