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Video of Thai man brutally assaulting wife sparks outrage

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So the who person filmed this hopefully gave this guy a good beating. He's been caught on film, but in Thailand can the guy get away with, "My wife is my property. I have the right to do with her whatever I want." ?

You make this sound like this guy should be a muslem.

Take your hate elsewhere, eh.


This is one of the confrontations one has to deal with when living in Thailand. It is another world which is hard to understand. (as they say).

After seeing the video and read all the reactions all i could do is look outside for half an hour trying to make sense out of all of this.

Sometimes I say to my self: we just don't belong here.


I normally have a strong stomach, but although I watched the video to its end I now feel physically sick.

That is the worst case of violence towards a woman I have ever heard of never mind seen.

I hope the man responsible gets severely dealt with and I hope that poor woman can find a future without

than man ever troubling her again (hopefully because he's behind bars)


He actually looks more western than Thai to me?

No, I think he looks a little like a cross between Chinese, Malay & sea gypsy. FWIW...Jeez.whistling.gif


I say it's a staged event, for what purpose I've no idea but it doesn't quite look real.

Are you for real....?? ​

I am indeed real!

Would you have been more convinced of the reality of the situation with a dash of warm blood on the cement and a flailing arm or leg?


Those who standby and watch are equally guilty in my eyes

I understand your feelings, but this is Thailand where there is no respect for life.

It may have needed well coordinated team of strong people to take him down without being injured themselves.

Jumping into a situation could threaten your life!

Anyway, it all happened in 31 seconds or less!

It would have taken longer to cross the road!

We should be thankful that it was videoed so that the perp can be brought to justice.

Disgusting as this behaviour is, alcohol has a lot to answer for:-

"Daily News reports how the victim and her husband had been out drinking earlier in the day.

The pair began to argue when the husband accused his wife of having an affair.

The argument then escalated when the husband launched the ferocious attack on his wife."

Get well soon poor lady.


He is just lucky that I don't live in that area and that I did not drive by at that time, think he wouldn't have survived it... Stepped in once when a young punk started to assault his girlfriend on the side of the road in Phuket town. Simply couldn't help it. Sure he won't forget that day.

A subhuman like the one in the video doesn't deserve to live on this planet and pollute this world with his "presence", he should be put to death by lethal injection - or better - face the firing squad!


Revolting. No way to treat anyone. Whatever. But whoever was filming this terrible scene should have done the right thing and intervene instead of keep on filming.

I cannot agree with you.

Without the video there would have been ZERO Evidence!

Whoever made the video did the best possible job for the poor victim!

The whole bloody thing was less than 31 seconds - a job for Superman!!! ???


I am non-violent. Though in this case, I would like to head up attidtude adjustment.

There is no spin that makes this right. Nor the attitude adjustment. It is his violent upbringing that created this aberrant behavior.

Where are the gangsters when you need them.


Revolting. No way to treat anyone. Whatever. But whoever was filming this terrible scene should have done the right thing and intervene instead of keep on filming.

I cannot agree with you.

Without the video there would have been ZERO Evidence!

Whoever made the video did the best possible job for the poor victim!

The whole bloody thing was less than 31 seconds - a job for Superman!!! ???

Only a professional would have got it all correct. The video was the best they came up with. 31 seconds in hell is long time.

Lord have mercy. May this pass quickly.

There would have been eye witness testimony.


Revolting. No way to treat anyone. Whatever. But whoever was filming this terrible scene should have done the right thing and intervene instead of keep on filming.

I cannot agree with you.

Without the video there would have been ZERO Evidence!

Whoever made the video did the best possible job for the poor victim!

The whole bloody thing was less than 31 seconds - a job for Superman!!! ???

Only a professional would have got it all correct. The video was the best they came up with. 31 seconds in hell is long time.

Lord have mercy. May this pass quickly.

There would have been eye witness testimony.

So why do you think that eye witnesses would take the time and trouble to come forward and enter into a "domestic dispute"?


This is a reality of life in Thailand.

However, I agree with you in that it would have needed a professional to step in, stop the attack and not get injured in the process.

Where were you when she needed you LOL


So the who person filmed this hopefully gave this guy a good beating. He's been caught on film, but in Thailand can the guy get away with, "My wife is my property. I have the right to do with her whatever I want." ?

You make this sound like this guy should be a muslem.

why moslem? Thai buddhist think exactly the same. So does also my husband and he is buddhist. Men can have as many mia noi as they want, they don't have any problems with this but when the wife has an affair, she is dead.

Btw it's very difficult to do something alone. You would need 10 thais going with you otherwise you could be the next victim., One day in Chaweng at 6 in the morning I saw a man hitting his gf's face with a piece of wood. She was full of blood and a few thai were watching the scene. One of the girls called the police because it was her friend who was hit. Then a german guy (a little bit drunk but not to much) came, took the piece a wood and started to hit this guy. Then the police came and they arrested the german guy who was drunk and assaulted a thai man. facepalm.gif but later all the girls went together to the police station to complain. They arrested then the thai as well. I think both men had to pay 500 baths and bye bye. Revolting but this is the way it is. I hope this guy will get more than this and that this women will recover


There have been times in my life when i have wished i could lower myself to be able to inflict this sort of damage to another human being. This is one of those times.

I know this is probably the wrong thing to say, but i truly hope that the woman was intoxicated throughout this ordeal as the OP states they were both drinking. Nobody deserves that.

It is a sad fact that there never will be true justice in this world because of the laws we have to keep our societies together. There should be an exception to every rule.


He actually looks more western than Thai to me?

No, I think he looks a little like a cross between Chinese, Malay & sea gypsy. FWIW...Jeez.whistling.gif

for me he looks like a pure look krueng. Half monkey, half buffalo, not a human race


Alcohol - a legal drug and the Governments gain tax money!

Makes me wonder what if cannabis was legal?

People high on alcohol tend to violence but

people high on cannabis tend to giggle a lot and say Peace Man - whatever!

Just sayin.


This use to happen to My now Thai wife, before i met her,She was with a Thai man who would beat her after drinking. When she finally plucked up courage to go to the police after a few beatings. they came and arrested him. they put him in the Cells for the night, When he came home he beat her again, for calling the Police, Causing Her a chipped tooth and broken ribs, All the Thai police said was it's a Family matter sort it out yourself, Many times She was beaten in the street, not one Neighbour came to help her. It's Not our problem attitude, not our business, The final Thing was to give her children away, she took six years trying to find them, The last i heard he was doing four years for beating up his 70 year old mother, Maybe if he was given a harsh lesson a lot sooner maybe he would have learned to keep his hands to himself, But you usualy find People like this never stop beating women.Thailand has to start to give Thai women and girls more protection with harsh sentences for abuse to Females, also the Thai attitude should change towards women, but as we know that will never happen,


Those who standby and watch are equally guilty in my eyes

Well everyone's not Chuck Norris like you sungod.

Maybe some people are worried about getting stabbed or killed through good intentions, or worse actually charged for a crime.


Those who standby and watch are equally guilty in my eyes

Well everyone's not Chuck Norris like you sungod.

Maybe some people are worried about getting stabbed or killed through good intentions, or worse actually charged for a crime.

Believe me i would drop down to his level and give him a good kicking, i would not care who or what happend after that, There are some good Thais about who would have said he deserves it,


If that was my Sister or Daughter, the Police would not have to deal with it, I would recycle him and when he comes back as a Roach, I was recycle him again !!

Having said all that no man has a right to treat a woman that way. In most civilized countries that is not Assault, It is Battery with intent to kill !!


Absolutely horrific, I can only hope the press keep a close eye on this one and we all find out that he has been suitably punished with a custodial sentence,, this could easily be seen as attempted murder because a continuation of that kind of physical abuse could surely lead to death.

For Thailand, I am sorry for all the people who think I am Thai bashing but i have to make this observation.

I have seen on many movies that if someone puts a cigarette to their mouth then it is "blurred out" so nobody sees the actual smoking part. So the authorities see this as they have done their job! And then we see terrible violence on day time soap operas! I was in a bar a couple of weeks ago and on this particular Thai program a lady pulls a gun on a man and the man pulls a gun on her, in a house in the middle of the day. By the end of the scene 4 of the 5 people in the scene were dead and then the police arrive taking pictures of the situation on their smart phones! Unbelievable.

Thailand is so far behind in these aspects with no idea how to balance what is appropriate and what is not. Violence towards men and women is common and accepted on Thai soap operas and here we see how a husband treats his wife in the street, in broad daylight after a skin full of whatever he has been drinking.


I think a daily slap is a better torture and less risky than so hard kicks.

what do you mean? You endorse a daily slap?


My anger is also directed at the person who glibly video'd the vicious action without trying to stop it. What a coward !

How do you know it was not a schoolgirl or an old person , Thai people are afraid that people like this may go and get a gun or attack them, Believe it or not a Foreign, Falang would have more chance of hitting him and getting away with it than a Thai person. person

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