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Trump: Paris attack would have been different with more guns


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Isis would have half their work done for them if everyone was armed, having everyone bringing their arms to rock concerts and other everyday activities would result in a much greater death toll every year, year on year. Trump with more outrageous remarks.. who gave this guy a voice? he needs to stop talking

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Isis would have half their work done for them if everyone was armed, having everyone bringing their arms to rock concerts and other everyday activities would result in a much greater death toll every year, year on year. Trump with more outrageous remarks.. who gave this guy a voice? he needs to stop talking

Can you imagine footie fans with weapons..

"France v Germany..

Giroud gets sent off.."

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Isis would have half their work done for them if everyone was armed, having everyone bringing their arms to rock concerts and other everyday activities would result in a much greater death toll every year, year on year. Trump with more outrageous remarks.. who gave this guy a voice? he needs to stop talking

Can you imagine footie fans with weapons..

"France v Germany..

Giroud gets sent off.."

Would be interesting if Trump were the referee... gigglem.gif

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You do realize that not even policemen carry guns in some European countries (UK for example). The mentality is totally different.

Very foolish indeed...

had to laugh.

Here is what happens to unarmed policman when they are arresting a packing villain...


any questions?

What do they use when the baddies draw their weapons and say..."Badges"? "We don't like your stinking badges"? bam bam.

do they throw billie clubs back?

Clearly I am unusually thick, but what exactly were you trying to prove by quoting this story from the BBC.

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Everyone being armed is quite obviously the way to go, a country where there is a mass-shooing almost everyday of the year is obviously the model to follow.


Why on earth would is Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen Nigeria, etc., "obviously the model to follow?"

It is irrefutable that gun control only takes weapons from the law abiding citizens. There is overwhelming evidence that the absence of guns does not necessarily reduce violent death, just look at stabbings as an epidemic. Since people dont kill people, knives do, why is there not knife control?

Trump speaks often about distasteful things, yet they are self evident, and refreshing. The "Paris attack would have been different with more guns," for sure.

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Very foolish indeed...

had to laugh.

What do they use when the baddies draw their weapons and say..."Badges"? "We don't like your stinking badges"? bam bam.

do they throw billie clubs back?

You may think it's foolish, but that is because you live in fear and have backwards thinking.

Just look at the murder rates & death by guns in Europe and compare to those the good ol' US..

And we do not have to lock up most of our young men or have the highest incarceration rates in the 'civilised' world.

Empirical evidence trumps your fear every day of the week..

While it may appear to be foolish it actually works very well, please stop trying to imagine that you have the answers you clearly do not.

War on Terror? hows is that working out?

Capitol punishment? how's that working out for you guys?

Jog on trying to impose your madness in Europe.. it's not happening fella.

You have not one iota of knowledge as to whether I am a fearful man or not.

I suggest you backtrack...as I consider that insulting..personally.

By the way...unarmed policemen facing guns.....yes, my dear lord.... foolish indeed.

oh yes..

Open the gates for ISIS?

Attacks by foreigners against your civilians?

Unarmed...incapable...police unable to respond?

how is that working out over there? for you? fella

Since you find guns necessary to defend yourself, you obviously are a fearful man.

Original post deleted due to too many posts. Obviously from your remarks you are not a fearful man. Please tell us how you would defend or have defended yourself against an armed predator.

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I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Donald Trump has been on a special course.

Nobody could be so stupid naturally!

I don't know why but to americans especially those republican/ red neck types their solution to gun problems is to bring in more guns to shoot back at the shooter.

I don't know either when they could just throw a bouquet of flowers at the shooter.

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Not surprised at this mindless comment. Bush v IIII coming from hell

One of the best graffiti pieces I have seen said "Fight fire with fire and the world will burn"

Its a nice cliche, but meaningless. Many people prefer not to surrender their wives, their property, their wealth, their countries, their lives, into the hand of mobs, killers, criminals, insurgents, invaders, or other such parasites on humanity. There are plenty of examples in contemporary history where not fighting fire with fire has resulted in ethnic cleansing, murder, destruction, rape, etc. It is a liberal fiction that defending one's self or property can be a restricted act.

Governments were constituted to ensure the public peace. In the absence of government being able to effectively manage this prime directive the natural rights of man are always the reserve, and each man and woman alive always retain the rights/means to continue living. Period!

If there were no AKs in this assault it would have been ANFO and knives, but it would have happened regardless. Guns keep people alive!


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I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Donald Trump has been on a special course.

Nobody could be so stupid naturally!

I don't know why but to americans especially those republican/ red neck types their solution to gun problems is to bring in more guns to shoot back at the shooter.

I don't know either when they could just throw a bouquet of flowers at the shooter.

Here is an idea

How about not allowing the shooter to have a gun, and have him throw flowers to me.

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Not surprised at this mindless comment. Bush v IIII coming from hell

One of the best graffiti pieces I have seen said "Fight fire with fire and the world will burn"

Its a nice cliche, but meaningless. Many people prefer not to surrender their wives, their property, their wealth, their countries, their lives, into the hand of mobs, killers, criminals, insurgents, invaders, or other such parasites on humanity. There are plenty of examples in contemporary history where not fighting fire with fire has resulted in ethnic cleansing, murder, destruction, rape, etc. It is a liberal fiction that defending one's self or property can be a restricted act.

Governments were constituted to ensure the public peace. In the absence of government being able to effectively manage this prime directive the natural rights of man are always the reserve, and each man and woman alive always retain the rights/means to continue living. Period!

If there were no AKs in this assault it would have been ANFO and knives, but it would have happened regardless. Guns keep people alive!


Nice post. For all the anti gun nutters posting here saying no civilian should be allowed to own a weapon you might consider what the Afghans did when the Soviet Union invaded them. Every Afghan family is armed and had they not been armed they would have been speaking Russian today.

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I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Donald Trump has been on a special course.

Nobody could be so stupid naturally!

I don't know why but to americans especially those republican/ red neck types their solution to gun problems is to bring in more guns to shoot back at the shooter.

I don't know either when they could just throw a bouquet of flowers at the shooter.

Here is an idea

How about not allowing the shooter to have a gun, and have him throw flowers to me.

Great idea. All criminals are law abiding citizens and will strictly abide by the gun laws.

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I don't know why but to americans especially those republican/ red neck types their solution to gun problems is to bring in more guns to shoot back at the shooter.

I don't know either when they could just throw a bouquet of flowers at the shooter.

Here is an idea

How about not allowing the shooter to have a gun, and have him throw flowers to me.

Great idea. All criminals are law abiding citizens and will strictly abide by the gun laws.

we have a legal system to deal with criminals and then you will say but the criminal system does not deal with all the criminals

and I will say and I will say arming citizens to deal with the small number of criminals the police cant deal with creates more danger from the wider availability of guns and the you say Bla bla bla to which I reply Yaddy yar yad yad yad and people in the US are massacred every week, and now we think it would be good if Europe was the same.

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Worthy of note is the fact the eight Islamic extremists chose not to attack the French gendarmerie S.W.A.T headquarters.or the Legion barracks.

Wonder why.

That is simple enough to answer they are cowards. not a real man amongst them

Did the fact that many in the US have guns stop 9/11, or Boston, or Columbine, or Sandy Hook, or.....?

More guns is not the answer..

Let's examine this particularly brilliant bit of prose.

1. The 9/11 hijackers were on scheduled airlines. No guns are permitted on board scheduled airlines.

2. I presume you are talking about the Boston marathon bombing? There were no guns involved by anybody in the bombing incident. Bad guys or good guys. Why would somebody shoot a backpack seemingly innocently resting on the ground?

3. Columbine was a gun free zone.m Legal gun owners tend to follow the laws. There would have been no guns available at the school.

4. Sandy Hook? See number 3 above.

Try again.

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And they wont this clown for president?-

No we dont.

not entirely true, but for the sake of this explanation let's assume that 50% of americans are republicans, and 50% are democrats

right now Trump has 27% of the support of the republicans, he is leading the field because the remaining 72% is divided among his many opponents, and 27% is enough to lead the field.

so right now he gets 27% of 50% of voters.

Hardly a majority to get him elected,

as the field narrows the remaining 72% of republican voters will coalesce behind a serious candidate

Democrats hope they don't , if Trum is the republican candidate it will guarantee a democratic win, but I dont believe it will come to that,

The 27% that support him are idiots, Trump is not stupid, he knows that he needs to talk to them in a language they understand. So he says idiotic things,

One needs to understand that Trump is a brand, most of the Trump properties are not owned by him, but are under licence to use his brand, Trump is not in this to gain the presidency,

If he does he would not turn it down, but he is not a serious candidate, he is a self promoter, he is promoting his brand that has made him rich and will make him even richer after this is over

and he is doing it with other peoples money, Brilliant!!.

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I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Donald Trump has been on a special course.

Nobody could be so stupid naturally!

If I was from USA I would be embarrassed that this man is actually running, and at various times leading opponents. Only in America

Only in the Republican party in America.

Republican party is run by rightwingnuts.

and not all of them

I have no love lost for Republicans, but no all of them are bad people, in fact many of them are very good people , just have a different idea of how to get to the same place we all want to get to. one can respect that.

I can tell you one thing many of them are embarrassed by this also,

These are the early stages of this nominating process, I am sure as the serious minded ones coalesce behind a serious candidate and some of the wingnuts get buyers remorse Trumps bid will be toast.

Run by rightwingnuts is what I posted.

Didn't say all Republicans.


Most Republicans, perhaps, but not all. We'll need to see who the Rs actually do nominate to make a more definitive call as to the extent the Republican party is under a powerful lunar pull. Most of the R candidates are under lunar influences, only a few of 'em are less afflicted.

Almost every gun nut in the USA is a Republican or supports the Republican party. Almost everyone working to radically change the extremist gun culture is not a Republican.

Edited by Publicus
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Okay, Trump...make "policy statements" or whatever you think that is, you are spewing for Jim- Bob and John- Boy, if you have to.

But keep your trap shut, when it comes to Europe!

We are doing just fine without you!

Oh...and of course it was good to see, how all the guns in the US prevented 9/11, wasn't it!?

What a moron!

If any of these clowns -and I mean ALL on the republican side- become POTUS, we are in for a very rough ride!

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Can we get back on topic please.

unfortunately the protagonist of the OP is a Republican and his statement Republican modus operandi

how can we decouple the Op from the culture that inspired it?

But you are right the topic is " would the Paris attack be different with more guns"

and I am inclined to agree with Trump

I would had being much different, It would have being worst and have happen more often.

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You do realize that not even policemen carry guns in some European countries (UK for example). The mentality is totally different.

Very foolish indeed...

had to laugh.

Here is what happens to unarmed policman when they are arresting a packing villain...


any questions?

What do they use when the baddies draw their weapons and say..."Badges"? "We don't like your stinking badges"? bam bam.

do they throw billie clubs back?

I think you have overdosed on Clint Eastwood movies.

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Most civilians are lousy shots so probably should give them hand grenades to make sure they hit the target.

Or wear suicide belts?

I vote for PND's

Personal Nuclear Devices, and the doctrine of mutually assured destruction. It worked in the cold war, why not work now?

any mother terrorist attacks, BOOM, take him out and the whole city too, I like to see him try that againtongue.png

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