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Four Cambodians die and over 20 injured in road accident in Prachin Buri


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Four Cambodians die and over 20 injured in road accident in Prachin Buri


BANGKOK: -- Three Cambodian migrant workers and a one-year old boy were killed and 20 others were injured when a packed pick-up truck in which they were travelling overturned after a rear tyre burst.

The fatal accident took place Sunday morning on Phanom Sarakham-Sa Kaew highway between kilometer markers 31-32 in Tambon Wang Tha Chang, Kabin Buri district of Prachin Buri province.

Police said that the pick-up truck left a factory in Rama IX are in Bangkok with about 30 Cambodian migrant workers and was heading for Aranyaprathet border with Poipet where the workers would return home to Cambodia.

Police said the truck appeared to be speeding when one of the rear tyres exploded, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle, overturn and sent all the passengers scattering in different directions.

A man and a toddler were found dead in a roadside ditch. All the injured were rushed to Kabin Buri district hospital where two of them were pronounced dead.

Police said that some of the workers who escaped unhurt fled the scene fearing that they might be arrested by police.

The truck driver fled the scene and police are trying to look for him for questioning.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/four-cambodians-die-and-over-20-injured-in-road-accident-in-prachin-buri

-- Thai PBS 2015-11-02

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Edited by jaltsc
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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Yeah too bad that these fellas probably had no choice and travel like this to save a few hundred baht to survive the month.

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Yeah too bad that these fellas probably had no choice and travel like this to save a few hundred baht to survive the month.

I see pick-ups loaded up with workers all the time in this area a long way from the border, a standard way of transporting them to and from the workplace. Shouldn't be so but it is.

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very sad after working in another country to feed their familys and then to die on the way to visit them before returning to work again,some apparently with young children with them,doesent bear thinking about,RIP again a lot to be said with the roadsense of these people,and driving abilities,I doubt we will see much change in thai road laws in our time,well mine for sure,so we live in hopes for the safety of these people in thailand.RIP

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It ought not to be too hard to find the batsard that was driving this truck. It must have registration papers,

just do a littleinvestigating and sooner or later nail the offending driver.

Sadly, these Cambodians and other migrant workers are treated as a commodity and I believe pigs and chickens are probably treated more fairly when transported by truck.

I wish the injured people well, they all have families who depend on them.

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Senseless waste of life, what type of idiot would speed with that many onboard let alone the stupidity of loading the pickup with that many.

It is at the least manslaughter.

I Cringe every day in LOS when I see infants on motorbikes, I pick my kid up from school and most children are picked up on bikes, I guess if this was stopped it would be a transport problem for Thais.

Edited by kiwikeith
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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

RIP to the poor Cambodians who died.

It's crimilnal the way these pick-ups are used to carry people in the back. But as you say the police don't even look. I wonder if thailand actually has a law relating to that?

I recall while riding my pushbike along near Chiang Mai seeing a police pick-up with chairs in the back - some cops sat on the chairs while others sat with their bums on the top edge of the sides and tailgate. Oh yes, leaning inwards so they wouldn't fall off, so no problem. Idiots!!

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Terrible tragedy which could have been avoided...RIP.

There is also the issue of all the Farang and Thai Real Estate Developers that employ contractors to build their Condo Blocks,they should be policing the contractors use of trucks transporting about 60 employees on the back of these open trucks, all standing up,and packed in like sardines,what carnage we would have then,if one of these overturned,but how do you change the mentality,when you see a Funeral procession on Sukhumvit Rd in the middle Ban Chang,and there are a lot of Navy Top Brass sitting on plastic chairs placed on the back of an open truck? Unreal....but.....TIT.

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Both single Cab and the Open cab are classed as 2 seater trucks... no idea but how does the insurance cover more than 2 people in a 2 seater ?

No seat belt law for driver and all passengers ?

I also see often pickups with frames on the back with wooden planks so the are packed with upper and lower deck of people/passengers [far more than 30 with the 5 or so in the cab]..

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion.

Actually its legal in most US states if all seatbelt seats are taken.

Edited by kmj
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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Senseless waste of life, what type of idiot would speed with that many onboard let alone the stupidity of loading the pickup with that many.

It is at the least manslaughter.

I Cringe every day in LOS when I see infants on motorbikes, I pick my kid up from school and most children are picked up on bikes, I guess if this was stopped it would be a transport problem for Thais.

Probably the employers who insist on transporting workers this way are making big fortunes at the expense of the workers. A little less profit and transport the workers with a little more dignity instead of treating them like like pigs and cattle.

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Up here in the far north the Ox and cart theory was explained to me. 30 years ago some villages up here were without electricity and there were no gasoline propelled vehicles about. After the days work the workers went home on the ox cart. The drivers fell asleep after consuming laokao but the ox knew the way home, on going round a corner it would meet another ox going the other way. The ox would look at each other , possibly nod then pass each other safely. Scooters arrived and then the drivers would run into each other on the way home. Proof that a sober ox is safer taking you home than a drunk scooter rider.

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Senseless waste of life, what type of idiot would speed with that many onboard let alone the stupidity of loading the pickup with that many.

It is at the least manslaughter.

I Cringe every day in LOS when I see infants on motorbikes, I pick my kid up from school and most children are picked up on bikes, I guess if this was stopped it would be a transport problem for Thais.

Correct, some families are lucky if they can actually afford a motor bike - I also cringe when I see this but then I realise that for SOME people it is the only way they can get their kids to and from school. So I always give people with kids on bikes a very wide berth and right of way - what ever the condition / rules might indicate or say. I certainly don't want the death of a kid (or anyone for that matter) on my conscious.

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OK to every Thai driver a Pickup bin is for CARGO ONLY it is not a bus there are no seats no seatbelts and no roof F%$#@ !!!

You dont have to be a rocket scientist to know this !!!

i think we a re all aware of the dangers of passengers in the rear of a pick - covered or not....but the point is WHY? well they are migrant workers - the legal minimum wage is 300 baht and they come to Thailand to take money home - in order to do this they have to take the cheapest form available - many richer people in Thailand are happy either to take part in this exploitation or reap the benefits of living in a "cheap" country. Safety costs the users - but in the end it befits the country as a whole....millions of dollars a day are lost as a result of road accidents and the cost is to both Thailand and Cambodia.

It's time to stop demonising people for being poor and actually realise that rather than piggy-backing on "developing" economies to save money, we need to pay the full price to live here.

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion.

Actually its legal in most US states if all seatbelt seats are taken.

I hardly see that as a mitigating factor; the States has one of the worst road safety records in the Westernised world.

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Rather than apportioning blame or racist slurs against Thai people or Cambodians, it would be nice to see the authorities addressing some of the core issues behind this incident....and there are many!

Correct, many issues - 1. speeding, 2. people riding in the back of a pickup, 3. the driver -- in any combination of these three facts.

Not 1 other factor has influenced these deaths, unless blame is placed on the Cambodians for putting themselves in danger and then only 1 factor applies.

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Rather than apportioning blame or racist slurs against Thai people or Cambodians, it would be nice to see the authorities addressing some of the core issues behind this incident....and there are many!

That will happen when pigs and cows in this country grow wings and fly.

In other words, maybe in 10 generations will there be any changes. It's rather sad for the people who died and speedy recovery for the injured ones.

Not many things make sense in this country if you are looking through the Western rose coloured glasses.

Thailand is still a developing country and until their education level, laws, urban planning, etc reach levels of first world country, things will continue as they are. I suppose given state of their politics, there are other higher priorities.

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The only real blame should lay with the driver IMO. The workers more than likely have no choice and as it was stated it was the speed that would have been the a main issue, everything else is secondary.

And all the calls for the laws to be changed/enforced/people thrown in jail, I may as well stay @ home if that's the case because if they do that for everything it'll take away a large part of why we all re-locate in the first place....

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Yeah too bad that these fellas probably had no choice and travel like this to save a few hundred baht to survive the month.

My thoughts exactly,....RIP.....

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"...a packed pick-up truck..."

This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

Yeah too bad that these fellas probably had no choice and travel like this to save a few hundred baht to survive the month.

That may be true, we see it everyday around building sites however to overload and then speed is totally stupid.

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