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Reserve act opens 12 million Thai men to summary military conscription


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What? There must be a shortage of personal servants for the top brass.

I was drafted in middle Europe.....

As drafted soldier you are a slave....

Middle Europe??????

Did the French Foreign Legion get you? Maybe Hitler or Stalin forced you to fight??

Middle Europe??????

Where is your esprit de corps?? You are anti-capitalist H90, so you should be tickled pink to have been a slave to a government, any government.

Government ALWAYS knows what's best. The free market is dominated by us capitalist thugs that believe in freedom.


Sorry H90 - you seem like a nice guy & I'm NOT attacking nor flaming you. I just saw in another thread where you said you were anti-capitalist, so I am arguing with your beliefs. I'm sure you are a great person & it's not my intent to make any enemies anywhere.

Free market? There is no free market and if you think so you must be deluded.

Freedom? That is freedom to be a wage slave, right?

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My Thai Son In law has just enlisted voluntary,Thai government does not give one baht for three months, So what does any young Thai man with a family Do for support, what happens to the wife back home who maybe has a child,

Money is not everything or anything He is doing it for Thailand and that is enough for him

You Son in law will be bless and be better person

You remember money is a Western idea

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Drafted army is not a bad army as the US found out many times in when they did have the ware games (exercises) with their European NATO partner.

the only problem is that those who have to go start later with their professional carrier. in most countries they solved this with the start of the carrier is 25 year of age for pension and other facilities build up for retirement.

Personally I do think this type of army does enrich the society as well that the army is closed to the civilian community then an army that is based on only people who want to have a military carrier.

Many countries have seen the change of from the drafted people to the only carrier type of people and the army did lose his fine touch with he civil society.


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Now this will really annoy a lot of people. Passing this type of law on the quiet is absolutely outrageous.

Money to be made though from those who can pay to avoid being called up.

Worgeordie said something about that previously.

Anything more on the ridiculous idea to conscript BIB ?

Maybe not a bad idea to conscript those young thai men who do not have legitimate work. (how many would that be?) and they would make perfect cannon fodder. It might even shape some of them up, if my grandfather was to be believed....

If they are allowed to keep the guns when they are let out, that would be a bonus ...

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Thailand has a bit more than 300,000 soldiers and now wants to get 12,000,000 conscripts. So here is a bit of history and facts which occured in teh past:

"By 1935, Germany was openly flouting the military restrictions set forth in the Versailles Treaty: German re-armament was announced on 16 March as was the reintroduction of conscription.[28] While the size of the standing army was to remain at about the 100,000-man mark decreed by the treaty, a new group of conscripts equal to this size would receive training each year. The conscription law introduced the name Wehrmacht, so not only can this be regarded as its founding date, but the organization and authority of the Wehrmacht can be viewed as Nazi creations regardless of the political affiliations of its high command (who nevertheless all swore the same personal oath of loyalty to Hitler).[29] Hitler’s proclamation of the Wehrmacht's existence included a total of no less than 36 divisions in its original projection, contravening the Treaty of Versailles in grandiose fashion. In December 1935, General Ludwig Beck added 48 tank battalions to the planned rearmament program.[30]


The total number of soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht during its existence from 1935 to 1945 is believed to have approached 18.2 million.[32] The Wehrmacht lost about 10,000,000 soldiers during the period from 1939-1945, a combination of about 2,000,000 KIA, 3,000,000 MIA, and 5,000,000 WIA."


All very interesting but absolutely nothing to do with Thai history and what's now proposed in Thailand. Hitler had a grudge with the world powers he thought had stripped Germany of it's dignity by enforcing the Treaty of Versailles. He wanted control of Europe.

In contrast, military expansion and power in Thailand is purely for internal purposes and control of the majority of 'sheeple' by the upper-class elite, centred on Bangkok and the South. I agree with several previous posts that what's proposed is a means of creating a 'militia' force staffed by working class people, who could be called upon to obey orders, under the threat of imprisonment.

I'd second that in part. The stuff about HItler's demonstrably incorrect however. Germany never signed any agreement at Versailes. It was Jewish Bankers who agreed on their behalf. See Warburg brothers. They also went on to finance Hitler---a bit too complicated to get into here.

Further, I'd say that you're generally right. The ruling class here wants to eliminate the emerging middle class at all costs. This is part of that and what will keep the decision makers compliant with it.

Thailand to my mind's a total puppet state, most prominently controlled by the US. It's kept in a state of ridiculable insignificance on the world stage which can be seen with the idiotic statements made by every police chief in every situation where some crime befalls a foreigner. This is like their 'war on drugs' which was done to see how stupid the people can be made to look. All of this is a control mechanism, so in essence you're totally right. I'd say that the term "sheeple" 's a very appropriate one.

The Cultural Marxism here is incredibly prominent. On every TV show, aired at times when children will be watching it is full of homosexuals and transvestisism. Every show is set to confuse and destroy the childrens' minds. The total lack of education here is incredible. The anti-self determination, anti-individualism's also incredibly in the way the people behave.

You may be interested to know that over a century ago, there was a codified plan to dumb people down to a level where they would be incapable of questioning anything, via the language, and minimising the words, negating the possibility of articulating things that would indicate the problem issues. Here, it seems that this has always been the case. It's impossible to explain a complex thing to a Thai unless they're fluent in English. If you look at the Koh Tao murders, the forensic assessment was submitted to court in English as they can't explain the most basic stuff in their own retarded level language. This situation's the same in even basic factory work, where the workers get taught a lot of the stuff in English, as the Thai language doesn't have the correct phraseology.

I think that the mass conscription potentiality created by stealth's just like the US's "Dream Project", as they want a load of monkeys to be available for an up coming war---probably with the Muslim South or SEA. This all seems incredibly obvious to me, and gives me cause to reconsider the viability of investing here. As I write, the investment opportunities are immense. Virtually everything most foreigners don't get into, as they're not immersed in the culture as I have allowed myself to be, is a total 'if you've got the money you can make a fortune' kind of a deal.

I'll give an example. There's several pieces of industrial equipment that you can pay for in one year even based upon less than 30% hire out rates, based on a normal working day in a pay per hour context. If you were to increase the productivity, by working through the night with two teams of people in shifts, then this product could pay for itself in six months. Considering that based on a notional but unlikely 100% utility yield, that would make the product pay for itself in less than four months.

There are loads of examples of this. The emergence of a middle class, via simple re-working of the management of their financial options with regards planning is a massive problem for the established parasite class here, who've got a vested interest in the supression and subjegation of the lower classes. The way it always works is that once the middle class is a dominant force, then the lower classes fall into their ex occupations and in doing so, drive up wages at an incredible rate, as they in turns leave openings at what they used to do for a living.

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What is this point that Prayut - O seems to be making, perhaps he requires more men to replace the ones that will refuse to fire at their Mothers , Fathers , Brothers, Sisters and other family members and defected to the other side , just like it happened all those years ago, It's called forward planning ...................bah.gif

He intends to use them to man the polling station in the forthcoming elections, that's my guess.

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Just be glad they don't require foreigners to register like it is required in the United States (SOURCE). The US Census shows 18 million currently under the threat of a draft in the USA but the difference is only Congress can call them up. According to the story, the Ministry of Defense can call them up.

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Most of the young Thai men I have seen are a waste of space, ..lazy, self indulgent and disrespectful. They could use a good dose of military training. Maybe some of them would learn to take responsibility for their actions, ..like caring for children they sire!

I think you are mistaking the Thai military for the military in a developed nation. In the developed world the military's mission is to protect the country from external threats, not to guard the interests and perpetuate the rule of one small group of people. I did my national service willingly and proudly but would have done just about anything to avoid the draft in this country.

And believing that the Thai boys could learn how take responsibility for their actions while drafted in the Thai military is delusional. Nobody, from the junta leader and down to the lowly security guard, take responsibility for their actions in this country. Taking responsibility means you have made a mistake, and making a mistake means loss of face, and face is more important than life itself.

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I'm anti-imperialistic and I was in South Asia in 1969, West German (NATO) Army didn't want me when I threatened I might change sides and turn my gun against them.

IMHO, there's nothing wrong to defend your country AND your family, but only this. If a foreign country should invade Thailand, I would of course be on Thailand's side, although not everything is perfect here.

Yes but it not their country it's kings!. I might be wrong here but modern army's fighting for king/queen and country is nothing more than ancient feudalism!

Nothing noble about going to war and killing people. Soldier are nothing more than governmentaly hired terrorists, hired to kill other humans and in effect destroy.


So insightful...

Six million dead Jews might disagree with you about why some nations go to war. But what are a bunch of slaughtered foreigners against such grand-sounding puffery?

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My Thai Son In law has just enlisted voluntary,Thai government does not give one baht for three months, So what does any young Thai man with a family Do for support, what happens to the wife back home who maybe has a child,

Money is not everything or anything He is doing it for Thailand and that is enough for him

You Son in law will be bless and be better person

You remember money is a Western idea

"money is a Western idea"

Strange comment. Money is simply a medium of exchange for goods and services. Trading goods and services with one's neighbors is as old as civilization itself.

If you are trying to say that people in Thailand place less value on wealth and materialism compared to people in the West, then I would very strongly disagree. Money and status (which can mostly be acquired through money) is almost ALL that matters here. This may well have been influenced by increased exposure to the West over the last few centuries, but modern day Thailand is far, far, far more materialistic than idealistic.

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Most of the young Thai men I have seen are a waste of space, ..lazy, self indulgent and disrespectful. They could use a good dose of military training. Maybe some of them would learn to take responsibility for their actions, ..like caring for children they sire!

I think you are mistaking the Thai military for the military in a developed nation. In the developed world the military's mission is to protect the country from external threats, not to guard the interests and perpetuate the rule of one small group of people. I did my national service willingly and proudly but would have done just about anything to avoid the draft in this country.

And believing that the Thai boys could learn how take responsibility for their actions while drafted in the Thai military is delusional. Nobody, from the junta leader and down to the lowly security guard, take responsibility for their actions in this country. Taking responsibility means you have made a mistake, and making a mistake means loss of face, and face is more important than life itself.

This thing about a dose of military service doing a peasant any favours is ridiculous. All it does is makes them more likely to bully people, be deferential to people who dress smartly or bully them, and less able to work out where they're going wrong in life. Consider what Rommel said about how shit Italian soldiers were---one thirtieth the value of a German soldier. Consider how Hitler rolled over the Russian peasant soldiers in WWII, killing more than we'll ever know. There's a reason white people get paid three hundred times the amount each day and it's not white supremacism that drives this.

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I'm anti-imperialistic and I was in South Asia in 1969, West German (NATO) Army didn't want me when I threatened I might change sides and turn my gun against them.

IMHO, there's nothing wrong to defend your country AND your family, but only this. If a foreign country should invade Thailand, I would of course be on Thailand's side, although not everything is perfect here.

Yes but it not their country it's kings!. I might be wrong here but modern army's fighting for king/queen and country is nothing more than ancient feudalism!

Nothing noble about going to war and killing people. Soldier are nothing more than governmentaly hired terrorists, hired to kill other humans and in effect destroy.


So insightful...

Six million dead Jews might disagree with you about why some nations go to war. But what are a bunch of slaughtered foreigners against such grand-sounding puffery?

You have to go back 70 years and cite the Nazis to justify the use of modern armies?

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What? There must be a shortage of personal servants for the top brass.

I was drafted in middle Europe.....

As drafted soldier you are a slave....

I think it is a good idea because so many young Thai's are getting away from serving in the military because they just had mom or dad pay a few baht.

the NEW Thai generation is absurd and they need to find out what discipline really is!!!! Not getting your way everytime with mom or dad is now a

thing of the past. They want everything free and mom and dad are allowing this. Time to stop paying money to get into a college or stay out of the

Military!!!!!!!! thumbsup.gif

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My Thai Son In law has just enlisted voluntary,Thai government does not give one baht for three months, So what does any young Thai man with a family Do for support, what happens to the wife back home who maybe has a child,

Money is not everything or anything He is doing it for Thailand and that is enough for him

You Son in law will be bless and be better person

You remember money is a Western idea

"money is a Western idea"

Strange comment. Money is simply a medium of exchange for goods and services. Trading goods and services with one's neighbors is as old as civilization itself.

If you are trying to say that people in Thailand place less value on wealth and materialism compared to people in the West, then I would very strongly disagree. Money and status (which can mostly be acquired through money) is almost ALL that matters here. This may well have been influenced by increased exposure to the West over the last few centuries, but modern day Thailand is far, far, far more materialistic than idealistic.

Money on money aka interest is a Western idea.

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What? There must be a shortage of personal servants for the top brass.

I was drafted in middle Europe.....

As drafted soldier you are a slave....

I think it is a good idea because so many young Thai's are getting away from serving in the military because they just had mom or dad pay a few baht.

the NEW Thai generation is absurd and they need to find out what discipline really is!!!! Not getting your way everytime with mom or dad is now a

thing of the past. They want everything free and mom and dad are allowing this. Time to stop paying money to get into a college or stay out of the

Military!!!!!!!! thumbsup.gif

While I do agree.

Note that what you write about the new thai generation is written about the new generation since millennia, I think there is somewhere a record (can't recall old Greek I think) where some rant about the new generation has no discipline and is lazy and so everything will go down.

In fact I think most of the lazy spoiled facebook generation will make their way and when they are 40-50 they will rant about the new generation.

I have my doubts that they learn much useful drafted into military....note it is Thai military, not German or US military and they are drafted, so they come for free and have no choice. So there is no need to use the efficient. (I know they are paid well, but for the people who control them they come for free).

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I'm anti-imperialistic and I was in South Asia in 1969, West German (NATO) Army didn't want me when I threatened I might change sides and turn my gun against them.

IMHO, there's nothing wrong to defend your country AND your family, but only this. If a foreign country should invade Thailand, I would of course be on Thailand's side, although not everything is perfect here.

Yes but it not their country it's kings!. I might be wrong here but modern army's fighting for king/queen and country is nothing more than ancient feudalism!

Nothing noble about going to war and killing people. Soldier are nothing more than governmentaly hired terrorists, hired to kill other humans and in effect destroy.


This is not so easy.

In former times in West Germany they questioned people who didn't want to join the army:

"What would you do if you walk around in a park with your girlfriend and a gun, and some criminals come to rape her?"

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My Thai Son In law has just enlisted voluntary,Thai government does not give one baht for three months, So what does any young Thai man with a family Do for support, what happens to the wife back home who maybe has a child,

Money is not everything or anything He is doing it for Thailand and that is enough for him

You Son in law will be bless and be better person

You remember money is a Western idea

Comes in useful though!

Even if you are a soldier.

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This new measure allows the military to call up 300000 men a year. There's lots of speculation as to why on this forum, and perhaps I tend to the view that they are thinking about having the manpower to cover the whole country whilst they manage the aftermath of the inevitable event.

However, the resources needed to train that number of conscripts even to a very basic level would be immense. Then you would have to equip them (300000 rifles going spare?), house them, feed and administer them. Once you have got your 300000 minimally trained and totally inexperienced, and possibly very unwilling, soldiers you will need to find officers and NCOs to lead them at platoon and company level, more senior officers to command the new units and formations (should play havoc with the golf schedules!), together with the resources to move them to where you need to deploy them and once they are in place, to resupply them. Forget your "Black Widow Spider" personnel carriers, for this lot you would need to commandeer every tour bus in the country!

Let us assume that you get enough conscripts to form some 2000 rifle companies. That means apart from weapons, you will need to find 2000 Captains to command the companies, 6000 platoon commanders, 24000 NCOs, 10000 manpack radios, the list goes on. Armies are very expensive, in conscript armies the manpower is cheap, but everything else still costs. It would be an immense undertaking which would literally bring the country to a halt.

I can't help thinking that they haven't thought it through....

Edited by JAG
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