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What's with these pointless changes?

At my work place, in Phuket, there's a main gate with an entrance on the left and an exit on the right, a security hut in the middle separating the two. Early morning 'Security guards' direct traffic entering to do so via the exit on the right. After lunch there's no 'security' so people enter via the entrance on the left. I've stopped before in the morning while being directed to enter via the exit asking <deleted>? 'Bad falang I'm told.'

What's it all about? FIIN

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Probably been blocked for reporting the truth.Who knows here any more.

Something new blocked everyday

You think the beeb reports the truth.....or you just want to highlight you apparent disdain for Thailand?

No just pointing out how many sites are being blocked here.It is on a par with Burma now

.Are you disputing this?

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