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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Now will the French realise that they have done the wrong thing by letting this scum into THEIR country.

I only hope that other countries including my own, will stop letting Muslims into OUR countries.

We are all living in a foreign country at this time.

STOP the influx of immigrants now to stop this from happening.

There are too many do- gooders that want multi culturism.

Does not work with Muslim Countries.

They do not integrate with us, and will never change their ways.

I have never heard the so called CONSERVATIVE Muslim condemn the RADICAL ones.

WHY? Because of their religion.

As long as its still ok for muslim countries to continue letting nn muslims go to their countries. I moved to a muslim country and very happy I did, best move I ever made. Multiculturism is working very well here with high numbers of chineses, indian, and many western people living happily. We do not have to integrate with the muslims, they inregrate and welcome us.

Oh and yes, there are many many muslims condemning the radical attacks.

BULL. I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten. You're full of it.

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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

Who gave birth to it? Try starting with the Crusaders, then the oil-hungry Brits and Americans 100 years ago, through to interference in the Middle East to this very day.

What a load of tripe.Youre living in a dreamworld if you believe they lived in a peaceful and loving society before the Crusaders and the oil companies moved in.They have always been fighting between themselves(shia-sunni) and they have never had any respect for non believers of the Koran...............The thing nowadays is that we have invited them in to our society and they are able to travel.

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RIP those who got killed.

Hopefully all these killings will stop one day.

The hostages still have a (theoretical) chance to survive. In case their government doesn't sacrifice their lives to political and economic interests.

What are the concrete demands of the hostage-takers?


Could be hard to find any in France. What about Catholic nuns?

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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

Rubbish, but can understand your view if you consider the muslim world to be a few muslims in a Dubai Women's College.

A few Muslims? How about I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten? Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

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A sad day for europe.
The idea of peaceful coexistence with radical islamists is hopefully history.
How many deaths there must be more, until our soapbubble politicians finally realize that these radical Islamists do not want peace.
The ultimate aim from these terrorists is the destruction of our culture and values.
Europe has allowed them to build mosques in Europe, and they preach their hate unhindered.
It's time that Europe closes its borders.
To form a peaceful, tolerant world and open society is impossible with these elements.
It's time to fight back against these cowardly attackers and initiators.

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Current state:- 160 dead, and climbing, 5 terrorists killed, ISIS has claimed responsibility. France has closed all borders, trains stopped, no vehicles on Paris streets, people to stay at home. At concert, gunmen shot individuals, one at a time. then started throwing explosives into the crowd. Now in lockdown and marital law implemented as well as a curfew. France's 9/11

Merkel will rue the day she allowed 80,000 migrants, without or without papers into her country, what was she ever thinking when she and her government allowed this to occur. Blood will run in the streets or many countries given what these scumbags have carried on on Friday the 13th, a truly black day for France. Obama was the same mealy mouthed ineffective President he has been for the past 2 years, the sooner he goes the better.

We need to pray that our so called leaders grow some and start rejecting what has been happeing with these migrants otherwise this will occur more and more everyday. The low lifes of ISIS need to re eradicated sooner than later or we will or suffer. RIP to all the victims and condolences to their families..

Edited by Si Thea01
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Current state:- 160 dead, and climbing, 5 terrorists killed, ISIS has claimed responsibility. France has closed all borders, trains stopped, no vehicles on Paris streets, people to stay at home. At concert, gunmen shot individuals, one at a time. then started throwing explosives into the crowd. Now in lockdown and marital law implemented as well as a curfew.

Merkel will rue the day she allowed 80,000 migrants, without or without papers into her country, what was she ever thinking when she and her government allowed this to occur. Blood will run in the streets or many countries given what these scumbags have carried on on Friday the 13th, a truly black day for France. Obama was the same mealy mouthed ineffective President he has been for the past 2 years, the sooner he goes the better.

We need to pray that our so called leaders grow some and start rejecting what has been happeing with these migrants otherwise this will occur more and more everyday. The low lifes of ISIS need to re eradicated sooner than later or we will or suffer. RIP to thoseall the victims and condolences to their families..

"our so called leaders" are complicit; nothing will change.

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I was a 2nd lieutenant United States of America army and they lie like dogs. Stay their not gay and don't eat pork, WELL I watched them for several months from gps drones, they pump each other like crazy drink alcohol and watch pork.

Anytime you Muslims want someone to fight I'm here I don't run

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RIP those who got killed.

Hopefully all these killings will stop one day.

The hostages still have a (theoretical) chance to survive. In case their government doesn't sacrifice their lives to political and economic interests.

What are the concrete demands of the hostage-takers?


Could be hard to find any in France. What about Catholic nuns?

I think it is clear what I meant.

What do YOU mean?

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I was a 2nd lieutenant United States of America army and they lie like dogs. Stay their not gay and don't eat pork, WELL I watched them for several months from gps drones, they pump each other like crazy drink alcohol and watch pork.

Anytime you Muslims want someone to fight I'm here I don't run

Possible fake: Army officers need a university degree; your syntax is inconsistent with an education, or you may not be a native speaker of English. I share your sentiments, however.

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Does anyone else see the irony of 100 fans being killed at a Death Metal concert? Isn't this a musical genre that glorifies violence and death...maybe it was part of the show.

One has to feel for the French people at times like this, being led by that little worm of a man, Hollande, but that was their choice, as was the choice to allow unrestricted Muslim immigration into their country.

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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

Who gave birth to it? Try starting with the Crusaders, then the oil-hungry Brits and Americans 100 years ago, through to interference in the Middle East to this very day.

First crusade was only after 300 years of Islamic aggression and expansion into Christian lands and only launched to free Jerusalem. Islamic aggression into Europe only ended ( for a time) on Sept 11/12 1683 when the Ottoman army was defeated at Vienna. Mohamad gave birth to this violence, nobody else.

Ha ha, yes, I agree with your sentiments overall. I recall some of the fundamentalist Christian TV preachers in the States who accuse Mohammed of having been a pedophile. Unfortunately that moral authority doesn't impress me much, because in the 19th Century, marrying children was commonplace in the West. Edgar Allan Poe married his 13-year-old cousin! And wrote "Annabel Lee" about her.

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RIP those who got killed.

Hopefully all these killings will stop one day.

The hostages still have a (theoretical) chance to survive. In case their government doesn't sacrifice their lives to political and economic interests.

What are the concrete demands of the hostage-takers?

Could be hard to find any in France. What about Catholic nuns?
I think it is clear what I meant.

What do YOU mean?

I mean authorities should wait for the hostage-takers to come up with their demands and then try to save the life of the hostages.

Too late now for stating that a state cannot be blackmailed.

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Anyone surprised ? I think Nana and Pattqya is Neutral territory ?


That is plain silly.....what is with Christian/Buddhist/Atheist Arabs? Ethnic and Religion is not the same.

Plain silly yes.

And proof of lack of education.

The sign clearly should be: No muslims.

That's what the ones in bars arounf lower Suk used to read decades ago.

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A Taliban early Christmas jingle I wrote last year:

Wreck the halls with bombs of folly,

Allah la la la la, Allah la la

'Tis the season just like Bali,

Allah la la la, Allah la la.

Don you now your gay apparel,

Allah la la, Allah la, la la la

Smite you down with rifle barrel

Allah la la la, Allah la la!

See the blazing school before us,

Allah la la la, Allah la lah

Strike them down and join the chorus

Allah la la la, Allah la la.

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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

I wasnt aware the attacks were carried out by the refugees Merkel let in. Do you have a link?

Don't try and be smart, at some point they were a refugee/asylum seeker...lets just wait, the ones Merkel is letting in will be the terrorists of tomorrow without a doubt..just look at the scenes in Hungary, hundreds of angry young men burning and throwing things

The majority of French Muslims were originally legal labour immigrants from previous French colonial countries, not refugees / asylum seekers. It's estimated 70k+ Muslims died fighting alongside French forces during WW1, how things have changed with the desecration of graves of Muslims in France killed in WW1.

We will have to wait & see if the murderers are French Muslim heritage citizens or from the pool of illegal migrants / refugees / asylum seekers; whatever their origin a terrible day for France.

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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

Who gave birth to it? Try starting with the Crusaders, then the oil-hungry Brits and Americans 100 years ago, through to interference in the Middle East to this very day.

I suggest that you watch "Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner" available on youtube.

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Anyone surprised ? I think Nana and Pattqya is Neutral territory ?


That is plain silly.....what is with Christian/Buddhist/Atheist Arabs? Ethnic and Religion is not the same.

Plain silly yes.

And proof of lack of education.

The sign clearly should be: No muslims.

In Thailand every Muslim can change religion, so no excuse of being born as Muslim.

I was Roman Catholic and changed that....So every Muslim can do.

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Sometimes a military junta loyal to King and Country looks pretty damn good....

Someone needs to root them out → The PC people aren't going to do it...

I do feel a certain amount of relief being here. Thailand may be one of the safer places on Earth at the moment.

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