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Totally agree with MaeJom

You also state ghetto washing machine ONLY cold water,

Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

Washer/dryer cost a fortune,really not sure why you believed they would give you new one and reduce the rent.

As you have nothing in writing, and have no evidence to support any of your claims or experience, i am sorry to say your money is gone.

They could get even more nasty if they wanted too and claim you stole the table and whatever else they can think of.

Sorry but not much you can do and i doubt anyone can help, mainly because no evidence at all

We have a hot water washing machine in our condo, from Samsung. They do exist in Thailand.

Hot water washer cum dryer units are front load machines available under a few brands like Electrolux, Ariston etc...but will cost around Bt30k a piece. Also, a 20amp breaker would be needed to run the heater.


Not exactly hell .......

Total overreaction on your part based on your inexperience.

You want special stuff done, you get an agreement in writing, then don't pay or move in until it's done.

Nobody made you hand the table over to a random woman with a key.

What part is an overreaction? The fact that I do not feel comfortable when groups of people are entering my room while I'm sleeping or the fact that I think I should get my deposit refunded when my lease states that I should? Or you also think it's okay for furniture to be removed from a place you've rented after you're already living there?

I understand I should have got the washer/dryer, table replacement, room cleaning, in writing. It is my mistake to trust someone... But like I said, I have rented lots of places before and never imagined that I would be blatantly lied to. I'm a nice guy... so yes it's stupid for me to think that people will placy nice back in return.

For me, not being able to shower, wash my clothes, and have people entering without permission is my idea of "hell"... And even if it's not hell it's reason enough that that I felt I had no choice to leave, even if only for the fact that other people have access to the room. I mean... cmon the owner says she didn't know I lived there and I had been there a week already? I was there with the agent when she was talking to the owner on the phone. But it's unclear who the owner even is since I am refused all details!

In Thailand never trust, always get it in writing


Never pay a single baht until what some half baked manager, agent or owner does what they say they will do.Lying is part of selling in the city,especially when laws to protect tenants is pretty well non existent!


Even if you had done the due diligence and had your conditions agreed to in writing good luck enforcing through Thai courts, never pay 2 months deposit and never pay until conditions have been met. You walked right into this trap.


Totally agree with MaeJom

You also state ghetto washing machine ONLY cold water,

Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

Washer/dryer cost a fortune,really not sure why you believed they would give you new one and reduce the rent.

As you have nothing in writing, and have no evidence to support any of your claims or experience, i am sorry to say your money is gone.

They could get even more nasty if they wanted too and claim you stole the table and whatever else they can think of.

Sorry but not much you can do and i doubt anyone can help, mainly because no evidence at all

You haven't seen a washing machine with hot water in Thailand yet, and you claim to have an upperclass hotel?

And dryers costing a fortune? Well for some people 15K maybe is a fortune.

And no they couldn't claim he stole the table, because if the table isn't in the contract then the table doesn't exist for the renter as well as for the landlord

For starters please get your facts right before trolling and posting drivel.

I never claimed to own an upper class hotel and even if i did, it has little to do with seeing washers with hot water

Secondly put on your reading glasses before posting yet more drivel, OP clearly stated he wanted washer/dryer combo. those do not cost 15 k

And even assuming dryers cost 15K it is a fortune for a rental property, might be wise to have some idea on the subject before posting drivel. Yes i am sure your pension pays for your penthouse in the heart of the citygiggle.gif

And lastly, he does not have a contract, i suggest you read again, Adding a page with items to a contract which he does not have, would take less than 2 mins.

Washer/Dryer Combination unit: Bt25,000-Bt70,000



I think the OP has lost his money. The agents he has dealt with are on commission to rent out units, and have done their job, but the owner doesn't care. Lesson learned.

I agree with the OP about the 'Thai clean'. It is almost always a superficial wipe over and not a full hygenic and professional clean like you would expect in the west. My Thai wife was employed as a cleaner in Australia and was always amazed that she had to spend 2 hours of hard work cleaning a unit when a leisurely Thai clean could be completed in 30 minutes (including chatting with friends).


Despite protestations that nothing useful will come of it, I guarantee that if you can find a decent minded cop ( there are some!) you just might get results if you file a complaint with police.

If you don't speak excellent Thai, bring an educated friend ( from work?) who does.

I have been to cop shops a number of times, I lost papers, my dog bit a Thai. Etc. it's not a big deal.

However, what needs doing is not just to file a complaint. That will be to the Duty Officer ( whom you may have to wake up ?. )

If you or your friend can find an approachable cop, try asking for his advice/'can you help me' works wonders. You need to try to persuade him to visit your unfriendly agent. Don't know if tea money is needed, maybe just " let's go gin khao" , first? I'm guessing that your 'agent' is, at the very least, related to the owner. A visit from a cop is the last thing most Thais want to see.

Not sure, but us the receipt you got for your money an original or a copy? Be sure to make photo copy before you go to the cop shop.

Just trying to help you stay positive. Illegally taken deposits are one of the most common problems here. As an landlord, I have experienced theother side of the coin.


The only thing I find odd about your story is the amount you paid for the condo...most people I know...including myself have been renting for about half the price you have paid...

Obviously it depends on the size of the unit and the location, but if I was paying 30KB/month for a condo I would expect it to have nice furniture and a decent washing machine, and a modern large-screen TV etc.

If I was paying half that price then I would expect a cheap top-loader and a small old box TV, and maybe the odd burn mark on tables etc.

Either way I would expect it to be clean and in working order. So for the price the OP was paying I would indeed expect to get something decent. In Pattaya/Jomtien anyway.


I am a retired U.S. lawyer. From the facts given you did EVERYTHING wrong.

First, you should have hired a GOOD Thai lawyer. It would have cost you far, far less in the end to have everything done properly.

Anyone who tries to represent himself in legal matters has a fool for a client.

And it is extremely difficult to believe you did not have the sense to try the fixtures BEFORE paying money.

And the dumbest move - paying all that money with no legal lease or full inspection of the premises.


Totally agree with MaeJom

You also state ghetto washing machine ONLY cold water,

Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

Washer/dryer cost a fortune,really not sure why you believed they would give you new one and reduce the rent.

As you have nothing in writing, and have no evidence to support any of your claims or experience, i am sorry to say your money is gone.

They could get even more nasty if they wanted too and claim you stole the table and whatever else they can think of.

Sorry but not much you can do and i doubt anyone can help, mainly because no evidence at all

It was a polite way of telling you that you had been very stupid in paying money without seeing that everything was fixed and the place was fit to move into.


you should have done like the guy who gamble in his 300 bahts room.

get a shit empty room, small and clean and go buy your wash machine., ac, hot shower equipment at auctions. can save a lot.

all you pay is 3000 to 4000 bahts a month. when you leave sell all or give your things to friends.

or you can close the door, pay the 3000 bahts a month, come back a few months later. you still have a nice cheap room ready to move in.


Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

555!!!! Can it be that your last shopping trip was 30years ago? biggrin.png

When you was last time in a big shop like Tesco Lotus, Big C, Powerbuy, Numchai, ...!!!!

They have a lot of HOT WATER washing machines and dryers. And this for sure over the last 15 years.

Just more expensive. Prices start at 15.000 THB!!!


F@#k. Me....The guy only asked for some advice,and it turns into War And Peace!!!!!!

There sure are some F@&kwits on here! But.....TIT.


Rented a condo not that long ago that promised that a gym was being built and would be finished in one month. After a month no gym. Many others issues also but The gym was the most important. When I said that I wanted to move and wanted my deposit back they said that a gym was not in the lease agreement. These people have no moral code that they live by, liars and thieves !

Don't take anyone's word for anything. Get everything in writing, if not in writing it doesn't mean anything. Don't hand over money, not even a deposit, until everything is exactly as you have agreed. Check out apartment in morning and evening and stay one night if possible prior to signing lease.


I have resided in Thailand 11 years, rented several condos thru so called

owners agents and, only once, received what I had been promised and ,

like yourself made numerous calls without anyone answering my calls. Finally, 3 times I left and left hefty deposits. I believed the owners/agents had

broke the leases first by not following their word and ignoring documented

calls/Emails.In the US the leases are slanted in the renters favor but the

opposite is true here. I will be contacting the newly organized " Consumer

Complaint Agency" located at Pattaya City Hall and see if my security can berecovered but really doubt they will repond favorably if, at all !


I guess in life we all come upon this type of injustice at some point… on your end - you trusted the wrong people to keep their word and these sound like awful people. I would be curious where this building is - I would guess some tourist area. Of course, the lesson is to wait for the room to be in proper condition before moving in…

But, surely you have learned that - - people can be awful and I am sorry you were played and are a victim.

My advice - - since you said it is not a lot of money for you - - walk away. The sooner this is in the past, the fewer days of your life will be ruined in dealing with it…


I am a retired U.S. lawyer. From the facts given you did EVERYTHING wrong.

First, you should have hired a GOOD Thai lawyer. It would have cost you far, far less in the end to have everything done properly.

Maybe you dont have much experience with Thai lawyers. Many of them are every bit as crooked and lazy as real estate agents are.

And why should it be necessary to hire a lawyer just to rent a condo anyway? Next we will be told that a good lawyer is needed when buying a carton of milk at the supermarket.


I was promised 70 virgins......I"m still waiting....

Anytime I spend more than 4000 baht I take super special precautions. I trust nobody; includes random farang "expert"

if the 60k baht doesn't mean much, just move and try to put this behind you....i say you are at fault 40%. so you "win", but you really lost.

i enjoyed the story, but it wasn't that bad...yea, you got taken and scammed.....it's Thailand. simple.

IF you got tied up, they drained your bank account, made you eat from bad table, and the 3 women brought in their kids and you were forced to teach them English.....then that would be a story....


F@#k. Me....The guy only asked for some advice,and it turns into War And Peace!!!!!!

There sure are some F@&kwits on here! But.....TIT.

what advice did he expect ? oh it'll all be fine in the end.


Totally agree with MaeJom

You also state ghetto washing machine ONLY cold water,

Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

Washer/dryer cost a fortune,really not sure why you believed they would give you new one and reduce the rent.

As you have nothing in writing, and have no evidence to support any of your claims or experience, i am sorry to say your money is gone.

They could get even more nasty if they wanted too and claim you stole the table and whatever else they can think of.

Sorry but not much you can do and i doubt anyone can help, mainly because no evidence at all

Raising some eyebrow here...

Thailand has hot water machines... almost in any bigger Tesco Lotus for starters... Reconnisable by the front doors.... also they have dryers...


Most agents I've come across are happy to accept a holding deposit of say B10k (to reserve the room).

When the agreed actions are complete (cleaned, table changed, washer installed), you pay the money and sign the lease.

I personally would never sign a lease until everything was as agreed.

It's easy to walk away from B10k, a different matter to have stress, problems, issues, etc etc and walk away from B60k.


OP if you forked over the cash without seeing the washer/dryer installed, pretty much nothing you can do.

Its hard to imagine thai law favouring you….sounds like it would be a civil and not criminal matter at this point and the costs to pursue it may be even higher than what you lost.

Normally you never give all 3 mtgs rent upfront….its done in stages….i month when you sign the letter of intent which contains all the conditions you will rent under (this is where the new washer/dryer etc should be clearly stated)…..and the other 2 months when you sign the lease and inpect if all the conditions in thje letter of intent have been met.


Doubt you will ever see the deposit back. Should have just moved the cold washer out the min you saw it. Told the lady you would take care of it.Had what you wanted delivered.....deducted the amount from your rent next month. Have the estate agents sign a paper saying she agreed to put in rhe washer and dryer......Keeping in mind that she would be a bitch about ever returning you deposit......then when you left take the machine.

In Thailand.....Everybody re cleans a place when they move into it......


Not exactly hell .......

Total overreaction on your part based on your inexperience.

You want special stuff done, you get an agreement in writing, then don't pay or move in until it's done.

Nobody made you hand the table over to a random woman with a key.

What part is an overreaction? The fact that I do not feel comfortable when groups of people are entering my room while I'm sleeping or the fact that I think I should get my deposit refunded when my lease states that I should? Or you also think it's okay for furniture to be removed from a place you've rented after you're already living there?

I understand I should have got the washer/dryer, table replacement, room cleaning, in writing. It is my mistake to trust someone... But like I said, I have rented lots of places before and never imagined that I would be blatantly lied to. I'm a nice guy... so yes it's stupid for me to think that people will placy nice back in return.

For me, not being able to shower, wash my clothes, and have people entering without permission is my idea of "hell"... And even if it's not hell it's reason enough that that I felt I had no choice to leave, even if only for the fact that other people have access to the room. I mean... cmon the owner says she didn't know I lived there and I had been there a week already? I was there with the agent when she was talking to the owner on the phone. But it's unclear who the owner even is since I am refused all details!

You should have checked the shower before hand,and never ever hand over any money until everything is done to your satisfaction.Real estate agents are down there with politicions the world over,but she was "very friendly".You fell for the charm offensive.Try consumer affairs,the agent needes to feel a bit of pressure.


Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

555!!!! Can it be that your last shopping trip was 30years ago? biggrin.png

When you was last time in a big shop like Tesco Lotus, Big C, Powerbuy, Numchai, ...!!!!

They have a lot of HOT WATER washing machines and dryers. And this for sure over the last 15 years.

Just more expensive. Prices start at 15.000 THB!!!

Love super intelligent people who just can not read and comprehend.

Here show me which one is hot water machine https://www2.directtoshop.com/category/11089


I paid only 12000 baht for my front load hot water machine , LG brand. What OP should have done was to specify type of hot water machines needed, a trip to BIG C and give the owner a list of available machines with prices. Then up to the owner to accept it or not.

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