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Thai cop blames rape of British tourist on bar's late hours


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Before you read further, note that I would happily volunteer to stamp on the perpetrators genitalia until all that was left resembled a jar of Robinson's Strawberry Jam.

And shove an unlubricated baseball bat up the jacksy of the dumb cop.

But I do want to point out:

According to the police report, Charnchai approached the victim on motorcycle and offered her a ride to her hotel, but instead took her to a wooded area and sexually assaulted her. Charnchai has been charged with rape.

I'm afraid the "Land of Smiles" BS lures people into thinking it's perfectly safe to go off into the dark in a place you don't know with a strange man.

Would you do that anywhere else?

Many years ago, a couple of BA stewards (male and female) were drugged by a couple who had innocently sat down to drink with them. They awoke in a Texas ditch, naked, bound and having both been raped.

The police said they had probably been filmed, and they were lucky to be alive.

BA then sent out an alert to all cabin crew reminding them to go out in numbers, not accept drinks from strangers, etc.

It was sound advice then and it's sound advice now.

And no it does NOT excuse his actions, but people could be more sensible.

One hopes this is the advice any of you parents give your children.

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I sincerely hope this police officer doesn't climb up through the ranks of the police force. What an simpleton!


"The assault took place in the town of Pai in Mae Hong Son province in the early hours of Oct. 25, and a Chiang Mai man was arrested Friday in connection with the crime, according to deputy police chief Wutthi Phuawade, who said the suspect assaulted the victim after she left a bar."

Suggest you read the article and inwardly digest!

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MAE HONG SON A British tourist was raped in northern Thailand last week, and a deputy commander of the national police force said Monday it was because a bar stayed open too late.

Err, no. It was because some toe-rag thought he could get away with it. The Plod really ought to consider what their words sound like in those countries they want tourist money from - have they not yet learned that whitey takes a rather dim view of such opinions?

Err. no. The bar was still open that late because the Police didn't do their job and close it. Now why didn't they do that?whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Reminds me of the speech of some crazed dumb looney (damn, I forgot the name) who stated in public that foreign girls in sexy clothing are basically at fault themselves for getting raped and their heads bashed in on Thai islands at night, especially if they look really sexy. It is absolutely beyond belief what some of the "people in charge" in this country have coming out of their pottymouthes at times... sickening sick.gif

Some foreign girls in Thailand do wear too sexy clothes and also drink too much. Some even accept all free drinks they can get.....

Of course they still don't deserve to be raped but it's a dangerous game they're playing.

Many backpackers go to Pai and get pissed there, girls who travel alone should know that this is not Europe.

Also many backpackers go to Pai to climb the mountain on a rented scooter, without a driverslicense or anything. Why? Because they can but when it goes wrong they blame Thailand for it.

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MAE HONG SON A British tourist was raped in northern Thailand last week, and a deputy commander of the national police force said Monday it was because a bar stayed open too late.

Err, no. It was because some toe-rag thought he could get away with it. The Plod really ought to consider what their words sound like in those countries they want tourist money from - have they not yet learned that whitey takes a rather dim view of such opinions?

They don't care.

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Before you read further, note that I would happily volunteer to stamp on the perpetrators genitalia until all that was left resembled a jar of Robinson's Strawberry Jam.

And shove an unlubricated baseball bat up the jacksy of the dumb cop.

But I do want to point out:

According to the police report, Charnchai approached the victim on motorcycle and offered her a ride to her hotel, but instead took her to a wooded area and sexually assaulted her. Charnchai has been charged with rape.

I'm afraid the "Land of Smiles" BS lures people into thinking it's perfectly safe to go off into the dark in a place you don't know with a strange man.

Would you do that anywhere else?

Many years ago, a couple of BA stewards (male and female) were drugged by a couple who had innocently sat down to drink with them. They awoke in a Texas ditch, naked, bound and having both been raped.

The police said they had probably been filmed, and they were lucky to be alive.

BA then sent out an alert to all cabin crew reminding them to go out in numbers, not accept drinks from strangers, etc.

It was sound advice then and it's sound advice now.

And no it does NOT excuse his actions, but people could be more sensible.

One hopes this is the advice any of you parents give your children.

I think you've hit the nail on the head here.

The perpetrator and frankly this cop are another pair of people who's mothers I wish would have taken out a medical plan that included abortion but you make a good point.

These type of things happen everywhere; I live in f*cking Wales for God-sake and even women here get raped and its just as despicable here as it is anywhere else on the planet.

Yet the main difference is that the police in a lot of other countries don't take such a morbidly idiotic, nonsensical attitude towards it. Don't get me wrong a lot of them probably care about as little as this waste of space but at least they are somewhat competent in 'talking'. The stupidity on show is bemusing and such a bad reflection on a country where I genuinely believe a lot of the real people don't share these views.

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Police Gen. Wutthi Phuawade spoke and alarmed the world. Is it possible, the people of the world ask themselves, that a Police General could possess this level of ignorance, insensitivity, lack of intelligence, lack of forethought, and lack of common sense and reason? Is it possible?

​Yes. And you know why? This is the RTP. An organization famous the world over for the above qualities, in abundance. That this infamous organization would appoint this man as spokesperson, a man that does not have a diplomatic bone in his body, says it all, does it not?

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

He is right.

Have no excuses for rapists, but women do have certain responsibilities to themselves to ensure they keep safe and not vulnerable, as do we all regardless of the situations.

Cyberfarang you're the perfect candidate to join the Thai police, in an inactive post of course.

Unless you were being cynical.

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Aren't Thai Police wonderful.... I was rear ended by a motorbike....no great damage but reported it to the police and he took my driving

license and would not return it until I paid him 1500 baht and the motorbike guy 2000 baht. I called my insurance representative and was advised to pay. I was gobsmacked. So am not the least bit surprised that the tourist was at fault

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Regardless of what happens to tourists and expats - be it rape, murder or theft they do seem to keep coming here. Maybe not in the numbers of a few years ago but the still keep coming regardless of the negative stories.

Perhaps they are all just asking for it (sarcasm intended before anyone jumps on their high horse)

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OMG - blaming the victim! The alleged rape took place because someone does not respect others or the law! Would he make the same comment if the victim was a member of his family? NO.

How would he feel if one of his colleagues was killed in the course of his duties and we gave the lame excuse "Well, he should not have been there". Says much about the quality of many RTP members unfortunately.

No wonder the Police does not have the respect of the people or visitors to the country when this sort of childish mentality pervades their service. No amount of promised "welfare reforms" for the RTP is going to change anything.

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I did not know that there was a time when someone becomes drunk and senseless, and when that time comes i did not know that it became a time that a Thai person can rape someone, the Thai man is to blame simple as that, they have been doing this to the many Thai girls for years, but they seem not to report it, and then the man thinks he can do it to anyone, the only factor to blame in a rape is the man, and nothing else, thats why it is called a rape,

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I hope he arrested the bar immediately and charged it with rape a total disgrace how such a person with such obvious low intelligence should be allowed to comment on such a terrible crime let alone be a policeman. An Absolute mesmerising comment and hope the tourist recovers fully from her shocking ordeal.

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This sort of stupidity is why I don't give a rats arse about thailand.

I wonder who taking monthly payments so bars can stay open late ! same idiot coppers who blundering this case ...

If tourists got any sense they will go somewhere better than this corrupt inept dump .

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OK...so if the bars do close exactly on time and a rape still does occur.... then what kind of Thai wisdom will the police officer have to offer the citizens.

"Captain Somchai": "Get me the official book of lame reasons and excuses.....the last ones we used are not relevant now"


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AS long as I have been in this country and as much as I like Thailand, I still cannot get my head around this type of attitude. It is always some circumstance which makes a Thai do what they do. There is never any type of real expression of guilt. This loss of face attitude continues to destroy Thailand. When is someone in authority going to actually admit the truth and say this type of behavior will not be tolerated/ If I sound disgusted I am.

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This happened a week ago and this is the first it is reported.

This culture of saving face, covering things up or keeping things quiet is utterly nauseating.

No doubt the authorities in Pai were more concerned about potential negative impact on tourism than actually seeking justice for the poor British victim.

The police officer's comments here are insensitive and unprofessional at best and downright reprehensible at worst.

What this cop said is very valuable because it is what he believes. At least he is honest about what he thinks unlike higher authority that is spewing propaganda. It is a hell of a lot easier to change a man's thinking when you know what he thinks than it is when you don't know it.

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If I sound jaded it's because I've seen the rape and abuse of thousands of women in the Middle East over the years, and it still goes on.

There are places where women simply have to be more careful than others, and Thailand is one of those crapholes.

Our security boys once collared a taxi driver here who had raped a housemaid while taking her home from the airport.

At the station, the captain's first question, and I shit you not, was "Was she a virgin"?

It makes my blood boil sometimes, I tell you.

I would show no mercy.

It goes as far as having to read about kids getting raped and the courts letting the offender sort it out financially with the victims family.

And it is the norm, not the exception.

Of course if a foreigner rapes a local, they demand instant and harsh justice.

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The problem is that this is what many Thais think and how their thought process works. Their thought process is absolutely alien to the way we think. It centers on the loss of face concept in which Thais cannot admit to wrongdoing or admitting guilt because they would lose face. This attitude is destroying Thailand and once a non Thai becomes aware of it it causes barriers that are insurmountable. You either ignore this personality defect or work around it. No Western can ever accept it and that is one reason why we can never be accepted fully in Thailand. And it becomes worse when you can speak and understand Thai b because you actually hear the expression of this nonsense clearly and fully.

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