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well, you know...it's sonkran and I don't want some punk with dreadlocks and a dirty t-shirt throwing klong water at me...

Take few drinks first Tutsi ... and you won't notice :o Keep your eyes open for girls in wet T shirts.


Honestly, it was money for me. I wanted to start a good business and the only way for me was to return home, get a new job, pay taxes all in order to look decent on an application for a bank loan. I didn't completely leave though, the

business is in Thailand. So now it's 8 months here and 4 months in Thailand.

If it wasn't for that, I'd still be there. Why do you want to leave?


A cold water swell rolling in from the Pacific on a winters morning. The feel of clean fresh surf bubbling against my cheeks as I dive through another breaker on my way out to catch a wave. The crisp scratchy feeling as I put on a t-shirt after a surf, for the drive home..............................

Running out of cash would be the only reason for my departure


Bash, if you stop making those daily trips to the Paradise Centre, you would be financially better off. :D

Rhys - I think everyday is a challenge here in a business sense. Doing business in a developing country (the wild "east") is frustrating, but rewarding as well.

Lying, cheating and the like are a bench mark for business in this country, in our own countries you can usually understand the pitfalls -here it is a no rules free for all!. :D

With that said, everyday I think of leaving, but at the end of the day, when the stress level subsides, you can laugh at the con men/sharks, as they are so easily found out - its a game and I suppose its fun :o

If you were not doing business here, I couldnt imagine why you would want to go home.

A cold water swell rolling in from the Pacific on a winters morning. The feel of clean fresh surf bubbling against my cheeks as I dive through another breaker on my way out to catch a wave. The crisp scratchy feeling as I put on a t-shirt after a surf, for the drive home..............................

Easy solution, don't live in Bangkok! As for cold Pacific swells, well, I lived in Santa Cruz in California for a few years and those cold Pacific swells would turn me blue after 10 minutes in the water. In the summer! brrr....


I still try to explain to my Thai friends, that when I was in school, we checked 10:00 am for the temperature to go above 25 C. It was a heatwave and 11:00 am the school would close.

No luck anybody here can understand this. So I go back home once the climate changes and the average 'summerheat' goes at least 200 % over 17 C.


Dear Sage Advisors, Could it be the thrill, the challenge, the X factor is gone? Or should I stop reading the BKK POST or Nation...

I came here years ago bright eyed and bushy tailed.. helpling my small corner of the world, and making a difference. and I did.. while I was there. I have met the kind khun yai to the cool corupt district police chief...yeah there are a few...

I learned the culture, language, and the people...

By the way The Boardwalk in Santa Cruz .... does not do it..

But Big Sir Rules..and Monterey.

The business route is not for me...This is not my path...I did not come here to my money..I did that elsewhere.

I cannot put my finger to this feeling .... I should leave.. The Non-Thinking Educated Thais... are amusement...That is not a factor. Visa, work permits challenges are just to be done... nothing more..

I don't miss my culture... I do have things, I can go back to.... the family wine vineyard always, aways, always needs tending.... and bottling comes soon...

True to form.. when bottling : the Kick Arse Red... real winemakers..drink beer.

I think, I have done all that I wanted to here..and more.. And now.. I think it is time to leave... And I just want to make sure I'm in good frame of mind...because I don't want to be in the wine cellar drinking the latest first runs..and thinking.. I should be back in T-land...

I guess it is like Scuba diving... I was gung ho.. for years.. and now.. I don't even know where I stored my gear. BOREDOOM...Tired of always helping...not that I mind....BUT BORED... :o



I think most folks who stay here a long time occaisonally go through that feeling of bordom... Questioning whether or not to return back home. Myself, I'm just going through a bit of a divorce (after 8 years - the bitch) and often ask myself if my time in Thailand should come to a close. But every now and then something reminds me of why I chose to stay.

Besides... I'm not sure I could ever live again in a country without Chang, and extremely overpriced cigs.


Unless I can find another sponser for my ventures I don't know how long I can hang on for..

The Blonde bombshell indoors will have to hit the streets again, what to do what to do..



if you feel its time ,then its time , some people are not meant to settle , theres a little bit of gypsy inside that tells you its time to go . i am english ,spent 12 years in new zealand , before coming to LOS. still like NZ , but probably wouldnt if i stayed there !! change of lifestyle and environment is invigorating and has to be good for the soul !! if you feel inside its time , make your move carefully trying not to burn bridges and look at it positively , ENJOY IT !!!!!

I was thinking of getting down to Paradise Complex, but I am doubtfull if the piles would take the hammering...



be nice and give then Trev!, you cannot keep on taking all your life :D

But I would still be taking it anyway.... just getting paid for it!

I read there is good money to be made down the docks too, read it on here somewhere, can you give me any advise please



The only thing that would cause me to leave for good would be some incureable disease that couldn't be treated in LOS... :o

I think you have got one mate :D , I am not sure of the spelling :o , but I think it is called beleivebushesbullshit syndrome or bbb for short :D

your still my favourite though mate :D

Good one, Gent! :D

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