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Thailand only: Four year old twins ‘get married’ to help ward off evil spirits


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Some people are clearly too stupid to be allowed to have children.

Yep, you better include christians in that statement. They too have the belief in all those spirit things.


Whether you believe it or not, Spirits exist.

l have experienced them.

Some good, some neutral & some not so good.

l don't care if you laugh,

l'm beyond worrying what other people think.

But they are real.

l think that we all have a spirit or life force within us that is released when the body dies.

Kirilian photography clearly shows this life force of all living things.

Ah Yes of course…..Whisky, Gin, Vodka all have illusionary effects on the brain!

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i asked my thai friend about this. my friend said it is not a real marriage, just celebration to fool spirits

Correct. This is not Buddhism nor is it a perversion of Thai Buddhism, like the animist houses that are everywhere or the Ganesha shrines and temples. This is animist tribal customs that evolved from long ago childhood death numbers. At that time Thai knowledge of the unseen world was hardly more primitive then western concepts of the unseen world and both remain equally primitive today. They presumed, based on Buddhist/Hindu/Ancestor hungry ghost and other mythology that deaths were due to spirits. So, they named their children absurdly ugly names, thinking the ghosts were a reflection of them and the ghosts too would shy away from stealing kids with ugly names. Thus kids had a primary ugly name and a nickname that was pleasant. Thus the ubiquity of Thai nicknames still. Thais only variously do this now but the nicknames continue.

Practices of death throughout the world are no less absurd to the narrow minded or intolerant. Whether it is thumping the dead on the head after a time, or opening a door in a house, sitting shiva, filling the body with chemicals like taxidermy so they can one day be resurrected by a guy who died thousands of years ago, talking someone through the bardo, placing coins on the eyes to pay the ferrymen, all can be equally attacked by the ignorant. In this case, the activity is on the other-side of life, this side. It is the same actions to ensure continuity of spirit, but on this side of the veil- to their perspective.

This child marriage thing noted here is not the same as child marriage for power, land, protection, or family merging. It is to ensure possible soul mates can continue to work out their karma in this life; it is not the same child marriage seen in the indian and islamic world. However absurd it sounds to others its no more absurd than 1) believing in a dead and rising god (at least the 2nd/3rd one to do this too) or 2) not believing in a dead and rising god, like the earlier poster who just sounds stupid parroting his atheist religion of science (ah duh, I follow facts!)- the world of objective facts IS dependent solely on fallible senses. People smug in their superiority are the height of arrogance.

this stuff happens in all developing countries, and western countries do bizarre things too. the world is one big <deleted>.

Swami Vivikananda, whom I revere, had some pointed observations about child marriage. However, this example is not those marriages. This is a fictitious, non consummating marriage. http://www.swamivivekanandaquotes.org/2014/01/child-marriage-swami-vivekananda-quotes.html

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"The children’s father said that he wanted to trick the evil spirits into thinking his children were a genuine couple rather than twin brother and sister, so that they would be free from bad luck."

Guess those evil spirits are a couple of bananas short of a bunch.

They are Thai spirits so shouldn't be that hard to trick. Wonder if they have consummated the marriage yet.

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Amazing that it hasn't come up after 127 posts:

A majority of high ranking business executives and high ranking politicians have little "Ghost Houses" in their front yard.

And this in the year of the lord 2015. (Globalization, etc, etc)

Scary ! Scarier than a few Lady Boys robbing tourists on Pattaya Beach at 2 AM. Good luck Thailand in today's world !


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"The childrens father said that he wanted to trick the evil spirits into thinking his children were a genuine couple rather than twin brother and sister, so that they would be free from bad luck."

Guess those evil spirits are a couple of bananas short of a bunch.

They are Thai spirits so shouldn't be that hard to trick. Wonder if they have consummated the marriage yet.

You really want to know if these two innocent children have "consumated" the marriage?!?! &lt;deleted&gt; is wrong with you? This is the only thing on your mind after reading this article?!?! Sick...

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In modern societies it is not allowed for brothers and sisters, and cousins in the first grade, to get married together, nor is it possible for un-related under a set minimum age corresponding to basic intellectual maturity.

This nowadays only remains possible in some 3rd world countries, which are ruled by tribal and feodal powers, and whose un(der)educated populations still follow ancient traditions dominated by superstition and magic. A bit like Thailand...

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And there's us, mouthing off about the education ministry's plan to send 500 of their own to a crash course in English, so as not to be dependent on foreigners.

What hope is there for a country whose leaders were all brought up in this swirling pool of mumbo jumo superstitious stuff. The answer? Very little, until thousands more of their own are educated overseas, far away from their spooky homeland. .. and then what.

And you want to marry into this?

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The worst IMHO is that Buddhist monks cautioned this...(can't find a decent word to qualify it) by accepting to participate! Will they be defrocked...?

That a whole community seems to have been involved in it too, shows how retarded many of those 'grassroots'' areas are. And then such 'people' are considered able to express a vote? This story should be mailed to the policy makers of the USA, EU, and UN to show them how close Thailand is to become a 'democracy'...

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Just when you think you have just read the most stupidest

thing about Thailand,something pops up to beat it.never a

dull moment here. P.S. the little boy does not look very happy about it all.

regards Worgeordie

He's probably sick of waiting for that Ice Cream he was promised if he behaves.

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"The children’s father said that he wanted to trick the evil spirits into thinking his children were a genuine couple rather than twin brother and sister, so that they would be free from bad luck."

Guess those evil spirits are a couple of bananas short of a bunch.

What a brilliant man. He should call Prayuth tomorrow and offer his services to the government.

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Sounds real strange, but then again someone being crucified and coming back from the dead is just as strange. Only atheism makes any sense because it relies on facts not unproven beliefs.

Also add blowing up yourself plus a few others and get 7 virgins in the "next life" .....!!

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Crepe and cream, enough said!

Not quite as "clever" as twin boys at my son's school - Nikon and Cannon. It really makes you wonder sometimes.

I dont't see how this is any different to the stupid English father who named his daughter after the whole Liverpool football squad. I wonder how she is getting on now that she is adult. Filling forms that ask for your full name must be a real pain.

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In modern societies it is not allowed for brothers and sisters, and cousins in the first grade, to get married together, nor is it possible for un-related under a set minimum age corresponding to basic intellectual maturity.

This nowadays only remains possible in some 3rd world countries, which are ruled by tribal and feodal powers, and whose un(der)educated populations still follow ancient traditions dominated by superstition and magic. A bit like Thailand...

It was only a 'village marriage" so no law broken and is perfectly accepted in their local society. We all have superstitions ... do you stand on the cracks between the pavements?

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The children’s father said that he wanted to trick the evil spirits!

The evil spirits have tricked you my friend...

Is this not a form of child abuse...and to think the whole town...including many monks were in on the stupidity...

Is it any wonder that Thailand can not seem to get out of its own way when it comes to progress?

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In modern societies it is not allowed for brothers and sisters, and cousins in the first grade, to get married together, nor is it possible for un-related under a set minimum age corresponding to basic intellectual maturity.

This nowadays only remains possible in some 3rd world countries, which are ruled by tribal and feodal powers, and whose un(der)educated populations still follow ancient traditions dominated by superstition and magic. A bit like Thailand...

It was only a 'village marriage" so no law broken and is perfectly accepted in their local society. We all have superstitions ... do you stand on the cracks between the pavements?
You don't need to worry about the cracks in the footpaths in Thailand, you need to pay more attention to the missing grates, holes, broken concrete etc so as not to break an ankle or leg. Edited by Artisi
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Animism is alive and well in the LOS, black magic, digging up body parts to get the winning lottery numbers, this idiotic ceremony. Let me tell you Issan girls are a blessing ( for some ) ref competing with this medieval Tor lair.

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In the photo which ones are the parents I wonder? Either way they look like brother and sister. Im not one for Thai bashing at all. I love this country but seriously? Poor kids growing up believing this rubbish. Now that is child abuse. Crazy it was backed by the family who must also believe this rubbish. I think the spirits have already visited he parents and are playing some cruel joke on them.

AND endorsed by their local Buddhist temple , that pillar of society - sending monks to bless the marriage and therefore lend a stamp of approval to this voodoo .....

We know that Monks will do almost anything for money... so maybe not a great surprise that they will bless a 4 year old's incestuous sham marriage.

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In modern societies it is not allowed for brothers and sisters, and cousins in the first grade, to get married together, nor is it possible for un-related under a set minimum age corresponding to basic intellectual maturity.

This nowadays only remains possible in some 3rd world countries, which are ruled by tribal and feodal powers, and whose un(der)educated populations still follow ancient traditions dominated by superstition and magic. A bit like Thailand...

It was only a 'village marriage" so no law broken and is perfectly accepted in their local society. We all have superstitions ... do you stand on the cracks between the pavements?

A "Village Marriage" is enough to legitimise it in Thai society. If it is blessed by the temple then it is real. There was a much publicised case a few years ago when one young man " married" 2 twin sisters because he didn't want to choose between them.


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"The childrens father said that he wanted to trick the evil spirits into thinking his children were a genuine couple rather than twin brother and sister, so that they would be free from bad luck."

Guess those evil spirits are a couple of bananas short of a bunch.

So it's a fake marriage then? Won't the spirits be a bit angry if they realise. I assume these evil spirits have been around for longer than he has.

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In modern societies it is not allowed for brothers and sisters, and cousins in the first grade, to get married together, nor is it possible for un-related under a set minimum age corresponding to basic intellectual maturity.

This nowadays only remains possible in some 3rd world countries, which are ruled by tribal and feodal powers, and whose un(der)educated populations still follow ancient traditions dominated by superstition and magic. A bit like Thailand...

It was only a 'village marriage" so no law broken and is perfectly accepted in their local society. We all have superstitions ... do you stand on the cracks between the pavements?

A "Village Marriage" is enough to legitimise it in Thai society. If it is blessed by the temple then it is real. There was a much publicised case a few years ago when one young man " married" 2 twin sisters because he didn't want to choose between them.


The thing is even the father says it's not real.

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