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Beijing vows justice as ISIS kills Chinese, Norwegian hostages


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Beijing vows justice as ISIS kills Chinese, Norwegian hostages
By Katie Hunt, Matt Rivers and Yuli Yang, CNN

Hong Kong (CNN) Beijing has vowed to bring ISIS to justice after the group said it had executed two hostages, a Chinese and a Norwegian.

ISIS said it had killed the two men, identified as Chinese national Fan Jinghui and Norwegian citizen Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad in its English-language online magazine Dabiq.

President Xi Jinping "strongly condemned" ISIS for the killing of Fan, the first known Chinese national to be killed by the group, and the country's foreign ministry said the Chinese government would "definitely hold the perpetrators accountable."

But how to respond to Fan's "cold-blooded and violent" death presents a dilemma for China, which has stayed on the sidelines in the fight against ISIS and has a long-held principle of noninterference in other countries' affairs.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/18/asia/isis-hostages-china-norway/index.html

-- CNN 2015-11-20

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This could get interesting. Notice how the article glosses over the murdered Norwegian. All eyes on the Chinese man and China.

Of course... the Chinese have the power to cripple the extremists. Pair them with Russia and results will finally happen, bravo.
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it's only talk.

the loss of a one eyed chinese man

in a country of 1 billion +

is nothing

Is this a wind up? The loss of the Chinese man is a direct insult to China. If he had died in any other way, it would have been sad but not a problem, but to have been publically murdered by ISIS was not very clever. They are really stupid people these Islamic extremists, bait the weak governments of the west, then mediocre retalliation, bait the Bear or the Tiger, total destruction. I wonder who will repopulate the wasteland that will be left.

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it's only talk.

the loss of a one eyed chinese man

in a country of 1 billion +

is nothing

Is this a wind up? The loss of the Chinese man is a direct insult to China. If he had died in any other way, it would have been sad but not a problem, but to have been publically murdered by ISIS was not very clever. They are really stupid people these Islamic extremists, bait the weak governments of the west, then mediocre retalliation, bait the Bear or the Tiger, total destruction. I wonder who will repopulate the wasteland that will be left.

ISIS wants an all out world war involving East vs West. It's called Armageddon which they believe Allah has ordained for them to win to usher in an Islamic world

It's a deliberate act of unspeakable things to drive a wedge between Muslims and the West and to turn the unbelievers against Muslims generally. It's clever because that part is working but ultimately it's stupid because they will be brought down although they think otherwise.It's like an anti Christ copy of the Judaeo/Christian prophesy where.they just changed the names and hi-jacked the outcome

Edited by Linzz
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CCP Dictators in Beijing haven't any more clue of what to do than Putin and his thugs in Moscow do.

Neither government has a hostage policy except to shout and holler about revenge. Neither government operates by international law. Neither government is trusted by the Nato governments or by governments and elites in the ME.

This grim execution of a Chinese by ISIS got IS what it wanted, i.e., the direct response from the top dogface himself, Xi Jinping. It's Daesh's heads up to the CCP Boyz for their support of Russia in Syria and for Iran while also trying to get in to Israel. CCP has got only the cold shoulder from Bibi Netanyahu and has raised eyebrows everywhere else in the region.

Several years ago the CCP Dictators had tried to get involved in the ME because the CCP is drilling oil there, they get big oil imports from SA, the Russians were involved behind the scenes (only) at the time, the nuclear negotiations had put CCP in contact with governments and elites of the region, PLA Navy has some ships in the fight against piracy outside the Gulf and around the Strait of Hormuz, the Red Sea to Suez ect,

Everyone from Riyadh to Tel Aviv to Ankara however told the CCP to stay out of the ME actively because the Chinese haven't any clue of the people, the place, its history. That the CCP Chinese would only muck things up more.

Killing the Norwegian guy is another message to Nato countries, but it's a passing hint to Beijing. CCP Dictators have severe Muslim problems of their own in the Xinjiang region of the CCP China that borders on Afghanistan and several other Muslim countries out there. For hundreds of years the Chinese and Muslims got along famously in China and outside of it because they agreed they are so much alike. However, CCP atheism and its active policies against religion have reversed those relations during the past hundred years. Completely.

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it's only talk.

the loss of a one eyed chinese man

in a country of 1 billion +

is nothing

Exactly...do you think Xi gives a fart about a Chinese grifter who washed up in the Middle East and got himself killed. These comments are just for public consumption.

What's more interesting is apparently the Vikings didn't pay up to spring their man...I mean, they could of at least handed over his share of the nation's provident fund, which should have be more than enough.

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Regardless of various posters feelings towards China, I say light'em up! Without having taken a formal survey, I think the world has just had enough of the death and carnage and misery brought about by Daesh. Some one needs to step up to the plate with this scourge. The US, UK and EU don't seem to have the balls (for obvious reasons--appeasing their electorate). What happened to nation states? I.e. this is China, America, Moldova, wherever. You want to stay? You have to play by our rules.

China is big enough and powerful enough to just not give a #$/*. And I will be personally grateful to them for picking up the pieces of over nearly a century of poorly informed, poorly planned and belligerent foreign policy from the "West."

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I hope to all the gods that China puts it's money where it's mouth is.

The more the merrier when it comes to blasting daesh to hell.

Too many cooks spoil the pie.

Let Germany take them out. They took on the whole world.....twice, and almost won!

Almost only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. CCP doesn't play at either. CCP are busy learning how to throw darts into the little center spot.

CCP concluded long ago Germany was too small to conquer the world. CCP Dictators in Beijing deduced only one country is big enough to do that. All it takes is intent, design, patience.

Right about Germany. Big error though in Beijing about the CCP China. The CCP Boyz believe they know all they need to know about the former USSR too. it is however what the CCP doesn't know that is killing them.

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Xinjiang region Muslims in the westernmost CCP China don't need much of any encouragement now or at any time. They've been hacking up Chinese en masse for several years now.

Radicals from XinJiang have killed a couple of dozen Chinese and slashed up another hundred in several attacks in provinces that border Xinjiang or are nearby the Xinjiang administrative region, which is not a province.

Uigher militants with "watermelon knives" and axes have attacked train stations in Kunming City in the southwest and Guangzhou City in the southeast. They've made a car bomb attack in Tiananmen Square which is two blocks from the CCP giant walled government compound ZhongNanHai in central Beijing.

Uighurs have attacked CCP Public Safety Bureau Police stations in Jinjiang also using long knives of 2-feet in length and axes. The paramilitary People's Armed Police in September put 10,000 of its troops in to Jinjiang to chase down a group of 28 militants which took the PAP 56 days of continuous fighting in the hills to complete. CCP said a couple of the PAP Boyz got minor skin scratches during the campaign.

If the CCP Dictators might not know it, they already have a serious Muslim separatist problem on their own bloody hands.

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Let Germany take them out. They took on the whole world.....twice, and almost won!

I almost landed the plane.....but i didn't...i crashed it and killed myself.

But it only takes 3% the effort to defeat ISIS as it does to defeat the world. --Captain Obvious

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Militarily there's almost nothing China can do to Daesh.

It has no foreign bases, no quick reaction international special forces, no foreign military partners/proxies, no proximity to the Middle East, no sustainable long range naval capacity, etc. China's foreign strategy has been focused almost entirely on securing foreign natural resources and exports, not exporting military.

China's greatest weapon against Daesh is its cyber-hacking ability. But even that will be limited by lack of Arab humanit. China could co-op with Western military forces but with so many nations involved in the Middle East against Daesh, China would cause more logistic problems than good.

China's best contribution is to support the UN Security Council for regime change in Syria and help pay for the refugees survival.

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CCP Boyz in Beijing see this as moving France more toward a police state at long term war and leading the EU in the same direction. More to their liking in Beijing. That's how they see it.

Putin is in fact funding the French far right going toward the 2017 election of the president. Not only in France with Marine Le Pen, daughter of the far rightist Jean-Marie Le Pen, but wherever in EU the right exists as a force.

Xi Jinping made his public statement about their guy who got killed by IS but the CCP absolutely don't care what anyone thinks of 'em, to include Daesh. CCP hopes Putin and Hollande join up against Daesh. Bring Nato with him, which is a major reason Nato governments are avoiding Article 5.

Only one thing really upsets the Boyz which is to call 'em warmongers. They have worked hard over a couple of decades to try to prevent that. Still, it remains true the only thing to fear more than a rising China is a falling China. One talks peace, the other one does not.

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