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Thai cop blames rape of British tourist on bar's late hours


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MAE HONG SON A British tourist was raped in northern Thailand last week, and a deputy commander of the national police force said Monday it was because a bar stayed open too late.

Err, no. It was because some toe-rag thought he could get away with it. The Plod really ought to consider what their words sound like in those countries they want tourist money from - have they not yet learned that whitey takes a rather dim view of such opinions?

Yes. It's not so much the dim view that whitey takes, really, as the generally accepted principles of Law. At the same time it wouldn't hurt for some people of either gender to be more careful during the wee hours, and certainly the establishments should close at the appointed time, although of course there is no guarantee that such a thing as this wouldn't happen if they do.

Edited by Traveller45
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The rest of his staff were taking bribes elsewhere. Must've been the girls fault too.... Still, an excellent idea to implement 24.00 closing time in Chiang Mai, that is, if you REALLY want tourists to never visit again. Keep it up.

Damn it... No more sexpats. So sad :(

Chiang Mai tourism in general is doing fine. Not great but fine. The problem with many bar/restaurant owners here are that the clientele has changed. Less Sex/beer tourist and more families/couples. Bars here are doing badly at the moment but many other businesses are thriving thank you very much

Edited by TheThaiMe
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Due to the fact that YOU sir and your 'police officers' finish work at 6 pm and are no where to be seen in the evenings except perhaps armed and in bars getting pissed for free.

I know many Thai police officers who are good family men who go home to their wives and kids after work. They tend to rise slowly up the ranks. Others are more aggresive chasing the "dark money" that allows a quicker road to advancement. But those bad boys are not showing up at the local cantinas where the hardcore Thais drink until much later at night. Those spots offer great ambiance with hanging Christmas lights and attractive ladies in fishnet stockings singing Thai country tunes. But best left to those who speak decent Thai and thus know when to quickly exit stage left.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

Thai sentence structure is very similar to English. And Thais have a wealth of metaphors. But I know of no police department anywhere that tends to use anything other than literal language for official business.

The problem is that this is what many Thais think and how their thought process works. Their thought process is absolutely alien to the way we think. It centers on the loss of face concept in which Thais cannot admit to wrongdoing or admitting guilt because they would lose face. This attitude is destroying Thailand and once a non Thai becomes aware of it it causes barriers that are insurmountable. You either ignore this personality defect or work around it. No Western can ever accept it and that is one reason why we can never be accepted fully in Thailand. And it becomes worse when you can speak and understand Thai because you actually hear the expression of this nonsense clearly and fully.

Now the above is much closer to a truth than the comment upon a literal language. And the concept of "face" is part of the Thai perception of power. And to understand Thai concepts of power it is best to read the old ex-pat bible "Everyday life in Thailand: An interpretation" by Niels Mulder. I should note that my former professor of Thai culture, Charles Keyes, was not a fan of Mulder, so there is not 100% agreement on his ideas. But many non-academic ex-pats swear upon the book as the best guide for negotiating Thai culture.
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Aren't Thai Police wonderful.... I was rear ended by a motorbike....no great damage but reported it to the police and he took my driving

license and would not return it until I paid him 1500 baht and the motorbike guy 2000 baht. I called my insurance representative and was advised to pay. I was gobsmacked. So am not the least bit surprised that the tourist was at fault

And what is the moral to that story? Never, ever get the police involved. They are not helpful. They are not useful. They are not on your side. They are not there for public safety. They are not there for investigative purposes. Always remember one thing, and one thing only. They are a revenue collection agency. That is all they are there for.

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Due to the fact that YOU sir and your 'police officers' finish work at 6 pm and are no where to be seen in the evenings except perhaps armed and in bars getting pissed for free.

I know many Thai police officers who are good family men who go home to their wives and kids after work. They tend to rise slowly up the ranks. Others are more aggresive chasing the "dark money" that allows a quicker road to advancement. But those bad boys are not showing up at the local cantinas where the hardcore Thais drink until much later at night. Those spots offer great ambiance with hanging Christmas lights and attractive ladies in fishnet stockings singing Thai country tunes. But best left to those who speak decent Thai and thus know when to quickly exit stage left.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

Thai sentence structure is very similar to English. And Thais have a wealth of metaphors. But I know of no police department anywhere that tends to use anything other than literal language for official business.

The problem is that this is what many Thais think and how their thought process works. Their thought process is absolutely alien to the way we think. It centers on the loss of face concept in which Thais cannot admit to wrongdoing or admitting guilt because they would lose face. This attitude is destroying Thailand and once a non Thai becomes aware of it it causes barriers that are insurmountable. You either ignore this personality defect or work around it. No Western can ever accept it and that is one reason why we can never be accepted fully in Thailand. And it becomes worse when you can speak and understand Thai because you actually hear the expression of this nonsense clearly and fully.

Now the above is much closer to a truth than the comment upon a literal language. And the concept of "face" is part of the Thai perception of power. And to understand Thai concepts of power it is best to read the old ex-pat bible "Everyday life in Thailand: An interpretation" by Niels Mulder. I should note that my former professor of Thai culture, Charles Keyes, was not a fan of Mulder, so there is not 100% agreement on his ideas. But many non-academic ex-pats swear upon the book as the best guide for negotiating Thai culture.

Concern with loss of face is simply the greatest act of cowardice a man or woman can commit. Plain and simple. Do not look within for the source of the problem. Never take responsibility. Never apologize. Always deflect. In this way you grow to become a very self aware human being who benefits society on all levels.

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Well, face-saving is a well-known trait in Asia. Thaidream, I agree with your analysis. I call the particular face-saving tactic "mental jiujitsu." It neatly reverses blame and I have seen it used often in Asia. Here is an example of how it works: You see an acquaintance on the street and he slips by without acknowledging you. When you confront him about it later, he says that he didn't speak to you because YOU looked as though you didn't want to speak to him. In the west this is considered to be dishonest and dishonorable but this neat shifting of blame is often practiced in Asia, seemingly almost subconsciously.

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thai men on the whole do not show the female any respect,seems to be the norm, beating the cr*p out of them,and nothing ever gets done, now we have a high ranking cop. blaming a bar and not the little <deleted> that raped her, so in a way he was condoning this guys actions.

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Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent.[1][2][3][4] The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.[5]

what is rape or only a kiss ?

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Has this 'copper' not realized that it is not the late hours of ANY establishment, but the criminal mind who abuses and takes advantage of a woman. Not every man would rape a drunk woman, but at the least leave her alone and at the most help her to a more secure environment.

He is scapegoating the entertainment or bar for the idiocy of a rapist.

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Another idiotic statement. Stupid to the core. Goes right up the stupidity chart along with 'attracting rape because of what you wear'. It really is mind-numbing to note that someone capable of such irreversible stupidity is in charge of the public's safety.

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This is the deputy commander of the National Police, he is not commenting on a rape. He is citing just one reason why the laws on opening hours should be applied by the police force. Sadly this has to be done because even in "civilised" countries there is a growing belief that laws are discretionary, how many times do we hear that "it is alright if you are doing no harm", this is even more the case in Thailand and possibly one of the reasons tourists like Thailand so much. He may or may not feel that some harm is done when a girl is raped, but that isn't the point; his officers have to waste resources dealing with late night disturbance which he feels the laws on opening hours were designed to prevent.

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the cops in all of Europe would have said the same thing, stop the Thai shaming !

Rubbish, they most certainly would have not and as I have stated before even if they did people would be equally appalled by the comments.

How does that change what this idiot said? Thailand needs to change its attitude towards these crimes and stop trying to "save face" which is all a pile of crap when considering the rape of an innocent woman.

What Thailand doesn't realise is that almost every time they try to save face with some ridiculous comment (effectively insulting the intelligence of foreigners) they look even more foolish.

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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

here we go AGAIN....the "it happens all over the world" post. everything happens all over the world, this is thailand. ive yet to read news from another place in the world where a girl got raped and the police blamed a bar because she got drunk stupid.

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I did not know that there was a time when someone becomes drunk and senseless, and when that time comes i did not know that it became a time that a Thai person can rape someone, the Thai man is to blame simple as that, they have been doing this to the many Thai girls for years, but they seem not to report it, and then the man thinks he can do it to anyone, the only factor to blame in a rape is the man, and nothing else, thats why it is called a rape,

This is what is known to the outside world as taking responsibility, for ones actions. Reasonable men and women worldwide do this, on a regular basis. It takes a person of substance to be able to say, we are responsible. Our society created the conditions which allowed this to happen. Rape happens all over the world. There are tiny men, with tiny minds, who think somehow that it is ok to violate a woman, who is unwilling to participate in the act. But, even tinier men, like this police general, think that these acts are somehow ok. Oh, he had a few too many drinks. Oh, the woman should not have been out that late. What is this Saudi Arabia? If we wanted to live in a nation without morals and ethics toward women, we would be there, not here. And who is this super freak? The moral police?

The real question is, what prevents him from taking any responsibility for this? What prevents him from saying the obvious? And that is that we have depraved men amongst us, that are THAI, and are super freaks. What is so hard about that?

Edited by spidermike007
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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

Whether it's not just a Thai thing or not is irrelevant and is just a distraction. His comments are insensitive and are suggestive that if you see a tourist drunk the police will always look to blame the victim so feel free to take your chances.

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All that stuff is happening, that I heard about when I first came to Thailand. They said I'd be numb to things later. That I'd find the Thai reaction to events so ridiculous, so counter intuitive, that I'd just go blank from the shear weight of it all. Anyway, I can't move. Thank you police captain.

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