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Drunk driver apprehended after 50-kms car chase


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What would they call this? Can't be 'Drink Driving', a phrase that I've never understood and that is poor English. "Drunk Driving", as in having already imbibed alcohol in the past tense.

So the van dude isn't <lmao> 'drink driving', so what is he doing? "Smoke driving?" "Smoked driving?" "Ganja gawking?" If van dude would have just stayed in his van and smiled a lot, the cops probably would have thought he was just another half-witted farmer and let him continue on his way.

BiB: "What's that smell?"

Van dude: "Oh, I work in lumyai field today and burn wood and leaf."

BiB: <sniff> "Sure, Ok. You can go."

Too bad when ganja put people like van driver in paranoia mode and he freaks out.

BIB1: "What's he doing. There he goes, we'll need to chase him. I'll get the car." <pulls car around>

BIB1: "Did you see where he went?"

BIB2: "Yeah, he's about 50 meters up the road in the motorcycle lane accelerating."

BIB1: "Let's go. Hit the lights."

BIB2: "But if we put the lights on, all the car on the road will think we have a VIP behind us."

BIB1: "Ok, keep the lights off for now, but I'll catch up to him."

BIB2: "You better slow down, you're almost on his bumper." How fast is he going?"

BIB1: "Errrr, 30 kpm, wait a minute...31 kpm. He's accelerating."

BIB2: "I wish he'd speed up. I'm worried we'll get hit in the rear end by one of the buses going by at 150 kpm" <WHoooossh>.

BIB1: "Well, he's up to 35 kpm but that about it. I'm turning on the lights. Let the cars think we're escorting a VIP and maybe they will slow down." <WHoooooSH, WHooooSH, WHooooooooSH> "Well, maybe not."

BIB2: "We could try to distract him. Pull up along side of him and I'll see if he'll stop for a candy bar and a coke."

BIB1: <accelerating> Wave those snacks at him. Darn, he won't look. That must be some pretty good ganja. The road must look 10 km long to him. <stifled laugh>

BIB2: "Are we on 'overtime' by any chance?"

BIB1:"Yeah, we are. Let's just follow him and wait for him to run out of gas or maybe on of his tires will fall off.

BIB2: "Good idea."
<an hour later>



BIB1: "His tire fell off."

BIB2:"Really? Great. Pull along side him and I'll make faces at him and see if we can scare him off the road."

BIB1:"Here we go."


BIB1: "That did it, he's pulling over. Maybe he's out of gas too."

BIB2: "I'll handcuff him." <runs out of car and grabs van dude by the face> "Freeze or I'll call the road demons to cut off you private parts. <van dude freezes>

BIB1:"I've got him handcuffed but rough him up a bit to scare the crap out of him. I'm missing dinner because of him."

BIB2: "Van dude! BUUGA BUUGA BUUGA!!! Ah hah hah. I think he peed himself.
BIB1:"Serves him right. Can you tear his head off?"

BIB2:"I've tried. These Surin farmers have head tougher than rubber trees."

Edited by connda
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Im guessing there has been a crackdown on the farang proof writers at PBS

I'm guessing that you mean "proofreader"?

That would be what you need to get to ensure that your grammar is 100% correct before posting pedantic criticism on a forum that didn't produce the (comparatively well-written) report.

For a site/broadcaster that claims to be an English language one it was a very poorly written report.

What I find funny is for every reporter in Thailand working for an English tabloid, and who writes a poorly constructed article with pathetic grammar and sentence structure, behind him is an editor checking the article prior to the publishing deadline who is unable to catch the reporter's mistakes. I don't know which is funnier or more pathetic! whistling.gif English journalism should be left to native English journalists imho. What's worse, is that a typical article on an online tabloid consists of four or five sentences. This passes for journalism in Thailand cheesy.gif Well, their writing is good for a laugh over a few beers, especially when the mistakes are really stupid.

Edited by connda
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So, was he drunk?

It is hard to make sense of what happened, but it sounds like they thought he was under the influence of alcohol but it turns out he was not, but had smoked a joint. They decided to take him in anyway to save face after tailing him for 50km, right?

There is no mention of alcohol reading levels etc.

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Few months ago somebody I know (Thai) was pulled into a checkpoint. Made to piss test and the cop said 'positive for ganja' 20,000 bt or go into the system. He paid, maybe this guy didn't have the means. Problem is he could killed all aboard, these drivers should be vetted/tested on regular basis if they want the job of keeping people safe as they travel.

Friend of mine ( Farang ) was pulled at a checkpoint in Pattaya, so drunk he could hardly stand up, it cost him more than 20,000 though.

Did he pay on the spot or go through the court?

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Thai police has zero experience on how to handle a situation like this...

One police car chases for 50KM...what great coordination with other law enforcement...

5 people lives were endangered by an impaired person and all they could do was a chase by a single car...

Sheer luck it didn't end badly...


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So the extremely opinionated TV posters will jump on the Van wagon (no Pun intended and probably none taken),

and use this one mentally challenged person to negate the use of Marijuana....The way I read into this is, that if weed were

legal this mentally challenged person would not have fleeted.....He wasn't driving dangerously before the check point....

ROFLMAO. Yeah, like this is the only problem marijuana has ever caused. And if drunk driving weren't illegal you'd have no problem with that either. It's just all those pesky checkpoints... 55555555

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So the extremely opinionated TV posters will jump on the Van wagon (no Pun intended and probably none taken),

and use this one mentally challenged person to negate the use of Marijuana....The way I read into this is, that if weed were

legal this mentally challenged person would not have fleeted.....He wasn't driving dangerously before the check point....

ROFLMAO. Yeah, like this is the only problem marijuana has ever caused. And if drunk driving weren't illegal you'd have no problem with that either. It's just all those pesky checkpoints... 55555555

Obviously, somebody has never drove stoned. It might still be legal to do in Washington State. Don't worry. Trust me. You won't drive fast enough to do any damage. Lmao. Try it on a bicycle first. If you don't want to use a car, graduate to skateboards, snowboards, and skis.

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"The police car was able to stop the van shortly after it lost control and couldn’t run further."

So they didn't really stop it then did they.....

A benine comment, doesn't hurt sometimes to be complimentary, even Thai Police do some good work occasionally.

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"The police car was able to stop the van shortly after it lost control and couldn’t run further."

So they didn't really stop it then did they.....

A benine comment, doesn't hurt sometimes to be complimentary, even Thai Police do some good work occasionally.

My post was not aimed at the police......

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I thought driving under the influence of the holy weed was safe? not so huh ?

It didn't take long for those to offer praise for it's use, only one post. I'll keep reading and see how many more tell us how safe it is to drive whilst under the influence of this weed. Should start a drug forum for all the drug specialists to come out in the defense of this and the other concoctions that some ingest. bah.gif

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"The police car was able to stop the van shortly after it lost control and couldn’t run further."

So they didn't really stop it then did they.....

A benine comment, doesn't hurt sometimes to be complimentary, even Thai Police do some good work occasionally.

My post was not aimed at the police......

So who was it aimed at?

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"The police car was able to stop the van shortly after it lost control and couldn’t run further."

So they didn't really stop it then did they.....

A benine comment, doesn't hurt sometimes to be complimentary, even Thai Police do some good work occasionally.

My post was not aimed at the police......

So who was it aimed at?

The poor quality of writing in the report.

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Well bigger things happen here in the UK, chases of probably ten times that distance, many police cars and a police helicopter, many of them go unreported by the national press or news agencies,

Seems like Thailand has a long way to go to be the Hub of Car Chases then.

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So the extremely opinionated TV posters will jump on the Van wagon (no Pun intended and probably none taken),

and use this one mentally challenged person to negate the use of Marijuana....The way I read into this is, that if weed were

legal this mentally challenged person would not have fleeted.....He wasn't driving dangerously before the check point....

ROFLMAO. Yeah, like this is the only problem marijuana has ever caused. And if drunk driving weren't illegal you'd have no problem with that either. It's just all those pesky checkpoints... 55555555

Obviously, somebody has never drove stoned. It might still be legal to do in Washington State. Don't worry. Trust me. You won't drive fast enough to do any damage. Lmao. Try it on a bicycle first. If you don't want to use a car, graduate to skateboards, snowboards, and skis.

Another contender for the comedy award...

What absolutely wonderful advice. Everybody should try droving stoned..... Highways full of stoned drovers ... just what the world needs. 5555555555555555555

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So the extremely opinionated TV posters will jump on the Van wagon (no Pun intended and probably none taken),

and use this one mentally challenged person to negate the use of Marijuana....The way I read into this is, that if weed were

legal this mentally challenged person would not have fleeted.....He wasn't driving dangerously before the check point....

ROFLMAO. Yeah, like this is the only problem marijuana has ever caused. And if drunk driving weren't illegal you'd have no problem with that either. It's just all those pesky checkpoints... 55555555

Obviously, somebody has never drove stoned. It might still be legal to do in Washington State. Don't worry. Trust me. You won't drive fast enough to do any damage. Lmao. Try it on a bicycle first. If you don't want to use a car, graduate to skateboards, snowboards, and skis.

Another contender for the comedy award...

What absolutely wonderful advice. Everybody should try droving stoned..... Highways full of stoned drovers ... just what the world needs. 5555555555555555555

Lysergic acid's a hoot!

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Few months ago somebody I know (Thai) was pulled into a checkpoint. Made to piss test and the cop said 'positive for ganja' 20,000 bt or go into the system. He paid, maybe this guy didn't have the means. Problem is he could killed all aboard, these drivers should be vetted/tested on regular basis if they want the job of keeping people safe as they travel.

For sure and pigs should grow wings, highly unlikely my friend.

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