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Obama warns against overreaction to Islamic State attacks


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"...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

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"...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

Actually, it's that kind of belief in the nearly supernatural that got 130 innocents killed in Paris, preceded by countless other beheadings and various assorted atrocities. ISIS is not some club of nerd zealots holed up in a rural farmhouse. Not only will it most assuredly take ground troops to defeat them, it's going to require quite an adjustment to public attitudes about "hearts & minds" warfare, precision targeting, "zero collateral damage", etc. By letting it get this far, ISIS has been handed the opportunity of pushing the eventual conflict to total war. The longer Obama continues to kick the can down the road, the more of a certainty this becomes. The end game is going to be more like invading Japan at the end of WWII would've been had it not been for the Bomb, than like a raid on some underground meth lab in the jungle a la Tom Clancy. It's now going to take more than Seal Team 6 - as magnificent as they are - to beat down ISIS. Much more.

And the list of needed resource (and required sacrifice) grows by the minute. Tic-toc...

Edited by hawker9000
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Europe will do its own thing regardless, if not in spite of anything the US does.

The only country who is reasonable seams to be Russia. I really hope that you are right an Europe wakes up, but so far I can't see much.

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He's right. Don't overreact. But don't under-react either. Demonization of all Muslim people would backfire badly, but these active terrorists are happy to die, they have lots of money, and if they get better weapons, like dirty nukes, they could change our entire civilization.

Obama wants us to relax

I say take a Muslim for Ice Cream Cone show them we love them

Edited by HenryB
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Strange how Obama has not once out the responsibility on the moderate Muslims, for not speaking out against the atrocities committed in their name.

Kinda like this?


So just as leaders like myself reject the notion that terrorists like ISIL genuinely represent Islam, Muslim leaders need to do more to discredit the notion that our nations are determined to suppress Islam, that there’s an inherent clash in civilizations. Everybody has to speak up very clearly that no matter what the grievance, violence against innocents doesn't defend Islam or Muslims, it damages Islam and Muslims. (Applause.)

And when all of us, together, are doing our part to reject the narratives of violent extremists, when all of us are doing our part to be very clear about the fact that there are certain universal precepts and values that need to be respected in this interconnected world, that’s the beginnings of a partnership.

As we go forward, we need to find new ways to amplify the voices of peace and tolerance and inclusion -- and we especially need to do it online. We also need to lift up the voices of those who know the hypocrisy of groups like ISIL firsthand, including former extremists. Their words speak to us today. And I know in some of the discussions these voices have been raised: “I witnessed horrible crimes committed by ISIS.” “It’s not a revolution or jihad…it’s a slaughter…I was shocked by what I did.” “This isn’t what we came for, to kill other Muslims.” “I’m 28 -- is this the only future I’m able to imagine?” That's the voice of so many who were temporarily radicalized and then saw the truth. And they’ve warned other young people not to make the same mistakes as they did. “Do not run after illusions.” “Do not be deceived.” “Do not give up your life for nothing.” We need to lift up those voices.

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Strange how Obama has not once out the responsibility on the moderate Muslims, for not speaking out against the atrocities committed in their name.

Kinda like this?


So just as leaders like myself reject the notion that terrorists like ISIL genuinely represent Islam, Muslim leaders need to do more to discredit the notion that our nations are determined to suppress Islam, that there’s an inherent clash in civilizations. Everybody has to speak up very clearly that no matter what the grievance, violence against innocents doesn't defend Islam or Muslims, it damages Islam and Muslims. (Applause.)

And when all of us, together, are doing our part to reject the narratives of violent extremists, when all of us are doing our part to be very clear about the fact that there are certain universal precepts and values that need to be respected in this interconnected world, that’s the beginnings of a partnership.

As we go forward, we need to find new ways to amplify the voices of peace and tolerance and inclusion -- and we especially need to do it online. We also need to lift up the voices of those who know the hypocrisy of groups like ISIL firsthand, including former extremists. Their words speak to us today. And I know in some of the discussions these voices have been raised: “I witnessed horrible crimes committed by ISIS.” “It’s not a revolution or jihad…it’s a slaughter…I was shocked by what I did.” “This isn’t what we came for, to kill other Muslims.” “I’m 28 -- is this the only future I’m able to imagine?” That's the voice of so many who were temporarily radicalized and then saw the truth. And they’ve warned other young people not to make the same mistakes as they did. “Do not run after illusions.” “Do not be deceived.” “Do not give up your life for nothing.” We need to lift up those voices.

I stand corrected. That was a good speech, and he said what desperately needs to be said, about the moderates with the Muslim community speaking out against the gang raping insects.

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Rarely has Obama said something clearly which he did not mean. Pay attention, look at the arhives, Obama almost always telegraphs his intentions.

"We've made some bad decisions subsequent to that attack in part based on fear, and that's why we have to be cautious."

In context with his entire deportment and history, read what he is saying here is our actions following 9/11 brought upon us events today which cause us further strife, and we must now guard against our own blowback.

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He's right to the point that we should not over react and I think it's a big mistake to punish and blame all Muslims. To be Muslim does not mean that you are a terrorist in the same way you can't blame the Germans or Italians what Hitler and Mussolini did. You have people with terrorist involvement in a lot of ethnic groups not only Muslims.

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He's right to the point that we should not over react and I think it's a big mistake to punish and blame all Muslims. To be Muslim does not mean that you are a terrorist in the same way you can't blame the Germans or Italians what Hitler and Mussolini did. You have people with terrorist involvement in a lot of ethnic groups not only Muslims.

But why only Muslim religion got terrorist group? Or did you heard about Buddhist terrorist group?
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He's right to the point that we should not over react and I think it's a big mistake to punish and blame all Muslims. To be Muslim does not mean that you are a terrorist in the same way you can't blame the Germans or Italians what Hitler and Mussolini did. You have people with terrorist involvement in a lot of ethnic groups not only Muslims.

But why only Muslim religion got terrorist group? Or did you heard about Buddhist terrorist group?

Buddhism and violence


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So on one hand we're advised not to overreact by President Omaba, now just days later this statement is issued by the State Department :

It's a worldwide alert for all US citizens.


The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats. Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions. These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016.

Lots more drivel at the link above.

Irony in action.

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"...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

Actually, it's that kind of belief in the nearly supernatural that got 130 innocents killed in Paris, preceded by countless other beheadings and various assorted atrocities. ISIS is not some club of nerd zealots holed up in a rural farmhouse. Not only will it most assuredly take ground troops to defeat them, it's going to require quite an adjustment to public attitudes about "hearts & minds" warfare, precision targeting, "zero collateral damage", etc. By letting it get this far, ISIS has been handed the opportunity of pushing the eventual conflict to total war. The longer Obama continues to kick the can down the road, the more of a certainty this becomes. The end game is going to be more like invading Japan at the end of WWII would've been had it not been for the Bomb, than like a raid on some underground meth lab in the jungle a la Tom Clancy. It's now going to take more than Seal Team 6 - as magnificent as they are - to beat down ISIS. Much more.

And the list of needed resource (and required sacrifice) grows by the minute. Tic-toc...

I don't think it's as easy as you think. The west has been busily turning Islamists into anti western zealots that want to kill us all with it's Crusader interventions in the Middle East. Having open the box, it will be more than difficult to close it. Short of killing them all, I see no solution other than banning all Muslims from the west and throwing up the barricades, but that would be a price not many would be prepared to pay. Therefore, I think we will be seeing a lot more atrocities in the future. Just sending more Crusaders to kill Muslims and radicalise the survivors is not the answer.

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Then please Obama don't support this terrorist. You created them. So is your responsibility to destroy them.

So the bombing of these terrorists by Obama is a sign of his support for them? I'm confused....I don't see any support for IS from the US. Nor pretty much the rest of the world.

There was a limited time some fighters against Assad were given very limited support by the US, but that was before things got crazy. Great video to watch:

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"...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

So, how would YOU tell the difference between a Muslim that doesn't want to kill every infidel s/he can find and one that would not?

It was for that reason that all Japanese were interned in the US during WW2.

BTW, good luck infiltrating closed terrorist cells. You think they are stupid?

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"...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

So, how would YOU tell the difference between a Muslim that doesn't want to kill every infidel s/he can find and one that would not?

It was for that reason that all Japanese were interned in the US during WW2.

BTW, good luck infiltrating closed terrorist cells. You think they are stupid?

BTW, so were the Germans and Italians in the US as well. See the story of Crystal City, Texas

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"...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

Actually, it's that kind of belief in the nearly supernatural that got 130 innocents killed in Paris, preceded by countless other beheadings and various assorted atrocities. ISIS is not some club of nerd zealots holed up in a rural farmhouse. Not only will it most assuredly take ground troops to defeat them, it's going to require quite an adjustment to public attitudes about "hearts & minds" warfare, precision targeting, "zero collateral damage", etc. By letting it get this far, ISIS has been handed the opportunity of pushing the eventual conflict to total war. The longer Obama continues to kick the can down the road, the more of a certainty this becomes. The end game is going to be more like invading Japan at the end of WWII would've been had it not been for the Bomb, than like a raid on some underground meth lab in the jungle a la Tom Clancy. It's now going to take more than Seal Team 6 - as magnificent as they are - to beat down ISIS. Much more.

And the list of needed resource (and required sacrifice) grows by the minute. Tic-toc...

I don't think it's as easy as you think. The west has been busily turning Islamists into anti western zealots that want to kill us all with it's Crusader interventions in the Middle East. Having open the box, it will be more than difficult to close it. Short of killing them all, I see no solution other than banning all Muslims from the west and throwing up the barricades, but that would be a price not many would be prepared to pay. Therefore, I think we will be seeing a lot more atrocities in the future. Just sending more Crusaders to kill Muslims and radicalise the survivors is not the answer.

Sad. An all-too-typical failure to read & comprehend. Did I say "easy"? Is there ANYthing, anything at all, in what I wrote that sounds "easy" to you?? What I actually descibed is pretty much the OPPOSITE of "easy"! Not only not "easy", but getting more difficult, more problematic, and more likely to cost more & more lives by the minute. Tic-toc (as you must've missed it the first time...)

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He's right to the point that we should not over react and I think it's a big mistake to punish and blame all Muslims. To be Muslim does not mean that you are a terrorist in the same way you can't blame the Germans or Italians what Hitler and Mussolini did. You have people with terrorist involvement in a lot of ethnic groups not only Muslims.

But why only Muslim religion got terrorist group? Or did you heard about Buddhist terrorist group?

Buddhism and violence



I never said there is Buddhist terror groups, there are how ever a lot of Muslim terror groups that we know of with that said it's a lot of good Muslims around the world that are being punished today. And my point is that that's the wrong thing to do.

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"Obama said. "We've made some bad decisions subsequent to that attack in part based on fear, and that's why we have to be cautious.""

Is anyone in their right mind believe this or anything else this man says?

I think that is spot on. Some things were done after 9/11 that maybe should not have been done. But were done out of anger. I was living and working in NYC on that day, actually on my way to the WTC for a meeting. If you asked me then what we should have done, I would have said "kill them all!". If asked now, I'd say a more pragmatic approach would perhaps be better.

Silly things get done in the heat of the moment. You may not like Obama, but he is a very smart man.

Smart men make good decisions. Obama, for eg is a cigarette smoker. The habit will harm his health and may well kill him. He chose to be a smoker knowing the dangers. That is not the action of a "smart" man. Obama is one heck of a public speaker. His use of pause is incredible, it gives his message such gravity. I even found myself nodding along to a speech of his the other day, although his message on a logical level was absurd. If he was truly a smart man, he would allow the issues to be discussed without drawing the racist/bigot card at the first sign of a question that shows his logic to be nonsense. That he doesn't, will cause festering resentment and hate, and when the worm finally turns(and it will), there will be sparks to put it mildly.

Silly things do get done in the heat of the moment, but doing things then allows emotion to be used as an excuse at a later stage. Look at Putin now, clearly "on tilt" and is IMO going to do more to stop the worldwide spread of Islam than the appeasers have in the last decade. Remember we gave these people free money, houses, food, freedom and they repay us by using terror in an effort to overthrow democracy and install Sharia. Quite simple to cure, once you have stuck 2 fingers up to the PC brigade and are able see the problem for what it is.

Not sure I agree that Putin is really helping that much. Most of his operations are helping to prop up a brutal dictator. The root cause of this problem. His sales of weapons to Syria over the past few years have helped fuel this conflict, not stop it. And is also creating a lot more refugees.

And as we all know, there are a lot of civilian casualties caused by Russia. Can you imagine the uproar if this was done by the West? But many seem to think it's OK for Russia to do this. A bit contradictory, IMHO.


Putin may not be that crazy about Assad either, but, he hasn't the time and the money to rebuild the country Last poll I saw had Assad with a 55% approval rating. There are many first world leaders who would be happy with 55%.

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Anyway, how do you "overreact" to vicious psychopaths totally committed to your destruction, your family's, all of your allies, your very way of life. The Obama "think-happy-thoughts" approach doesn't seem to be working... (which isn't surprising since all he obviously cares about is making it through Election Day 2016; there must be something he's wanting from the party after that..)

...or maybe he just got spanked with the whole Red Line thing and doesn't want to go through that again.

Edited by hawker9000
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