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Yingluck gets invitation to visit from EU Parliament


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There may be another reason, dark time in Europe atm...

They might just have invited her to explain Thai Politics and Rice Scheame so they can have a laugh for a week :)

But yes, why her

Millions of people with a brain that are much more qualified than her to give an objective view on Thailand situation and not tell EU: "they stole my democracy"....

Must be some kind of check move or a big poker bluff

Millions are also not Elected Prime Minister toppled by a coup. Yes,it's Yingluck that the EU want and not Ahbisit or Chuan. Bet the EU has more brain to chose who they want to speak about democracy.

Must be an "in joke" thinking they have chosen a barbie doll to speak with any sense on democracy.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.
On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'
As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.
Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

Oh do stop being such a pompous oaf. It does nothing to add to your argument, and makes you appear one of those red brick university graduates who constantly mentions their degree.

The forum has rules against being "language police". Maybe you should read them. This is a discussion forum, where all comments are valid, even yours. Who appointed you a judge of English btw? Are you a former TEFL teacher or school master? Perhaps you are a language professor as you think you can determine the class, even down to small divisions, and regional accent from how someone writes. Your's would perhaps be a working class lad whose university education, the first in his family, leads to his insecurity and class conscious riddled responses that require constant reinforcement by adopting a superior sometimes insulting attitude to others?

Yingluck's English is appalling. This thread is about Yingluck or hadn't you noticed? She has a Master's Degree which had to be written in English so it would be reasonable to expect a higher capability. Based on her TV interviews, she has very limited ability and would be advised to use an interpreter.

A more pertinent question is why do we suddenly get the invitation, issued by 2 German veteran career politicians, who are both members of Merkel's CDU?

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I do not believe in the authenticity of this 'invitation'. It's a hoax/joke.

Are junta apologists trying to outdo each other for the most facetious face saving excuse for the junta? Waiting someone to claim it was a plot and politically motivated to cause unrest.

IF you'd read any of my posts you would have noted I am by no means whatsoever a bloody junta apologist! But I AM capable of critical thinking and do not believe the EU would go out of it's way to invite Barbie to tea and political discourse on the situation in Thailand, after all, she was barely aware of it when standing in for her 'brother' during her questionable tenure.

Some of us have minds capable of more than binary choices you know. Eric.

But why - ignoring your boorish sexist language - do you believe the EU should not wish to have a dialogue with the last truly legitimate Prime Minister? Presumably the EU also wants to send a message to the Junta.Politics are often symbolic anyway.

You may not be an admirer and that is your right, but your peremptory dismissal of what she stands for is in effect a dismissal of the Thai People's judgement.Despite your denials it is rather clear which camp you and your "binary choice" reside in.

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checking a few pages of the European Parliament website the only recent thing mentioning Thailand is this

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


Interesting in itself though no mention of a Ms. Yingluck, nor the intention or the decision to invite her.

Also interesting "Ethics and transparency"


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European Parliaments invitation to Yingluck sparking suspicion of its authenticity


BANGKOK: -- Foreign minister Don Pramudwinai said the ministry needs to examine contents in the European Parliament's extension of invitation to former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra to Europe to share views on political situation in Thailand.

At the same time the National Council for Peace and Order reiterated that it was ready to consider her request to travel to Europe if she applies for permission to leave the country for the event.

The ministers comment was made after he was asked about the invitation extended to Ms Yingluck to travel to Europe to share views on the issue.

Mr Don said he just learned of the invitation on the news media.

At the same time, he said he also learned that there had been lobbying with the European Parliament as well.

He said the ministry would look into these reports if they were true as well as examining contents in the invitation letter.

Government deputy spokesman Maj Gen Weerachon Sukhontapatipark said he also learned of the invitation from the news media.

As it was a personal invitation, the government could not interfere.

However in case the former prime minister seeks permission to leave the country for the invitation, it has to investigate the accountability of the document.

Besides, if there is anything that involves the country and the general public, it then needs to verify the source of the letter, he said.

Meanwhile former foreign minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said today that the former prime minister should be allowed to travel to Europe upon the invitation.

He said acceptance of the invitation would benefit Thailand as it would be a chance to explain to the European Community that Thailand was moving toward a general election.

Besides, he said, it would tell the world that the basic rights and freedoms of the people is not restricted.

He said Ms Yingluck is still considered innocent by law because no legal case against her had been concluded yet.

He also made clear that the invitation letter did not specify a date for Ms Yingluck to be in Europe because the hosts realised she still needed permission from the military junta to travel overseas.

There had been widespread comment of the invitation letter on the social network with many questioning its authenticity.

Some asked why the letter was just exposed as it was sent since October 7 this year.

Besides the letter also used a Thai preposition Khun to represent her Ms status which is very strange and should not be used in formal letter.

The invitation letter carried signatures of two persons, Mr Martin Schulz and Mr Klaus Welle, and neither of them is president or secretary general of the European Parliament, comments on the social network said.

In the invitation letter, the European Parliament referred to Ms Yinglucks visit to the EU two years ago and the success of the visit as manifested by the conclusion of the EU-Thailand Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the two sides.

The European Parliament said it was impressed with Ms Yinglucks attachment of importance to the relations between the European Parliament and the Thai Parliament and her meeting with the EU Parliament president then.

In the letter, the European Parliament said it had monitored the political situation in Thailand since the May 22 coup last week with concern that an elected legislature would not be in place in Thailand until at least in mid-2017.

The European Parliament also expressed concern with the fact that Ms Yingluck was impeached and the fact that she is being tried by the Supreme Courts criminal division for political office holders.

Ms Yingluck, said the EU Parliament, can travel to Europe at any time of her convenience and the meeting can take place either in Brussels or Strasburg.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/european-parliaments-invitation-to-yingluck-sparking-suspicion-of-its-authenticity


-- Thai PBS 2015-11-24

Unfortunately incorrect as the letter is signed by a Mr.Elmar Brok & Mr.Klaus Welle
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I do not believe in the authenticity of this 'invitation'. It's a hoax/joke.

Are junta apologists trying to outdo each other for the most facetious face saving excuse for the junta? Waiting someone to claim it was a plot and politically motivated to cause unrest.

IF you'd read any of my posts you would have noted I am by no means whatsoever a bloody junta apologist! But I AM capable of critical thinking and do not believe the EU would go out of it's way to invite Barbie to tea and political discourse on the situation in Thailand, after all, she was barely aware of it when standing in for her 'brother' during her questionable tenure.

Some of us have minds capable of more than binary choices you know. Eric.

But why - ignoring your boorish sexist language - do you believe the EU should not wish to have a dialogue with the last truly legitimate Prime Minister? Presumably the EU also wants to send a message to the Junta.Politics are often symbolic anyway.

You may not be an admirer and that is your right, but your peremptory dismissal of what she stands for is in effect a dismissal of the Thai People's judgement.Despite your denials it is rather clear which camp you and your "binary choice" reside in.

I just posted a (link to) meeting report on Thailand, from the European Parliament. Read it, no mention on Ms. Yingluck, but still interesting.

BTW why would the European Parliament President invite the Thaksin clone? Do you think the European Parliament President is blinded by "democracy == elections" to the point of ignoring the influence of a criminal fugitive and his vote buying RPPS scam ?

Personally I would expect the President of the EP to be a bit pragmatic although also in Europe 'das Kapital' still controls decisions.

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Unfortunately incorrect as the letter is signed by a Mr.Elmar Brok & Mr.Klaus Welle

It seems Klaus Welle was the Secretary-General under EP President Buzek, till 2010. Not sure about his current position.

Elmar Brok is a sitting MP. He chairs the committee of Foreign Affairs.


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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Yingluck can speak good English

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There may be another reason, dark time in Europe atm...

They might just have invited her to explain Thai Politics and Rice Scheame so they can have a laugh for a week smile.png

But yes, why her

Millions of people with a brain that are much more qualified than her to give an objective view on Thailand situation and not tell EU: "they stole my democracy"....

Must be some kind of check move or a big poker bluff

Millions are also not Elected Prime Minister toppled by a coup. Yes,it's Yingluck that the EU want and not Ahbisit or Chuan. Bet the EU has more brain to chose who they want to speak about democracy.

The brain I was referring about was Yingluck versus other candidates, and no I didn't mention politicians, maybe academics or lecturers...

Inviting Yingluck to speak about democracy? Doesn't qualify as a well thought decision imho...

Maybe they could invite her to speak about OTOP shops and shopping, not democracy cheesy.gif

maybe Mark has already been.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Here is two of her terrible speaches.

Edited by Skywalker69
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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Here is her speaches, listen.


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Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

Oh do stop being such a pompous oaf. It does nothing to add to your argument, and makes you appear one of those red brick university graduates who constantly mentions their degree.

The forum has rules against being "language police". Maybe you should read them. This is a discussion forum, where all comments are valid, even yours. Who appointed you a judge of English btw? Are you a former TEFL teacher or school master? Perhaps you are a language professor as you think you can determine the class, even down to small divisions, and regional accent from how someone writes. Your's would perhaps be a working class lad whose university education, the first in his family, leads to his insecurity and class conscious riddled responses that require constant reinforcement by adopting a superior sometimes insulting attitude to others?

Yingluck's English is appalling. This thread is about Yingluck or hadn't you noticed? She has a Master's Degree which had to be written in English so it would be reasonable to expect a higher capability. Based on her TV interviews, she has very limited ability and would be advised to use an interpreter.

A more pertinent question is why do we suddenly get the invitation, issued by 2 German veteran career politicians, who are both members of Merkel's CDU?

Why did she get an invite?

sounds and looks like someone has called in a favour owed from some time back, maybe a big brother.

That is a very good question,

Maybe a favor owed, or a new promise made? (Lot of German investment in Thailand, industry, commerce and education - protecting the future?).

Maybe lobbyists being active? The court case doesn't look good. Hard to defend that charge of negligence when you never even attended the meetings you were supposed to chair! Could be interpreted to be deliberate as the corruption in the scheme was known and permitted; or to give the "I know nothing, wasn't me, never there" defense option. Getting the EU to put political pressure on the court - how democratic and justice minded, not.

Maybe the CDU are looking to do anything and everything to divert attention away from Merkel and her appalling migrant gaffe?

Maybe part of the federalists plans to try and push the central federal EU idea of collective foreign ministries?

I seriously doubt this has anything to do with supporting democracy, the legal process or justice. There are other agendas, that will probably stay hidden.

Or maybe it's because of the army's despicable actions of providing soldiers to act as support for an armed insurgency against a democratically elected government with a strong majority in parliament. Maybe it's because the junta arrested & incarcerated thousands of its political opposition and forced them under duress to sign away their rights to free speech. Maybe it's because the junta have silenced any opposition media and have conducted a large scale political purge of all potential opponents from every state department. Maybe it's because of the alarming spike in the use of Article 112. Maybe it's because of the junta's lies on an election date. Maybe it's because of the junta's use of the undemocratic and unacceptable constitution process to postpone elections indefinitely. Maybe it's because of the blatant political persecution of several former elected PMs. Maybe!

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Gotta be better than 'I am from coup'

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Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

Oh do stop being such a pompous oaf. It does nothing to add to your argument, and makes you appear one of those red brick university graduates who constantly mentions their degree.

The forum has rules against being "language police". Maybe you should read them. This is a discussion forum, where all comments are valid, even yours. Who appointed you a judge of English btw? Are you a former TEFL teacher or school master? Perhaps you are a language professor as you think you can determine the class, even down to small divisions, and regional accent from how someone writes. Your's would perhaps be a working class lad whose university education, the first in his family, leads to his insecurity and class conscious riddled responses that require constant reinforcement by adopting a superior sometimes insulting attitude to others?

Yingluck's English is appalling. This thread is about Yingluck or hadn't you noticed? She has a Master's Degree which had to be written in English so it would be reasonable to expect a higher capability. Based on her TV interviews, she has very limited ability and would be advised to use an interpreter.

A more pertinent question is why do we suddenly get the invitation, issued by 2 German veteran career politicians, who are both members of Merkel's CDU?

Why did she get an invite?

sounds and looks like someone has called in a favour owed from some time back, maybe a big brother.

That is a very good question,

Maybe a favor owed, or a new promise made? (Lot of German investment in Thailand, industry, commerce and education - protecting the future?).

Maybe lobbyists being active? The court case doesn't look good. Hard to defend that charge of negligence when you never even attended the meetings you were supposed to chair! Could be interpreted to be deliberate as the corruption in the scheme was known and permitted; or to give the "I know nothing, wasn't me, never there" defense option. Getting the EU to put political pressure on the court - how democratic and justice minded, not.

Maybe the CDU are looking to do anything and everything to divert attention away from Merkel and her appalling migrant gaffe?

Maybe part of the federalists plans to try and push the central federal EU idea of collective foreign ministries?

I seriously doubt this has anything to do with supporting democracy, the legal process or justice. There are other agendas, that will probably stay hidden.

Or maybe it's because of the army's despicable actions of providing soldiers to act as support for an armed insurgency against a democratically elected government with a strong majority in parliament. Maybe it's because the junta arrested & incarcerated thousands of its political opposition and forced them under duress to sign away their rights to free speech. Maybe it's because the junta have silenced any opposition media and have conducted a large scale political purge of all potential opponents from every state department. Maybe it's because of the alarming spike in the use of Article 112. Maybe it's because of the junta's lies on an election date. Maybe it's because of the junta's use of the undemocratic and unacceptable constitution process to postpone elections indefinitely. Maybe it's because of the blatant political persecution of several former elected PMs. Maybe!

I think you like to exaggerate.

They army could never have done what it did if the Shins weren't that corrupt.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

I would say that some posters are not using their remaining brain cells very effectively, or maybe EJ could explain WHY Yingluck would NEED to speak ENGLISH at the ... um-hum, .... at the EUROPEAN parliament.... ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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have to wonder why they would invite someone than cannot even speak english let alone construct a sentence without someone else writing it for her, bet there is no question and answer time as that would really show how pathetic she is. .

Pathetic or not, poor orator or not, she was elected and then deposed. As for trouble, Thailand is responsible for its own problems. It was pretty pathetic to deport UN refugees.

Elected by her brother.

Thats just silly. In australia the public dont elect a pm either. They elect the party and the party elect the leader. The voters know who the leader is before they vote, but it is the party they vote for.

But the pm is still referred to as the elected pm, simply because people know who they are getting.

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I do not believe in the authenticity of this 'invitation'. It's a hoax/joke.

Are junta apologists trying to outdo each other for the most facetious face saving excuse for the junta? Waiting someone to claim it was a plot and politically motivated to cause unrest.

IF you'd read any of my posts you would have noted I am by no means whatsoever a bloody junta apologist! But I AM capable of critical thinking and do not believe the EU would go out of it's way to invite Barbie to tea and political discourse on the situation in Thailand, after all, she was barely aware of it when standing in for her 'brother' during her questionable tenure.

Some of us have minds capable of more than binary choices you know. Eric.

It would if you understood what deals can be done to get her out of the country.

Where does Thailand have its largest embassy in EU after London? Germany. Where does a certain VIP apparently spend the vast majority of his time? Germany.

Where did thaksin run out of friends? London.

If she goes, I will be surprised if she comes back. Everyone wins. The junta get their freedom to point a guilty finger at her. She spouts she wouldn't have got a fair trial, and everyone can calm down until the next elections.

It's a deal. The junta have to make it look like they are doing some due diligence. Yingluck has to bleat it's not fair if she doesn't go.

And lo and behold she runs.

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I think you like to exaggerate.

They army could never have done what it did if the Shins weren't that corrupt.

Really? So were the previous 19 coups just as unjustified?
it has been Thaksin's fault since about mid-1932... clap2.gif
No it's the fault of all corrupt politicians. Corruption has made a mismanaged mess out of many areas. Or are you saying that Thailand was properly managed the last few decades? Even the construction of waste disposal plants have been hit with major corruption. Result: billions if bahts gone and a major waste problem. The army is now trying to clean up this mess. There are many more examples. Just sick and tired of corrupt politicians hiding behind so called democracy.

So, if the army has used corrupt politicians as the justification for each of its 19 or so coups, why does the country remain so corrupt?
It really is time for you & the other fanboys to wake up & realise that coups have more to do with the perpetuation of corruption than the elimination of it.
I disagree with you ....corruption loving Shin fanboy. smile.png
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I think you like to exaggerate.

They army could never have done what it did if the Shins weren't that corrupt.

Really? So were the previous 19 coups just as unjustified?
it has been Thaksin's fault since about mid-1932... clap2.gif
No it's the fault of all corrupt politicians. Corruption has made a mismanaged mess out of many areas. Or are you saying that Thailand was properly managed the last few decades? Even the construction of waste disposal plants have been hit with major corruption. Result: billions if bahts gone and a major waste problem. The army is now trying to clean up this mess. There are many more examples. Just sick and tired of corrupt politicians hiding behind so called democracy.

So, if the army has used corrupt politicians as the justification for each of its 19 or so coups, why does the country remain so corrupt?
It really is time for you & the other fanboys to wake up & realise that coups have more to do with the perpetuation of corruption than the elimination of it.
I disagree with you ....corruption loving Shin fanboy. smile.png

All these last two coups have occurred to stop, is to stop thaksin pitting himself at the top of the corruption table for a long time thus pushing some others off top spot.

The army isn't ever going to be responsible for stopping corruption, they are in it up to their eyeballs I it anyway.

Do you think Prayuth goes out and organises a coup for free? He and his progeny with be more than well taken care of for services rendered. As if that isn't a total corruption of the use of the armed services.
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But why - ignoring your boorish sexist language - do you believe the EU should not wish to have a dialogue with the last truly legitimate Prime Minister? Presumably the EU also wants to send a message to the Junta.Politics are often symbolic anyway.

You may not be an admirer and that is your right, but your peremptory dismissal of what she stands for is in effect a dismissal of the Thai People's judgement.Despite your denials it is rather clear which camp you and your "binary choice" reside in.

I just posted a (link to) meeting report on Thailand, from the European Parliament. Read it, no mention on Ms. Yingluck, but still interesting.

BTW why would the European Parliament President invite the Thaksin clone? Do you think the European Parliament President is blinded by "democracy == elections" to the point of ignoring the influence of a criminal fugitive and his vote buying RPPS scam ?

Personally I would expect the President of the EP to be a bit pragmatic although also in Europe 'das Kapital' still controls decisions.

But Rubl, why would they be blinded, Yingluck did win those elections with an absolute landslide. No ifs or buts are in order, the Thai electorate delivered a very clear message in those elections. Europeans tend to listen and respect such message, unlike the likes of you, who would immediately turn to vote buying policies, an uneducated electorate and more silly excuses.

What do you suggest in return, they inivite some of the NCPO people. People who have taken power by gunpoint, abolished the constitution, replacing it with one that gives them absolute power.

People who send people that criticise them to re-adjustment camps, who curtailed freedom of press and freedom of speach ?

Or who claim to return Thailand to democracy and yet have suggested provisions into the new constitution that would make it a democracy in name only ?

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I think you like to exaggerate.

They army could never have done what it did if the Shins weren't that corrupt.

Really? So were the previous 19 coups just as unjustified?
it has been Thaksin's fault since about mid-1932... clap2.gif
No it's the fault of all corrupt politicians. Corruption has made a mismanaged mess out of many areas. Or are you saying that Thailand was properly managed the last few decades? Even the construction of waste disposal plants have been hit with major corruption. Result: billions if bahts gone and a major waste problem. The army is now trying to clean up this mess. There are many more examples. Just sick and tired of corrupt politicians hiding behind so called democracy.

So, if the army has used corrupt politicians as the justification for each of its 19 or so coups, why does the country remain so corrupt?
It really is time for you & the other fanboys to wake up & realise that coups have more to do with the perpetuation of corruption than the elimination of it.
I disagree with you ....corruption loving Shin fanboy. smile.png

All these last two coups have occurred to stop, is to stop thaksin pitting himself at the top of the corruption table for a long time thus pushing some others off top spot.

The army isn't ever going to be responsible for stopping corruption, they are in it up to their eyeballs I it anyway.

Do you think Prayuth goes out and organises a coup for free? He and his progeny with be more than well taken care of for services rendered. As if that isn't a total corruption of the use of the armed services.
In your world people only do things for money? Or is it that you have to pay for everything?

Maybe Prayuth does love this country and is trying his best to improve things.
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I think you like to exaggerate.

They army could never have done what it did if the Shins weren't that corrupt.

Really? So were the previous 19 coups just as unjustified?
it has been Thaksin's fault since about mid-1932... clap2.gif
No it's the fault of all corrupt politicians. Corruption has made a mismanaged mess out of many areas. Or are you saying that Thailand was properly managed the last few decades? Even the construction of waste disposal plants have been hit with major corruption. Result: billions if bahts gone and a major waste problem. The army is now trying to clean up this mess. There are many more examples. Just sick and tired of corrupt politicians hiding behind so called democracy.

So, if the army has used corrupt politicians as the justification for each of its 19 or so coups, why does the country remain so corrupt?
It really is time for you & the other fanboys to wake up & realise that coups have more to do with the perpetuation of corruption than the elimination of it.
I disagree with you ....corruption loving Shin fanboy. smile.png

All these last two coups have occurred to stop, is to stop thaksin pitting himself at the top of the corruption table for a long time thus pushing some others off top spot.

The army isn't ever going to be responsible for stopping corruption, they are in it up to their eyeballs I it anyway.

Do you think Prayuth goes out and organises a coup for free? He and his progeny with be more than well taken care of for services rendered. As if that isn't a total corruption of the use of the armed services.
In your world people only do things for money? Or is it that you have to pay for everything?

Maybe Prayuth does love this country and is trying his best to improve things.

You have no idea how the army in Thailand works. Believe me I do.

You are incredibly naive. Incredibly.
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I think you like to exaggerate.

They army could never have done what it did if the Shins weren't that corrupt.

Really? So were the previous 19 coups just as unjustified?
it has been Thaksin's fault since about mid-1932... clap2.gif
No it's the fault of all corrupt politicians. Corruption has made a mismanaged mess out of many areas. Or are you saying that Thailand was properly managed the last few decades? Even the construction of waste disposal plants have been hit with major corruption. Result: billions if bahts gone and a major waste problem. The army is now trying to clean up this mess. There are many more examples. Just sick and tired of corrupt politicians hiding behind so called democracy.

So, if the army has used corrupt politicians as the justification for each of its 19 or so coups, why does the country remain so corrupt?
It really is time for you & the other fanboys to wake up & realise that coups have more to do with the perpetuation of corruption than the elimination of it.
I disagree with you ....corruption loving Shin fanboy. smile.png

All these last two coups have occurred to stop, is to stop thaksin pitting himself at the top of the corruption table for a long time thus pushing some others off top spot.

The army isn't ever going to be responsible for stopping corruption, they are in it up to their eyeballs I it anyway.

Do you think Prayuth goes out and organises a coup for free? He and his progeny with be more than well taken care of for services rendered. As if that isn't a total corruption of the use of the armed services.
In your world people only do things for money? Or is it that you have to pay for everything?

Maybe Prayuth does love this country and is trying his best to improve things.

You have no idea how the army in Thailand works. Believe me I do.

You are incredibly naive. Incredibly.
I know more about Thailand, and have been here longer, than you think.
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