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EU parliament's invitation letter to Ms Yingluck does not concern parliament


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So it seems I was right in a different thread on this letter. Nothing official about it. Nor related to the EU at all. So it begs to reason that this letter is a way for YL to escape prosecution should she be permitted to go(run).

While admitting that the letter is authentic, he said the letter was not formally issued by the European Parliament but issued by two members of the parliament in their personal capacity.

So it seems I was right in a different thread on this letter. Nothing official about it.

If you are right or wrong has still to be decided yet. I have made the effort now to write to both members of the EU parliament to find out what the truth is instead of speculating on comments made on press releases in the Thai media.

Tatjana Saranca email: [email protected] [Büroleitung / Head of Office Bürokoordination , Teammanagement, Pressearbeit, Betreuung und inhaltliche Assistenz der Ausschussarbeit (Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (AFET) & Ausschuss für Konstitutionelle Fragen (AFCO)]

Dr Werner Langen [email protected]

I also know that members of the EU parliament use letters with different headings when writing private invitations.

From past experiences I know that a reply should be with me in the next 48 hours and that should determine if you are right or wrong.

You think EU members of parliament don't write letters inviting people to meet them in a professional capacity.

It's a parliament with hundreds of people. No one person other than the speaker speaks on its entire behalf.

Why is everyone so confused about how these things work.

I presume the EU member will write back, "I invited her because we want to ask her about the situation in Thailand, and........"

You think EU members of parliament don't write letters inviting people to meet them in a professional capacity.

Where did I say anything that would imply that? What I said is that EU MEPs would use different letter headings for private or official invitations.

It's a parliament with hundreds of people. No one person other than the speaker speaks on its entire behalf.

The speaker of the EU parliament has the same function as the Speaker of the House in the British Parliament or the President of the German Bundestag. They have to ensure that the rules are observed when conducting parliamentary business. They certainly don’t speak on behalf of the entire parliament when stepping in questions that involve the political jungle. For that Europe has too many political groups represented in the parliament from the far left (communists) to the far right (neo fascists).

What you seem to overlook is that both members are heads of committees that deal with foreign relations and links to ASEAN and Asian countries. Committees in national European parliaments are elected by these parliaments to investigate and inquire on their behalf political questions and situations that would otherwise place a too heavy workload on parliament itself and these committees contain members of a broad political spectrum and is not a one party club.

If they invited Yingluck as heads of these committees they have invited her on behalf of the parliament.

Whether they invited her on behalf of the committee or to have a private chat, it is officially the same thing. She hasn't been invited to speak to the whole committee. She has been invited by an MP. Its semantics as to whether she has been invited by the committee or not. Its an official invite in a professional capacity.

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actually she was deposed by the courts not the military but dont let the truth get in the way of you whinge, the military took over after she had been removed by the courts when the ptp refused to stop their "red" terrorists from killing people indiscriminately. Strangely enough the military then rounded up all the killers/weapons that the ptp/their police lackies were unable to find/stop but then the truth is avoided by all the shin lovers/apologists

The key word being deposed. Show was deposed and later impeached by a military backed organ. Your as guilty in your hate as any Shin lover. Reconciliation is just not going to happen in Thailand.

She was not deposed. She was found guilty of abuse of power for illegally replacing the head of the NSC with a close family friend with the intention of railroading an amnesty bill through for her own brother.

Before you deny it, go listen to the Thaksin audio tape again. And forget calling it a fake : you tried that at the time and that little excuse has since been proven a lie by Thaksin's son no less.

If that is not abuse of power I don't know what is. Or do you think it's OK to do that ?. Or will you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda ?.

You finally got something right though. Reconciliation is never going to happen. Red shirts have been programmed that the 'Bangkok Elite' have stopped them getting all the taxpayers money which they seem to think is rightfully theirs because they won an election. Right or wrong (just like in the Yingluck case above) have nothing to do with it. Your bitter response to a comment which is basically correct is proof enough for me.

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He pointed out that, in the letter, the two European parliamentarians only signed their names but did not mention their positions and, therefore, their action did not represent the parliament or any committee of the parliament.

Thailand at its best. They didn't mention their positions. For got sake, they are member of parliament (MP's) and that position is globally except in Thailand as parliaments come and go once the generals take over. This Somchai on the picture must have reached already a part of the general where it gets very brown and stinks on the dear leader anus.

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Seems the general is quite jealous and wants to play it down because she gets to deal with the EU and he only gets PNG.

In what sense does she get, or indeed is she authorised as a private citizen, to "deal with the EU" ?

Might just have something to do with her being the last legally elected PM by a large margin, who was then deposed by an illegal militarily coup? just a wild guess whistling.gif

What was that margin again? Not as big as your imagination.

She was also the last PM legally removed by a court for an illegal abuse of power.

If they invited several previous PM's or even come here to work with the EU Office in researching the situation then that would make more sense. But, to invite one former PM, who was removed by a court and widely acknowledged to be no more than a puppet for her criminal brother. Hmmm. How very EU like.

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He pointed out that, in the letter, the two European parliamentarians only signed their names but did not mention their positions and, therefore, their action did not represent the parliament or any committee of the parliament.

Thailand at its best. They didn't mention their positions. For got sake, they are member of parliament (MP's) and that position is globally except in Thailand as parliaments come and go once the generals take over. This Somchai on the picture must have reached already a part of the general where it gets very brown and stinks on the dear leader anus.

They are members of the European Parliament.

Not exactly an organization that has covered itself in glory. Nor, AFAIK, do their foreign committees amount to anything more than windbags and jobs for the boys and girls.

It would be customary for any MP to include his titles if he is writing on behalf of the committee he chairs or is a member of.

And why would both bother signing it? Added to the strange undiplomatic wording, very unusual for politicians, especially veteran ones.

Maybe time some other MEP's questioned the reasons behind and instigation of this

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Whether they invited her on behalf of the committee or to have a private chat, it is officially the same thing. She hasn't been invited to speak to the whole committee. She has been invited by an MP. Its semantics as to whether she has been invited by the committee or not. Its an official invite in a professional capacity.

Not really. If they invited her on behalf of their committees then she would address those committees. If so then the invitation would have been discussed and minuted by the committee as an action. I seriously doubt they have invited her to address the whole parliament, and would also doubt from the invitation wording that it is on behalf of their committees.

If they are inviting her to come and chat with them, exchanging views on Thailand then that is their right, as individuals as long as no EU rules or expenses rules are breached.

However, as they could exchange emails, Skype and video conferencing and the EU Commission has its own office and staff here, it does beg the question as to why they want her to go to Brussels or Strasbourg; at whose expense and why now.

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Whether they invited her on behalf of the committee or to have a private chat, it is officially the same thing. She hasn't been invited to speak to the whole committee. She has been invited by an MP. Its semantics as to whether she has been invited by the committee or not. Its an official invite in a professional capacity.

Not really. If they invited her on behalf of their committees then she would address those committees. If so then the invitation would have been discussed and minuted by the committee as an action. I seriously doubt they have invited her to address the whole parliament, and would also doubt from the invitation wording that it is on behalf of their committees.

If they are inviting her to come and chat with them, exchanging views on Thailand then that is their right, as individuals as long as no EU rules or expenses rules are breached.

However, as they could exchange emails, Skype and video conferencing and the EU Commission has its own office and staff here, it does beg the question as to why they want her to go to Brussels or Strasbourg; at whose expense and why now.

It is their right as MPs..... Not just as private individuals..... And since they also sit on various committees well within the remit of their positions.

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He pointed out that, in the letter, the two European parliamentarians only signed their names but did not mention their positions and, therefore, their action did not represent the parliament or any committee of the parliament.

Thailand at its best. They didn't mention their positions. For got sake, they are member of parliament (MP's) and that position is globally except in Thailand as parliaments come and go once the generals take over. This Somchai on the picture must have reached already a part of the general where it gets very brown and stinks on the dear leader anus.

They are members of the European Parliament.

Not exactly an organization that has covered itself in glory. Nor, AFAIK, do their foreign committees amount to anything more than windbags and jobs for the boys and girls.

It would be customary for any MP to include his titles if he is writing on behalf of the committee he chairs or is a member of.

And why would both bother signing it? Added to the strange undiplomatic wording, very unusual for politicians, especially veteran ones.

Maybe time some other MEP's questioned the reasons behind and instigation of this

What you personally think of the organisation is irrelevant.

If other MEP's question them on the reasons for the invite they can say they want to chat with them, being the ex PM and all. It doesnt have to be a conspiracy.

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actually she was deposed by the courts not the military but dont let the truth get in the way of you whinge, the military took over after she had been removed by the courts when the ptp refused to stop their "red" terrorists from killing people indiscriminately. Strangely enough the military then rounded up all the killers/weapons that the ptp/their police lackies were unable to find/stop but then the truth is avoided by all the shin lovers/apologists

The key word being deposed. Show was deposed and later impeached by a military backed organ. Your as guilty in your hate as any Shin lover. Reconciliation is just not going to happen in Thailand.

She was not deposed. She was found guilty of abuse of power for illegally replacing the head of the NSC with a close family friend with the intention of railroading an amnesty bill through for her own brother.

Before you deny it, go listen to the Thaksin audio tape again. And forget calling it a fake : you tried that at the time and that little excuse has since been proven a lie by Thaksin's son no less.

If that is not abuse of power I don't know what is. Or do you think it's OK to do that ?. Or will you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda ?.

You finally got something right though. Reconciliation is never going to happen. Red shirts have been programmed that the 'Bangkok Elite' have stopped them getting all the taxpayers money which they seem to think is rightfully theirs because they won an election. Right or wrong (just like in the Yingluck case above) have nothing to do with it. Your bitter response to a comment which is basically correct is proof enough for me.

But when dear general replaces a high ranking person with a member of his family it is not abuse of power and is not illegal?

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Exactly Khun Sek, this matter only concerns the Judicial Power, as the person is embroiled in Court cases, and the Executive Power, as the person can inflict damage to Thailand, both from the outside, and, worse, at the inside; also, for both Powers, she might flee the country to escape the due course of Justice, in present and future cases, as her brother and mentor (gosh, I'm too polite, clone and puppet it was) has been doing for years!

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He pointed out that, in the letter, the two European parliamentarians only signed their names but did not mention their positions and, therefore, their action did not represent the parliament or any committee of the parliament.

Thailand at its best. They didn't mention their positions. For got sake, they are member of parliament (MP's) and that position is globally except in Thailand as parliaments come and go once the generals take over. This Somchai on the picture must have reached already a part of the general where it gets very brown and stinks on the dear leader anus.

They are members of the European Parliament.

Not exactly an organization that has covered itself in glory. Nor, AFAIK, do their foreign committees amount to anything more than windbags and jobs for the boys and girls.

It would be customary for any MP to include his titles if he is writing on behalf of the committee he chairs or is a member of.

And why would both bother signing it? Added to the strange undiplomatic wording, very unusual for politicians, especially veteran ones.

Maybe time some other MEP's questioned the reasons behind and instigation of this

What you personally think of the organisation is irrelevant.

If other MEP's question them on the reasons for the invite they can say they want to chat with them, being the ex PM and all. It doesnt have to be a conspiracy.

Sorry, 'Baerboxer' what we think is 'irrelevant', only the propaganda spins from the Shins' fan club are relevant, and, yes, very relevant IMO too, ...but rather concerning their agit-prop campaign...

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So it seems I was right in a different thread on this letter. Nothing official about it. Nor related to the EU at all. So it begs to reason that this letter is a way for YL to escape prosecution should she be permitted to go(run).

While admitting that the letter is authentic, he said the letter was not formally issued by the European Parliament but issued by two members of the parliament in their personal capacity.

So it seems I was right in a different thread on this letter. Nothing official about it.

If you are right or wrong has still to be decided yet. I have made the effort now to write to both members of the EU parliament to find out what the truth is instead of speculating on comments made on press releases in the Thai media.

Tatjana Saranca email: [email protected] [Büroleitung / Head of Office Bürokoordination , Teammanagement, Pressearbeit, Betreuung und inhaltliche Assistenz der Ausschussarbeit (Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (AFET) & Ausschuss für Konstitutionelle Fragen (AFCO)]

Dr Werner Langen [email protected]

I also know that members of the EU parliament use letters with different headings when writing private invitations.

From past experiences I know that a reply should be with me in the next 48 hours and that should determine if you are right or wrong.

You think EU members of parliament don't write letters inviting people to meet them in a professional capacity.

It's a parliament with hundreds of people. No one person other than the speaker speaks on its entire behalf.

Why is everyone so confused about how these things work.

I presume the EU member will write back, "I invited her because we want to ask her about the situation in Thailand, and........"

Going on twisting, 'Thai at Heart', I see, I already regret calling you 'honest', for once... What is with you guys and something basic as: 'the truth', a bad allergy to it, or what? Deep, sigh...

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So it seems I was right in a different thread on this letter. Nothing official about it. Nor related to the EU at all. So it begs to reason that this letter is a way for YL to escape prosecution should she be permitted to go(run).

While admitting that the letter is authentic, he said the letter was not formally issued by the European Parliament but issued by two members of the parliament in their personal capacity.

So it seems I was right in a different thread on this letter. Nothing official about it.

If you are right or wrong has still to be decided yet. I have made the effort now to write to both members of the EU parliament to find out what the truth is instead of speculating on comments made on press releases in the Thai media.

Tatjana Saranca email: [email protected] [Büroleitung / Head of Office Bürokoordination , Teammanagement, Pressearbeit, Betreuung und inhaltliche Assistenz der Ausschussarbeit (Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (AFET) & Ausschuss für Konstitutionelle Fragen (AFCO)]

Dr Werner Langen [email protected]

I also know that members of the EU parliament use letters with different headings when writing private invitations.

From past experiences I know that a reply should be with me in the next 48 hours and that should determine if you are right or wrong.

You think EU members of parliament don't write letters inviting people to meet them in a professional capacity.

It's a parliament with hundreds of people. No one person other than the speaker speaks on its entire behalf.

Why is everyone so confused about how these things work.

I presume the EU member will write back, "I invited her because we want to ask her about the situation in Thailand, and........"

Going on twisting, 'Thai at Heart', I see, I already regret calling you 'honest', for once... What is with you guys and something basic as: 'the truth', a bad allergy to it, or what? Deep, sigh...

Sorry? What?

I didn't produce the bloody letter did I. It's a legit letter. What spin does anyone want to put on it.

The junta is calling it a private invitation not me. They are spinning it for all its worth. As yet, any mention of any opinion from Yinglucks bunch?

Nope. So, who is spinning what?

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He pointed out that, in the letter, the two European parliamentarians only signed their names but did not mention their positions and, therefore, their action did not represent the parliament or any committee of the parliament.

Thailand at its best. They didn't mention their positions. For got sake, they are member of parliament (MP's) and that position is globally except in Thailand as parliaments come and go once the generals take over. This Somchai on the picture must have reached already a part of the general where it gets very brown and stinks on the dear leader anus.

They are members of the European Parliament.

Not exactly an organization that has covered itself in glory. Nor, AFAIK, do their foreign committees amount to anything more than windbags and jobs for the boys and girls.

It would be customary for any MP to include his titles if he is writing on behalf of the committee he chairs or is a member of.

And why would both bother signing it? Added to the strange undiplomatic wording, very unusual for politicians, especially veteran ones.

Maybe time some other MEP's questioned the reasons behind and instigation of this

What you personally think of the organisation is irrelevant.

If other MEP's question them on the reasons for the invite they can say they want to chat with them, being the ex PM and all. It doesnt have to be a conspiracy.

Sorry, 'Baerboxer' what we think is 'irrelevant', only the propaganda spins from the Shins' fan club are relevant, and, yes, very relevant IMO too, ...but rather concerning their agit-prop campaign...

No, what you or I or anyone else thinks about the EP whether good or bad is not on point and pure deflection. They can invite whoever they want, its their call. If anyone likes or does not like the EP is irrelevant to the topic.

The topic is not about the pros and cons of the EP.

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Exactly Khun Sek, this matter only concerns the Judicial Power, as the person is embroiled in Court cases, and the Executive Power, as the person can inflict damage to Thailand, both from the outside, and, worse, at the inside; also, for both Powers, she might flee the country to escape the due course of Justice, in present and future cases, as her brother and mentor (gosh, I'm too polite, clone and puppet it was) has been doing for years!

The general has inflicted plenty of damage to thailands reputation by himself.

She might flee the country? Well she already had that chance bit still returned so you have nothing to base your assumption on. Her previous action in returning indicates the opposite.

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Might just have something to do with her being the last legally elected PM by a large margin, who was then deposed by an illegal militarily coup? just a wild guess whistling.gif

actually she was deposed by the courts not the military but dont let the truth get in the way of you whinge, the military took over after she had been removed by the courts when the ptp refused to stop their "red" terrorists from killing people indiscriminately. Strangely enough the military then rounded up all the killers/weapons that the ptp/their police lackies were unable to find/stop but then the truth is avoided by all the shin lovers/apologists

nice try but what nonsense - bet you believe it's 'All About Rice' right? cheesy.gif

Right, spot on, when spoken out by a modal Thai: 'All about Lice', or 'All about Lies', your pick, both true...!

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Exactly Khun Sek, this matter only concerns the Judicial Power, as the person is embroiled in Court cases, and the Executive Power, as the person can inflict damage to Thailand, both from the outside, and, worse, at the inside; also, for both Powers, she might flee the country to escape the due course of Justice, in present and future cases, as her brother and mentor (gosh, I'm too polite, clone and puppet it was) has been doing for years!

The general has inflicted plenty of damage to thailands reputation by himself.

She might flee the country? Well she already had that chance bit still returned so you have nothing to base your assumption on. Her previous action in returning indicates the opposite.

Let's hope your first hand information remains true in the future, now that it's really getting hot for her I wouldn't bet on it...

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They are members of the European Parliament.

Not exactly an organization that has covered itself in glory. Nor, AFAIK, do their foreign committees amount to anything more than windbags and jobs for the boys and girls.

It would be customary for any MP to include his titles if he is writing on behalf of the committee he chairs or is a member of.

And why would both bother signing it? Added to the strange undiplomatic wording, very unusual for politicians, especially veteran ones.

Maybe time some other MEP's questioned the reasons behind and instigation of this

What you personally think of the organisation is irrelevant.

If other MEP's question them on the reasons for the invite they can say they want to chat with them, being the ex PM and all. It doesnt have to be a conspiracy.

Sorry, 'Baerboxer' what we think is 'irrelevant', only the propaganda spins from the Shins' fan club are relevant, and, yes, very relevant IMO too, ...but rather concerning their agit-prop campaign...

No, what you or I or anyone else thinks about the EP whether good or bad is not on point and pure deflection. They can invite whoever they want, its their call. If anyone likes or does not like the EP is irrelevant to the topic.

The topic is not about the pros and cons of the EP.

Just writing something for 'Baerboxer', can I? just woken up from a long sleep, and full of (negative) energy, are you?

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Exactly Khun Sek, this matter only concerns the Judicial Power, as the person is embroiled in Court cases, and the Executive Power, as the person can inflict damage to Thailand, both from the outside, and, worse, at the inside; also, for both Powers, she might flee the country to escape the due course of Justice, in present and future cases, as her brother and mentor (gosh, I'm too polite, clone and puppet it was) has been doing for years!

The general has inflicted plenty of damage to thailands reputation by himself.

She might flee the country? Well she already had that chance bit still returned so you have nothing to base your assumption on. Her previous action in returning indicates the opposite.

Let's hope your first hand information remains true in the future, now that it's really getting hot for her I wouldn't bet on it...

Not first hand knowledge, public information.

But I get it, you just dont like the woman. Did she knock you back?

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I'm sure she'll be able to enlighten and contribute plenty on the subject how to be a puppet PM and ruin

a county's economy and be indicted for sting of corruptions and derelict of duties allegations..

I'm certain it's going to be a breath taking, riveting speech....

Next. the EU parliament should conceder inviting Bernard Madoff to do the same...

the parliament invited nobody
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