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Sweden to hide refugee centres after several attacks


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no one ever here of mass deportation

send em all home where with no infidels to kill they will turn on each other

Isn't that what they're already doing? "My Allah is better than your Allah..."

Sounds like a song "My Allah is better than your Allah..."

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Get used to it, these Muslim refugees are not wanted in Europe

Apparently they are. Tens of thousands of Europeans have turned out to welcome them and to provide food and clothing.

Many Europeans in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia etc. have made a small fortune exploiting the migrants as they traveled along.

The EU political leaders have diverted tens of millions of Euros to take care of the migrants without much negative pushback from within their respective countries. Yes, some people have come out to protest. Unfortunately, these are also the same people who join in riots, looting, vandalism whenever possible. They have yet to meet an extremist right wing or left wing event they didn't want to have fun at. The fact is, most Europeans have stayed quiet.

Unless the Europeans say something it is defacto consent.

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Hide the location of buildings earmarked for migrants ?

OK what happens when they're occupied, how do the Swedes intend to hide hundreds of unwanted migrants or are they harbouring the forlorn hope that the anti feeling will have died down ?

Fat chance and if anything opposition will become stronger as the influx continues with no sign of it ever stopping.

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Hide the location of buildings earmarked for migrants ?

OK what happens when they're occupied, how do the Swedes intend to hide hundreds of unwanted migrants or are they harbouring the forlorn hope that the anti feeling will have died down ?

Fat chance and if anything opposition will become stronger as the influx continues with no sign of it ever stopping.

OK what happens when they're occupied, ...
Ensure there is adequate law enforcement, bring those responsible for the crimes of destroying public property, breach of the peace, racial hatred before the Courts and hand them sentences to assist building the same buildings they burnt down. If its too difficult for them to help build these buildings, at least do the painting.
It's law-makers, and judicial officials (in some cases) that decide who can and can't enter a country, not some criminal with a fire-torch in their hands.
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Get used to it, these Muslim refugees are not wanted in Europe

Apparently they are. Tens of thousands of Europeans have turned out to welcome them and to provide food and clothing.

Many Europeans in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia etc. have made a small fortune exploiting the migrants as they traveled along.

The EU political leaders have diverted tens of millions of Euros to take care of the migrants without much negative pushback from within their respective countries. Yes, some people have come out to protest. Unfortunately, these are also the same people who join in riots, looting, vandalism whenever possible. They have yet to meet an extremist right wing or left wing event they didn't want to have fun at. The fact is, most Europeans have stayed quiet.

Unless the Europeans say something it is defacto consent.

Come on, GK. Europeans stay silent because otherwise the authorities will be all over them like a cheap suit.

My brother works for a local authority in the UK. It is well known that if you voice any objection to what is going on and are overheard or reported, it is your job, even out of uniform and out of hours. Those guys are as furious as anyone, but they have families to feed and a large immigrant population who would be only too keen to take on their jobs for pennies...

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Burning down refugee centers represents the will of average Swede like burning down a Black Baptist church represents the thinking of the average American.

To put the "Muslim problem" into numbers, if you filled a 50,000 seat stadium with random European Muslims, about 5 of them would be planning attacks, a hundred or so would support them, but not participate in the attacks, and the other 49,900 would be fearing those attacks even more than the Christians, Jews and atheists outside the stadium. Because they'll be the ones getting caught in the backlash for something they didn't do.

Don't believe those numbers? Look up how many Muslims in the world (or any given country), and how many "Muslim Terrorist" attacks happened last year, and how many resulted in fatalities. Then do the math yourself.

In my own country, I'm (statistically) more likely to be shot by a cop than killed by a Muslim attack.

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simple1 post # 28


More Swedes ‘want increase in refugees’


Nice rhetoric, however it is somewhat creative and flexible concerning the interpretation and representation of the truth.

The adage, ''Lies, dammed lies and statistics springs to mind.

A fine attempt to cloud the issue on a par with the publicity campaign methods of the late Herr Goebbels

Unless matters have changed since I left school some 54 years ago 44% does not equate to a majority.

44 percent of respondents in an opinion poll undertaken by Ipsos for Sunday's edition of Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, believe that Sweden should take more refugees - an increase of 18 percentage points since February.


Not just one kind of majority. There's absolute majority, simple majority, supermajority etc..

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simple1 post # 28


More Swedes ‘want increase in refugees’


Nice rhetoric, however it is somewhat creative and flexible concerning the interpretation and representation of the truth.

The adage, ''Lies, dammed lies and statistics springs to mind.

A fine attempt to cloud the issue on a par with the publicity campaign methods of the late Herr Goebbels

Unless matters have changed since I left school some 54 years ago 44% does not equate to a majority.

44 percent of respondents in an opinion poll undertaken by Ipsos for Sunday's edition of Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, believe that Sweden should take more refugees - an increase of 18 percentage points since February.


The link above does not work, because you missed out an "s" when quoting. Its ...want-increase-in-refugees. See below for correct link:


Edited by meltingpot2015
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78% of swedes are concerned about racism, while only 48% are concerned about immigration levels. See:

It's the Swedish Right-wing populist party Sweden Democrats that adds the oxygen to the anti-immigration sentiment and promote xenophobic tendencies. (see: http://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.605856?l=en) Thankfully the party only hold 49 of the 349 seats (14%) in the Swedish Riksdag.

Edited by meltingpot2015
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Recall reading that Sweden's rape figures have increased dramatically and with Muslims being the majority of culprits.

That aside it is an internal matter for Sweden, obviously most are delighted with a larger Muslim population. And seems they will be soon be getting even more delighted.

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Its not Ok to burn these centres down and its wrong for a government to force these migrants upon us as it is the tax payers burden ultimately, and the who suffers from the social downside to this. Have a referendum if we are democratic.

This is at the heart of the deception and fiat- the tsunami of people who will fundamentally change economies and culture, irrespective of which cultural mores they bring- their sheer numbers will undermine existing culture, especially with a non assimilating people. No referendum, only fiat, reveals immediately this "good" is being intentionally inflicted upon Europe. The sheer magnitude of this social engineering is only matched in its scope with an unrelated World War II era social engineering diabolism. No, this is not that type of social engineering, but the scope of the social engineering is comparable in magnitude. History will judge this as one of the greatest thefts of civilization in history, perhaps only equaled by Roman apathy.

Lastly, the hiding of refugee camps will set in motion the hidden passage of not equal rights under the law but special rights under the law, all couched in "for the children" or "islamophobia" mantra. Watch. As more special rights are assigned you will see this hiding of the refugee camps as the precedent in Sweden.

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no one ever here of mass deportation

send em all home where with no infidels to kill they will turn on each other

Isn't that what they're already doing? "My Allah is better than your Allah..."

Sounds like a song "My Allah is better than your Allah..."

Increasingly video clips will show many stating "allah akbar/allahu akbar" etc. This is harmlessly translated into "Allah is Great," or "God is Great." However, this is actually incorrect. The correct translation is basically "Allah is greater than your God." Seems pointless to those like me who have no use for any gods but it is very suggestive of why vast swaths of the world have such horror and why hundreds of millions have been killed since 632AD. (It does not matter that other faiths have had similar compulsions, other faiths are not the issues today).

Note, there is a reason islam does not use the Gregorian calendar. Islam uses a calendar from 622. The current year is 1437AH. This is the year the Hijra began. Hijra is islamic immigration/migration. One way to look at the islamic calendar then, in context, is to consider it counting down, not up. Why? Because the Hijra takes place throughout the world, throughout time, non stop, in the dar al harb (House of War) until there is universal sharia=Islam, and then there is the dar al islam- (House of Submission). This is the basic eschatology of islam moving towards its end of days.

When we consider the masses of people coming into Europe that have this mindset, this inculcation, this demonstrable history of jihad since the 7th century, nonstop except for a brief respite after the Siege of Vienna, we see there actually is every reason to be concerned in Sweden, and elsewhere. I dont condone attacks on any humans, especially the unarmed, but I also see the governments as more the villain than the migrants.

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