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Monk calls on Thai govt to burn down 1 mosque for 1 dead Buddhist monk


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It's not confirming that at all. You have to break the taboos and look at what causes mistrust. A lot of it comes from self segregation. Note that you never mentioned Muslim men attending a funeral

And many Muslim women I meet in Malaysia are often absolutely terrified of being seen talking to a foreigner.

All the local Muslims, not forbidden by gender to attend functions

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My wife thinks the monk was possibly saying it with an element of sarcasm, bearing in mind it's exactly the reaction of Islamic militants. Look at what they do when they didn't get what they wanted, killing teachers and school children.

Unfortunately this goes back generations.. You have good people and bad people in all communities but in a Muslim community they all listen to one leader and go for it. That single way of thinking is really a problem. No wonder the old Thais have a saying "if you see a Muslim and a snake, hit the muslim first"


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Once you've seen a beheading 100 yards from you in the borough of Woolwich in the name of Islam. You will never forget. So I for one not only feel what he says but also would like to see the end of Islam in my own country. Because this shit is only going to get worse, a lot worse.

It's not your country, it belongs to all it's citizens, irrespective of faith.

Only a bigot calls for the eradication of another faith.

Be they buddhist, christian, muslim, whatever.

Bigotry and intolerance are the problem, not faith.

How dare traditional inhabitants of a land call for the eradication of an arriving faith that is busy trying to eradicate you, your family, and your way of life? The more Europe is destroyed by an ignorant and violent bronze-age culture, the more frantic the left wing denials are. Recent events in Europe have convinced me that Europe will be an Islamic caliphate within the next decade and not in the next 25 years as is universally accepted. Shame on the loony left for destroying our way of life, once and for all.

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When they get a team together to burn them down, when they have finished in Thailand, hire them to go to the UK and Australia and burn them all down there as well, 1 for every non-Muslim that they have killed including our forces. That should do it!

Deary me, but there are some truly ridiculous notions that pass for thought these days.
Its MY opinion ok? You can think whatever you want, up to you.

No way are you EVER gonna make me think like you...good day to you.

If I ever found myself thinking like you, I'd have to change what I'm thinking.
Good for you, sir...

The only difference is, I don't slag off your way of thinking.....you are quite welcome to think how you like.

I will still wake up every morning, go water the garden, make my Mrs a lemon detox, and me a cup of tea, and then sit down with my iPad for an hour....without one damn thought if you like my way of thinking or not...good day to you, have a nice one...

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Growing up in Tower Hamlets in London gives me some right to hold views about Islam - most Muslims are very nice people but a fair percentage prefer to segregate themselves and are not that pleasant to be honest, how many times have I been told to walk my dog somewhere else " this is our area"

One of the most telling things I've seen is once walking behind a black girl past the mosque in brick lane and prayers had just finished. She couldn't get past a group of elders and was told to walk on the other side of the road! - she was having none of it.. "you're in England now!"

Now, they couldn't really accuse her of being racist could they..

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seriously if you know how malay ppl act like he actually is correct. They aren't very pleasant look at how they treat their minorities in malaysia where they are the majority for example yet all because they are muslim or some other factor involved they get away with it or are potrayed as victims.

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Lets say the Government decided to do what he thinks is a good idea. The result would be a full scale war with Islam and every radical Islamist from across the world would descend on Thailand to do their worst and form a 'Caliphate', beheading all Buddhists who won't convert.

Of course, Thai's never think much beyond whatever comes out of their mouths at any given time do they !

oh please you think they have the means to do that?

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