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Monk calls on Thai govt to burn down 1 mosque for 1 dead Buddhist monk


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This Guy definately doesn't have a natural calling for the Bhuddist Monkhood!

Whatever ! He is a human being, and like many others today , have just about had enough of this crap from the worlds muslim community.

Good on him for speaking out. His brothers are being murdered by muslims just because they love and worship Lord Buddha. In a peaceful manner , i might say.

He is not calling for death or beheading as muslims do, but the elimination of the houses of iniquity where all this muslim hatred is spawned.

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Kick him out of the Sangaa and charge him with inciting violence. 20 years in jail should make him see the error of his ways

Twenty years in prison for having an opinion, you are a nice guy ! Should easily get a job with Prayuth.

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The South has an identical situation with the Eughirs in Myanmar, and in both cases their land was annexed, their properties were confiscated, and their religions were unsuccessfully...assimilated. Thais respect religion and the Thai flag, but it is unstated that the only religion they respect is Thai ฿uddhism.

When one reads history, the victors are "liberators" and "revolutionaries".

The losers are terrorists and thugs.

I never know who to side with when both sides are gunning down children, like last year when a Thai ranger volunteer shot a kid and then put a gun in his dead hand. There was no prosecution in that case, and the ranger was allegedly transferred to an inactive post (and how the hell do you do THAT with a volunteer?).

In the South, both sides are up to their elbows in blood.


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I know that we do not expect tis of a religeous man but islam is an intolerant and dominating ideology that tries to impose it's own sharia law. As a retired farang and guest here in Thailand. I am very happy with the buddist philosophy and it gels with my christian principles. I cannot say the same for islam which does not recognise any other faiths. I would never consider living in Malaysia or Indonesia.

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Given any Thai make can become a monk and many criminals hide out as monks, why should this one heeded?

because of who he is and where he comes from.

Thai military governments have a history of letting the dogs out... I mentioned the "killing communists is a net plus, let's go make merit" monk ... he was from the military dictators' time 40 years ago... He was also a high-ranking monk from an important temple.

This moron is also a very high-ranking monk from an extremely important temple. It is unlikely that anybody in the current, military government is going to even say "boo" to him, more likely, he'll get cheered on.

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This Guy definately doesn't have a natural calling for the Bhuddist Monkhood!

Mosques are only mortar and bricks and replicable, human life aren't, so far those Muslim terrorists

are killing innocent people indiscreetly and with malic, as many as 6,000 people are already dead

and counting, and if it take a very radicle and extreme idea to stop it, that I'm all for it...

@ezzra: How does burning a Mosque solve the situation?

if an American Christian person killed a Canadian Jew, how will burning a Church in Canada affect anything ?

it makes no sense what you are saying. its like a kid getting punished at school for something he didnt do! (the perpetrators wont care a less).

Burning a Mosque will only 'fuel' more reasons for attacks.

All the normal people that go to the Mosques in the north of Thailand are 'regular' people. Nothing to do with the incident. Burning their mosque would upset and anger a whole community that has nothing to do with the incident in the south.

Do you have kids ezzra? i wonder how you Punish them when they are naughty. i worry about your tactics,, it doesnt make a mentally safe environment for the children when adults with responsibility handle situations in this manner.

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I don't see that it has anything to do with hate, after 6000 murders and not a few monks something has to be tried. Ignoring the problem only makes it worse and the terrorists don't seem interested in negotiating, knocking down a few mosques and hate Schools seems perfectly reasonable given the scale of the threat.

Closing Mosques and Islamic schools by using the law is what's required after the authority's have reasonable facts to back the closures (and arrests)

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This monk must be defrock

Buddhism is not a violent religion in contrast to other religions

Buddhism is not a violent religion - I agree.

Buddhism in Thailand is not the same as Buddhism in other countries... they neglect the violent rules.

if you notice, all Buddhists in Thailand happily eat dead animals.. (even the "Highest Ranking Monks" in Thailand).

one of the MOST IMPORTANT rules of Buddhism is to refrain from harming ANY LIVING THING.

Thai Buddhist monks are all in "denial" about this, and will give a pathetic excuse of an answer as to why they dont eat meat.

So, when this monk says to burn down a Mosque, it is to be expected, because he is talking from a point-of-view that is already twisted and deceitful to his own religion. in my opinion, any monk that is not vegetarian is already not a monk. otherwise they are in complete contradiction to the very religion they follow.

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People seem to be overlooking the point that a muslim has murdered a buddhist monk before it would happen.

That means he walks up to the man and murders him in cold blood just because he is not a muslim.

Everyone is saying how everybody is to blame equally : does anyone actually know the figures of how many are killed by muslim terrorists and how many by the other side ?.

All I can find is:

"By end-2012 the conflict since 2004 had resulted in some 3,380 deaths, including 2,316 civilians, 372 troops, 278 police, 250 suspected insurgents, 157 education officials, and seven Buddhist monks."

Which suggest to me that the muslims killed 3130 against 250 by the authorities.

Hardly 'both sides to blame equally' is it ?. People in this world need to sort out their priorities instead of jumping on the 'poor persecuted people' bandwagon. They are cold blooded murdering terrorist scum who think Allah blesses them for doing it.

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People seem to be overlooking the point that a muslim has murdered a buddhist monk before it would happen.

That means he walks up to the man and murders him in cold blood just because he is not a muslim.

Everyone is saying how everybody is to blame equally : does anyone actually know the figures of how many are killed by muslim terrorists and how many by the other side ?.

All I can find is:

"By end-2012 the conflict since 2004 had resulted in some 3,380 deaths, including 2,316 civilians, 372 troops, 278 police, 250 suspected insurgents, 157 education officials, and seven Buddhist monks."

Which suggest to me that the muslims killed 3130 against 250 by the authorities.

Hardly 'both sides to blame equally' is it ?. People in this world need to sort out their priorities instead of jumping on the 'poor persecuted people' bandwagon. They are cold blooded murdering terrorist scum who think Allah blesses them for doing it.

The situation in the deep South is not black & white. How many of the civilian deaths were caused by cold bloodied revenge attacks by Thai death squads? How many deaths in the deep South have been contributed to by corrupt members of Thai security forces assisting insurgency members with their smuggling operations to raise funds to support the insurgency?

Though a bit out of date read the analysis below by a Thai military officer...

The Conflict in Southern Thailand

Chumphot Nurakkate

Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies

Australian Defence College

March 2012


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After living among dealing with and doing business with Muslims for many many years,I can only say ,their religion is one of hate,never love and I would trust a rattlesnake more than one of them,sorry if that offends anyone ,but I have spent to much of my life dealing with them,if you are not one of them ,then to most of them you are nothing

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