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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

And that this comes right on the heels of ISIS downing the Russian passenger aircraft shows the declaration of war is on anybody that dares take them on. I hope this is a wake up call for Europe to shut down the entire flow of migrants now as its clear terrorists are among them and to start a serious campaign with an overwhelming international force to crush these cockroaches.

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it's war and no war is ever clean. shall i distribute a couple of history books.... whistling.gif

But only our side sentences one of it's soldiers to life for murder, after shooting one of the opposition, after a rigged Court Martial, to save face for senior officers and the government.

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@Linky - I would hope, and I mean it sincerely, that all refugees are kept track of, investigated, processed. Those that arenot genuinely refugees fleeing isis are sent packing. The remainder treated as humanely as anyone of any religion fleeing isis.

Stop talking about ISIS and refugees. FIrst of all 30% of all refugees in Germany are not Syrians, even if they claim to be Syrians. In a village were I grow up their are 130 Bangladeshi's and Pakistanis. I was their last month. Another 40% according to the German Interior Minister came from Turkey and Lebanon but they don't want to stay their because their are no benefits as they only get food from the UNHCR but no financial incentives. Afghan refugees have a chance to make it to either Pakistan or Iran but they want to go to Europe because their is money to be made.

A male refugee with a wife, two children can make 1100 Euros per month including free accommodations, so who wants to stay in Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or Pakistan.

It was Merkel that invited the problem into Europe because my country Germany very much controls the EU. Her intentions were chai dee but without a plan you can't just say to all those Muslim countries, hey we take you all in.

The German are responsible for the mess and I hope Merkel is going to resign to stop that nightmare. As you are familiar with Indonesia, let Indonesia take in 1 million brothers and sisters but I guess Indonesia gives a damn about them and is on par with all those other Muslim countries that don't want to get them into their country.

The Syrians will end up like the Palestinians but it is not really the problem of the West but the Muslims in general have to change their country from the inside.

And your point is?

A'kum - The point is they should have stayed from where they came. Very simple really, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan etc.

Looks like @Linky prefers to discuss all her issues with someone that never was exposed to Islam but I was part of this religious sect for 16 years and I know how things is ticking in many of those heads. Been their, done that.

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In the mean time in poland "

Tens Of Thousands Of Christians In Poland Take Over The Streets To Fight Islam And Leftism, They Cry Out “God, Honour, Homeland” And “Stop Islamisation”"


and http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/12/pictures-50000-polish-nationalists-march-on-warsaw-burn-eu-flags/

check the coments under

Edited by BeefSlapper
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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

Brilliant post!

Only if by "Islamist" he means "Islamist terrorists" rather than all Muslims.

Even if he does, it's a shame that he spoils his argument by implying that no one cared about the Charlie Hebdo murders because we are all anti Semitic!

Particularly as Charlie Hebdo is not a Jewish magazine, nor, as far as I am aware, were either of it's founders Jewish. The magazine describes itself as secular and atheist!

Edited by 7by7
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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

Brilliant post!

Only if by "Islamist" he means "Islamist terrorists" rather than all Muslims.

Even if he does, it's a shame that he spoils his argument by implying that no one cared about the Charlie Hebdo murders because we are all anti Semitic!

Particularly as Charlie Hebdo is not a Jewish magazine, nor, as far as I am aware, were either of it's founders Jewish. The magazine describes itself as secular and atheist!

So, that is the new "unmentionable", the Jews? Mentioning Jews next to other victims is "spoiling" an argument? The Charlie Hebdo murder victims were real, the others to be ignored, or what???

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The obvious and unavoidable result of allowing seemingly unlimited immigration, particularly when we see that a large proportion of the illegals are fit young men.

The enemy does as the enemy is trained to do; the blame lies with our own governments who not only fail to control unwanted immigration, they actively encourage it through their crazy policies.

A sad time for all, but expect more.

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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

Would you please check your Jewish privilege when you sign in...it's getting a bit tiresome. This is about terror attacks in France by suspected Islamic extremists...not Jews or Judaism.

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The enemy has finally become more clever in the selection of their targets. I always wondered why our Islamic enemy didn't go after more cafes, sporting events, and music concerts. Now, they have. They are shutting down life in Europe. The lights are going out in Paris and things will soon go dark in London, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Stockholm. The next targets? Imagine suicide bombers attacking airports where people are herded together in line WAITING for a security check. What about places across the continent, such as the Trevi fountain, the Spanish steps, the Parthenon, the British Museum, or scores of other places packed with tourists that will make Bangkok's Erawan Shrine look like a pimple on an elephant. It's coming. Soon. Europeans need to be prepared either to fight or to die.

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ISIS, The Anglo/American/Zio bogeyman called ISIS, are actually killing far more Muslim's than other nationalities. This Paris attack was known of in advance, it was published in Paris Match on oct 2nd.(read at Global Research.ca), so this attack was State assisted, planned and coordinated by their crazy " Security Serv." notice no survivors among the perps. Things Don't look too good in Farangland 'cos there is a huge shitstorm heading there way, and over the pond as well. Its all well documented there plans for us. Try reading Infomation clearing house online and Voltaire.org get the "real" news, not the scripted pap that they call news. At 70 years and living in Provincial Thailand I consider myself lucky, unless They chuck us all out when the sh#t hits the fan.

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ISIS, The Anglo/American/Zio bogeyman called ISIS, are actually killing far more Muslim's than other nationalities. This Paris attack was known of in advance, it was published in Paris Match on oct 2nd.(read at Global Research.ca), so this attack was State assisted, planned and coordinated by their crazy " Security Serv." notice no survivors among the perps. Things Don't look too good in Farangland 'cos there is a huge shitstorm heading there way, and over the pond as well. Its all well documented there plans for us. Try reading Infomation clearing house online and Voltaire.org get the "real" news, not the scripted pap that they call news. At 70 years and living in Provincial Thailand I consider myself lucky, unless They chuck us all out when the sh#t hits the fan.

Nut stuff.

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"French President Francois Hollande was quickly evacuated from the stadium and soon after declared a state of emergency."

But the warnings were spoken:

Published on Oct 10, 2015

Le Pen vs Hollande at the European Parliament English subtitles

Front National-leader Marine Le Pen and French President Francois Hollande in a confrontation at the European Parliament on 7 October 2015.

Please TV readers: watch this video... only 12 minutes of your time to understand that this tragedy could have been avoided, if.... If Ms. Le Pen had been the leader!

Mr. Hollande... Ms. Merkel... you both personally disgust me!

To the French people... I have nothing to say but I weep with you today! Hopefully tomorrow I can stand by your side inspirit when you rid your country of your ills!

Bless you!

We in the west cannot stop what we do...We have moved on to make life a pleasure, yeh we have probs but .......We have bent over backwards to accept folk of any creed, religion into our fold.....But it ain't worked.......Of course the majority who wanted to come into our fold have done so....but.........

The west must now think about stuff, cos natives WILL be taken out by religious nuts...Absolutely sure, why cos we care but the migrants religion don't.

True... but...

Perhaps it is this very thing you suggest that will bring about the "nudge" we need to return to our foundational beliefs which made us what we were... what we were!

I am not certain that the forefathers of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights had any idea of what exists today (being as out of hand as it is)... yet I still have faith that what began as something good can be improved upon.

Regarding the genocide of the aboriginal natives of the North American continent and the slaves, I feel those issues are also integral and an important factor to consider if mankind endeavors to strive to continue is its self-actualization.

Someone said something about karma giving people a revisitation for their sins, but I do not subscribe to that view. Maybe Karma or God did not get the memo that there is such a thing as the realization of wrongdoing and making amends and reparations to a certain point where the victim can get a kick-start to move on and not look back anymore.

I do not believe that the masters should become the slaves to the victims and their progenitors and the master's progenitors carry the burdens of their forefathers. I think there should be a point when the slate can be wiped clean and the future generations can live in the present and not in the past.

Forgive me for digressing.

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The enemy has finally become more clever in the selection of their targets. I always wondered why our Islamic enemy didn't go after more cafes, sporting events, and music concerts. Now, they have. They are shutting down life in Europe. The lights are going out in Paris and things will soon go dark in London, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Stockholm. The next targets? Imagine suicide bombers attacking airports where people are herded together in line WAITING for a security check. What about places across the continent, such as the Trevi fountain, the Spanish steps, the Parthenon, the British Museum, or scores of other places packed with tourists that will make Bangkok's Erawan Shrine look like a pimple on an elephant. It's coming. Soon. Europeans need to be prepared either to fight or to die.


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Not really relevant to this topic, but


let Indonesia take in 1 million brothers and sisters but I guess Indonesia gives a damn about them and is on par with all those other Muslim countries that don't want to get them into their country.

Please get your facts right.

Top five countries in terms of the number of Syrian refugees:

  • Over 2 million in Turkey
  • Nearly 1.5 million in Jordan
  • Over 1 million in Lebanon.
  • Over 500,000 in Saudi Arabia (classified by the Saudi government as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress" not as refugees)
  • Nearly 250,000 in Iraq.


Notice something? All Muslim countries!


According to Wikipedia their are 100k Syrians in September 2015 in Saudi Arabia and the number is disputed. Saudi Arabia has taking Syrians for the past 20 years of cheap labor. You even would find 85,000 Yemeni but they are not refugees but they work before the Yemen bombings started by Saudi Arabia for many years,

UNHCR have much different numbers about Saudi Arabia and I dont believe what Saudi Arabia or any Gulf States are saying.

The UNHCR reports 1.8 million refugees from Turkey but with official numbers from the EU 500,000 left for Europe and a large number left from Lebanon as well.

Why don;t they all stay in Muslim countries if they are save?

According to the UNHCR and Amnesty International this is the real numbers:

How many refugees are Gulf countries taking in?

Saudi Arabia: 0

Kuwait: 0

Qatar: 0

Bahrain: 0

United Arab Emirates: 250,000 (Cheap Labour as well)

The latest numbers in Jordan is 680,000 Syrian refugees as 300,000 left already.

Let me give you some quotes:

The Amnesty International reported that Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain have offered "zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees", although they gave some money to refugee aid initiatives. If the Gulf Cooperation Council decides, as some analysis's claim, Saudi Arabia and its GCC allies can easily take up to three million Syrian refugees within one year. There are other reports which say that Saudi Arabia has about 100,000 Syrians living temporarily in the country. Syrian migrants that worked for years in Saudi Arabia are not classified as refugees.

If in Turkey would be a war and Germany would claim that they take in 2 million Turkey peoples that have been working for the last 20 years in Turkey they are not refugees.

Only the UAE took in real Syrian refugees, but make no mistake they work in the UAE for many years otherwise I wonder how they could have build 50,000 home for those families in the past 2 months,

Muslim countries are a transit point, but a nice spin any way.

Those from Turkey and Lebanon are on the way to Europe, so lets send all those refugees from Lebanon and Turkey that ended up in Europe back to Turkey and Lebanon back and we wouldn't have any refugee crisis in Europe.

Nice try :)

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So let's take a realistic tally. Muslims don't get along with Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and most telling...other Muslims. It's time to really push back hard. We have to assume they are all enemies of freedom. I'm sshocked there hasn't been any vigilantism.... Yet.

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Taking a seat back and pondering what this all really means. After some meditation, it occurs to me that the seemingly SAFE life (read in full letters: A society where nobody is able to defend himself if needed, where violence in any form has been contracted out to State powers) is a rather artificial, and if you ask me personally, an unhealthy situation. To that extent, I am actually in favour of the gun lobbyists in the U.S. Proof has been administered, if it was necessary, that the tight gun controls in Europe are no, read NO, obstacle whatsoever to criminal elements. We knew that, of course. But even if we take the firearms issue out of this, which is specific, I think what is needed is a whole different attitude to life. Yes. Danger is NATURAL! Death, also violent Death, is natural as well. We are meant by evolution to face it.

I worked in Afghanistan a lot as a Civilian, member of various organisations and missions. Security was as difficult as ever, but you would be mistaken if you think that this meant we had no fun. On the contrary, I should say! We socialised a lot, we made love if the occasion offered, we heard music, we even hiked together on one of the nearby mountains, only as a group, of course, Security escort provided. This all appeared to most of us, forgive me, a very natural and healthy lifestyle.

I could drag this out more but the point has been made. What these Islamists did was not to rob us of Paradise, of Civilisation. In some respect, they perhaps did us a favour. Let us heed the lesson, prepare for emergencies, and let us NOT start to be gloomy and pessimist about all this. Life is beautiful! Enjoy while you can...

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Are any muslims offended by this?

From now on they will be watched even more closely, they have now brought this to streets and the people will soon grow tired of the impotence of the Governments failure to deal with a situation that the public could see coming and the people will deal with it.

Close all the borders now, go back to strict border controls, stop the refugees arriving, drastic action is needed now, not talk, these people have to be stopped.

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