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Residing in Bangkok but would like to buy a bike in Nakhon Phanom?


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Hi all,

I plan to buy a second hand motorcycle and the owner is in Nakhon Phanom. The bike is registered in Nakhon Phanom and I'll have to go there to get it. I currently reside in Bangkok and it is my first time buying a bike in Thailand. I plan to put the bike into my girlfriend's name as she is on a work permit (and is fronting some of the money). As far as I understand, this saves me the hassle of having to get a certificate of residency.

Given the above, my questions are as follows:

1) Could we change the name (green book) in Nakhon Phanom and what documents of mine/hers will be required to do so?

2) Could it be done in the morning (say a couple of hours) if the original owner comes with to the LTD?

3) Would I need to change the plates to Bangkok plates once back in BKK?

4) Is the best option to change ownership in Nakhon or could it be done in BKK without the original owner present?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Cheers wai.gif

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1. Yes that is what you should do.

'GF on work permit'. Is she non-Thai?

If so she'll need work papers and passport; if Thai, her Thai ID.

1000baht notes are all that will be required by you.

2. Likely. Insist current owner go. Pay at transfer...when you actually have book changed.

3. Dunno.

4. Possible but risky.

What if there is a hitch?

Those 1000baht notes are gone.

Not much incentive for seller to help.

Edited by papa al
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I don't know if Papa is correct in saying is the 'correct' way, but I wouldn't argue the point.

It all depends, is your girlfriend accompanying you ? Seems a long way around to do things. You will need to change the plates the first time you take it to pay the road tax in BKK, its best to do everything first off, then forget about it.

I would, and I have bought a bike with this procedure.

1. Agree on the price, you can DL a bill of sale from the DLT website.

2. Go with the seller to NP DLT and get them to prepare the paperwork to enable your girlfriend to transfer the paperwork in BKK, get them to check the green book, and to make sure the road tax and por-a-bor insurance has been payed up to date .. if its within 2 months, they will ask someone to pay for the next year - better the seller than you.

3. Ride back to BKK.

4. Go to DLT in Mo Chit ( ? ) with your girlfriend with her passport and WP. Present the papers from NP, and start to process the paperwork - you will probably go to one desk, then file your papers, pick them up and go to another desk. It may be done in the morning, depends on the office, at my office not. Theres lots of moving between windows, buying duty stamps, and waiting around. ( for me there was )

When you start the process, ask them is it possible for your girlfriend to complete the paperwork and leave you to it.She probably needs to get back to work, right ?

5. Once i started, the DLT kept me there for a few of hours then told me to come back the next day for a vehicle inspection. Im not sure why I couldn't do it in the afternoon - the guys were at lunch by the time they finished the paperwork.

6. I returned the next day, go the bike checked - completed the paperwork - then they told me to come back in 2 hours to pick up the new plates.

7. After that I was good to go .. Green book complete and upto date, you need a new tax disc registered in your province with an updated licence plate number, i got an english translation of my green book ( valid for 12 months ) and a new plate - all finished with for another year.

Can you do this in one morning ? doubtful, but you could be lucky.

There is no risk in doing it in BKK without the owner present, just go to the Nakom Panhom DLT and make sure the paper work is complete first.

Good luck. What's the bike ?

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The plan was for her to come with to NP and to ride the bike back to BKK together (over 3 days). Make a bit of a holiday out of it.

Guess that changes the process you outlined slightly as she can come with to the DLT in NP?

The bike is a PCX (lazy man's bike I know :)). Still a good few months remaining on insurance so does that mean no need to change the plates right away?

Thanks recom

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I don't understand the angle .. maybe someone else can chip in - I haven't registered a bike in the province where I'm not living full time.

I bought a bike in Roi-Et and transferred it in Songkhla, I know I can't keep the roi-et plate, I'm not too sure why - i just did what I was told.

Whats the advantage of transferring the book in NP, then riding back to BKK and riding around with a NP plate ?

What happens if you waste 1 or 2 days in DLT in NP ? Surely easier to ride back to BKK, in your own time, go to Mo Chit, arrive before 8.00 AM and have a good crack at changing the green book and changing the plate before lunch.

Maybe the BKK riders can shed some light ? - Can you get pulled up in BKK and if they find out your are not a NP resident ask you to change the plates ? Whats the purpose of having your province on the plates ? And why do we need to change them ? I have never understood it.

Will NP DLT raise eyebrows when you provide a WP with a Bangkok address ?

Also, if I was a seller, I wouldn't want to sit around in the DLT waiting for you, theres no need .. I sign a bill of sale, sign the DLT papers to release the bike to you, my jobs over. As soon as the moneys changed hands - its your bike. I might pay you the courtesy of accompanying you to window 1 at the DLT to get them to check the papers over tho'.

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What if NK LTO finds the paperwork okay and BKK LTO doesn't?

You seem to suggest such a scenario is impossible.

It is possible.

Two officers within one office can operate differently.

Nakhon nowhere vs BKK...who can say?

But if OP feels lucky, gofer it.

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What if NK LTO finds the paperwork okay and BKK LTO doesn't?

You seem to suggest such a scenario is impossible.

It is possible.

Two officers within one office can operate differently.

Nakhon nowhere vs BKK...who can say?

But if OP feels lucky, gofer it.

Nothing surprises me here ..

I'm just relying on personal experience.

Could you highlight the piece of paper that could be possibly incorrect ? The seller writes the name and address and signs in multiple places on the transfer form, a signed copy of ID card, copy of sellers tabian ban (?) signed. The green book needs to have the tax entries in the back up to date.

And after all said and done - no ones clarified the deal with the plates ?

For one, when you go for the first tax renewal they will ask you to change the plates.

What happens if your delayed in nakhon panhom for 2 days with the BS at the DLT.

This isn't a hard, difficult or dangerous procedure. Thousands of people buy and transfer a bike every day, without being lucky.

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Sounds great.

Go for it.

papa can't read Thai so has no idea what those documents say.

(papa can read his name in a green book)

Have you searched the bike serial number to verify owner and legal status, etc.

Does book number = frame number(s) = engine number?

But really, do it.

Don't worry.

People are basically honest, right?

Forget due diligence.

Forget buerocratic incompetence.

People never experience these kinds of problems.

papa = paranoid old fool.

Buying one in BKK would be too simple, for sure.

Edited by papa al
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So you have never bought a second hand bike in your own country before, you don't know how to check a frame, you can't read Thai or even compare a name on green book against tabian baan.

Can you read man ? I didn't say - buy it blind .. I advised the buyer to go with the seller check it all out in nakhon pranhom and then process the paperwork in bangkok. Common sense prevails that the guy knows how to buy a vehicle and can check a vin number.

I think that's above and beyond most people's diligence.

Paranoid ? Putting words in my mouth ??

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Ah now your splitting hairs .. Ok - the guy can check on behalf of his girlfriend who's name will be on the green book as she has a WP.

No wonder this forum has become a wasteland these days.

OP was referring to himself as "the guy?"

Ha ah okay. Got it.

papa can appreciate referring to oneself in the third person.

OP: curious why you started the thread as you already had decided, sounds like.

Like the shocked guy in the boat when his buddy hands him a lit stick of dynamite:

You want to talk or you want to 'fish.'

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