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Two Thai Men Attacked by Four Drunk Tourists

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Yes, I had high hopes some Thai 'security' had got their come-uppance but not to be.

Nobody looks particularly badly injured (despite it being vicious) there so likely hi-jinx and alcohol. Fine them 500 baht each and on their way.

(Thai price is 100 baht)


That makes a change - four on two is better odds than they give foreigners. That's because Johnny Westerner, when abroad, fights fair, don'tcha know. whistling.gif

where's the report that the other 6thais ran OFF.


Funny isn't, even when the Thai person is the one who has his property destroyed or broken into, in the eyes of some Thai Visa posters the Thai is still in the wrong. Please take your hurtful and hateful opinions and go back to the little piece of heaven that you are here hiding from.


send these low life scams to jail for a few years, make a video how they anjoy it and make aircomanies show it on flights to Bangkok. so some future offenders will choose to enjoy an antisocial behavior at their homelands instread.


Same old, same old, just another scam to shake some money out of the farangs pockets. The damage is probably some improvised door/gate worth a few 100 baht but they will squeeze 50k out of each of them(putting the fear of a visit to Bang Kwang can do that to tourists). The shop owner will get 10k at the most and the rest will be divided under the cops in question. 555. Welcome to the Machine

how funny is that in any situatation so many TVF bitter daddies blame Thais! typical archaic moral: members of my tribe are always right, members of other tribes are always wrong

no surprise you was not able to fit in your own societies!

50K? not enough!

If it would depend on me I would squeeze them for 100K (in benefit of the shop owner of course)+ 5 years in jail. did a mistake - do the pay.

Thailand does not need people like this.


You can buy you're way out of any situation in Thailand, even murder, let them cough up a reasonable amount, then let everyone get on with whatever they were doing before.


I will never get the Thai sense of justice consisting in publicly shaming suspects before they're even judged.

Yes another picture of someone pointing at someone to show the cameras who dun it! Really the mentality here is shockingly childish.

"Really the mentality here is shockingly childish. "

Presumably you refer to the typical post of TV.

As to publicly shaming before being judged, the media circus surrounding someone accused of a crime in the US is an industry onto itself. Certainly the all time winner was the coverage of the OJ Simpson trial, but even that wasn't all that extraordinary.

And when it comes to shockingly childish news, Thailand media doesn't hold a candle to the British tabloids.


Scum is scum, where ever they come from.

It is just our deranged brain and attitude that sorts the scum according to our fancies.

This scum definitely needs more than the bottle of water on that table!


You can buy you're way out of any situation in Thailand, even murder, let them cough up a reasonable amount, then let everyone get on with whatever they were doing before.

Would these Ba****** have a reasonable amount?


The tables turned,its usually 4 Thais beat up 1 Farang.

regards Worgeordie

Tables turned? I read that the tables were danced upon. Any case the farang should pay for damages and at least a 1000 baht fine per.


Bit puzzled why there's been no slagging off yet of the home countries where these lads came from? If they were English then the TVF execution squad would be out in force!!!!


The tables turned,its usually 4 Thais beat up 1 Farang.

regards Worgeordie

Yea, and off course Farang is innocent... 30 years visiting and living in Thailand, never in trouble, yet some farang it follows, wonder why...coffee1.gif


Same old, same old, just another scam to shake some money out of the farangs pockets. The damage is probably some improvised door/gate worth a few 100 baht but they will squeeze 50k out of each of them(putting the fear of a visit to Bang Kwang can do that to tourists). The shop owner will get 10k at the most and the rest will be divided under the cops in question. 555. Welcome to the Machine

how funny is that in any situatation so many TVF bitter daddies blame Thais! typical archaic moral: members of my tribe are always right, members of other tribes are always wrong

no surprise you was not able to fit in your own societies!

50K? not enough!

If it would depend on me I would squeeze them for 100K (in benefit of the shop owner of course)+ 5 years in jail. did a mistake - do the pay.

Thailand does not need people like this.

I blame the greedy scamming scum, yes you are right.

If they were Thai they'd get off with a slap on the wrist and a 500 baht fine.

Where I'm from this is called racism.

Nothing to do with bitterness, more with justice and not betraying my fellow farangs.

You on the other hand are one of those guys who thinks that he is part of this culture and society but the truth is very different.

They don't like you just like they don't like these 4 guys. All the same to them. Wake up. What a pitiful life to lead; being an apologist for people who can't stand your guts, 555


I blame the greedy scamming scum, yes you are right.

If they were Thai they'd get off with a slap on the wrist and a 500 baht fine.

Where I'm from this is called racism.

Nothing to do with bitterness, more with justice and not betraying my fellow farangs.

You on the other hand are one of those guys who thinks that he is part of this culture and society but the truth is very different.

They don't like you just like they don't like these 4 guys. All the same to them. Wake up. What a pitiful life to lead; being an apologist for people who can't stand your guts, 555


bravo! this post is exposing you so well!

Nothing to do with bitterness, more with justice and not betraying my fellow farangs.

members of my tribe are always right, members of other tribes are always wrong this is called "Hottentot morality"

I blame the greedy scamming scum, yes you are right.

how do you know they are scum? because they are Thais and happened to be assaulted by farang? this is racism at it best

If they were Thai they'd get off with a slap on the wrist and a 500 baht fine.

how do you know that? you beleive that Thai police is not fair? so why don't you pack your things and go back to your wonderful fair multicultural tolerant home country?

If they were Thai they'd get off with a slap on the wrist and a 500 baht fine.

how do you know that? you beleive that Thai police is not fair? so why don't you pack your things and go back to your wonderful fair multicultural tolerant home country?

You on the other hand are one of those guys who thinks that he is part of this culture and society but the truth is very different.

how do you know what I think? or you made this concusion becuase I defend Thai? you think only Thai or the one considering himslef Thai could protect another Thai?

Racism again!

They don't like you just like they don't like these 4 guys

how do you know that? becuase you think I am not Thai? you think Thais can like only Thais? another racist prejudice!

What a pitiful life to lead; being an apologist for people who can't stand your guts, 555

I am an apologist of fairness. but for a cavemen like you this word has no meaning. members of your tribe are always right, and members of other tribes are always wrong.

diagnosis: pure racism


Timmy Twister

any more arguments?

Your argument is not an argument. You twist peoples words to make your case, that's why your name is Timmy T. And then you think that is the absolute truth.

I am probably the least racist person you will ever meet but still you managed to make me into a racist. This is not arguing, this is called fabricating.

These guys are in the news because they are 4 'very bad farangs' who did what? Break open a gate of a fruitshop? 555! And you talk about them as if they are big time criminals. You are an idiot, plain and simple. They are 4 drunk kids who were having fun. Because of these 'bad farangs' this country was pulled out of the agricultural age into the modern age.

Stop biting the hand that feeds you. The murdering, raping, robbing and scamming of farangs and tourists has to stop or TH can go back to fishing and growing rice(very racist again)


Timmy Twister

any more arguments?

Your argument is not an argument. You twist peoples words to make your case, that's why your name is Timmy T. And then you think that is the absolute truth.

I am probably the least racist person you will ever meet but still you managed to make me into a racist. This is not arguing, this is called fabricating.

These guys are in the news because they are 4 'very bad farangs' who did what? Break open a gate of a fruitshop? 555! And you talk about them as if they are big time criminals. You are an idiot, plain and simple. They are 4 drunk kids who were having fun. Because of these 'bad farangs' this country was pulled out of the agricultural age into the modern age.

Stop biting the hand that feeds you. The murdering, raping, robbing and scamming of farangs and tourists has to stop or TH can go back to fishing and growing rice(very racist again)

What??? Talk about fabricating. These four drunk kids beat up one old guy. And when a good samaritan tried to intervene, they beat him up too. Is that your idea of "4 drunk kids just having fun?" Well let's hope four young drunk kids decide to have some "fun" with you, and right soon.


Timmy Twister

any more arguments?

Your argument is not an argument. You twist peoples words to make your case, that's why your name is Timmy T. And then you think that is the absolute truth.

I am probably the least racist person you will ever meet but still you managed to make me into a racist. This is not arguing, this is called fabricating.

These guys are in the news because they are 4 'very bad farangs' who did what? Break open a gate of a fruitshop? 555! And you talk about them as if they are big time criminals. You are an idiot, plain and simple. They are 4 drunk kids who were having fun. Because of these 'bad farangs' this country was pulled out of the agricultural age into the modern age.

Stop biting the hand that feeds you. The murdering, raping, robbing and scamming of farangs and tourists has to stop or TH can go back to fishing and growing rice(very racist again)

What??? Talk about fabricating. These four drunk kids beat up one old guy. And when a good samaritan tried to intervene, they beat him up too. Is that your idea of "4 drunk kids just having fun?" Well let's hope four young drunk kids decide to have some "fun" with you, and right soon.

Yeah, they really looked beat up!! Have another look at the pics. And then have a look at the Aussie bloke who was beaten up by the taxi driver yesterday.

You apologists make me sick.

If Thai law would be used honestly these guys would get a 500 - 2000 Baht fine each and be sent on their way but as always they make the story 10 times worse so that it's justified to scam much more money out of the scared farangs. Wake up pls

any more arguments?

Your argument is not an argument. You twist peoples words to make your case, that's why your name is Timmy T. And then you think that is the absolute truth.

I am probably the least racist person you will ever meet but still you managed to make me into a racist. This is not arguing, this is called fabricating.

These guys are in the news because they are 4 'very bad farangs' who did what? Break open a gate of a fruitshop? 555! And you talk about them as if they are big time criminals. You are an idiot, plain and simple. They are 4 drunk kids who were having fun. Because of these 'bad farangs' this country was pulled out of the agricultural age into the modern age.

Stop biting the hand that feeds you. The murdering, raping, robbing and scamming of farangs and tourists has to stop or TH can go back to fishing and growing rice(very racist again)

What??? Talk about fabricating. These four drunk kids beat up one old guy. And when a good samaritan tried to intervene, they beat him up too. Is that your idea of "4 drunk kids just having fun?" Well let's hope four young drunk kids decide to have some "fun" with you, and right soon.

Yeah, they really looked beat up!! Have another look at the pics. And then have a look at the Aussie bloke who was beaten up by the taxi driver yesterday.

You apologists make me sick.

If Thai law would be used honestly these guys would get a 500 - 2000 Baht fine each and be sent on their way but as always they make the story 10 times worse so that it's justified to scam much more money out of the scared farangs. Wake up pls

You're defending thugs? What is your malfunction? I could give a rats ass what race they are, or the victim. They're freakin criminals. And cowardly ones at that. What part of 4 young drunks beating up one old guy don't you understand?


Everyone does something stupid when theyre young but why is it often yanks/brits/aussies/russians who often cross the line into violence?

Considering it was a Swede, a Canadian and two Dutch perpetrators in this case, why would you ask this question here?

This same member did the exact same thing earlier in this same thread and got called on it then, too. 'Gave an absolutely insane response about Canadians being American "hangers-on" or some such disparaging nonsense. 'A one-track mind with an equal number of brain cells to spare and apparently a penchant for unimaginative reruns.


@Berkshire; what part don't you understand? Look at the pics again and tell me if they look as if they were beat up by 4 guys?
Thugs? 55555. It just depends on what your definition of thugs is. To me thugs are scum who murder, rape, rob and scam innocent tourists. To you thugs are 4 young guys who were drunk and acting stupid. The BiB and the 2 guys who are out to scam them out of their money are not thugs of course, are they? 5555

Case closed. Go and annoy some other old fart at your local pisser

Your argument is not an argument. You twist peoples words to make your case, that's why your name is Timmy T. And then you think that is the absolute truth.

I am probably the least racist person you will ever meet but still you managed to make me into a racist. This is not arguing, this is called fabricating.

These guys are in the news because they are 4 'very bad farangs' who did what? Break open a gate of a fruitshop? 555! And you talk about them as if they are big time criminals. You are an idiot, plain and simple. They are 4 drunk kids who were having fun. Because of these 'bad farangs' this country was pulled out of the agricultural age into the modern age.

Stop biting the hand that feeds you. The murdering, raping, robbing and scamming of farangs and tourists has to stop or TH can go back to fishing and growing rice(very racist again)

What??? Talk about fabricating. These four drunk kids beat up one old guy. And when a good samaritan tried to intervene, they beat him up too. Is that your idea of "4 drunk kids just having fun?" Well let's hope four young drunk kids decide to have some "fun" with you, and right soon.

Yeah, they really looked beat up!! Have another look at the pics. And then have a look at the Aussie bloke who was beaten up by the taxi driver yesterday.

You apologists make me sick.

If Thai law would be used honestly these guys would get a 500 - 2000 Baht fine each and be sent on their way but as always they make the story 10 times worse so that it's justified to scam much more money out of the scared farangs. Wake up pls

You're defending thugs? What is your malfunction? I could give a rats ass what race they are, or the victim. They're freakin criminals. And cowardly ones at that. What part of 4 young drunks beating up one old guy don't you understand?

Have you read any of of his posts on other threads? All are much in the same vein, Thai does something bad - disgraceful! Farang does something bad - oh it's ok they're just having a bit of harmless fun, what's all the fuss about? Something about Thailand he doesn't agree with - only in Thailand could such a situation happen. Never much in the way of reasoned comment - just anti Thai rants. Starting to see a pattern emerge here?? He's either shaping himself up to take the award for the most biogoted, xenophobic and racist TV member yet - or he's just another TV troll. I suspect the latter.


55555! Says Private Eye Shady Chris. Sorry, but your lovely nonsense doesn't hold any ground. Perhaps your buddy Berkshire will like it for you so you don't feel alone.
Cheers. Time for a few beers

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