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Call for lifetime ban for corrupt Thai politicians


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how 'bout a ban on Generals playing politics ... whistling.gif

And you carry on about other posters derailing the topic, what a hypocrite !

The corrupt politicians should be banned for life, have any assets they "acquired" while in power confiscated (and given to the poor rice farmers, where the money probably came from to begin with) and a prison term as well.

The PTP crowd would be the first ones thrown in prison, that's for sure. whistling.gif

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If they enacted this law and jail time and then followed it through the RTP then the price of land would increase tenfold. Every available lot would require a new prison to be built on it. Basically all law makers and law officers would be in jail. This stems from the top down to the government employee working in any office that deals with the public. They all want money from the "customer" so they will do the job they are already paid to do. Every one knows these scumbags are corrupt to the core and do nothing. That why this country is third world and will never change. Until of course when the PM closes all borders, removes all foreigners and turns it into North Korea. Then no one can see what happens.

Edited by callaway
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If they pass the law, it will be used to permanently eliminate the Democrat's and Suthep's enemies. And after that, they will change the law so it cannot be applied to themselves.

It's not a threat.

It's a promise.

Written by me, November 3, 2015 / 2558

Remember I said it first... my crystal ball just got fresh batteries.wink.png

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Hey, they can pass any law they want. Who cares? All that will happen will be a coup where the new leaders will issue amnesties that will clear corrupt crooks and allow them back into office or they will simply remove the offending legislation. We all have to remember, this is Thailand, where corruption is an age old art form, where the wealth is not earned but taken under the table. Any talk of dealing sincerely with corruption should be posted under the Joke of the Day forum.

How many Westerners can say they have not benefited from corruption of some sort here in Thailand?

Come on now, lets not be hypocrites.

Edited by possum1931
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how 'bout a ban on Generals playing politics ... whistling.gif

And you carry on about other posters derailing the topic, what a hypocrite !

The corrupt politicians should be banned for life, have any assets they "acquired" while in power confiscated (and given to the poor rice farmers, where the money probably came from to begin with) and a prison term as well.

The PTP crowd would be the first ones thrown in prison, that's for sure. whistling.gif

"The PTP crowd would be the first ones thrown in prison, that's for sure" Given who is power now, publicly and in the shadow government, I agree with you, but the irony might be lost on you altogether. Then the next round will be retaliation....ad infinitum.

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Considering the pervasive nature of corruption on Thailand, this focus on politicians seems too selective. If there are reasonable laws against corrupt practices already in place, then it's difficult to see how punishing politicians is going to move things forward. The focus should be on the police, prosecutors, and the courts.

The Thai Police is too much an organization that polices itself. The same can be said of the Thai military. Here we have two of the largest institutions in Thailand with limited accountability for their actions.

The political arm provides the only hope for changing this. Yet, if the politicians are marginalized (and this focus on corruption is just one way they are being marginalized), who will be addressing the pressing needs to reform the police, military and judicial arms?

This is a classic example of "cutting off your nose to spite your face".

But I digress. At this point, it's all talk by new Committee members who have yet to lose their enthusiasm. Let the endless discussion re-commence.

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along with a jail term, this would be a good example to the rest of them and to show the rest of the world that you are serious.....

And the corrupt would judge the corrupt?? It would only create a "git while the gitting is good" mentality. There would be no last man left standing. It will just never happen to something that is a lifestyle.

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I think they should also get some Jail time , and a life time band , Currently politicians here seemed to dishonest with rules like this no wonder the countries broke.

I disagree. They should have to be responsible for getting their own music.

BTW, the country isn't broke. It is in the "rich nation" status of foreign reserves (No. 14 in the world, ahead of Britain) and has no truly outstanding debt. Thailand runs a deficit budget, but pretty small deficit.

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along with a jail term, this would be a good example to the rest of them and to show the rest of the world that you are serious.....

And the corrupt would judge the corrupt?? It would only create a "git while the gitting is good" mentality. There would be no last man left standing. It will just never happen to something that is a lifestyle.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you are saying, it sounds like you are saying those that steal money from the Thai people should remain in office and go unpunnished - is that right ? or what would you do with them ? hand out trophies for top corruption places and encourage the rest to do better, the mind boggles

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Considering the pervasive nature of corruption on Thailand, this focus on politicians seems too selective. If there are reasonable laws against corrupt practices already in place, then it's difficult to see how punishing politicians is going to move things forward. The focus should be on the police, prosecutors, and the courts.

The Thai Police is too much an organization that polices itself. The same can be said of the Thai military. Here we have two of the largest institutions in Thailand with limited accountability for their actions.

The political arm provides the only hope for changing this. Yet, if the politicians are marginalized (and this focus on corruption is just one way they are being marginalized), who will be addressing the pressing needs to reform the police, military and judicial arms?

This is a classic example of "cutting off your nose to spite your face".

But I digress. At this point, it's all talk by new Committee members who have yet to lose their enthusiasm. Let the endless discussion re-commence.

IMHO nobody would disagree that there are other major institutionalized areas of massive corruption: the police, the education ministry and more, and they all need major and urgent major intervention / change of processes etc.

Making a severe dent / sending strong message by punishing politicians could well be a start, and if Thailand was able to get sincere, capable and honest politicians / ministers etc., at the helm that could be the start of a broader clean out process.

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along with a jail term, this would be a good example to the rest of them and to show the rest of the world that you are serious.....

How about this for starters? This would get corrupt officials attention eh?

Where is Suthep hiding

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how 'bout a ban on Generals playing politics ... whistling.gif

And you carry on about other posters derailing the topic, what a hypocrite !

The corrupt politicians should be banned for life, have any assets they "acquired" while in power confiscated (and given to the poor rice farmers, where the money probably came from to begin with) and a prison term as well.

The PTP crowd would be the first ones thrown in prison, that's for sure. whistling.gif

And you carry on about other posters derailing the topic, what a hypocrite !

you're making stuff up again...

And you are also delusional if think that a pronouncement by a self-appointed military government's hand-pick national reform committee to ban politicians for life is "being derailed" by calling for the country to consider sending the generals permanently back to the barracks.

corrupt people - politicians included - should be charged and tried. generals should not be running countries.

how hard is that to understand?

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how 'bout a ban on Generals playing politics ... whistling.gif

And you carry on about other posters derailing the topic, what a hypocrite !

The corrupt politicians should be banned for life, have any assets they "acquired" while in power confiscated (and given to the poor rice farmers, where the money probably came from to begin with) and a prison term as well.

The PTP crowd would be the first ones thrown in prison, that's for sure. whistling.gif

And you carry on about other posters derailing the topic, what a hypocrite !

you're making stuff up again...

And you are also delusional if think that a pronouncement by a self-appointed military government's hand-pick national reform committee to ban politicians for life is "being derailed" by calling for the country to consider sending the generals permanently back to the barracks.

corrupt people - politicians included - should be charged and tried. generals should not be running countries.

how hard is that to understand?

This topic is not about "a ban on Generals playing politics".

how hard is that to understand?

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The problem, as already pointed out, is an endless tit-for-tat banning of 'corrupt' politicians. There are varying degrees of corruption just as there is in law-breaking and IMO only the courts should have the power to determine the guilt or innocence of a politician and only the most serious cases should be liable to a permanent political ban.

Temporary bans (yellow cards) - eg for vote buying or slandering an opponent during an election - should still apply but red card cases should be heard before a court.

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Interesting topic across cultures. Perhaps a reflection on the classical period of Greece and the use of ostracism. Family was not affected but those voted to be ostracized where forced out of society for a period of 10 years. A substantial amount of time which served to break the power of those found by the citizens (note, citizenship was quite limited) to be corrupt, a threat to democracy of the city, etc.

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Corrupt politicians or politicians with any criminal records should be band for life. Also any government employee from the very top level to the lowest level ( that means everybody working for or in the government including the janitor ) if they have any criminal record for anything, They can not get a job working for any branch of the government period ever !! If your convicted of a crime while working for the government instant dismissal no exceptions for ever !! Many countries have these laws in place for good reasons !! It's just common sense oh ya I guess there lies the problem.......

Edited by GeckosDiving
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Politicians...police...courts...military....Where to start?

starting somewhere would be more than anyone or any government has even attempted to do in the past 30 years, what do you do when those elected to run the country are the worst offenders

I'd like to hear opinions on that one lol

My answer is - get rid of them all and put a system in place were they cannot abuse it or would find it very difficult to abuse and put in place harsh punnishments for those that are caught, since the governments of this country are the main perps of such crimes who is going to make the changes.........in the past it definitely wouldn't have been any elected government who have been proven time after time to be rotten to the core, so how do you deal with that

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There is no need for a lifetime ban of corrupt politicians. If the oversight agencies are given enough teeth, corrupt politicians can be prosecuted and given lengthy jail terms - the lifetime becomes automatic with the sentence and the incarceration reduces the opportunity for sideline participation.

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One positive thing to do is extend the 5 year ban to a 10 year ban, so the politicians

that get on the 10 ban, would hopefully lose a lot of their power, or at least respect,

and some clout in those 10 years. Heck even the family of Thaksin, may be rich, but in10

years, the family will be a lot more forgotten than the current 5 year ban allows.

One has to start somewhere to get a better chance of having a true democracy in


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