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Rude awakening !


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Deep in sleep this morning,4.00 and some numb nuts,decides its a good time

to start setting fireworks off,why ?, its not a holiday,a holy day,New year,its just

a Wednesday morning,

The first explosion,had me jumping out my skin,in fight or flight mode,in my

sub conscience maybe thoughts of what has happened in Bangkok and a

few days ago in Paris,ISS coming down the soi !

We sleep with all the bedrooms windows open,as prefer fresh air(!?),don't

like or need A/cs,too noisy,too expensive to run,and at this time of year not

needed anyway, so used to ambient noise,cats fighting,dogs barking,cocks

crowing,cicadas.frogs,in season,are not a problem ,in fact I am sure if too

quiet could not sleep either.

So lost 3 hrs of sleep,because someone,did not bother to think,if i do this,

will it effect anyone,its seems quite common here,with the likes of someone

blocking your car in,or leaving trolleys left willy,nilly in the aisles,if only people

could think of others.maybe too much to ask.

P.S. to cap it all, our young cat has found how to get up on the roof.and is

sitting at the window,crying to get in.just as well i could not get back to sleep.

regards a sleepy Worgeordie

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It seem that there is a direct connection between Thai holidays and attempts to kill yourself. At Songkran, Drown in water or die from drunk driving. At Loi Krathong burn yourself to death or die from drunk driving. At New Year ( our New Year!) die from drunk driving.

Thais dont seem happy unless theyre trying to kill themselves!!

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You've been here long enough to accept the fact that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism"..... despite the fact that I have lived here about a third of my life and have to say there is no place I would rather choose, it does sadden me to see the level of non consideration of others shown here....... I have lived and visited quite a few countries in my time , and Thailand tops the list for that negative trait.

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You've been here long enough to accept the fact that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism"..... despite the fact that I have lived here about a third of my life and have to say there is no place I would rather choose, it does sadden me to see the level of non consideration of others shown here....... I have lived and visited quite a few countries in my time , and Thailand tops the list for that negative trait.


I find Thais to be very considerant but I do not live in the city.
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It seem that there is a direct connection between Thai holidays and attempts to kill yourself. At Songkran, Drown in water or die from drunk driving. At Loi Krathong burn yourself to death or die from drunk driving. At New Year ( our New Year!) die from drunk driving.

Thais dont seem happy unless theyre trying to kill themselves!!

I wouldn't say it is only Thais trying to kill them selves. Check out the thread bars closing at 12. Plenty of people trying to get drinks after midnight. Not exactly a safe thing to do when one is out and has to travel to get home.
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You've been here long enough to accept the fact that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism"..... despite the fact that I have lived here about a third of my life and have to say there is no place I would rather choose, it does sadden me to see the level of non consideration of others shown here....... I have lived and visited quite a few countries in my time , and Thailand tops the list for that negative trait.

I agree with the me-ism comment.

It explains why the Thais are perceived as an empty vessel and the Thais themselves recognize the same.

Lack of leadership, worldliness and and the infantile claim to be "me first" has relegated Thailand far below the level of Cambodia and Myanmar.

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Where do you get your notions, WaiLai? What, 27 posts, 2 weeks in T'land and now you are sociological expert on psychological conditions of the Thai people. Get a brain.

Dear Jobin,

How do you manage to survive any day without a confrontation?

Sorry to say but 5 years in Thailand, 3 years in Taiwan, 1 year in Cambodia and 3 years in the UAE.

Oh, I forgot to mention that i am 64 years old.

Notions? jobin? Wish to guess what i do for a living Jobin?

Sorry son, but you are a little out of your field and expertise.

Keep at it though. always encourage a youngster to follow their dreams!

Edited by WaiLai
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You've been here long enough to accept the fact that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism"..... despite the fact that I have lived here about a third of my life and have to say there is no place I would rather choose, it does sadden me to see the level of non consideration of others shown here....... I have lived and visited quite a few countries in my time , and Thailand tops the list for that negative trait.


I find Thais to be very considerant but I do not live in the city.

In my experience you're both right.

People can be, and often are very polite and considerate.

Except when it comes to making noise....the politeness/consideration manual doesn't seem to have to have a chapter that covers this.

Edited by Hayduke
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You've been here long enough to accept the fact that this is the country of "me-ism" not "we-ism"..... despite the fact that I have lived here about a third of my life and have to say there is no place I would rather choose, it does sadden me to see the level of non consideration of others shown here....... I have lived and visited quite a few countries in my time , and Thailand tops the list for that negative trait.


I find Thais to be very considerant but I do not live in the city.

This O poster doesn't sound like he lives at all.

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Part of living in the moment which does have its charms is not thinking too well into the future or acting in a considerate manner… we like the easy going smiling manner of the people but not so much the lack of consideration… life everywhere has its double edged swords...

I hope your crying cat did not disturb too many of the neighbors…

go get a foot massage and catch a nap… you'll feel better.

good luck.

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Thailand has just been celebrating yet another festival, this one called Kathin, which around my village has involved several very loud (of course) explosions a day together with people parading down the road to the sound of very loud (of course) music blaring out of pick-up borne speakers. Went on for about a week with different villages celebrating on different days. I'm guessing your explosion was part of that. I have no idea what the festival is meant to be about and have no burning desire to find out. Just a way for the locals to enhance their boring lives by dancing and making as much pointless noise as possible.

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It seem that there is a direct connection between Thai holidays and attempts to kill yourself. At Songkran, Drown in water or die from drunk driving. At Loi Krathong burn yourself to death or die from drunk driving. At New Year ( our New Year!) die from drunk driving.

Thais dont seem happy unless theyre trying to kill themselves!!

I wish they would do it quickly then

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Deep in sleep this morning,4.00 and some numb nuts,decides its a good time

to start setting fireworks off,why ?, its not a holiday,a holy day,New year,its just

a Wednesday morning,

The first explosion,had me jumping out my skin,in fight or flight mode,in my

sub conscience maybe thoughts of what has happened in Bangkok and a

few days ago in Paris,ISS coming down the soi !

We sleep with all the bedrooms windows open,as prefer fresh air(!?),don't

like or need A/cs,too noisy,too expensive to run,and at this time of year not

needed anyway, so used to ambient noise,cats fighting,dogs barking,cocks

crowing,cicadas.frogs,in season,are not a problem ,in fact I am sure if too

quiet could not sleep either.

So lost 3 hrs of sleep,because someone,did not bother to think,if i do this,

will it effect anyone,its seems quite common here,with the likes of someone

blocking your car in,or leaving trolleys left willy,nilly in the aisles,if only people

could think of others.maybe too much to ask.

P.S. to cap it all, our young cat has found how to get up on the roof.and is

sitting at the window,crying to get in.just as well i could not get back to sleep.

regards a sleepy Worgeordie

Clearly you have been out of England for too long. I am a frequent visitor to Thailand but I can assure you my friend that England is not a place of peace and quiet these days either!

November 5th - Guy Fawkes Night - has just passed and with it a cascade of things that go bang!, sky rockets and general mayhem. These days it also seems to coincide with some Hindu festival (or other) Divali or somesuch and so not to be left out, the Muslims at the end of Eid also seem to want to let off fireworks.

Lack of consideration? Aggression? Me-ism? That is not purely confined to Thailand, its a universal trait, especially from uncontrolled brats below the age of 12. Try a f^&I%$£g great rocket hitting your skylight window, of your bedroom, at 11.00 pm at night (I like my beauty sleep :-)) following by another which hits your front windows a moment or two later. Somehow a torrent of shouting out of the window has no effect as all you get is a whole load of abuse back!

Don't get me started on Halloween .... and trick or treating .... or egging .....

I am perfectly happy here with Isaan music blasting out from the early starting street kitchen at 6.00 am from across the road :-) Its a lullaby by comparison .....

Edited by krismagi
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