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British ISIS hostage warns of plan to launch 9/11 style attack - but bigger


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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

Yes good old George spent 6 trillion on his liars war and a lot of it went to 10,000 private contractors he hired without contracts. Cheney was no slouch either he made sure his employer Haliburton was at the trough too. Yes Saddam was a sadist but a sadist that kept the peace in that part of the world. Look at the mess there now. Its the gift that keeps on giving and the present gift is ISIS.

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Bigger than 911.

on 9/11 2 jets each crashed into a high floor of 2 buildings. as a result the 2 twin towers and 47 story building 7 all collapsed symmetrically into their own footprints at or near free fall velocity.

perhaps the new attack could see 3 planes topple 5 buildings in the same manner.

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Notice the wording

triggering the “final battle between Muslims and the crusaders”.

Not Radical Islam, not Radical Muslims, not Islamic extremists, Islamic Jihadists etc etc etc

"the final battle between Muslims and the crusaders"

No other words used simply 'Muslims'......anyone surprised?

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I also believe than ISIS will do more attacks on the West to get Western troops on the ground. it is not easy to fight mercenaries and terrorist if they have a war planning. Uniformed armies are easier target, and its cannot kill every civilian that looks suspicious. Every innocent civilian death by "mistakes" and indiscriminate bombing..creates potential new enemies. Remember, Muslim guerrilla won over the Russian Army in Afghanistan, and the actual war in there still going on....

Will be a long and bloody war.....and all this because few people decided to sell Democracy to Muslim Governments to take advantage of their resources...and keep making more money. This 'War inn Terror" is the consequence of Greed...just Greed of few..and the Indifference of many.

The US, the UK, Russia, Turkey, and France, still terrorist targets...and it is not many things that can be done to avoid it.


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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

A very niaive view of the situation. Muslims were attacking the west long before Iraq, Afghanistan etc. It's hardly surprising that the west responded and should continue to do so. Whether we realise it or not, we are at war and have been for decades.

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French authorities say now they did kill the mastermind guy Abdelhamid Abaaout who planned and organized the Paris attacks. He was in the apartment, the French government says.

Prez Obama got bin Laden and now Francois Hollande has got this Abdel guy. The US just last week popped the "Jihadi John" Brit guy but that info and news got lost in the Paris attacks.

Putin's gotta get himself one of 'em too if he expects to keep up and get some respect.

There's always another IS guy like this coming up next so nobody to include Putin can breath any kind of sign of relief. Gotta keep going at 'em so Vlad had better pick up pace over there with his vaunted Russian bad arse global hitmen.

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

Correct had the US not meddled so much in the middle east we would not have this problem.

DAESH is a name, a label, the most recent come-lately to jihad.It is positively correct that in order for one to assert "we would not have this problem" they must... they must divorce every moment of the present from every moment of the past. There can be no continuity of history and then this statement is true. Otherwise it is just the caboose in a 1,000+ year old train.

Jihad has existed at every turn for 1,400 years and whether oriented at the West or not it existed (there are approximately 5 different types of jihad. I am regarding killing other people). Jihad has been oriented upon the West directly and unequivocally since 632AD, with the very first attacks upon Europe then (The last notable period before modern days was 1683- a 1,200 year uninterrupted train of violence). Jihad, under the cover of Ottoman and then Grand Mufti, terrorism then effectively started again in the early 20th century. This is why IS, AQ, and every other incarnation labors to provide their bona fides- that long train of islamic jurisprudence/precedent calling cards linking them directly to the "Companions" and the "prophet" himself (invariably these will be sura and verse or hadith and they are rarely subjective. There is no ambiguity here except in the perspective that looks out at the world and declares "Hrmm, this looks new today, must have been something we did to deserve this." Not correct.

The West as screwed/F-8ej-id up and turned inside out middle east/central asia policy the past 100 plus years (longer in central asia). But this has not created jihad, and DAESH is only one more name in a long, long line of names invoking the original intention of the prophet, global islam. How is that realized?

The eschatology or end times prophecies of islam, both remarkably similar in both sunni and shia, recognize that there will be a confrontation of the kafir world against the followers of islam under the caliph who came out of Khorasan. These followers will be met in Battle in Meggido (Armageddon). Curiously, there are interpretations which suggest that the islamic forces will be defeated... at first. And after an event that actually has christ returning/arriving with the Mahdi Imam (who the Shia Twelvers such as the former president believe is living in a well waiting for the end of days- occultation), will then result in global islam, the dar al islam, House of Submission.

Sunni, and shia believe that the formula to make the world permissive for these things to pass (the fullness of times) can be expedited by man. For them there is no express prohibition to facilitating the return of the mahdi, and by extension realization of global islam. Of course this differs little from the Temple Movement people who believe a pre fabricated temple should be prepared to be built ASAP in case the al asqa mosque comes down, to quickly align the signs to permit the first coming of their messiah- the same as above concept minus the madhi. In both cases is a believe that "signs and wonders" can be manipulated to accelerate prophecy. The difference of course is the temple folks do not jihad to build temples across the world. The point is, the central posit of islam, for these people, is that the end justifies the mean and the means can facilitate the end.

If one does not know the destination they can hardly comment on the origin of the trip. This is where this road is going for these people. Choose to ignore it as you wish but it is a very central vision.

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

There's you're problem, Ezzra; You conflate Islam with radical Islam.

One is not the other,

It's EXACTLY like conflating Christianity with fundamental Christianity, or Judaism with Ultra-orthodox Judaism.

There are extremists, terrorists, in all extreme religions.

Ah, no. He expressly does not do this. In fact, he points out Obama does this. Ezzra actually pains to show the difference. Obama conflates, redirects by telling the world "we are not at war with islam" which while true from the perspective of the attacked, it overlooks the fact that "radical islam" is at war with us. One cannot be more objective in both the approach and conclusion as ezzra has here. Obama causes a whirlwind of problems because of his devoted position that islam is not the problem he does not even offer the world the self evident recognition that radical islam is a problem, as ezzra has keyed on here. It is this silence to even note radical islam which will harm regular islam more in the minds of the billions. When the president of the free world says...

we are not at war with islam

but never uses the term

radical islam

...he sets up an atmosphere of incredulity, where one easily conflates with the other in the minds of the many. In this regard Obama serves to injure islam overall under the premise of protecting islam, and this result serves radical islam most.

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French authorities say now they did kill the mastermind guy Abdelhamid Abaaout who planned and organized the Paris attacks. He was in the apartment, the French government says.

Prez Obama got bin Laden and now Francois Hollande has got this Abdel guy. The US just last week popped the "Jihadi John" Brit guy but that info and news got lost in the Paris attacks.

Putin's gotta get himself one of 'em too if he expects to keep up and get some respect.

There's always another IS guy like this coming up next so nobody to include Putin can breath any kind of sign of relief. Gotta keep going at 'em so Vlad had better pick up pace over there with his vaunted Russian bad arse global hitmen.

Authorities keep telling us they've killed mastermind's.

What changes?

Absolutely nothing!!

They need to kill thousands of masterminds and their willing to die for soldiers as well.

The game needs to be changed.

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Yo , lets all meet in Dābiq in Syria

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1447910998.188155.jpg

That is an awesome, and horrifying sight. And if certain Western "Leaders" started leading by refusing to be the agents/enablers of the Anglo/American/Zio/nazi bunch of sub-human crazies that are directing this show. Then it could become reality. Humans are a violent race.

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I envision a coordinated attack on many major cities at approximately the same time...sending the population into a panic...straining emergency resources and hospitals...changing western style freedoms forever...

Heaven forbid if they are crazy enough to use dirty bombs with linger effects on the population...making the area around the bomb site uninhabitable...

Oh, that is right...ISIS has no love for life...just death and destruction...what a wonderful way to live...

It may take an earth shaking event to finally get the current US leadership to acknowledge the seriousness of this situation...

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

Correct had the US not meddled so much in the middle east we would not have this problem.

If the ME didn't have oil, we would not have this problem. Oil+Cheney+(Bush) = Get rid of Saddam.

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Please dont blame Obama who tried to prevent the Iraq war which caused the desbilization of the middle east and the emergence of Daesh.

Republicans are currently in a state of shock and denial.

And how did he try to prevent the Iraq war? He was elected to the US Senate in 2004...

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French authorities say now they did kill the mastermind guy Abdelhamid Abaaout who planned and organized the Paris attacks. He was in the apartment, the French government says.

Prez Obama got bin Laden and now Francois Hollande has got this Abdel guy. The US just last week popped the "Jihadi John" Brit guy but that info and news got lost in the Paris attacks.

Putin's gotta get himself one of 'em too if he expects to keep up and get some respect.

There's always another IS guy like this coming up next so nobody to include Putin can breath any kind of sign of relief. Gotta keep going at 'em so Vlad had better pick up pace over there with his vaunted Russian bad arse global hitmen.

Authorities keep telling us they've killed mastermind's.

What changes?

Absolutely nothing!!

They need to kill thousands of masterminds and their willing to die for soldiers as well.

The game needs to be changed.

POTUS and the VP have done exceedingly well to be and to conduct themselves opposite of GW Bush and his Dick Cheney.

For Cheney especially 9/11 was straight-out Manichean, which was his huge error. The United States is still trying to recover from Bush and his Dick Cheney domestically and internationally. The present posture of the Obama Administration is a welcome part of any US recovery that continues to occur

The attack was in Paris, France in Europe with direct and immediate connections to Belgium. All the Nato countries are directly affected however. Outside of Nato Vladimir Putin is a directly contributing factor to the ISIS expansion northward to include IS swearing Russia will get its supposed due. This ISIS new focus on Russia is not only evidence of Putin's direct negative impact, it is proof.

There have been some recent horrors in the US to include Ft. Hood in Texas and at the 'free speech' meeting in Texas, to state a couple of 'em. At the latter event a couple of IS lunatics were gunned down by authorities before they could inflict any kind of damage, harm, hurt.

USA is certainly not immune and many people in this part of the world are from Europe to include France, UK, Spain, just to mention a few of the worst post 9/11 terrorist attacks on that continent. Europeans here and others in this place certainly are welcome to express their feelings and views regardless of whether they might often be harsh, hard or provocative ones.

The USA, from its government to its people are most supportive of our Nato allies in confronting ISIS. However, no one should expect the United States to repeat the madness of George W. and his Darth Cheney.

There is a ground the US is staking out that is between surrender and insanity so others might want to respect that.

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Not much of a loss if they hit the Manhattan financial sector. ISIS must be watching Mr. Robot.

Anyone that might try that would get a swift and hard post 9/11 time of it. Whether physically or electronically to include cyber.

It would not be pretty on either side but Wall Street and the authorities are well prepared for it local, state, federal.

Take that to the bank like a crisp new dollar bill.

IS blows some Russian energy infrastructure and the bear's economy is gone, very quickly. It's called blowback which is another serious and foreseeable matter Putin completely missed.

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limbos, on 19 Nov 2015 - 12:21, said:
ezzra, on 19 Nov 2015 - 11:36, said:

Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

Yes indeed, but Obama could have cleaned it up if he wanted, but he didn't, he opted to withdraw all troops

from Iraq leaving a fertile grounds for those groups of terrorist to flourish...

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MaxYakov, on 19 Nov 2015 - 12:26, said:
ezzra, on 19 Nov 2015 - 11:36, said:

Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree

that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with,

and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical

Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

Although we agree in general, aren't you risking making the same error in judgment that Obama and many others, including Hollande who also underestimated the threat to France, have been making? I'm not as sure as you that they festered from a bunch of "bearded goats herders".

So, would that be "junior varsity", "goat herders"?

I also disagree that "radical Islam" is "putting the best armies and air forces to shame".

Obama and other so-called leaders are acting incompetently and shamefully and forcing large elements of thir militaries and other resources to suffer in, at least, frustration.

(Thankfully, the C-130 gunship crews, A-10 pilots and special ops troops are notable exceptions. biggrin.png )

I also disagree that "radical Islam" is "putting the best armies and air forces to shame".

How else than would you explain that they have bombing ISIS for months now using the most

sophisticated get fighters, precision, smart bombs and the best Intel and hardy put a dent

in ISIS capabilities?

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They have pissed off everybody apart from China, lets hope they manage that ASAP. Then the Plain of Dariq will unite the world

ISIS just executed a norwegian and chinese national, and china is not happy. So they managed to piss them and everybody else of too.

Wonder if its strategy or if its implosion, reading this article from 2005 is abit scary how exact they are on dates on what they want to do and what the expect will happen ( very exact years he predicts ) :


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Seastallion, on 19 Nov 2015 - 12:36, said:
ezzra, on 19 Nov 2015 - 11:36, said:

Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

There's you're problem, Ezzra; You conflate Islam with radical Islam.

One is not the other,

It's EXACTLY like conflating Christianity with fundamental Christianity, or Judaism with Ultra-orthodox Judaism.

There are extremists, terrorists, in all extreme religions.

One is derived fro the other, no Islam, no radical Islam, simple... and by the way, fundamental Christianity, or Judaism with Ultra-orthodox Judaism do not behead people or go on a rampage killing, raping, pillaging and systematically

purging a whole communities from existence....

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Andaman Al, on 19 Nov 2015 - 13:02, said:
ezzra, on 19 Nov 2015 - 11:36, said:

Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

First error - never be so dull as to underestimate the enemy. 'Goat Herders'!! You really think so? How about the majority being paid for mercenaries who are highly trained ruthless killers.

Second error - This entire disaster and all the death and destruction it involves is DIRECTLY the fault of the two war criminals Bush and Blair, do not kid yourself otherwise, not forgetting of course all the pigs at the trough who aided and abetted.

Never mind who's fault it was, Obama and other world powers could have put an end to it, instead

they all prostate them selves to the Muslim world because of their sheer numbers and business

opportunities with the Arab world, and now we see the results of such oversights...

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MaxYakov, on 19 Nov 2015 - 13:05, said:
limbos, on 19 Nov 2015 - 12:21, said:
ezzra, on 19 Nov 2015 - 11:36, said:

Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

No ThaiVisa Forum, no idiotic posts like these.

And you're here because? or it that the best you can contribute to this discussion? a snide remark?

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MaxYakov, on 19 Nov 2015 - 13:05, said:
limbos, on 19 Nov 2015 - 12:21, said:
ezzra, on 19 Nov 2015 - 11:36, said:

Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

No ThaiVisa Forum, no idiotic posts like these.

And you're here because? or it that the best you can contribute to this discussion? a snide remark?

Im so fed up by this movement of people that sees conspiracies and new world order and "everything is the US fault" and that US has somekind of sinister plan always and everything is planned.

The scary thing is there is such a massive representation of this view among a large part of the population today, especially young people. Basicallly its a large part of the population that doesnt take a stance, they are not part of the reaction they are not supporting change, except their disillusional idea of exposing the "new world" order and distrust of governments.

Im so tired of listening to these nutters, from 9/11 to anything, everything is a conspiracy by the big bad USA. They are like teflon against terror groups and sit behind their PC's reckoning its all a conspiracy.

The world is changing and rapidly and it passes by before your eyes to the worse because you cant snap out of being a hipster believing everything is a sinister plan by the west, in my opinion stupidity.

Conspiracy nutters are the worst and useless in this world right now and wish we had alot more engaged young people in moving forward worldwide.

edit : maybe what annoys me the most with this same-old-story from conspiracy nuts is none of you can relate to current situations, always keep talking about the big conspiracy and keep talking about Iraq. Iraq happened, now deal with it.

Edited by isopax
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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

Actually it was even before that, it dates back to when the US was pushing back the Soviet Union. They armed and train different factions and bought them together, the Mujahideens like Bin Laden. After the collapse of Soviet Union, the US left the region alone and these different factions grew and fought each other for power.

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