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Party-list system of little value: Suthep


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Party-list system of little value: Suthep


BANGKOK: -- VETERAN politician Suthep Thaugsuban yesterday took a dim view of the party-list system, saying most of its MPs were useless because they were not directly answerable to any electorate.

"Party-list MPs have only little benefit to the people. There may be some good ones who take care of the people, but there is only a small number of them," the former secretary-general of the Democrat Party said.

However, if people think party-list MPs are necessary, it would be no problem for him, he said.

The current head of the People's Democratic Reform Foundation also expressed support for a lifetime ban for any candidate found guilty of election fraud.

"These people betray the democratic system, so they don't deserve to run in a democratic election for the rest of their life," he said.

Anyone else involved in election fraud - even bureaucrats or officials of the Election Commission - should also be deprived of their electoral rights for the rest of their lives.

"It's because they fail to respect the rules and principles of democracy," he said.

A special court was needed to handle electoral cases. This would help expedite them and prevent candidates from cheating in elections.

Suthep led months of street protests against the previous democratically elected Yingluck Shinawatra government, leading up to the military coup in May last year.

It is unlikely for any group of constitution framers to please everyone, but most people seems to trust Meechai Ruchupan, chairman of the Constitution Drafting Commission, he said.

"Meechai has a lot of experience and he has witnessed several episodes of the country. People are confident that he should be able to use the lessons from the past in writing new rules for the country's future," he said.

After knowing Meechai for more than 30 years, he always holds respect for the gentleman, he said.

"I feel good now that he agreed to do the job. This is a difficult job filled with stress and pressure. You don't gain anything from doing this job."

Meanwhile, the Chart Pattana Party called on the CDC to write a new charter that connects with the people and ensures fairness for all sides.

It should also be flexible and compatible with the global and local situations, party spokesman Chalitrat Jantarubeksa said.

The recommendations were among those submitted by the party to Meechai.

Meechai and his team are capable of writing a new constitution that will be acceptable to all sides, he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Party-list-system-of-little-value-Suthep-30272614.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-10

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As self serving and as bat shit crazy as he is in this respect I actually agree with him.

I have never really understood the purpose of the Party List system. This being Thailand however i'm sure there is a self serving reason behind it, which makes it's condemnation by Suthep even more baffling, since he is the ultimate in self serving politicians ever dumped on this country!

As for the timing of his sudden appearance from his secret volcano lair, who knows....conspiracy theorists do your worst

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Oh no, a headline with the word 'Suthep' in it.

Stand by for a deluge of embarrassing, childish nonsense which has zero relation to the article.

Englishoak has given you a starter for 10 : off you go red-shirts.

Only red shirts dislike Suthep?

Please, you are giving the red shirts far too much credit. They do not deserve it.

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Amazing timing, that just when the military is coming under heat for LM suspect suddenly falling like flies in their custody, that up pops Suthep for the first time in a few months. Merely coincidence? carefully planned? burying bad news?

Pra Buddha Issaan has popped up onto the radar as well!


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Suthep is both an assclown and a dangerous man - but I do agree with the comments he made here on these issues. Party list is stupid, and politicians should be banned for life.

Also: anyone joining the army should be banned from politics for life.

Imagine this happening here, a couple of days ago an MP in Britain told a very senior military man to keep out of politics and today on BBC the head of a large trade union said " we're finished if the military get involved in politics. " The issue I belive is renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent.

If that sort of thing was said here AA wouldn't start to cover it.

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Oh no, a headline with the word 'Suthep' in it.

Stand by for a deluge of embarrassing, childish nonsense which has zero relation to the article.

Englishoak has given you a starter for 10 : off you go red-shirts.

At last it has now all become clear to me.

You, EnglishJohn, are paid by mr T to discredit the Junta & their yellow shirts.

You pose as an anti red, but use rhetoric that even a 3 year old can laugh away.

Good try! But it's all over now.

And if you have the cheek to call me a red shirt, I will use the Thai defamation laws.

Actually, I might use those same laws to sue the Thai red shirts, for abusing and mocking the political colour red.

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Oh no, a headline with the word 'Suthep' in it.

Stand by for a deluge of embarrassing, childish nonsense which has zero relation to the article.

Englishoak has given you a starter for 10 : off you go red-shirts.

Right. Suthep is a crook, nothing more needs to be said. He should not talk about democracy as he does not know what it is.

The subject of fraude and cheating is right up his alley though !

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Oh no, a headline with the word 'Suthep' in it.

Stand by for a deluge of embarrassing, childish nonsense which has zero relation to the article.

Englishoak has given you a starter for 10 : off you go red-shirts.

Just like your own comment.

Childish nonsense with zero relation to the article.

How does it feel to be a kettle John? Among other things.

Edited by ldiablo
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So preventing elections that a politician knows he can't win is okay, but ethics and voter fraud is a lifetime ban?

What hypocrisy, especially after he declared he and the PM had planned the coup months in advance of the dumb legislation to allow the dreaded Thaksin to be pardoned.

Meaning, they had planned it before there was cause for it.


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The current head of the People's Democratic Reform Foundation also expressed support for a lifetime ban for any candidate found guilty of election fraud.

Not surprised that he doesn't want corruption included for a lifetime ban as he would be banned for life.

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Oh no, a headline with the word 'Suthep' in it.

Stand by for a deluge of embarrassing, childish nonsense which has zero relation to the article.

Englishoak has given you a starter for 10 : off you go red-shirts.

Right. Suthep is a crook, nothing more needs to be said. He should not talk about democracy as he does not know what it is.

The subject of fraude and cheating is right up his alley though !

Whereas good old Thaksin is as honest as they day is long. Why, he even said so himself on CNN and they wouldn't broadcast lies now would they?

How many convictions has Suthep, how many current outstanding court cases? And how many convictions, outstanding court cases and bail jumps does Thaksin the Innocent have?

But, But.

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Amazing timing, that just when the military is coming under heat for LM suspect suddenly falling like flies in their custody, that up pops Suthep for the first time in a few months. Merely coincidence? carefully planned? burying bad news?

WOW! here comes the General's old adviser, no other than.....(Drum roll ).... Khun Suthep.

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With his record of disruption and corruption. Suthep should'nt even be allowed to open his mouth anywhere near politics ever again. He caused chaos on the streets of Bangkok just because he did'nt like the opposing party in government. When he was in government he was involved in corruption, in one instance giving valuable land which was set aside for poor farmers, to some of his Hi-so family friends. I often wonder if they were ever made to hand that land on Phuket back to the farmers. His family land on Koh Samui became enlarged with government owned land. The man is an utter crook and Thailand in general of all political parties, can do without him .

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With his record of disruption and corruption. Suthep should'nt even be allowed to open his mouth anywhere near politics ever again. He caused chaos on the streets of Bangkok just because he did'nt like the opposing party in government. When he was in government he was involved in corruption, in one instance giving valuable land which was set aside for poor farmers, to some of his Hi-so family friends. I often wonder if they were ever made to hand that land on Phuket back to the farmers. His family land on Koh Samui became enlarged with government owned land. The man is an utter crook and Thailand in general of all political parties, can do without him .

He is on what is (at present ) the winning side. eventually the tide will turn. Then he may hope he is on the list of those to be picked up by an armoured limo for a quick trip to the airport.

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