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CNX - which hospital for orthopedic surgery?

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I was rushed to RAM hospital with a broken leg.

Six months have passed & I am very dissatisfied with my recovery.

My initial thoughts - McCormick or Ravajev.

Your recommendation?

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What the hell is it with Farongs. They don't seem to give a darn about the doctor just the hospital. The more expensive it is the better they like it.

Give me a good doctor any day ahead of a bum doctor and a high priced hospital. chiang mai has given you the correct answer.

A friend of mine went to the new Bangkok hospital. Had some serious tests done. All OK. So he went back to see the Dermatologist and was charged 600 baht and the Dermatologist could do nothing for him because he didn't have the freezing gas. Nitrous oxide I believe it is. He wound up making an appointment at the Ram for a week later.

Monday morning I just walked in to Rajavej and he took care of four different spots. Recommended a special shampoo and I was out of there.


# 3 - very informative.

Try it next time when you are unconscious & it is almost midnight on a Sunday.


wait until he finds out you have been here longer than he has!

Some posters always try to "correct" people without knowing the facts.


Dermatologist and was charged 600 baht and the Dermatologist could do nothing for him because he didn't have the freezing gas. Nitrous oxide I believe it is.

It's liquid nitrogen, just had it done at RAM yesterday. Actually have had the LN2 treatment several times over the last few years. Now the nitrous oxide would be helpful for those few painful seconds applying it. biggrin.png


Give me a good doctor any day ahead of a bum doctor ...

I think he's looking for an orthopedist, not a proctologist. (No offense NorthernJ, I just couldn't resist)

Dr. Pasakorn and Dr Kitti, who both see patients at Lanna Hospital, are both very good, in my own experience.


Why are you "very dissatisfied with my recovery." ?

"Broken leg is not informative." Tibia?, Fibula?, Patella?, Femur ? All fractured or maybe just one or two of the bones?

How has the fracture been treated to date ?


After considering the matter, I will attend McCormick Hospital.

They are non-profit

Staff more caring

An officer of the hospital telephoned me twice with a view to answer any questions I may have had.


After considering the matter, I will attend McCormick Hospital.

They are non-profit

Staff more caring

An officer of the hospital telephoned me twice with a view to answer any questions I may have had.

Your opening post indicated that you broke your leg, you were treated at RAM for it, and now, 6 months later, you're dissatisfied with the healing process; however, unintended or not, the inference you've given is that something RAM did or didn't do has some connection to your dissatisfaction.

To be fair, why not re-open this thread and report back after you visit/consult with the McCormick doctors (i.e., whether they think your current problem has anything to do with what RAM did or didn't do)?


I agree that I am unqualified to make a judgement re the medical practices @ RAM. I shall report back.

What irks me regarding RAM is that they have not made a real attempt to discover the problem.

I have been attending RAM for 11 years. Care - on a personal basis - poor.

When I had cancer, they did not have the required facilities but they made no effort in referring me to an alternative hospital.

Fees - enormous eg a broken leg B350k to date.

I won't be going back to RAM.


I'd really suggest to go to one of the excellent doctors recommended on this thread, rather than shopping around for another hospital and taking the luck of the draw on the physician. I've had personal favorable experience with Dr. Chankarn and you might want to go to his clinic first for a consultation. That would be the least expensive route for an initial work-up and he could suggest the best hospital for you.

It may be a matter of inappropriate physical therapy or something like that where you don't need to go to a hospital at all.


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Tried the landline number - no answer.

Thank you all for your efforts to date.

I am at a stage that I just want to get this saga all over & done with.


You haven't been in Thailand long if you think emails are the way to go.

Call him on his mobile ask Chiang Mai for the number or I can give you it.

Dr Chanakarn is cool about anyone phoning him.


Dr Chankam may be a superb doctor.

However, contacting him is another matter.

I have never had a problem seeing him. He is in his clinic after 5:00 at night and on Friday nights he is the doctor at Rajavej

I can only call it as I experienced it.. RAM worked miracles on my wife (skull, cheekbones, eye orbits, teeth, facial nerves, eyeball, eyelids etc.. all saved) and my own compounded leg and wrist / hand bones..

Superb.. and while I do think you wait a lot for outpatient services, considering the prices.. The inpatient care was faultless..

Said it before, I bargain shop for many things, emergency medical care is not one of them.


McCormick would be a really poor choice IMO when you have been given recommendations like Dr. Chanakarn, Dr. Sattaya Rojanasthien, etc. They are in a league way above the Doctors at McCormick. Many of the doctors there are only a 1-4 years out of medical school. For some things it's O.K.

Dr. Chanakarn is very easy to contact as uptheos and chiang mai suggested. If he is not there, his assistant is and he will schedule an appointment for you. He's a very nice person and an excellent doctor. If I had problems for 6 months I would not settle for any less.

email??? LOL. You must be new to Thailand. Don't bother.


I can only call it as I experienced it.. RAM worked miracles on my wife (skull, cheekbones, eye orbits, teeth, facial nerves, eyeball, eyelids etc.. all saved) and my own compounded leg and wrist / hand bones..

Superb.. and while I do think you wait a lot for outpatient services, considering the prices.. The inpatient care was faultless..

Said it before, I bargain shop for many things, emergency medical care is not one of them.

Whoa, good on ya.


Tried the landline number - no answer.

Thank you all for your efforts to date.

I am at a stage that I just want to get this saga all over & done with.

If it's the number for his afterhours clinic then there probably isn't someone there to answer the phone until the clinic opens.


I did speak to the doctor.

Living in Fang, visiting his surgery late etc makes it a logistical nightmare.

McCormick was the only hospital which provided quality service.

When I obtain the name of the surgeon @ McCormick, I will post details on this thread.

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