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Thai tourism unaffected by Paris attacks


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It seems slightly bad taste and self centred to be jumping up saying 'Don't worry, tourists will not be affected by this', while the carnage is still being cleaned up!

I don't expect it will when 90% of tourists are coming over from China and India, but how about expressing some condolences to the French!

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"The number of Thai tourists in November was higher ...."

What an odd statement and it probably goes some way to demonstrate the accuracy and forethought for the whole announcement. How on earth can anyone compile accurate numerical statistics for the month of November .. when November is only halfway through. Only in Thailand.

You can pro-rate. You can compare day by day to past years..........hahahaha.

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Stupid. Insensitive. Stupid. Bad form. Stupid. Tasteless. Stupid. Selfish. People have died. Unecessarily. All she could care about is tourism numbers. Do these people have no shame???

French officials have no concern for their own citizens, Calm down-at least thais care for their people................hahahaha.

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Saw the headline and could not believe what I was reading, all they're F ing worried about is making a statement about their precious tourism, disgraceful.

is there a government agency in this country that has someone with a brain

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When the world outside LoS doesn't actually exist why think about it far less show worry, care or concern ?

Just as long as the world that doesn't exist comes here on holiday and spends !

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Thank you for that statement - I have been worried all weekend, that this might affect the tourism industry. It doesn't matter about the victims being slaughtered, it is more important that we can continue our scams as usual.

What a disgusting behavior and completely insensitive.

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Right on cue comes the ' not affected ' report and assurances that revenue will, of course, increase.

I'm surprised she didn't actually claim that tourism from France was increasing as people seek some respite from the nightmare in Paris.

So predictable and so pathetic.

just to add...Thailand was 'not affected'? Geez how small is your TAT brain? The bombing will affect literally every state in the world, which, IF Thailand were a part of said world, it would affect tourism; not just in Thailand, but all over. Oh, BTW, there are no French in Thailand? Not affected and revenue will increase bah.gif

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Tourists in western countries should boycott Thailand for the remainder of the year to show their dissatisfaction with this idiotic agency. Particularly the French.

First tue Bangkok bombing statement and now this.

This women should be fired today.

Edited by ldiablo
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We also see Thainess unaffected by attacks in Paris But as usual we see gray matter in Thailand is still on the decline. Besides being tasteless and disgusting statement coming from an Government official She should be fired and sent back to school to learn how to be human.

Edited by Strangebrew
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Stupid. Insensitive. Stupid. Bad form. Stupid. Tasteless. Stupid. Selfish. People have died. Unecessarily. All she could care about is tourism numbers. Do these people have no shame???

I think you have already answered your own question.

Another day, another cretinous announcement from TAT.

Life goes on in Thailand, centre of the known universe.

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Insensitive, yes.

But also watching over a failure:

The number of Thai tourists in November was higher than expected but their spending was lower. The ministry was therefore urgently stimulating domestic travel by both Thai and foreign tourists, said the minister.

All year, TAT has been flogging the arrivals numbers, studiously avoiding a more complete examination. When the more affluent and longer staying tourists are replaced by Chinese on one-week bus tours, total revenue will fall significantly.

And the solution is internal tourism? facepalm.gif

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Tourists numbers seem low in Chiang Mai this year. I haven't seen the Farang crowds you would normally see at the airport mall and old town, and the busses full of Chinese are MIA.

MIA???? are we all to presume this means something??????, maybe Missing In Action????

Why do people who use acronyms always presume that everyone automatically understands them???

Presumably, most people who use acronyms in their daily life and posts on forums are of the ExMT ( ex military type) ???

Why did you not write your whole post as : TNSLICMTY etc etc ???? wai2.gif

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Insensitive, yes.

But also watching over a failure:

The number of Thai tourists in November was higher than expected but their spending was lower. The ministry was therefore urgently stimulating domestic travel by both Thai and foreign tourists, said the minister.

All year, TAT has been flogging the arrivals numbers, studiously avoiding a more complete examination. When the more affluent and longer staying tourists are replaced by Chinese on one-week bus tours, total revenue will fall significantly.

And the solution is internal tourism? facepalm.gif

Internal tourism by Thais, of whom the majority are already overburdened with debt, will now be encouraged to happen on roads that are already overcrowded on every public holiday, to places that are already strewn with litter left by tourists, and already way overpriced for many domiciled, wearily wary of double pricing, farangs.

Yep TAT has all the answers.

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Tourists numbers seem low in Chiang Mai this year. I haven't seen the Farang crowds you would normally see at the airport mall and old town, and the busses full of Chinese are MIA.

MIA???? are we all to presume this means something??????, maybe Missing In Action????

Why do people who use acronyms always presume that everyone automatically understands them???

Presumably, most people who use acronyms in their daily life and posts on forums are of the ExMT ( ex military type) ???

Why did you not write your whole post as : TNSLICMTY etc etc ???? wai2.gif

Don't have a heart attack bro! I've never met anyone that didn't know what MIA meant. Look at the context, I wasn't talking about Miami International. Geez!

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Why would there be? The 2 events are not connected to each other.

OK I accept that scum are killing innocent people in both situations.

However the Southern conflict is a separatist one. The isis scum are pursuing an agenda based upon warped interpretations of their faith.

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Disgusting! No respect for those killed and injured in Paris! Trying to capitalise on another country's tragedy is deplorable. She had no need to mention Paris in announcing tourist figures. Most other countries offer help, sympathy and support to France, but Thailand's tourism must go on! Please have some respect.

In a perverse way she was showing respect but to the only thing that matters here, MONEY !

TV muppets again having a go at the people that allow them to stay in The Kingdom. #Tossers

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