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How do you speak to a human at BKK Bank, 18th attempts failed.

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When I go into the bank I opened the account they say they can not see why a transaction has accured on my account, except the visa debit card part was used but says it is impossible to see any details by who.

They tell me to call 1333

I have just finished my 18th F'n call and still faild to speak to a human, does anyone know how you can speak to a human at this bank ?

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Their website has all the customer support numbers. In the past I have used the number to report a lost cc and asked to be transferred to the department I need. Never had an issue.. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Have not had to use in years but never had any issue when calling them in past and in fact was able to perform banking operations - you are using a landline? Believe you may need to send dial tones to operate menu so not sure will operate right with mobile (but am probably wrong on that as most people use them now).

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Not an answer to how to get in touch with a person, but you can get more details on the Visa Debit transactions from their internet banking.

When you are looking at your savings account page in Bualuang iBanking, in the "Account Summary" Section, there is an item "Be1st Card Number" with a link next to it with your partially masked Visa Debit number. Click on this link and it will take you to the details of all the Visa Debit transactions on the card. One of the columns will be "Location", which should have the merchant information.

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Amazingly, if you just listen to the options you'll get through to a real person, it's very simple. But if you really can't follow the directions here's what you do.

Listen to the first set of options and press 0 "to speak to a customer rep". Listen to the next options and press 9 "for any other queries" (or something similar) and it will start ringing. Hang on, if you're calling at a normal time someone will answer eventually. Don't get frustrated and hang up to try to get through more quickly again, that won't work, just wait.

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Amazingly, if you just listen to the options you'll get through to a real person, it's very simple. But if you really can't follow the directions here's what you do.

Listen to the first set of options and press 0 "to speak to a customer rep". Listen to the next options and press 9 "for any other queries" (or something similar) and it will start ringing. Hang on, if you're calling at a normal time someone will answer eventually. Don't get frustrated and hang up to try to get through more quickly again, that won't work, just wait.

It's not difficult at all to get thru to a live person at BKK Bank's customer support hotline -- assuming you can follow the instructions of their automated voice response system to get to the right place.

It's been a while since I've needed to call them, but if memory serves, you'll first need to make the correct keypad number choice to get their English language menu/system, then I think wait until the end where the last option is just to speak to a CSR. I don't remember what number choice that it, but if I recall, you do have to wait past a half dozen or so other choices (account details, lost cards, credit card, loans, etc) before they finally offer the generic CSR option.

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The OP's problems may not be because he's failing to follow the instructions - I once had a problem with calling the automated system at Siam Commercial Bank - I couldn't seem to get the language to change to English despite following all the instructions including: "Press 9 for English". Eventually I made the journey to the bank to explain the problem I was having and was immediately told: "Oh, you have to press 9 really quickly...". Judging by the response I gathered I was not alone in having this problem. It turns out that if you called using a smartphone and waited until you heard the voice say: "Press 9 for English", then took the phone away from your ear, hit the "keypad" key and then hit 9, that was way too slow and so the system decided you were not planning on pressing 9 and so proceeded to speak to you in Thai.

The solution was to hit the speaker button as soon as you finished dialling followed by the keypad button. In this way, when the voice said "Please press 9 for English" you were ready to do so at a speed that the system accepted.

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I had problems getting a human before so I cheated and pressed the button for "Report a lost or stolen credit card". This will get you to a human quickly and you will be speaking to the right department, as it's the BKK Visa dept. Just tell the person your card isn't lost or stolen but you want to find out about a transaction. Good luck. :)

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Amazingly, if you just listen to the options you'll get through to a real person, it's very simple. But if you really can't follow the directions here's what you do.

Listen to the first set of options and press 0 "to speak to a customer rep". Listen to the next options and press 9 "for any other queries" (or something similar) and it will start ringing. Hang on, if you're calling at a normal time someone will answer eventually. Don't get frustrated and hang up to try to get through more quickly again, that won't work, just wait.

This info is spot on as I called BBL at least 3 times before I really listened to the voice prompts and did exactly this and it worked and got me to a English speaking rep. I did mutter for a bit that a clear prompt saying "press "nn" to speak to a rep would be nicer.

Also the advice about the account summary page and clicking the Be1st number does give info back 2 months on the card use. Nice feature when needed.

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I have never succeeded in speaking to a human on any of their help lines. After hanging on 2 or 3 times for up to half an hour I give up and go to the branch in town, where they phone the appropriate department directly and the problem is solved

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Their website has all the customer support numbers. In the past I have used the number to report a lost cc and asked to be transferred to the department I need. Never had an issue.. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your'e lucky, I have used their website to try and contact them and have never had an answer.

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Yes - the 1333 number almost never works - the best number is 02-645555 - though its often a long wait for a human and even then it is quite likely you have wasted your time. I made an online transfer and their website crashed in the middle of doing it. After waiting nearly 1 hour to speak with someone - the only answer I could get was - Why don't you call them and see if they got the money? I love Thailand !!!

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do youself a big favour... dig a hole in the garden and hide your money there,.,, much safer than Thai banks and you will save more on interest rates versus yearly fees for using an ATM card that most countries provide for free... you also wont be treated like an infidel everytime you make a withdrawal... and when myterious transactions are debitted from your account (30k went missing from mine a few years back, SCB) you wont be asked, were you drinking that day sir? then ignored...

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