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Aid agencies fear for thousands of migrants with new border controls in western Balkans

Jonathan Fairfield

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Aid agencies fear for thousands of migrants with new border controls in western Balkans


In Greece’s main port of Piraeus the ‘Ariadne’ docked with over 1500 migrants on board.

But around 85 of them were detained after it was discovered their papers aroused suspicion.

The move came after police arrested 10 foreigners for supplying forged passports and registration documents to migrants.

In the western Balkans new border controls have left thousands of refugees stranded.

The United Nations refugee agency says the move happened overnight with three countries denying a passage to migrants from states that are not directly engulfed in wars.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has denied entrance from Greece to people from Morocco, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Liberia, Congo and Pakistan.

The situation on the Serbian border with FYROM was reported to be similar with the Serbs only allowing refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Around 200 had been turned back from Serbia but were stuck in “no-mans land” as FYROM had not let them in.

Aid agencies fear thousands will be left in limbo as winter approaches. The UNHCR says there is now an urgent need to put in place additional reception capacity at the points of entry.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-21

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A situation is now forming whereby, encouraged by the success of other refugees settling in EU, US and Scandinavian

countries so easily, many other people from other third world countries who has nothing to do with the war in Syria

are jumping on the band wagon and using the chaotic situation to also settle in those countries for free....

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"The UNHCR says there is now an urgent need to put in place additional reception capacity at the points of entry."

No their isn't. There is an urgent need to deport all those who are only economic migrants attempting to illegally enter the EU. And to put measures in place to intercept smugglers.

Economic illegal immigrants should be treated as such and those profiting from them should be treated as the criminals they are.

The UN should act responsibly in accordance with international and sovereign law - but it's a PC liberal do-gooder run farce that wants to push all this human flotsam and jetsam onto Western countries regardless of the consequences.

So UN - when will you demand China, India, Russia and Brazil (the BRICS) and the wealthy Moslem Middle Eastern countries start accepting hordes of economic illegal immigrants? Oh, but that wouldn't suit your PC agenda would it?

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Tough. Look at what just happened in Paris. Now close the borders and send these people who are peppered with radical Islamists back to where they came from.

If the UN wants a solution, then it should involve itself in stabilizing the counties that these people come from so that they can be sent back.

Edited by connda
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Just look at the way they trash the place , every time i see refugees i see trails of rubbish everywhere .

Thats because they hold the Western world in contempt.

They view us, quite rightly, as weak-willed soft cocks.

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"The UNHCR says there is now an urgent need to put in place additional reception capacity at the points of entry."

No their isn't. There is an urgent need to deport all those who are only economic migrants attempting to illegally enter the EU. And to put measures in place to intercept smugglers.

Economic illegal immigrants should be treated as such and those profiting from them should be treated as the criminals they are.

The UN should act responsibly in accordance with international and sovereign law - but it's a PC liberal do-gooder run farce that wants to push all this human flotsam and jetsam onto Western countries regardless of the consequences.

So UN - when will you demand China, India, Russia and Brazil (the BRICS) and the wealthy Moslem Middle Eastern countries start accepting hordes of economic illegal immigrants? Oh, but that wouldn't suit your PC agenda would it?

On the same note, when will greedy, self serving, hypocritical nations like Saudi Arabia and some of the other Gulf states start accepting Syrian refugees and provide charity in a meaningful way? All talk and no action makes Abdullah a very dull boy indeed. Does the term hoover vacuum come to mind? I hear a giant sucking sound coming from that region. All take and no give.

Edited by spidermike007
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