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Incredible footage captures shocking shooting and gang fight in Bangkok


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These gangs know that they have time to do havoc on the streets in BKK because unlike in a more modern country,there are no near by police patrolling the streets and areas to call.BIB is too busy collecting their bribery and protection money.Same thing on the highways.

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Do not worry, the newly hired police superheros, they will catch these criminals.

I just worried about Darth Vader. With its red plastic sword he will probably have no chance against a real, sharp weapon.

And those little idiots have no qualms to shoot live rounds and killing people.

Don't be worried about Darth Vader, he can kill with a single thought.

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Getting more like America... well at least some Americans are more civil about it and keep it of the streets, they just go down to the local parkgigglem.gif

Perhaps you need to check the gun homicide rate in Thailand versus America.

The number of people who get blasted in Thailand the wild East, makes

America look like the land of safety...coffee1.gif

The USA had 14,300 murder in 2014 ! The american Public have more guns then the armies of Thailand,Cambodia, and Vietnam combined.

Google Sandy Hook School murders !

The US also has 150 million more people than Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam combined. In fact, given that a quick Google search shows:

Thailand 67 million

Cambodia 15 million

Vietnam 90 million

Total 172 million

US 318 million

So, really, the US has nearly 2x number of people as Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam combined.

If you look at the homicide rate per 100,000 people, here's how they stack up.

Thailand: 5 per 100,000

Vietnam 3 per 100,000

Cambodia 18.5 per 100,000

United States 4.5 per 100,000

So the US is right between Thailand and Vietnam in terms of homicides per 100,000 people and Cambodia is off the charts.

If you want to make a stark comparison, the UK is 1 per 100,000 and Canada ranges from about 1.5 - 1.8 depending on province.

And exactly what purpose does googling Sandy Hook serve? I'm not defending gun rights in the US or trying to downplay a mass murder but I am trying to defend logic and your comment offends logic.

Your comment consists of three sentences.

Sentence #1 gives a completely out of context number of 14,300 murders.

Sentence #2 attempts to shock by giving a comparison but, as shown above, completely lacks credibility given the fact that the populations of Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia aren't even comparable to the population of the US.

Sentence #3 devolves into something resembling hysterics telling people to google a mass murder as if that in some way proves anything in the previous two sentences.

The US certainly has a gun violence and homicide issue but it really serves no purpose to make false comparisons. In fact, what was the point of comparing this video with the US in the first place?

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Getting more like America... well at least some Americans are more civil about it and keep it of the streets, they just go down to the local parkgigglem.gif

Perhaps you need to check the gun homicide rate in Thailand versus America.

The number of people who get blasted in Thailand the wild East, makes

America look like the land of safety...coffee1.gif

Where to check?

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I'll never understand the mind set of some people. It's as if they have never been in the real world where... televisions are wider than they are tall. Hold your damn phone in landscape mode!

And that's what concerns you the most about this?

Personally, I worry about there being three people on one rod motorsi.

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These gangs know that they have time to do havoc on the streets in BKK because unlike in a more modern country,there are no near by police patrolling the streets and areas to call.BIB is too busy collecting their bribery and protection money.Same thing on the highways.

What modern countries are you talking about? According to the BBC, only 1.3% of 999 calls are responded to within the target 12 minutes. First off, 12 minutes is more than enough time to have this shoot out and even in London, only 1.3% of the time would the police even make it to the scene in 12 minutes.

NYC is better with an average response time of 8.4 minutes but NYC is one of the few cities I've ever visited where police are a huge presence on the street.

In fact, NYC has nearly 35,000 NYPD police officers while Thailand's Metro Police number about 10,000 though they are very close in population size.

And let's face it, NYC, London, and police in most other "modern countries" receive a heck of a lot more training and have a much better infrastructure. But that is not something you can necessarily blame on the Thai police themselves.

Yes, there's a lot of corruption in the police and their investigative skills leave much to be desired but I'm sure if the government saw fit to put 35,000 officers of the streets of Bangkok you would see them nearly as much as you see NYPD in NYC.

But then again, you get what you pay for. Taxes in NYC are very high (by US standards). You have 8.9% sales tax, state income tax of close to 4% - 9%, a city income tax of 3% - 4%, plus federal income tax. And those taxes are collected on a much larger percentage of the population.

Similar situation in "modern countries" in Europe where taxes are often double or more than Thailand's highest tax rate. And again, they're paid by a much larger percentage of the population.

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It is much easier to get a gun in America than Thailand and the cost is lower. However, there are enough guns in Thailand which are brandished and often shot indiscriminately at weddings, funerals and other events. I have never felt unsafe in America and certainly not in Thailand but I do not like handguns which are easily concealed and they certainly don't belong in Bangkok. The problem is the police. There is never a presence unless they are looking to get money. There is no professional police force and that is why so many Thai people do not trust them. Frankly, I am surprised there is not more crime in the Kingdom.

The police spend an inordinate amount of time on nonsense such as bringing in people who criticize them on Facebook; movie actors and singers who drink beer and man road blocks on highways for no good reason. This continues on while actual crime takes place and the police are no where to be seen. Until the government actually reforms the police- nothing will change/

Edited by Thaidream
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The lack of presence of the police on Bangkok sidewalks continues to astound me. Where are they hiding ? I think they should all be fitted with a GPS tracking device.....not that their bosses care.

It's too hot. They all want to sit in aircon offices. Not paid enough or trained to do real police work.

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The amount of guns that seem freely available here is shocking.

Of course, Somchai gangster things he's a big man if he has a gun.

As one prominant gang member in the US who now goes around trying to stop teenagers from joining gangs having been shot himself 5 times and lucky to still be alive says, "You are not tough with a gun, any bloody fool can pull a trigger. You dont need brains to shoot someone". I reckon that would apply to most of Thailand's teens

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Due to the number of people involved, looks like another moronic trade school

fight..... Will be curious to see the TAT spin....... " Tired of boring well regulated

tourist spots around the world? Take a walk on the wild side and come to Amazing

Thailand, where fights and gunfire possibly await you right in the main city !! "

LOL! You may be more prescient than you think. Ever seen the movie Westworld? It's about an amusement park based on gunfights in the Old West, only one of the robots goes haywire and starts really killing the visitors. Some people really would be attracted by the risk.

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The only reason there are Police in Thailand, is to have them catch people with no Helmets.... other than that, they sometimes assist in keeping corruption withinin their closed group and not out in the wild, like some barbaric countries!

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Give the lads some credit. They were wearing helmets as thhMan mentioned. Not only good for safety in traffic but way to avoid one of major reasons cops might stop them for shakedown. "I don't mind if some fools busts a cap on me, but those police road blocks.... no way Jose".

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The amount of guns that seem freely available here is shocking.

Of course, Somchai gangster things he's a big man if he has a gun.

As one prominant gang member in the US who now goes around trying to stop teenagers from joining gangs having been shot himself 5 times and lucky to still be alive says, "You are not tough with a gun, any bloody fool can pull a trigger. You dont need brains to shoot someone". I reckon that would apply to most of Thailand's teens

The only flaw in that is that he thought he was tough when he had a gun. Most people do. Telling someone they aren't tough because they have a gun is like telling someone that a Porsche doesn't make them more attractive to women (or being a farang in Thailand doesn't make one a hansum man). Until they come to that realization themselves, it's like talking to a brick wall.

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shades of the wild west I have always said Thailand is getting more like America every week gun law prevails these are gangs of Thailand and they don't care who gets hurt .

You would think that if you repeated it so often you would have refined the message into something more comprehensible.

You do realize that crime rates (of all types) have been declining in the US for about two decades now, right?

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Is it just me that has had this thought but when the other half is watching Thai soaps and they show invariably guns and gunshots but not pixelated out but when its a movie and they show someone smoking they pixelate the cigarette out...... so video or pictures of people smoking is outlawed and acted on to prevent it being seen but video or pictures of some guys wielding a gun or knife is not and is generally shown on TV Soaps with local well known Thai soap actors at popular prime times......

So if Im an impressionable teenager and see smoking blurred out.... this might send the right message to me..... but by the same logic to brandish and use a lethal weapon is not so , that sends a message as well.

Im not saying this is the root cause but it does show that guns and brandishing lethal weapons with intent is not something that is deemed abhorrent or incorrect in Thai society......... I find it laughable that authorities go after actors who are merchandising beer etc yet condone the same actors/actress's thrusting a gun in someones face even if it is on fictional soaps.... what do you expect if the wrong messages are continually condoned and sent.......... dont even get me going on the journo who is up before the court on flak jacket possesion.... can you imagine if the poor bugger had of been smoking and had a can of beer in his hand as well at the time ........

Some shows do blur out guns and knives though, few and far between nowadays, and also depending which soap and which channel of drivel you watch.

Makes me laugh everytime you see an alcoholic drink on a table ( not blurred ) then when someone picks it up , it is blurred . same goes for weapons too. But you can go to a movie in a cinema and nothing is blurred !!!! MAI KHAOW JAI MAAK!!!

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Not a care about innocent people in the area. To them a human life means nothing. These are not just unruly youths behaving badly, but terrorists with a strong potential to kill.

The police and the army would be well justified in shooting them on sight they need to be taken out of action fast. They are a threat to society, leaving these terrorist gangs to run amok will cost lives.

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