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Experts dismiss Ben Carson's belief pyramids used to store grain


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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

This piece of dirt is also 17 years old and let's face it the press will portray every GOP candidate as the head of Medusa, so nobody is going to be swayed one way or another.
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The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!

No it doesn't say that. You and your ilk don't know what you are talking about. gigglem.gif

Yes, it most certainly does say that, Ulysses G., or at least Jefferson, Adams, and many of the composers and signers of The Constitution in subsequent writings clearly, and I do mean clearly, state that that is the meaning and the intent of The First Amendment; Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." Are you trying to say that Thomas Jefferson was mistaken in his writing? Jefferson did not know what he was "talking about"?

Or did President Adams and the entirety of the US Senate not know what they were doing when they ratified Art. 11. (Of The Treaty of Tripoli) "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; "

IMO, sir, you are shown to be the one who 'does not know' what he is talking about. SCOTUS has on a number of occasions also concurred.


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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

I don't know what you are basing his greatness on. I don't know of any great men in modern times, that believe whatever they want to believe even though the FACTS and the SCIENCE clearly show that they are wrong.

The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!

The guy is a doctor, a man of science, yet he only sees what he wants to see.

That appears to be something the two of you have in common.

You will be so sad when your GOP loses yet another election because they allow morons like this to represent them.

No way should a buffoon like this be on any stage unless it is a comedy club.

"The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!"

I'm forced to call you yet again on this untrue statement of yours. Separation of church and state is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.

If you can find it, then please post it. If not, please stop making this totally false statement.

Jefferson, Adams, and many of the composers and signers of The Constitution in subsequent writings clearly, and I do mean clearly, state that that is the meaning and the intent of The First Amendment; Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." Are you trying to say that Thomas Jefferson was mistaken in his writing? Jefferson did not know what he was "talking about"?

Or did President Adams and the entirety of the US Senate not know what they were doing when they ratified Art. 11. (Of The Treaty of Tripoli) "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; "

IMO, sir, you are shown to be the one who 'does not know' what he is talking about. SCOTUS has on a number of occasions also concurred.

This was in response to another person partially or wholly ignorant of the content and MEANING of the First Amendment. As stated, The Supreme Court has historically on every occasion supported the Separation Doctrine, although sometimes more stringently than at others.

Until you are seen to be wearing those robes and writing the majority opinion, perhaps you should not be so ready to trumpet your opinions as facts.

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The fact that Republicans believe in numerous unscientific myths is not a revelation. What does a 17-year old speech about ancient history have to do with whether Carson will run the country into the ground anyway?

It's yet another symptom of his religious insanity. Also, he has now confirmed he still believes it. He's got the poisonous snake church demographic wrapped up though!

Edited by Jingthing
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Oh Lord grant me the faith to not say what I am thinking. Well here goes anyway. I just watched George Carlin (rest in peace George your earthly battle is over) do a skit on religion. If you have an open mind it is worth watching. There is another one about pork chops that is entertaining as well. With George you had an easy time separating comedy from reality again you would need an open mind.


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The scariest part is how many people will believe him, despite the mountains of evidence proving otherwise.

What is "scary" about it? What difference does it make really? Religious people believe in things that I don't. Usually it is meaningless in he real world and has no effect on me.

What is scary is when "believers" like George W Bush, Tony Blair and maybe Ben Carson get political power.

GWB, TB and BC seem to have been/be the sort of "Christians" to whom this statement would seem entirely reasonable:

"Once self-supported by conscience, once embarked on a career of manifest usefulness, the true Christian never yields. Neither public nor private influences produce the slightest effect on us, when we have once got our mission. Taxation may be the consequence of a mission; riots may be the consequence of a mission; wars may be the consequence of a mission: we go on with our work, irrespective of every human consideration which moves the world outside us. We are above reason; we are beyond ridicule; we see with nobody's eyes, we hear with nobody's ears, we feel with nobody's hearts, but our own. Glorious, glorious privilege! And how is it earned? Ah, my friends, you may spare yourselves the useless inquiry! We are the only people who can earn it -- for we are the only people who are always right"

The Moonstone, Wilkie Collins

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The guy is a highly educated man that believes in ghosts and mythology. .

Just like almost every politician in America. Obama claims to be a Christian too, so shares similar beliefs or is a liar.

What other people believe or do not changes very little what Dr Carson believes. But I don' t blame you wanting to change the subject. coffee1.gif

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

I am interested to know, why do you feel he is a "great man" ? I find him greatly entertaining and if the potus were only a ceremonial position he could be fun. Strange days indeed.

Hmmm, born into poverty as a black man, went on to graduate yale undergrad, U michigan medical school, became the youngest ever director at johns hopkins dept neurosurgery, author of many books, separated conjoined twins (both twins survived)

it would seem he may be slightly ahead of the average tv poster, myself included

not a bad speech at luncheon with obama

Edited by atyclb
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What is "scary" about it? What difference does it make really? Religious people believe in things that I don't. Usually it is meaningless in he real world and has no effect on me.

The 'scary' part is one should want the head of state to have a grip on the facts needed to govern. I am not referring to his religious beliefs. If he 'believes' his fantasy-based pyramid theory over vetted science he is a loose cannon who shouldn't lead a small village, much less a country.

expounding on your statement every politician ever believing in the fasther, son and holy ghost is/was unfit to govern ?

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

It's not about his religious belief. It's about his stupidity. The Holy Bible ... which is a major part of his religion ... says nothing about the pyramids, so what do they have to do with his religion.

Even so, building the great pyramids to store grain is a very stupid idea. Why would anyone do that massive amount of work to store such a relatively small amount of grain? Very silly indeed.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Bet you'd care if he was a muslim. Carson certainly does.

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The scariest part is how many people will believe him, despite the mountains of evidence proving otherwise.

What is "scary" about it? What difference does it make really? Religious people believe in things that I don't. Usually it is meaningless in he real world and has no effect on me.

What's scary is thinking about the most powerful person in the world, who's in charge of hundreds of atomic bombs, being stupid.

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He's just demonstrating that easily verified empirical fact is easily overridden and negated by his religious sentiments. How much worse if his assessment of the motives and intentions of foreign governments or peoples are similarly determined by his religious sentiments. This is not something that your more tepid and pale Christian does.

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This piece of dirt is also 17 years old and let's face it the press will portray every GOP candidate as the head of Medusa, so nobody is going to be swayed one way or another.

Except that he doubled-down THIS WEEK and confirmed his belief that the pyramids are grain-storage buildings...
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In addition to Ben Carson, I have found that many people in the U.S. know of their history based on what they learned from Walt Disney and Hollywood, rather than what actually occurred.

That is just about the most ridiculous, insulting..low brow thing I have ever heard.

Never ceases to amaze me of the jealous bickering about how america (of all nations in the world) is a land of uneducated dolts. Sure is tough, being at the top of the heap. lol.

Edited by slipperylobster
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What is "scary" about it? What difference does it make really? Religious people believe in things that I don't. Usually it is meaningless in he real world and has no effect on me.

The 'scary' part is one should want the head of state to have a grip on the facts needed to govern. I am not referring to his religious beliefs. If he 'believes' his fantasy-based pyramid theory over vetted science he is a loose cannon who shouldn't lead a small village, much less a country.

expounding on your statement every politician ever believing in the fasther, son and holy ghost is/was unfit to govern ?

I wrote 3 sentences and you entirely missed one... ' I am not referring to his religious beliefs.'
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The Egyptians were compulsive record keepers, our ignorance toward their history was only doe to the fact that we could not read their writings.

This is changing. and nowhere there is any mention of these Jewish claims

Non of the biblical claims concerning egypt and the jewish involvement there have being collaborated by any of archeological evidence and appears to be a completely fictional narrative put together between the 5th and 8th centuries BCE


Edited by sirineou
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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Ditto. I could line up every man of honor and find silly things about him/her; our foibles make us human. What makes this indictment against Carson hilarious is that it is both so stupid, and the Egyptologists he is contrasted with are equally asinine. Grain or tombs? There is hardly evidence for either.

This is the more sensational story- the stupidity and intransigence of steadfast scientists to secure a fantasy that has been demonstrably disproved, not the odd hat silliness of a middle aged man with a christian template over his observations.

"Vetted science..." this is rich. If stating the pyramids are tombs is the height of "vetted science" we had better return to miters and scapulars- there is as much science to support a tomb as to support a grain-house. Carson and "vetted science," two drunken (on this issue) fools stumbling in the dark.

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'Jewish claims'? Come again? BC is a 7th day adventist... NO organized religion has espoused the grain-storage theory.

Carson's grain storage claim is based on biblical accounts ,
And yet no organized religion has EVER claimed the pyramids were built as grain-storage buildings. Edited by mikebike
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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Ditto. I could line up every man of honor and find silly things about him/her; our foibles make us human. What makes this indictment against Carson hilarious is that it is both so stupid, and the Egyptologists he is contrasted with are equally asinine. Grain or tombs? There is hardly evidence for either.

This is the more sensational story- the stupidity and intransigence of steadfast scientists to secure a fantasy that has been demonstrably disproved, not the odd hat silliness of a middle aged man with a christian template over his observations.

"Vetted science..." this is rich. If stating the pyramids are tombs is the height of "vetted science" we had better return to miters and scapulars- there is as much science to support a tomb as to support a grain-house. Carson and "vetted science," two drunken (on this issue) fools stumbling in the dark.

Completely untrue. It has been clearly proven they were tombs.

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This piece of dirt is also 17 years old and let's face it the press will portray every GOP candidate as the head of Medusa, so nobody is going to be swayed one way or another.

Except that he doubled-down THIS WEEK and confirmed his belief that the pyramids are grain-storage buildings...
I know, it's almost as ridiculous as insisting Islam is a religion of peace and Iran will stick by an agreement when it has serially breached every previous one. Yes ridiculous, but not damaging.
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...if Ben Carson reads every word in the Bible as the word of God than I conclude that Moses inspired the modern tactics of Boko Haram and ISIS


NUMBERS 31:7-18
7 They attacked Midian as the Lord had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. 8 All five of the Midianite kings—Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba—died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.
9 Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. 10 They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. 11 After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, 12 they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho. 13 Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. 14 But Moses was furious with all the generals and captains[a] who had returned from the battle.
15 “Why have you let all the women live?” he demanded. 16 “These are the very ones who followed Balaam’s advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the Lord at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the Lord’s people. 17 So kill all the boys and all the women who have had intercourse with a man. 18 Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.


"..if Ben Carson reads every word in the Bible as the word of God th[a]n I conclude that Moses inspired the modern tactics of Boko Haram and ISIS"

Few posters can do more to harm their own point of view then such a statement.

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'Jewish claims'? Come again? BC is a 7th day adventist... NO organized religion has espoused the grain-storage theory.

Carson's grain storage claim is based on biblical accounts ,
And yet no organized religion has EVER claimed the pyramids were built as grain-storage buildings.

or the Op or me, so what's your point?

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