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Thai cop blames rape of British tourist on bar's late hours


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Whose determined if the woman was "drunk and senseless?" The commander's comments spotlight the fact that Thais never except responsibility for their behavior and the police, when confronted with a Thai and a farang victum make sure of it. The larger problem is that there is nowhere in the Thai justice system where this victim can turn. The tourist police seem to be absent on duty as will.

Just as the decades of not paying attention to the education of Thai children is fast getting ready to hit the country in the face, the cumulative effect of the poor treatment of tourists will eventually reach a critical mass and..... what then -exports are gone-consumers are already in debt up to their eyeballs. The politicians need to pay more attention to history and experiences of other emerging countries.

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This Thai cop blames the rape on the bars late hours and people getting drunk. He blames it on the tourist. I blame it on the police for not doing there job and checking to see if these bar are closed or maybe the police are getting a little kick back from these bar,s to stay open. This pig raped her and it has nothing to do with her drinking!

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In any western country comments from a police general, (or ACC in the UK), might carry a bit of gravitas. They are often promoted on merit, and total knobheads rarely rise so high. It appears to me that in Thailand the number of generals in the police and armed forces in limited only by the number of candidates with the desire and the family money to buy the rank.

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It’s always interesting to hear from the same TVF posters who jump all over someone after a report of a robbery or assault, for wearing a little bling, or carrying more than 1000 baht, or leaving money in a suitcase in a hotel. As if they were asking to be victimized.

But somehow, there’s a different standard for women being assaulted at 3:00 in the morning alone outside a bar.

I don’t walk around tourist areas drunk with hundred dollar bills hanging out of every pocket- even though I have every right to.

I don’t leave my car running when I’m in the mall shopping for a few hour- even though I have every right to.

I don’t leave my front and rear door open to get that nice ocean breeze all night when I’m sleeping.

If we don’t take some responsibility for putting ourselves into situations where we’re more likely to be victimized, we’re just random prey. And I reject any thought that we’re all random prey and that I have no power to increase my chances of coming home safely, with my goodies and chastity intact.

What happened to her was not her fault, and it was tragic. But there are bad people all over the world, and she put herself in a situation where she was more likely to be victimized by those bad people.

The bar also created a set of circumstances that increased her chances of being victimized by bad people. And they did it in violation of the law.

On those points, I agree with the cop.

How he was portrayed in the media to say it, I don’t agree so much. But that may be down to a culture or translation problem.

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Fair play to her, the victim has given Chiang Mai City Life magazine the details.

When she managed to find someone who took her to Pai hospital, the doctor could not be arsed to come out.

The police took her back to her guesthouse.

The next day they took her to the hospital, who tried to charge her Bt3,700 for a rape kit!

They really are quite useless.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

BS In any language or any grammatical structure the closing time of the bar and the mental state of the victim would have no direct impact on a rape taking place. 6am 1pm 1am...the rapist is the sole cause of a rape. I've seen naked chicks stumble down the road...guess what...I didn't rape them. mad.gif This dipshit cop comes across as a <deleted>, because he is one NOT because his language translates badly. Give me a <deleted> break

spot on

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I did not know that there was a time when someone becomes drunk and senseless, and when that time comes i did not know that it became a time that a Thai person can rape someone, the Thai man is to blame simple as that, they have been doing this to the many Thai girls for years, but they seem not to report it, and then the man thinks he can do it to anyone, the only factor to blame in a rape is the man, and nothing else, thats why it is called a rape,

This is what is known to the outside world as taking responsibility, for ones actions. Reasonable men and women worldwide do this, on a regular basis. It takes a person of substance to be able to say, we are responsible. Our society created the conditions which allowed this to happen. Rape happens all over the world. There are tiny men, with tiny minds, who think somehow that it is ok to violate a woman, who is unwilling to participate in the act. But, even tinier men, like this police general, think that these acts are somehow ok. Oh, he had a few too many drinks. Oh, the woman should not have been out that late. What is this Saudi Arabia? If we wanted to live in a nation without morals and ethics toward women, we would be there, not here. And who is this super freak? The moral police?

The real question is, what prevents him from taking any responsibility for this? What prevents him from saying the obvious? And that is that we have depraved men amongst us, that are THAI, and are super freaks. What is so hard about that?

True words spoken

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We all know the actual facts through long term study in the UK, ''the worlds booze capital'' that opening times of the establishment have the complete opposite effect and actually staying open longer, giving people more time to socialize and drink at an uninterpreted pace will avoid confrontation. Expelling several thousand people into the streets at the same time, all rushing up on alcohol has always been a recipe for disaster. A girl was raped and the guy has unfortunately come out with a comment that would be the last thing an officer in many other forces around the world would ever come out with. Its is that sad its creepy.

Sir its your beat, get your bobby.

Rape and drunken confrontation are two very different things. The study's don't mean sh!t but it would be interesting to know how many rapes are against drunk woman at night vs women in the day

I think you are missing the point he was trying to say the consumption of alcohol was a factor also. In other words he is also saying the rapist must have been drinking late as well.

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We all know the actual facts through long term study in the UK, ''the worlds booze capital'' that opening times of the establishment have the complete opposite effect and actually staying open longer, giving people more time to socialize and drink at an uninterpreted pace will avoid confrontation. Expelling several thousand people into the streets at the same time, all rushing up on alcohol has always been a recipe for disaster. A girl was raped and the guy has unfortunately come out with a comment that would be the last thing an officer in many other forces around the world would ever come out with. Its is that sad its creepy.

Sir its your beat, get your bobby.

Rape and drunken confrontation are two very different things. The study's don't mean sh!t but it would be interesting to know how many rapes are against drunk woman at night vs women in the day

I think you are missing the point he was trying to say the consumption of alcohol was a factor also. In other words he is also saying the rapist must have been drinking late as well.

There is no excuse

A moral man would not do this intentionally !

It is always inside him a menace to society

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Sounds like Mr Wuthi is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. As Deputy police chief there is no way he is not getting a share of squeeze paid by entertainment places in his area. This merely puts the bar owner on notice that his monthly protection payment will soon get a substantial uplift.

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Due to the fact that YOU sir and your 'police officers' finish work at 6 pm and are no where to be seen in the evenings except perhaps armed and in bars getting pissed for free.

The fact that the perp knows that you will do nothing, investigate nothing and will gladly take a kick back to let said perp go, all adds to this being your fault.

Do your <deleted> jobs. bah.gif

Agreed! Hear him! clap2.gifclap2.giffacepalm.gifwai.gif

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Due to the fact that YOU sir and your 'police officers' finish work at 6 pm and are no where to be seen in the evenings except perhaps armed and in bars getting pissed for free.

The fact that the perp knows that you will do nothing, investigate nothing and will gladly take a kick back to let said perp go, all adds to this being your fault.

Do your <deleted> jobs. bah.gif

Agreed! Hear him! clap2.gifclap2.giffacepalm.gifwai.gif

I believe what you are referring to, is the near complete lack of law enforcement in this nation. It is a national travesty. The RTP are a national and an international embarrassment. They provide very little in the way of service. They provide very little in the way of protection for both Thais and expats.

The sad reality is it is not entirely their fault. It is the fault of the central government. They refuse to pay these men and women fairly, to equip and train them properly, or to take responsibility for any of this. So, in essence the true failure lies with a succession of central governments, that consistently fail their people.

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Wow. If there's one thing cops here are good at, it's finger-pointing, as witnessed by the daily perp photos, and now this latest public relations masterpiece.

So, let's see now; the corruption engine runs 24/7, but the law enforcement/public safety engine just keeps bankers hours.

Thainess. Maybe shutting down the country for awhile wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

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British tourists beaten and raped in separate attacks at popular holiday hotspots TWO British women have suffered brutal attacks at the hands of locals in separate incidents at popular tourist hotspots this week when their holidays turned horrific.

In the past week, a British backpacker was raped while on holiday in a northern Thai tourist town, while another British woman was beaten while on a tour of a Vietnamese national park.

The attacks have prompted fears for British holidaymakers in the South East Asia region, which is popular among young backpackers and those looking for a sunny Christmas escape.

Read More http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/617624/British-tourists-beaten-rape-attacks-popular-holiday-hotspots

Edited by Nicolas32
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