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Rude awakening !


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You've been here long enough to accept the fact that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism"..... despite the fact that I have lived here about a third of my life and have to say there is no place I would rather choose, it does sadden me to see the level of non consideration of others shown here....... I have lived and visited quite a few countries in my time , and Thailand tops the list for that negative trait.

Is this a Thai trait, or the younger generation trait?

Seem to notice here in Australia that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism" also, and its the gen y

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4 am is a good time to start your day. So some of your neigbours gave you some ideas. Do your Thai Chi or Yoga, have a run and disturb the soi dogs = make you running faster, sing a song, and come back home preparing breakfast for your Lady, take it to her bed, and have some morning glory.

So I can't see any rudeness but care for you cheesy.gif

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jobin, on 18 Nov 2015 - 14:32, said:

Where do you get your notions, WaiLai? What, 27 posts, 2 weeks in T'land and now you are sociological expert on psychological conditions of the Thai people. Get a brain.

Dear Jobin,

How do you manage to survive any day without a confrontation?

Sorry to say but 5 years in Thailand, 3 years in Taiwan, 1 year in Cambodia and 3 years in the UAE.

Oh, I forgot to mention that i am 64 years old.

Notions? jobin? Wish to guess what i do for a living Jobin?

Sorry son, but you are a little out of your field and expertise.

Keep at it though. always encourage a youngster to follow their

If you are 64 and still working for a living I wouldn't be bragging about it "son".

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When I was a kid we used to find it hilarious to let off 'air bomb' fireworks down back alleys of residential areas. We knew exactly what we were doing and how it would affect other people, but it was just immature of us in looking for kicks.

These days I wouldn't dream of making a noise that affected anyone else. I have a friend that likes to come to my place to watch American Football as he doesn't have that channel at his place. It can often be in the early hours of the morning and I'm constantly asking him to turn down the sound to a more moderate level, as I'm concerned it will disturb the neighbours, who are the early to bed, early to rise types.

I don't think it's just a Thai trait, but one of being mischievous kids. On the other hand, I do see a lot of 'goldfish memory' around here, where it's not that people are trying to be inconsiderate, it's more like if it's not the immediate thought in their head then it doesn't exist, and to onlookers it appears as self-centric.

I would suggest trying looking at it from a few different angles, and see if you can embrace it as one of the wonders of a different culture (not that I'm very successful at swallowing my own advice I will concede).

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Fire Cracker woke u up :(

Why don't you go and break all the windows in his house; and slash his car tires.

You been here long enough to know.; that Thai Chinese, light fireworks when a new baby boy is born. It is a big deal for them.

As for the timing; while not great for you; is when it has to be done for the good health and future of the baby boy. This dates back

to China, over 2500 years ago.

Why not go and give him a bottle of Johnny Black as a present to his new son !

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Probably fireworks let off to scare a stupid cat keeping your neighbours awake.

Yes, u are right.

And it may be sleeping beauties cat. Maybe it went to his house first so the Thai guy throw a fire cracker at it to send it home.

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Here in a suburb of Chiang Mai, I have seen farmers in nearby rice fields light fireworks to scare away birds that may eat the nearly mature grain. Got any rice fields nearby. Early morning might be a good time to make the mynahs feel unwelcome.

Kathin, by the way, comes after Lent (Phansaa) ends. It's mainly meant to raise funds for the temples, to keep them going or for improvements they have planned. If they have festivals, that's just letting off steam, having some fun after the austerity of Phansaa.

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jobin, on 18 Nov 2015 - 14:32, said:

Where do you get your notions, WaiLai? What, 27 posts, 2 weeks in T'land and now you are sociological expert on psychological conditions of the Thai people. Get a brain.

Dear Jobin,

How do you manage to survive any day without a confrontation?

Sorry to say but 5 years in Thailand, 3 years in Taiwan, 1 year in Cambodia and 3 years in the UAE.

Oh, I forgot to mention that i am 64 years old.

Notions? jobin? Wish to guess what i do for a living Jobin?

Sorry son, but you are a little out of your field and expertise.

Keep at it though. always encourage a youngster to follow their

If you are 64 and still working for a living I wouldn't be bragging about it "son".

Did it ever occur to you that some people may well be able to afford retirement, but make the choice to continue working. Sitting around like an inert blob , just posting tripe, on a forum , to run up a post count , just may not seem productive to some.

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With 4000 posts! Surely a case of the pot belly calling the kettle black!

People who say they are 64, or 98 or whatever as though it is impressive or somehow indicative of special consideration or regard are delusional. Those who challenge others to guess what their job might be are childish and mire thsn likely hiding something. There are a lot of people like this in Thailand....and a lot like you who post racist Thai bashing nonsense like having been to many countrues and finding Thailand one of the worst.

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With 4000 posts! Surely a case of the pot belly calling the kettle black!

People who say they are 64, or 98 or whatever as though it is impressive or somehow indicative of special consideration or regard are delusional. Those who challenge others to guess what their job might be are childish and mire thsn likely hiding something. There are a lot of people like this in Thailand....and a lot like you who post racist Thai bashing nonsense like having been to many countrues and finding Thailand one of the worst.

Please consider all the assumptions you have made and how totally wrong they well may be, in fact are.

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Fire Cracker woke u up sad.png

Why don't you go and break all the windows in his house; and slash his car tires.

You been here long enough to know.; that Thai Chinese, light fireworks when a new baby boy is born. It is a big deal for them.

As for the timing; while not great for you; is when it has to be done for the good health and future of the baby boy. This dates back

to China, over 2500 years ago.

Why not go and give him a bottle of Johnny Black as a present to his new son !

So you know my neighbours ? what's the name of the new born? a son,eh.

because I know them and no baby has been born around here for quite a

while,sorry to deflate your theory,

regards Worgeordie

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Sounds like a personal problem worgeorgie. It’s you who chose where you live, that you do not like a/c, and it’s you who cannot get back to sleep easily.

So everything is my fault !,thanks for that,i better move,get A/cs in and my

life will be perfect, its amazing the number of stupid people there are on here.

take care regards Worgeordie

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Sounds like a personal problem worgeorgie. It’s you who chose where you live, that you do not like a/c, and it’s you who cannot get back to sleep easily.

So everything is my fault !,thanks for that,i better move,get A/cs in and my

life will be perfect, its amazing the number of stupid people there are on here.

take care regards Worgeordie

Yes, there appear to be many herein; especially those who complain about situations they create.

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Every now and then I get a rude early morning waking from a passing car or truck playing super sonic loud music that shake the windows. What are those rude people thinking (I'm being sarcastic).

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Has anyone noticed how there are fewer - by several magnitudes - things going bang in the night this year? Last year I didn't check the date for Loy Kratong and accepted an invitation to a party in Saigon. Our first Loy Kratong at Rimping Condo with the best seat in the house for the view etc, etc. Anyway, we left 3 days before it all started, and I was really glad to be out of it because the fireworks going off from 1am to sunrise every night for about 3 weeks had been driving me insane and had really been disturbing me. I either sleep or I don't, I can go a couple of days with none at all but when I do, it takes an awful lot to wake me. The really big loud ones, if close enough, will disturb my sleep.

This year there have been very few, and especially very few of the really, really loud ones. There were a handful of small ones last night (one of my sleepless nights) and 2 of the massive ones.

(And the internet went off at 11.45 and didn't come back on until 8am.)

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Sounds like a personal problem worgeorgie. It’s you who chose where you live, that you do not like a/c, and it’s you who cannot get back to sleep easily.

So everything is my fault !,thanks for that,i better move,get A/cs in and my

life will be perfect, its amazing the number of stupid people there are on here.

take care regards Worgeordie

Yes, there appear to be many herein; especially those who complain about situations they create.

Situations I create!,I don't know what you are babbling on about,

and I suspect you don't know either

regards Worgeordie

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Sounds like a personal problem worgeorgie. It’s you who chose where you live, that you do not like a/c, and it’s you who cannot get back to sleep easily.

So everything is my fault !,thanks for that,i better move,get A/cs in and my

life will be perfect, its amazing the number of stupid people there are on here.

take care regards Worgeordie

Yes, there appear to be many herein; especially those who complain about situations they create.

Situations I create!,I don't know what you are babbling on about,

and I suspect you don't know either

regards Worgeordie

Let me go through this very slowly for you. Who decided where you live? Who decided not to use a/c? Who decided to leave the windows open? Who is it cannot get back to sleep easily?

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I think that when you grow up in a 1 or 2 room home with many people you learn to sleep through most everything. Then maybe you don't realize that everyone is not the same.

However it happens, IF you grow up you can deal with these kinds of issues.

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The guy over the road from me beeps his horn 3 or 4 times every time he goes out or back ,each time his 3 dogs bark for 15 minutes ,he does it to be noticed I think ,makes him feel important .thick as pig shit

Our neighbour also does this in order to pay respects to the soi spirit house as he passes......

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The guy over the road from me beeps his horn 3 or 4 times every time he goes out or back ,each time his 3 dogs bark for 15 minutes ,he does it to be noticed I think ,makes him feel important .thick as pig shit

Our neighbour also does this in order to pay respects to the soi spirit house as he passes......

I once parked my motorcycle at a shaded seating area next to a Buddhist statue(about 20' tall) on the very crest of a mountain separating Mae Onpost-248586-0-77608300-1448169521_thumb. and the Khun Tan National park. The road was one of those delectable switchback types. While relaxing, cars and trucks from both directions would drive by and beep their horns. I waved back and smiled at each and every one of them (not knowing what they were truly honking for) - eventually I did find out it was a spirit worship/appeal practice

Edited by WaiLai
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