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Thai cop blames rape of British tourist on bar's late hours


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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

He is right.

Have no excuses for rapists, but women do have certain responsibilities to themselves to ensure they keep safe and not vulnerable, as do we all regardless of the situations.


Thai chicks dont catch Taxis late @ night.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

He is right.

Have no excuses for rapists, but women do have certain responsibilities to themselves to ensure they keep safe and not vulnerable, as do we all regardless of the situations.

You are believing she was drunk and senseless. Maybe she had only 2-3 drinks. How does a girl fight off a man ? Maybe he was armed with a knife or

gun. What a stupid thing to say. What if it was someone you knew ?? You must believe that all women should never go out to a bar, restaurant etc.

I hear that the BIB are hiring. You should apply; as you would fit right in with these lot :(

Without being there the time of the morning suggests there would be more than 2-3 drinks consumed over the evening one would think. Further, in foreign countries even guys should take more care than usual themselves ie: don't go out drunk alone etc.

Speculation will always be rife, you're doing it yourself, when there is no first hand knowledge of what has occurred.

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Reminds me of the speech of some crazed dumb looney (damn, I forgot the name) who stated in public that foreign girls in sexy clothing are basically at fault themselves for getting raped and their heads bashed in on Thai islands at night, especially if they look really sexy. It is absolutely beyond belief what some of the "people in charge" in this country have coming out of their pottymouthes at times... sickening sick.gif

Boy...I hope the person who said that wasn't somebody important like a general or a high ranking politician...

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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

It's quite safe to assume, that nobody here thinks raping tourists only happens in Thailand.

As already mentioned in the article, there was also a similar comment of a top ranking Thai representative mentioning "wearing bikinis on the beach".

Now we hear the same kind of emotionally disturbing "explanation" and silly "safety enhancement actions" from an also quite high ranking servant of the Thai state (deputy commander of the national police force), again.

Now, where all over the world do we also hear such public, official statements from top state servants? This is the news, not the reporting of this heinous rape.

But wait, then comes this gem, as if adding insult to injury wouldn't be enough: Wutthi said the incident “has greatly damaged the image of Thailand.” You can't make this up. Comments like that exactly damage the image of Thailand ("Thainess"?), you can hear them again and again - No need for "Thai bashers" or prophylactically trying to silence them, the officials do this job much better and more effective. What a sad state that is.

TIT, not all over the world, sorry.

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Agree primary cause of rape is rapists. That is a no brainer, but then again the cop shows lacks even that.

Secondary accessories to the crime are the police.

1. If bars are open late, who's fault is that for not enforcing the law? The police

2. Police are no where to be seen unless some payoff is possible. No police patrols: Fault lies again with police

3. If by some chance perp is arrested (say the rape took place at police station, with no police involved), very great probability no justice will be served.

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Now I understand why people do not trust police What a crock if BS. Lat night bar is the reason this woman got raped. And this is a high ranking official,

She was raped because of a low life who raped her not because of the bar. GIve me a break.

I am appalled at at a comment like that .I really wonder if this officer has proper education ?

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

Thais are a simple people. Drunk = senseless

2 plus 2 is four

It's actually a bit more complicated than that, but before a person ventures into another country, be it Brazil or East LA they should be aware of how to act so as to keep themselves reasonably safe.

Last week I saw two women from England strip naked and walk to the middle of the street and start to fondle each other.

While this poor woman may have done no such thing, I am seeing more and more that today's tourist tends to be completely unaware or both their own behavior and their surroundings.

Father Bob

Edited by bobthomas
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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

It might in your home country but not in mine. Where you from, India?

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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

I'm sure your intentions were right when you posted this but you are wrong to raise this point. What this policeman said is disgraceful, the attention should be on prosecuting the disgusting pervert who committed the crime and not focusing on Thailands reputation and assigning blame for late night opening.

It doesn't matter if these things happen elsewhere, if they did myself and others would be equally as disgusted in comments like this, of this I am sure.

So, dont let Thailand off the hook by stating they are not alone, they have a blo*dy long way to go before they get their attitude right towards these terrible crimes.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

Think we all know what a bikini is. LOS used the tourist bikini as an excuse before with a crime. Seems the tourist wearing a bikini was the problem...

Your thoughts....?

My statement was referring to what was mentioned in the quote. I in no way pretend to understand or endorse what Prayut has to say at anytime.

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Now I understand why people do not trust police What a crock if BS. Lat night bar is the reason this woman got raped. And this is a high ranking official,

She was raped because of a low life who raped her not because of the bar. GIve me a break.

I am appalled at at a comment like that .I really wonder if this officer has proper education ?

You miss the point

1) Thais have a real problem obeying the law- laws in Thailand are largely ignored partly because there is uneven enforcement across the board

2) Any attempt to promote the following of the laws is an obvious step in the right direction


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Try responding by pure aggression against your so good good citizens. Actually mostly there dirty men drinking thai WHISKY all day and abusing woman

Not blame a business's be a man not a coward

Are you a coward or a man

Edited by Vandadavid
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What an intellect this chap is. Definitely a prime candidate promoting how good the RTP are. Sadly I don't want to brand everyone the same but when you have someone in such a high ranking position coming out with outrageous and ignorant comments, it is hard not too.

Obviously a charmer of a man too.

Five year old brains inside adult bodies.

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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

Cops in the West know better than to blame the victim. While not an Thai thing, it's a backward developing or third-world attitude that many people here still believe.

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