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UN condemns nationality profiling of refugees


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UN condemns nationality profiling of refugees


"all people have the right to seek asylum, irrespective of their nationality"

NEW YORK: -- Around a thousand migrants remain stuck at the main border crossing into Macedonia from Greece due to new restrictions denying them refugee status.

Protests raging from sewing their lips together to using body paints have been staged to get their message across.

They are angry that only nationals from war torn countries are being allowed through. That means those from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United Nations has condemned the new profiling of asylum seekers.

A spokesperson the organisations refugee agency (UNHCR) Adrian Edwards said told reporters:

“All people have the right to seek asylum, irrespective of their nationality and to have their individual cases heard. Proper information needs to be provided to people affected by decisions like these at border points, and proper counseling has to be available.”

While Balkan countries have introduced the profiling restrictions, Sweden, traditionally a refugee haven has also announced it will tighten its border controls. It expects up to 190,000 asylum seekers to reach its borders this years and its says its reception system just can’s cope.

“The situation is untenable,” said Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven. “It is untenable for those who seek asylum, for personnel and for all those who should feel trust for the functions carried out by society. Now, to put it bluntly, more people will have to seek asylum and get protection in other European countries.”

Monitoring groups say the numbers of migrants taking the dangerous sea route to Greece are falling and there have also been no boats landing in Italy for a week. Both are probably due to Winter’s rough seas and freezing temperatures rather than any slowing down in the numbers fleeing war and poverty.

But in a move designed to try and persuade refugees from taking the perilous journey to Europe, the EU has confirmed it is setting up a 3bn euro fund for two years to help Turkey support Syrian refugees.

It was a fund offered to Ankara last month as part of a package of measures to ease Europe’s migration crisis and which EU leaders plan to finalise at a summit with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Brussels on Sunday (Nov. 29).

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-25

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Its funny the UN seem to think they run the world , yet only when it suits them do they act

The UN *is* the world, and essentially it's the Security Council that "acts". And that is driven by two members realistically.

What they say in their spare time is pretty well irrelevant.

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The UN is indeed not our father or mother, they have become this liberal bloated body of fat cats jobs

that pays better than the private sector and all on donations from members countries,

The UN has not been relevant to modern times and the 21st century long time ago...

What the hell they care if some of the refugee s has turned out to be a sleeper cell of terrorism

and wreck havoc and death in any society, their salaries and perks are assured...

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What the UN meant to say was this:

All those with a genuine claim to being a refugee and therefore having a legitimate claim to seek asylum ... can seek asylum, but must not make demands over and above the guarantee of their personal safety and welfare as decided by the country concerned. no more, no less. All others can be turned away, legitimately, without any burden of guilt or shame being placed on the country involved.

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What the UN meant to say was this:

All those with a genuine claim to being a refugee and therefore having a legitimate claim to seek asylum ... can seek asylum, but must not make demands over and above the guarantee of their personal safety and welfare as decided by the country concerned. no more, no less. All others can be turned away, legitimately, without any burden of guilt or shame being placed on the country involved.

Well said, thumbsup.gif

'a legitimate claim to seek asylum', not a right to ignore the first country they enter after leaving theirs and choose place like the UK, the US, or, as is relevant ATM, Germany.

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What the UN meant to say was this:

All those with a genuine claim to being a refugee and therefore having a legitimate claim to seek asylum ... can seek asylum, but must not make demands over and above the guarantee of their personal safety and welfare as decided by the country concerned. no more, no less. All others can be turned away, legitimately, without any burden of guilt or shame being placed on the country involved.

Well said, thumbsup.gif

'a legitimate claim to seek asylum', not a right to ignore the first country they enter after leaving theirs and choose place like the UK, the US, or, as is relevant ATM, Germany.

Do you kick sleeping dogs and on weekends steal candy from babies as well.

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The point is they're not all refugees! Separating genuine refugees from economic migrants is not the same as profiling refugees. Genuine refugee women, children and elderly should be given preference over able-bodied young men in any case.

Edited by xerostar
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So, if there was an outbreak of some horrific, severely contagious disease rampaging through a certain nation and that nation internally collapsed, tell me all countries wouldn't be profiling those persons from that nation as they arrived on their door step as refugees. In some cases it's a countries duty to their own citizens to profile. And personally, I consider these radical/extremist terrorist acts a horrific, contagious disease.

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Rather stupid of the UN don;t you think? We know the profile of bombers and terrorists (presumably) why not screen them out. I saw that the Canadians had taken the sensible route of excluding young, single. unmarried, male refugees and this will definitely reduce their chances of a terror attack.

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So, if there was an outbreak of some horrific, severely contagious disease rampaging through a certain nation and that nation internally collapsed, tell me all countries wouldn't be profiling those persons from that nation as they arrived on their door step as refugees. In some cases it's a countries duty to their own citizens to profile. And personally, I consider these radical/extremist terrorist acts a horrific, contagious disease.

And indeed they did. Anyone who had been to Sierra Leone were given additional checks during the ebola outbreak, as is only prudent to do. Profiling likely terrorists is slammed as being the same condemning people as guilty before trial, but a country has a duty to protect its citizens, and it is only prudent to screen out people with terrorists profiles.

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What the UN meant to say was this:

All those with a genuine claim to being a refugee and therefore having a legitimate claim to seek asylum ... can seek asylum, but must not make demands over and above the guarantee of their personal safety and welfare as decided by the country concerned. no more, no less. All others can be turned away, legitimately, without any burden of guilt or shame being placed on the country involved.

Well said, thumbsup.gif

'a legitimate claim to seek asylum', not a right to ignore the first country they enter after leaving theirs and choose place like the UK, the US, or, as is relevant ATM, Germany.

Do you kick sleeping dogs and on weekends steal candy from babies as well.

Why do you feed the soi dogs, make large donations to charities and invite economic migrants to share your home and food free?

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The point is they're not all refugees! Separating genuine refugees from economic migrants is not the same as profiling refugees. Genuine refugee women, children and elderly should be given preference over able-bodied young men in any case.

You are correct. But seemingly that doesn't suit the PC liberal do as we say UN agenda - whatever that agenda might be.

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This not a Refuge event, it is an invasion by about 80 percent males Muslims age 17 to 25. Some are already waving the ISIS Flag in Germany.

They are fulfilling a Quran passage about spreading to the whole world their belief and Sharia Law.

I do not like it but has been going on since 630 AD !

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