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India sends a message – allow talented migrants to come to the UK


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India sends a message – allow talented migrants to come to the UK
Kamal Ahmed
Business editor

LONDON: -- Today, Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, arrives in the UK. There will be plenty of photo opportunities and discussions about increasing investment and trading links between India and Britain.

One of the highlights will be a 60,000 strong event at Wembley on Friday night, which will be a celebration of the contribution the Indian diaspora has made to the British economy.

Mr Modi will speak at the event, largely in Hindi. He will be welcomed by the Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-34793572

-- BBC 2015-11-12

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What is civil about accepting an economic migrant? A citizen educated in his home country is freely allowed leave his country and work for a prosperous country at the expense of his own. The truth of the matter is most of these migrants are migrating from countries with little natural resources, to the so called developed world the only assets these countries have are its people, its skills and its brains. So then what happens to the future of these poor nations when the developed world decides to take the cream of the crop? Answer is they fall even deeper into poverty because the only people capable of improving the standards of living have all been stripped away from them. It is called the ‘’decapitation of a nations intellect’’. Who looks after the old and the weak when all these people leave? Who will govern this country in the future when all the people capable to govern are gone? And you can sit there and justify that? You can subscribe to a system that allows the systematic raping of poor countries most valuable assets. Its future doctors, scientists, politicians. Leaving it decapitated in the name of peace time migration. All is not what you see, there is a fishing rod out there catching all the fresh fish. It is one of the worst crimes in history and it kills more vulnerable people than any Nazi Holocaust.
The reason China has advanced so rapidly is because some of the American Chinese. With some of the best brains out there and new opportunities they found China again, a place where they can thrive. America has educated the most advanced brains in China. Yes they do go back, ''but'' you don't want to be taking the toys of the crazy gang in the class. The ones that have used nuclear bombs. All gallant warriors used to give the defeated the opportunity to switch sides and join them. It was a brutal recruiting procedure.
Immigration full stop is a CRIME. It kills more people than all wars put together. It inflicts lower standards of living on Billions of people.

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OK.... like there's a shortage of Indian and sub continent people already in the UK? talented or not....

if talented, why not stay in India? why would a PM want to get rid of his own talented people?

Two words for you: Repatriated earnings.

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I think the UK government would do well to listen to Modi and take in talented Indian migrants.

Then, when Merkel comes begging for places for her Middle East/African hordes, Cameron can give her two fingers and say "We already gave."

The Indians (especially those from the north of India) have a lot more in common with the British people than do the hordes of the Middle East and Africa. We even speak related languages, and have, by one means or another, quite close cultural similarities. I think that the Indians (much more so than the Bangladeshis and Pakistanis) have had a positive influence on the UK.

Everyone has to take in migrants these days -- so you might as well grab the talented ones.

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Be careful what you wish for…..India is a country of 1.2 billion…and everyone is not the same.

The ones from the villages and small towns are still living in some kind of archaic belief system that makes it ok to rape women and behave like savages. To see the kind of individuals I am referencing take a walk down beach road in pattaya or bangkok's sukhumvit.

Whoever is handing out these visas has an important responsibility.

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Rather take in some educated and civil Indians who will accept the culture and contribute to it than ignorant religious radicals, who will not add one iota to their new country than to try and turn it into some Sharia homeland and if you don't like it we will blow you up.

The same could be said for East Asians. Have not heard/read of any of them being religious radicals causing trouble.

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I am no fan of foreigners migrating to the UK. But, I can accept there is a need for motivated and skilled workers.A large % of indigenous young caucasians have lost all hope after seeing industries collapse and new arrivals living the life of Riley on dole handouts, and have no desire to work whatsoever as they are better off having as many kids as possible and getting easy money. My observations of the younger Indians are that they are intelligent, diligent and have a great desire to modernize themselves and their country. Their religion is also not at war with western democracy in any shape or form.

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Be careful what you wish for…..India is a country of 1.2 billion…and everyone is not the same.

The ones from the villages and small towns are still living in some kind of archaic belief system that makes it ok to rape women and behave like savages. To see the kind of individuals I am referencing take a walk down beach road in pattaya or bangkok's sukhumvit.

Whoever is handing out these visas has an important responsibility.

Agree. The educated middle class with something to offer are one thing. Britain has suffered decades of taking in the uneducated dross from South Asia, who think it is normal to marry their children to goats.

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