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Thai immigration arrests North Koreans for illegal entry


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It is the informal policy of Thailand to deport North Koreans to South Korea.


The article above is somewhat dated, but I believe that the policy remains unchanged.

Traditionally that has been the case, off to S. K. but who knows with the new and shifting national alliences it wil be interesting to see where they go. They recently sent 2 U.N .recognized political refugees to Red China, democracy activists no less.

Where or what is Red China?

Are you really that young to not remember the days when Mainland China, Peoples Republic of China was referred to as "Red" to distinguish it from Taiwan, that liked to be be called The Republic of China (ROC) ? They were red cuz they were and maybe still are commies.... commies and chinese like red.

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Actually, what normally happens is the immigrants give themselves up, are handed over to the South Korean Embassy, which then pays for their passage to South Korea. Job done. In this case a rescue was needed which put the spotlight on the Magnificent Seven. Might change the game play a bit but I hope not.

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Oh dear; poor buggers will find themselves being handed back to certain death !

Why do you think so?

Prison term maybe.....

There is also a lot North Koreans who escaped and later went back to North Korea....The regime always makes a big show of it let them tell in TV how bad it is in the West and how happy they are to be back in paradise NK.....

A prison term in North Korean Labour camps is a sentence of death. Not just for the refugees, but for all their families, who are rounded up and incarcerated as well.

Are you that naive that you believe the North Korean regimes claims that they would be happy to be back,and welcomed as returning prodigal children? How extraordinary!

Edited by JAG
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Wonderful Thailand, sending them back to their death.

Thailand is such a wonderful friend to NK.

They're going to South Korea.

From Wikipedia:

"The Thai government and the South Korean government appeared reluctant to release official announcement regarding the issue, as it could have negative impacts on the states relations among the three countries. However, a confidential US diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks indicates that the two governments have reached an agreement on the resettlement of the North Korean defectors to South Korea. The special policy is publicly presented by the Thai government as deporting native Koreans back to South Korea.[8]"

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Oh dear; poor buggers will find themselves being handed back to certain death !

Why do you think so?

Prison term maybe.....

There is also a lot North Koreans who escaped and later went back to North Korea....The regime always makes a big show of it let them tell in TV how bad it is in the West and how happy they are to be back in paradise NK.....

A prison term in North Korean Labour camps is a sentence of death. Not just for the refugees, but for all their families, who are rounded up and incarcerated as well.

Are you that naive that you believe the North Korean regimes claims that they would be happy to be back,and welcomed as returning prodigal children? How extraordinary!

DPRK prisons and labour camps are not one and the same. If you were found guilty of hooliganism or theft, say, you would not be sent to a camp, not that jails there would be a great deal of fun I imagine. Also, the families are no longer automatically sent with them. That practice ended round about 1996 after Kim Jong il's 'Do not make internal enemies' edict.

Most DPRK citizens residing in the south have stated they would return if they could, and few have given their reason for leaving as political dissatisfaction, one might be surprised to learn.

Edited by baboon
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Oh dear; poor buggers will find themselves being handed back to certain death !

Why do you think so?

Prison term maybe.....

There is also a lot North Koreans who escaped and later went back to North Korea....The regime always makes a big show of it let them tell in TV how bad it is in the West and how happy they are to be back in paradise NK.....

A prison term in North Korean Labour camps is a sentence of death. Not just for the refugees, but for all their families, who are rounded up and incarcerated as well.

Are you that naive that you believe the North Korean regimes claims that they would be happy to be back,and welcomed as returning prodigal children? How extraordinary!

And you know that from who?

It might be true or it might be wrong.....but if they people die there who told you? The South Korean and USA government who are at war and don't want to sign the peace treaty?

Fact is that enough people come back...obviously they are treated well and obviously their family is not dead.

While it is sure that the country isn't a liberal democracy......it is a fascist dictatorship that doesn't allow any other opinion. But still people sit together, drink beer, go on the beach on weekend, smoke marijuana (which is legal in NK), have free education and health system, pension for the old people, etc.....Everything doesn't work well as usual in communist countries but part of it is also because they are at war.

Sure not the country I want to live in but there are worse (Saudi Arabia for example)

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The comment that “Immigration police said all would be sent back and were asking help from South Korean embassy to communicate” is unclear enough to give rise to hope that ending up back in North Korea may not be their destiny. Negotiations will likely take place with South Korea and any definitive press release pending until after those. If anyone deserves refugee status in this security concerned world today, these ones surely do.

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It is the informal policy of Thailand to deport North Koreans to South Korea.


The article above is somewhat dated, but I believe that the policy remains unchanged.

Traditionally that has been the case, off to S. K. but who knows with the new and shifting national alliences it wil be interesting to see where they go. They recently sent 2 U.N .recognized political refugees to Red China, democracy activists no less.

Where or what is Red China?

Are you really that young to not remember the days when Mainland China, Peoples Republic of China was referred to as "Red" to distinguish it from Taiwan, that liked to be be called The Republic of China (ROC) ? They were red cuz they were and maybe still are commies.... commies and chinese like red.

Yup : Asia has a history of communist influence which is what the Vietnam war was all about. The threat to democracy has pretty much died out now due to Western influence and people realizing that under a communist government, they are going to remain poor while those 'more equal than others' have cart blanche to steal for themselves.

But in places which have seen little influence from the West and where ignorance is rife among rural folk out in the sticks, old-style Asian communists still exist. And they don't realise the stigma the years have given to the commie-colour red which makes it quite amusing when they seem proud to wear it.

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I watched a documentary about this a couple of years ago. The way it worked was, the NK defectors would cross a river at night into China. Travel all the way through China by way of discretion and corruption to Laos. The cross Laos to the Mekong River, cross that, get transport to a safe house in BKK. Someone would then call immigration who would round them up and after processing, hand them over to the South Korean Embassy. They would then be on a flight to South Korea.

This was the routine. It is clear that this will no longer be the quiet and discreet routine that was practiced in the past, given this big news coverage. These poor guys may well be handed over to the North Koreans, and that will surely result in either death sentences or the rest of their lives at a slave labour camp.

Why? I would bet that China really does not like the old routine. They do not want to be seen as supporting NK defectors, nor do they want the publicity regarding exactly how these people travel all the way through China to Laos. It does seem that Thailand is getting more deeply in bed with China, and a quick call from Beijing can quickly change policies in Thailand.

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I would send them to South Korea. The poor Bastards have already had a lifetime in a prison environment. There families probably sold everything they had for them to have that much money on them. Sending them back to North Korea may be sending back to a Death Sentence.

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And with the well known Thai welcoming spirit, off they go back to N. Korea, as always.sad.png

South Korea could always strike an agreement with the Thai govt to take in these and future North Koreans, but they did not give such an undertaking.

We should then ask, "Why not?".

It is well known that South Korea accepts all North Korean defectors, after screening them to ensure they aren't spies being planted. If there is a country that doesn't want a formal agreement I assume it is Thailand.

Not sure if espionage is a big factor anymore since the end of the Cold War.

If they want to know how many troops they have lined up at the border all they need is a set of of good field glasses. If they want to know how many TV's they produce or cars they sold, all they have to do is google that. Mind, that site might be banned in North Korea.

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Wikipedia needs to be updated on this issue. If someone can inform them pls do. This news today is certainly a u turn in immigration and Thailand's relations with South Korea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_defectors_in_Thailand

Wikipedia doesn't work like that, there is no 'them', more of an 'us' and you can add your own contributions and corrections.

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It is the informal policy of Thailand to deport North Koreans to South Korea.


The article above is somewhat dated, but I believe that the policy remains unchanged.

Thailand send always North Koreans back to South Korea. Trust me the UNHCR is on that case already and in no time they will be send to South Korea.

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and I wonder if they were really just passing through on their way to relatives in another country. The Thais would never think to offer assistance. Also, why didn't they claim asylum? I think even Thailand is signatory to certain international agreements.

The have signed lots of international agreements, but not the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees or the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees.

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There is something very seriously wrong in Thailand - if people fleeing persecution & certain death are not given either refuge or safe passage to another country. Given the 'people-smuggling' we have seen over the past 10 years (with the Army involved at Senior, Middle & Lower ranks), given corruption which is institutionalized, given 2 sides in politics who easily resort to violence..........add in Thailand's betrayal & brutal attitude towards helpless people like North Korean refugees. Shame. I weep for my country coz' things seem to get more corrupt & more mindless with each passing day. Thailand is becoming the 'basket-case' of Asia.

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There is something very seriously wrong in Thailand - if people fleeing persecution & certain death are not given either refuge or safe passage to another country. Given the 'people-smuggling' we have seen over the past 10 years (with the Army involved at Senior, Middle & Lower ranks), given corruption which is institutionalized, given 2 sides in politics who easily resort to violence..........add in Thailand's betrayal & brutal attitude towards helpless people like North Korean refugees. Shame. I weep for my country coz' things seem to get more corrupt & more mindless with each passing day. Thailand is becoming the 'basket-case' of Asia.

And you know the fleeing persecution & certain death? Or they are just migrants who want to ear more money?

Thailand has for sure some big problems (these slave labor camps.....), but look to Paris, that happens if you let in everyone who claims problems at home. Look at Bangkok bombing. If the just would have found and sent him home earlier it wouldn't have happened.

Being nice and helpful is one thing, but the country has to protect the own people first. NK is poor, but it doesn't kill own people without reasons. It is a poor but safe country.

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It is the informal policy of Thailand to deport North Koreans to South Korea.


The article above is somewhat dated, but I believe that the policy remains unchanged.

Thailand send always North Koreans back to South Korea. Trust me the UNHCR is on that case already and in no time they will be send to South Korea.

Do you have proof of that? If so a link would be helpful. There are more waiting to cross, waiting for word on today's news.

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It is the informal policy of Thailand to deport North Koreans to South Korea.


The article above is somewhat dated, but I believe that the policy remains unchanged.

Thailand send always North Koreans back to South Korea. Trust me the UNHCR is on that case already and in no time they will be send to South Korea.

Do you have proof of that? If so a link would be helpful. There are more waiting to cross, waiting for word on today's news.

Just give it a while. China is an economic power house for Thailand so they deport Chinese back to China and so is South Korea so they will get them.

Wait for an announcement soon, that for humanity reasons South Korea is accepting the North Koreans.




The North Koreans

© Reflecting its pragmatic approach to certain vulnerable groups, the RTG permits North Koreans entering Thailand illegally to resettle in the Republic of Korea (ROK) and, in much smaller numbers, in the U.S. The accommodation takes into account the relatively small numbers (1-2,000 per year), concerns regarding overcrowding in Bangkok's main immigration jail, and effective lobbying by the ROK government, an important trade partner and market for Thai labor. The special policy is publicly presented by the RTG as "Koreans being deported to Korea", with geographic distinctions between North and South conveniently blurred.

The "deportation" requires that all North Koreans are required to report to immigration detention before they are allowed to depart Thailand. Detention time depends on processing speed, and is currently is about 3-4 weeks for ROK-bound cases. 17. © U.S.-bound cases fortunate enough to have avoided arrest by Thai police can wait out processing steps in private accommodation or a local NGO shelter, and then enter the IDC when travel-ready to pay the fine and be "deported" via Seoul.

For those arrested before U.S. processing is complete, waits in immigration detention can be months-long. After Ambassadorial meetings with the Immigration Commissioner, we are now generally able to gain access for the required U.S. processing steps to be completed. We are working with IOM to improve physical conditions in the IDC's cells, and to provide medical care for the detainees.

As of December 13, only six North Korean cases/seven individuals remained in the active U.S pipeline in Thailand. Stricter control along the China-North Korea border, and refugee disenchantment with the longer wait times (compared to the ROK processing) needed for the U.S. resettlement program, appear to be the causes of the decline in numbers.

Edited by MobileContent
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A well trodden path followed by hundreds of North Koreans a year, most make it to the South Korean Embassy in Bangkok without getting caught. If Thailand sends these folk back to Laos their future is bleak. The Evil Laos regime are buddies and trading partners with the despicable regime in North Korea. They should be put on a bus to Bangkok, but that is probably just too simple and humane.

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After reading an article from another newspaper on the 7 North Korean's arrested yesterday I am sure they will be flown to South Korea after a week or two of conpleting their paperwork. The article in pbs news is badly written impying that Thailand will deport the North Korean's back to North Korea. This has never happened and never will, although after the deportation of Chinese disidents who were under U.N protection, I fully understand the worry and disbelief expressed in today's posts. Now you know why we need more Native English speakers teaching in Thailand's schools.

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If they're going to send these poor people anywhere send them to South Korea.

If they are sending them back to North Korea I doubt very much whether asking the South Korean embassy to help will work!

North Koreans are actually automatically South Korean citizens. It's in the SK constitution. So all they have to do is make it there.

It's actually why there are no virtually North Korean refugees anywhere. Europe and the US consider them SK citizens and so they usually can't apply for asylum.

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This is very common root for N.Korean.

Call south roots.

N.Korea -> China (earn money) -> Laos -> Thailand (catch by police is goal)

Normally they came from Chiang Kong, (Huay Xai)

Anyway after arrested by police, Royal Thai Police call to S.Korea embassy (Have special officer for control like this case in Thailand)

Embassy send interpreter to the location.

And all of N.Koreans going to Thai court.

Normally around 1 month sentence for jail. (illegal entry to Thailand)

And than transferred to standby facility. (This time S.Korean officer ask to where they want to go, nowadays around 90% choose S.Korea. Someone choose German or USA whatever they can meet the family or relatives.)

When they arrival in Seoul. (if they choose the S.Korea) Send to Hanawon. it`s kind of educational institution of S.Korea and Capitalism .

Graduation the Hanawon , S.Korean Gov. give to money directly 4000 USD per person. And than pay to them for house and supporting money for survival.

It can be maximum 25000 USD per year per person. Normally 15000 USD per year, per person.

Many case of this money going to broker who stay in China.

Nowadays price from near N.Korea to Thailand 10000 USD per person. some people paid 7000 ~ 8000 USD. Defend on lucky.

At first brokers received as much as they have in the pocket . But have to signature on the paper it write down "When after Hanawon, i swear to send money" .

All happen done.

Terrible capitalism are welcome to them.

With S.Korean look down when they speaking N.Korean accent.

Difficult to get the job, even Gov. help to them.

So, Someone going to back to N.Korea by airplane. (Seoul -> Beijing -> Pyungyang) :)

Also, a lot of story in there. i can`t tell everything now. i hope you can imagination by yourself. :)


Sorry about my english. I`m korean that`s why some wrong sentence. Please understanding. :)

And i hope you guys get some idea about this case.

I just investigated this information as documentary photographer.

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This is very common root for N.Korean.

Call south roots.

N.Korea -> China (earn money) -> Laos -> Thailand (catch by police is goal)

Normally they came from Chiang Kong, (Huay Xai)

Anyway after arrested by police, Royal Thai Police call to S.Korea embassy (Have special officer for control like this case in Thailand)

Embassy send interpreter to the location.

And all of N.Koreans going to Thai court.

Normally around 1 month sentence for jail. (illegal entry to Thailand)

And than transferred to standby facility. (This time S.Korean officer ask to where they want to go, nowadays around 90% choose S.Korea. Someone choose German or USA whatever they can meet the family or relatives.)

When they arrival in Seoul. (if they choose the S.Korea) Send to Hanawon. it`s kind of educational institution of S.Korea and Capitalism .

Graduation the Hanawon , S.Korean Gov. give to money directly 4000 USD per person. And than pay to them for house and supporting money for survival.

It can be maximum 25000 USD per year per person. Normally 15000 USD per year, per person.

Many case of this money going to broker who stay in China.

Nowadays price from near N.Korea to Thailand 10000 USD per person. some people paid 7000 ~ 8000 USD. Defend on lucky.

At first brokers received as much as they have in the pocket . But have to signature on the paper it write down "When after Hanawon, i swear to send money" .

All happen done.

Terrible capitalism are welcome to them.

With S.Korean look down when they speaking N.Korean accent.

Difficult to get the job, even Gov. help to them.

So, Someone going to back to N.Korea by airplane. (Seoul -> Beijing -> Pyungyang) :)

Also, a lot of story in there. i can`t tell everything now. i hope you can imagination by yourself. :)


Sorry about my english. I`m korean that`s why some wrong sentence. Please understanding. :)

And i hope you guys get some idea about this case.

I just investigated this information as documentary photographer.

I have read and heard exactly the same thing from several media sources. This is an accurate and informative post the reader should take seriously. Thanks for posting.

If you could comment on my posts on this thread too, I would be grateful.

Edited by baboon
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