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Belgium: 'There has been too much tolerance for too long'


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When I worked in Brussels over 20 years ago a female work college got off the tram at Molenbeek by mistake. She had stones thrown at her by middle aged Arabic men, who evidently disapproved of her attire. A friend there was robbed at gunpoint in the local park. My girlfriend was working in a newsagents when the shop was robbed by immigrants with guns. My appartment was broken into, twice. The joys of living in enriched areas, obviously an experience not shared by pious and sanctimonious multiculturalists.

When i worked in sydney i got off the wrong station at redfern. I was immediately accosted and robbed at knifepoint. I called the police but they were busy with other crimes in the same area. Taxis refuse to go into that area.

No it is not a muslim area.

Obviously not a joy to be a white person in an aboriginal controlled area that even police do not want to go.

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

Why do you have something agAinst mosques? Do you feel he same about churches?

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

remove them from Christian countries

Why. Are churches not allowed in muslim countries? The answer is no.

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On 17th October 1961 many Arab/Muslim protesters against French colonial empire were thrown in the Seine, in Paris by French police forces under Pompidou.

Do you mean Pompidou or Papon?

Correct, was Papon. Papon was prefect of police of Paris from 1958 till 1967 and later on minister under 3 gaullist PM's : Michel Debre, Georges Pompidou and Couve de Murville.

Pompidou became PM on 14 April 1962 till 10 July 1968.

Thanks for correcting.

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When I worked in Brussels over 20 years ago a female work college got off the tram at Molenbeek by mistake. She had stones thrown at her by middle aged Arabic men, who evidently disapproved of her attire. A friend there was robbed at gunpoint in the local park. My girlfriend was working in a newsagents when the shop was robbed by immigrants with guns. My appartment was broken into, twice. The joys of living in enriched areas, obviously an experience not shared by pious and sanctimonious multiculturalists.

It's not better in France even under #Je suis Charlie...



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After the Paris attacks, the grand mufti of Australia was silent for a few days, but apparently broke the silence to comment yesterday. It wan't widely reported in the interests of political correctness, misguided attempts at inclusiveness, and probably to minimize the chances of a reaction.

What did he say? It happened because of discrimination against muslims. What the ****!!

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

remove them from Christian countries

Why. Are churches not allowed in muslim countries? The answer is no.

Only a few months ago Saudi Arabia’s top Muslim cleric called for the destruction of all churches in the Arabian Peninsula after

legislators in the Gulf state of Kuwait moved to pass laws banning the construction of religious sites associated with Christianity.
Can you imagine any prominent cleric in the West making a similar statement?
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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

well that may help you in your research

Mullah Krekar is from Norway, and behind bars. He's dangerous.

His Belgian copy is Fouad Belkacem. Also crazy and dangerous and behind bars.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1447759164.806562.jpg

I remember first seeing Fouad Belkacem in this 'Islamization of Belgium' video where he talked about a Muslim take over of Belgium and that Sharia was indistinguishable from Islam. Didn't know he'd been jailed.


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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

Shutting down the mosques; now there's a thought. Welcoming immigrants, refugee or otherwise, into our communities should not mean welcoming them, lock, stock and religious accoutrements. They want the mosques, they remain in their Muslim homeland; they want the western way of life, they worship as they wish, at home, but without the benefit of a local mosque.

"So yes, there is clearly a problem in Molenbeek which is due to the fact that there is a linguistic community"

In other words, a whole group of people who have no intention of assimilating, and see it as their right to make Belgium more similar to the (failed) countries they ran away from.

Substitute 'Thailand' for 'Belgium', and you've described a good chunk of ThaiVisa posters...

Ring a bell?

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

well that may help you in your research

Mullah Krekar is from Norway, and behind bars. He's dangerous.

His Belgian copy is Fouad Belkacem. Also crazy and dangerous and behind bars.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1447759164.806562.jpg

I remember first seeing Fouad Belkacem in this 'Islamization of Belgium' video where he talked about a Muslim take over of Belgium and that Sharia was indistinguishable from Islam. Didn't know he'd been jailed.

He got only 12 years in February this year. +/-40 other ones were also sentenced to lower punishments.


Hicham Chaib was a Sharia4Belgium member and went to fight in Syria. He was also implicated in the radicalisation proces of youngsters in Belgium. He became or better said he promoted from foot soldier to IS war lord...again very dangerous types and a real menace to society...




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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

Shutting down the mosques; now there's a thought. Welcoming immigrants, refugee or otherwise, into our communities should not mean welcoming them, lock, stock and religious accoutrements. They want the mosques, they remain in their Muslim homeland; they want the western way of life, they worship as they wish, at home, but without the benefit of a local mosque.

"So yes, there is clearly a problem in Molenbeek which is due to the fact that there is a linguistic community"

In other words, a whole group of people who have no intention of assimilating, and see it as their right to make Belgium more similar to the (failed) countries they ran away from.

Substitute 'Thailand' for 'Belgium', and you've described a good chunk of ThaiVisa posters...

Ring a bell?

Wow, what a great insight into the topic. You should also point out that a lot of TV posters are also getting blanket protection from the laws of Thailand, a range of social housing and benefits from Thailand, permanent leave to remain in Thailand, and are mainly collecting state benefits and grey market funds to send back to their extended families in their previous countries. Yep the 2 are almost identical.....

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

Why do you have something agAinst mosques? Do you feel he same about churches?

Seems they go to mosques and learn hate against the kafir,....

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

well that may help you in your research

Mullah Krekar is from Norway, and behind bars. He's dangerous.

His Belgian copy is Fouad Belkacem. Also crazy and dangerous and behind bars.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1447759164.806562.jpg

Shouldn't be behind bars, they should be enjoying their virgins!

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the funny thing is that the biggest cryers now are the people (generation) that imported these muslims, so they could do (heavy) jobs they, the whiners, didn't wanna do any longer...

i'm not PC nor socialist or muslim-lover at all, but the people who brought them in were only thinking about their own advantage/profit (cheap labour).... som nam na.

som nam na my ass. what a ridiculous thing to say...

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For a start kick them all off welfare and no more free housing.....second shut down all the mosques

There is 40% unemployment only because they don't want to work.

remove them from Christian countries
Why. Are churches not allowed in muslim countries? The answer is no.

Only a few months ago Saudi Arabias top Muslim cleric called for the destruction of all churches in the Arabian Peninsula after

legislators in the Gulf state of Kuwait moved to pass laws banning the construction of religious sites associated with Christianity.

Can you imagine any prominent cleric in the West making a similar statement?

Isnt that what some here are in fact asking them to do?

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All I know is that I am pretty much all Muslim'd out. I am just sick of waking up every morning and reading of more death and destruction from Islam. Does anyone have the answer how to stop this cycle of violence..?

You are soooo right....

When i hear of another terrorist attack, its not surprising anymore....even the media seem to want as many dead as possible, to make it newsworthy.

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