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Frustrated US Republicans agree on push for debate changes


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Frustrated Republicans agree on push for debate changes

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidates have agreed ona series of demands giving them greater control of debates, as the GOP's frustrated 2016 class works to inject changes into the nominating process.

They are attempting to wrestle command from the Republican National Committee and media hosts.

Representatives from more than a dozen campaigns met behind closed doors for nearly two hours Sunday night in suburban Washington, a meeting that was not expected to yield many results given the competing interests of several candidates. Yet they emerged having agreed to several changes to be outlined in a letter to debate hosts in the coming days.

They include largely bypassing the RNC in coordinating with network hosts, mandatory opening and closing statements, an equal number of questions for the candidates, and pre-approval of on-screen graphics, according to Ben Carson campaign manager Barry Bennett, who hosted the meeting.

"The amazing part for me was how friendly the meeting was," Bennett said, noting the private gathering was held in a private room marked "family meeting." ''Everybody was cordial. We all agreed we need to have these meetings more regularly."

The GOP's most recent debate, moderated by CNBC in Boulder, Colorado, on Wednesday night, drew harsh criticism from campaigns and GOP officials alike. Afterward, some candidates complained that the questions were not substantive enough; others wanted more air time or the chance to deliver opening and closing statements.

GOP chairman Reince Priebus decided to suspend a partnership with NBC News and its properties on a debate set for February, but that wasn't enough to satisfy the frustrated campaigns.

"We need to mature in the way that we do these debates if they're going to be useful to the American people," Carson told ABC's "This Week."

While the campaigns agreed to the changes in principle Sunday night, the media companies that host the debates are under no obligation to adopt them. Bennett suggested that campaigns could boycott debates to get their way.

"The only leverage we have is to not come," he said.

The pushback comes despite a high-profile effort by the Republican National Committee to improve the debate process going into the 2016 election season. The party said the 2012 debate schedule promoted too much fighting among candidates, so for 2016, the RNC dramatically reduced the number of debates for this election and played a leading role in coordinating network hosts and even moderators, in some cases.

Three debates remain before the first nomination contest, the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1; the next one is scheduled for Nov. 10 in Milwaukee. The RNC has sanctioned five debates after the caucuses.

"What it really comes down to is the candidates want to have more control of the ability to negotiate with the networks," Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said after the meeting.

While organizers of the meeting were not including the RNC, the party has been in regular communication with campaigns about their concerns.

Shortly before the meeting, the RNC appointed Sean Cairncross, the committee's chief operating officer, to take the lead in negotiating with the networks. It's unclear, however, what role he'll play should the campaigns get their way.

"This is the first step in the process of understanding what the candidates want, and then we need to have a more specific conversation about NBC," RNC chief strategist Sean Spicer said Sunday ahead of the meeting. "We need to start a process. Tonight's the first step."

Some candidates are trying to use the debate discord to their advantage — none more than Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Campaigning in Iowa this weekend, he slammed the CNBC debate moderators for asking questions in a way that he said "illustrate why the American people don't trust the media." He was cheered after calling for future debates to be moderated by conservatives such as radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Associated Press writer Jill Colvin in New York contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-02

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Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?"

Republican candidates say, "Why can't we all just get softball questions?" "like; 'how would you rearrange the furniture in the Oval Office', or 'would salad be served with the main course at State dinners, or before?'"

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They are frustrated because there are just too dam_n many of them, all clamoring for an advantage and sound byte time. It's not PC now to attack your opponent (thanks, Rubio), so they are like rattle snakes in a cage, and Hillary Clinton is the only mouse they are allowed to bite.

It is revealing that the candidates are talking to who's actually running the show in America - The Main Stream Media!

It's all business now. Ratings and profits. What did Trump say ~ $250,000.00 for an advertisement spot?

The introduction was like a hyped up boxing match! They call it the "Main Event". I thought the intro announcer was about to say, "Let's get ready to RUMMMM BBBBLLLEEE!"

The Mods sound partisan, often indicting instead of asking questions. No control. A cage fight is more organized.

That movie called Idiocracy.... self fulfilling prophecy.

Edited by 55Jay
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Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?"

Republican candidates say, "Why can't we all just get softball questions?" "like; 'how would you rearrange the furniture in the Oval Office', or 'would salad be served with the main course at State dinners, or before?'"

You've been watching too many Hillary interviews by the MSM.

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The only guy who has any leverage at all in terms boycotting future debates is Trump....and possibly Carson. If any of the other guys/gal decided not to show up, I doubt there would be any panic on the part of the media outlet hosting.

Maybe Trump. Nobody seriously thinks that Carson actually has a real chance. I doubt even Carson does. He's a flavor of the month thing and the flavor is CREEPY.

Edited by Jingthing
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They're so transparent. Like all elections, like gerrymandering, like the G. W. Bush theft of the election in Florida, like rigged paperless voting machines, they know they cannot win fairly and democratically. So they game the system.

They are the most pathetic, fraudulent candidates in the history of American politics. And everyone knows it.

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They're so transparent. Like all elections, like gerrymandering, like the G. W. Bush theft of the election in Florida, like rigged paperless voting machines, they know they cannot win fairly and democratically. So they game the system.

Sounds very much like Thailand.

Just sayin'!

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Campaigning in Iowa this weekend, he slammed the CNBC debate moderators for asking questions in a way that he said "illustrate why the American people don't trust the media."

The irony being is that the American people don't trust the politicians either. dry.png

Edited by connda
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If they can't handle the debates, regardless of the format and questions, how are they going to handle PUTIN?

They won't have to worry about that . The way its going it will be HC by default.

HC has already been picked for ascension to the throne. The rest is just pageantry for the peasants.

Food and circuses. That's all you need to lead the sheeple to the shearing pens. Baaaaa.

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I like Cruz's suggestion: The next debate should be moderated by Limbaugh, Hannity and Levine.

Bring it on, it would be like mixing the circus clowns with the wild animals.


Don't forget Glenn (So Sincere I Want To Cry) Beck. whistling.gif

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If they can't handle the debates, regardless of the format and questions, how are they going to handle PUTIN?

They have proven that they can handle the debates...they have had to endure inane questioning during three debates already and have a legit complaint that the media is not giving them a chance to tell the country exactly why they believe they could handle Putin and the country's economic woes...

They are trying to move the debates from a format best suited for an "entertainment tonight" segment to a serious political debate...good for them.

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I like Cruz's suggestion: The next debate should be moderated by Limbaugh, Hannity and Levine.

Bring it on, it would be like mixing the circus clowns with the wild animals.


Don't forget Glenn (So Sincere I Want To Cry) Beck. whistling.gif

Now we're entering the realms of PPV.


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They're so transparent. Like all elections, like gerrymandering, like the G. W. Bush theft of the election in Florida, like rigged paperless voting machines, they know they cannot win fairly and democratically. So they game the system.

They are the most pathetic, fraudulent candidates in the history of American politics. And everyone knows it.

No one has been more pathetic or fraudulent in American politics than Obama and both Clintons...at least the Republicans have a plan to bring the country back from the brink of bankruptcy...while the Dems want to add on more debt, spending, and increase in "entitlement programs"...loosely known as "mo free stuff".

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Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?"

Republican candidates say, "Why can't we all just get softball questions?" "like; 'how would you rearrange the furniture in the Oval Office', or 'would salad be served with the main course at State dinners, or before?'"

You've been watching too many Hillary interviews by the MSM.

I don't even know what MSM is (Microsoft movies?), and I haven't watched or heard any HC interviews, have you? I'm leaning to Sanders.
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They're so transparent. Like all elections, like gerrymandering, like the G. W. Bush theft of the election in Florida, like rigged paperless voting machines, they know they cannot win fairly and democratically. So they game the system.

They are the most pathetic, fraudulent candidates in the history of American politics. And everyone knows it.

No one has been more pathetic or fraudulent in American politics than Obama and both Clintons...at least the Republicans have a plan to bring the country back from the brink of bankruptcy...while the Dems want to add on more debt, spending, and increase in "entitlement programs"...loosely known as "mo free stuff".

"mo free stuff".

Racist Republican Rubbish.

Nonetheless an excellent expose' of the Republican party and the far out wackos and rednecks that control it.

After the 2012 election the Republican National Committee in Washington did an autopsy. After the 2016 election the RNC will do a cremation.

The MSM will be there to cover it of course.

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Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?"

Republican candidates say, "Why can't we all just get softball questions?" "like; 'how would you rearrange the furniture in the Oval Office', or 'would salad be served with the main course at State dinners, or before?'"

You've been watching too many Hillary interviews by the MSM.

I don't even know what MSM is (Microsoft movies?), and I haven't watched or heard any HC interviews, have you? I'm leaning to Sanders.

And another qualify Democratic voter emerges from the dark ages.

MSM = Main Stream Media

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Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?"

Republican candidates say, "Why can't we all just get softball questions?" "like; 'how would you rearrange the furniture in the Oval Office', or 'would salad be served with the main course at State dinners, or before?'"

Seems to me what the candidates want is substantive questions about what is going on in America so they can present answers NOT questions about Carson's religious views and gay marriage, Rubio's absenteeism from the Senate, or Trump's few business bankruptcies which are really just questions trying to bait the candidates and provide little in the way of substance. They want to talk about issues not answer attack ads.

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What frustrates the GOP and Right Wing advocates is the white hot hatred of ANYONE who dares to question their philosophy of stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.

Extreme Right Wing ideology is totally and utterly unelectable. They just don't seem to get it.

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What frustrates the GOP and Right Wing advocates is the white hot hatred of ANYONE who dares to question their philosophy of stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.

Extreme Right Wing ideology is totally and utterly unelectable. They just don't seem to get it.

What is the Left's philosophy?

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