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Despite Paris, Obama rejects calls for shift in ISIS fight


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Despite Paris, Obama rejects calls for shift in ISIS fight

ANTALYA, Turkey (AP) — President Barack Obama on Monday firmly rejected calls for a shift in U.S. strategy against the Islamic State following the Paris attacks, saying Republicans who want to send ground troops into the volatile region are "talking as if they're tough" but fail to understand the potentially grave consequences.

"Folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do," Obama said in a news conference wrapping up a two-day summit of world leaders in Turkey. "If they think that somehow their advisers are better than the chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them. And we can have that debate."

In a stinging rebuke, the president condemned Republicans who have suggested U.S. assistance to refugees fleeing the Middle East should focus on Christians, not Muslims. GOP presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have made such suggestions, while some Republican governors want to ban all Syrian refugees from their states.

"That's shameful," he said. "That's not American. It's not who we are."

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called Obama's statements "excuse-laden and defensive."

Even before the Paris attacks, Obama was under pressure from allies and his own administration to show progress in the campaign against the Islamic State. The assault in the heart of Western Europe was part of a troubling pattern showing the group focusing new attention on targets outside its base in Iraq and Syria.

Obama conceded that the attacks in France marked a "terrible and sickening setback" in the anti-Islamic State campaign. But he insisted his strategy of building an international coalition to launch airstrikes, while training and equipping more moderate forces on the ground, is the best approach.

"The strategy that we are putting forward is the strategy that ultimately is going to work," Obama said. "It's going to take time."

The president has deployed more than 3,000 U.S. troops to Iraq to assist local security forces, and he recently announced plans to send 50 special operations forces to Syria. But he's vowed to avoid the kind of large-scale ground combat that U.S. troops engaged in for years in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama appeared emotional as he spoke of the consequences of war, referencing the injured troops he visits at Walter Reed, a military hospital near the White House.

"Some of those are people I've ordered into battle," he said.

He said the U.S. would have to be prepared for a permanent occupation in Syria or Iraq if he sent in ground forces.

"What happens when there's a terrorist attack generated from Yemen?" Obama asked. "Do we then send more troops into there? Or Libya, perhaps? Or if there's a terrorist network that's operating anywhere else — in North Africa, or in Southeast Asia?"

The potency of the Islamic State, along with the civil war in Syria that gave the group space to rise, dominated Obama's two days of talks in Turkey, where leaders from the Group of 20 rich and developing nations gathered at a seaside resort. From Turkey, Obama headed to Asia for regional summits in the Philippines and Malaysia.

The president said he was eager to see other nations step up the fight against the Islamic State. While the White House frequently heralds the more than 60 countries that are part of the coalition fighting the extremists, the U.S. has carried out the bulk of the airstrikes.

France has ramped up its involvement following the attacks on Friday that killed at least 129 people and injured hundreds. In its heaviest strikes yet, the French military bombarded Raqqa, the Islamic State's stronghold in Syria, in hopes of killing Islamic State organizers and trainees.

Obama announced a new effort to share intelligence with France following the attacks, including helping the French military identify targets for the airstrikes.

The Islamic State's increasing focus on wider targets has raised questions about whether Obama underestimated the group. He once referred to the extremists as a "JV team" and said shortly before the Paris attack that their capacity in Iraq and Syria had been contained.

Obama dismissed the suggestion that he failed to comprehend the Islamic State's strength, but said there were challenges in defeating a group whose fighters have a "willingness to die."

"If you have a handful of people who don't mind dying, they can kill a lot of people," he said.

While officials say the U.S. had been aware of the Islamic State's desire to strike targets outside the Middle East, Obama said he had not been briefed on any intelligence that indicated an attack in Paris was likely.

"I'm not aware of anything that was specific," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-17

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy. Unfortunately, for one to work, it would require the world powers to work together. Something I doubt will happen.

First up is stopping the flow of weapons.

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These large-scale atrocities carried out by Muslims in the name of their murderous religion always sends the PC Left into a tailspin. Suddenly, they are forced to face the fact that these terrorists, who they have been cosseting for years in the name of "inclusiveness" and "diversity", simply want to kill us all.

This is so unacceptable to their worldview that they have to cast around desperately for some way to square the circle, and the results naturally are, depending on your viewpoint, hilarious or nauseating.

For example, the brainless Huffington Post has decided that these attacks are simply a trick to goad us into descending to the same level as IS.

No, we do not have to be guilt-tripped into fighting these barbaric groups that slit throats, rape, torture and kill innocent civilians in the most cowardly ways possible. No, our values are strong enough to refuse to sink to their level, and instead, to turn towards reinforcing national unity against their aggression.

The UK Guardian, of course, blames the West, claiming that ‘high youth unemployment’ and ‘racist discrimination' are so bad that gunning down 130 people is an understandable response.

Or it's France's fault, as one Irish politician said: "‘[The massacre was] terrible for the victims, but when is France going to stop its role in the militarisation of the planet?’.

This same line is trotted out after every murderous atrocity: the massacre at Charlie Hebdo (they were offensive, so what did they expect?), back to the 7/7 London bombings (widely blamed on British foreign policy), to 9/11 itself (described by a Guardian writer as natural payback for what America has ‘visited upon large parts of the world’).

The West does cause terrorism, but only because it is in such a mess politically and socially that it's almost a green light for terrorists to walk into this morally bankrupt vacuum and create havoc.

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy. Unfortunately, for one to work, it would require the world powers to work together. Something I doubt will happen.

First up is stopping the flow of weapons.

For the US to run ISIS out of Raqqa would take about three weeks most of it staging time, but who wants to spend trillions to rebuild a nation of loony's? As the wise old Bush said when stopping troops at the Iraqi border in Desert Storm 1991, "If you break it, you own it". To bad junior didn't take his fathers advice. Though no fan of Obama, I give him a pass on boots on the ground. Besides time the Euro's man up.

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy. Unfortunately, for one to work, it would require the world powers to work together. Something I doubt will happen.

First up is stopping the flow of weapons.

For the US to run ISIS out of Raqqa would take about three weeks most of it staging time, but who wants to spend trillions to rebuild a nation of loony's? As the wise old Bush said when stopping troops at the Iraqi border in Desert Storm 1991, "If you break it, you own it". To bad junior didn't take his fathers advice. Though no fan of Obama, I give him a pass on boots on the ground. Besides time the Euro's man up.

If you break it, you own it was said by Colin Powell to GW Bush. He obviously was not listening.

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Even loyal Democratics were coming forward and condemning the President for his lack of leadership in the face of real and present danger...

Obama is holding his breath...continuing his arrogance...determined to finish out his term as President without being forced to deal with Islamic terrorists in a decisive manner...

He wants to be known as the President of peace and tolerance...he will sit calmly in the White House as Washington DC and parts of the world burn to the ground...

The US needs a change of leadership badly...

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy. Unfortunately, for one to work, it would require the world powers to work together. Something I doubt will happen.

First up is stopping the flow of weapons.

"First up is stopping the flow of weapons." And oil to Turkey.

"After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy." What the USA has been doing for over a year is the wrong strategy too. So what do you suggest?

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

No it is worse.....he actively support ISIS....giving weapons for moderate Islamists which every time ends in the hands of ISIS.

Such mistakes may happen a few time, but if it happens every time it is on purpose.

ISIS has a fleet of new Toyota cars, it has a fleet of trucks for oil transportation.....They had lots of tanks (before Russia bombed them) which they got from Syrian army and drove them around without USA seeing it.

I think his strategy was to let them live as long as they fight Assad.....Not different than in Afghanistan where USA supported Islamists as long as they fight Soviet.

And both times it went out of control....

Edited by h90
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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy. Unfortunately, for one to work, it would require the world powers to work together. Something I doubt will happen....

Only because the United States are reluctant to cooperate with Russia.

So all the responsibility for the expansion of ISIS and increase in terrorism in Europe must be born by the US.

Hmmm...so Russia and China refusing to work with the UN security council had nothing to do with this? I think you'd better do some more research. Seems the problem is due to Russia, and secondarily, China. So guess we can blame all this on Russia? LOL


Security Council Fails to Adopt Draft Resolution on Syria That Would Have Threatened Sanctions, Due to Negative Votes of China, Russian Federation

Due to negative votes from two permanent members, the Security Council today failed to adopt a resolution that would have extended the mandate of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) and which would have threatened sanctions on the country if demands to end the spiralling violence were not met.

The text, which received 11 votes in favour to 2 against (China, Russian Federation) with 2 abstentions (Pakistan and South Africa), would have extended the Mission’s mandate, which expires on 20 July, for 45 days and would have had the Council act under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter to demand verifiable compliance — within 10 days of the adoption — with its demands in previous resolutions that Syrian authorities pull back military concentrations from population centres and cease the use of heavy weaponry against them.

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is,

Radical Islam, you wanting to contain ISIS and not destroy them, you the one who tells the world the we're

not at war with Islam but you too blind to see that Islam is at war with us<

you have no business being the president of the most powerful nation on earth, please go home to write your

autobiography and make millions out of it... what do you care? you have the secrete service protecting you

and your family for the rest of your life....

After Afghanistan, I think boots on the ground is the wrong strategy. Unfortunately, for one to work, it would require the world powers to work together. Something I doubt will happen....

Only because the United States are reluctant to cooperate with Russia.

So all the responsibility for the expansion of ISIS and increase in terrorism in Europe must be born by the US.

Hmmm...so Russia and China refusing to work with the UN security council had nothing to do with this? I think you'd better do some more research. Seems the problem is due to Russia, and secondarily, China. So guess we can blame all this on Russia? LOL


Ha, ha, this one is dated 2012 and has nothing to do with ISIS.

This is a very old news and is irrelevant to the topic of this discussion.

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Thank goodness this loser will be gone in 12 in just over 12 months

Apparently you forgot he won twice.. and the right wing will have another loser in 12 months.

Calling someone a loser doesn't erase history.

Unfortunately it won't erase it, but it will have to be reversed.

The American public elected someone like them: impervious to facts and learning-handicapped.

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Yes Mr Obama, because of people like you ISIS is flourishing, refusing to call radical Islam as what it's really is

Maybe you should watch this:

Thanks for such idiotic propaganda. All the spin about how George W. said some good things about moderate Muslims does not change that fact that Obama won't call the BAD ones what they are - radical Islamic terrorists. Edited by Ulysses G.
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Obama cooks his own soup and, of course, has its own interests.
The threat level posed by radical Islamists is much more higher for the European continent.
The Europeans would be well advised, in cooperation with the Russians to take measures to establish security for its own people first again.

External borders must be secured immediately.
It must be prevented that radical Islamists nestle in Europe and expand there sleeper network.
Europe may like to support refugee camps at the external frontiers with clothing, tents and food.
The refugees have no luxury, but are safe there.
Asylum application procedure should be made there on the spot instead of allowing millions of unregistered people running unlimited over the borders.

Internally, Europe should be more oriented towards Japan.
Temporary residence permit yes, but not a quick citizenship.
Prohibition of all sects and writings glorifying killing of other faiths, glorifying marriage with children, etc.
Immediate deportation of all radical Islamic agitators and warmongers.
Immediate deportation of all who want to destroy our laws and the rule of coexistence.

Why do not migrate all dissatisfied Islamists to Saudi Arabia?
There they have their Islamic state with plenty of space and wealth.

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Even loyal Democratics were coming forward and condemning the President for his lack of leadership in the face of real and present danger...

Obama is holding his breath...continuing his arrogance...determined to finish out his term as President without being forced to deal with Islamic terrorists in a decisive manner...

He wants to be known as the President of peace and tolerance...he will sit calmly in the White House as Washington DC and parts of the world burn to the ground...

The US needs a change of leadership badly...

Jeb Bush said the same thing well, all the Republican clowns did. They can't wait to get in and get back to war.

The real danger is from within. You're infinitely more likely to get gunned down on the street than to be killed in a terrorist attack. I'm afraid of wingnuts, not terrorists.

Republicans love war. If the US wants leadership badly, yea there are lots of these bad leaders to choose from.

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I can't contain myself. The French call it an act of war, Obama calls it a setback. Perhaps he should go the whole hog and call for restraint from 'both sides' as he does whenever Israeli civilians are murdered.

You should really try harder to contain yourself.

Why doesn't the US do what they did last time and invade the wrong country? The war mongering of the Republicans continues.

Edited by Pinot
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It appears Kerry has doubled down by stating there was a 'rationale' behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks, but not for the latest massacre. Well you have to realize that medieval fascistic barbarians have feelings too.

Yeah, right, Rational Jihad!

"Islam is a religion of peace" - Submit or get your peace

Now we have to find a "rationale" behind Kerry.

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Only because the United States are reluctant to cooperate with Russia.

So all the responsibility for the expansion of ISIS and increase in terrorism in Europe must be born by the US.

Hmmm...so Russia and China refusing to work with the UN security council had nothing to do with this? I think you'd better do some more research. Seems the problem is due to Russia, and secondarily, China. So guess we can blame all this on Russia? LOL


Ha, ha, this one is dated 2012 and has nothing to do with ISIS.

This is a very old news and is irrelevant to the topic of this discussion.

It has everything to do with ISIS. Assad's aggression is what's allowed ISIS to flourish. Without weapons from Russia (and other countries), Assad wouldn't have been able to terrorize his people. And ISIS might not be there fighting him back.

Very pertinent to this discussion. It's how this mess got started.

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